February 1, 2021

Gov Brian Kemp Cited in a Retired Federal Immigration Agent Letter published in the Brunswick News: At least Joe Biden is Talking About Illegal Immigration

Posted by D.A. King at 4:56 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: Brunswick News online



The below letter was published in the Brunswick News Friday. Thanks to Pam for sending it along.

“It seems Kemp has more in common with Joe Biden than pro-enforcement Georgia voters on the scourge of illegal immigration and the needless crime it generates.” 

Retired immigration agent.


More needs to be done on illegal immigration
January 29, 2021 Brunswick News

On their way to a 2000 Father’s Day weekend outing camping in the North Georgia mountains, the Inman family of Woodstock was separated forever when an illegal alien crashed his speeding car into theirs, stopped at red light. Forever 16, Dustin Inman was killed instantly. His mom, Kathy, has been in a wheelchair since the crash due to brain injuries resulting from the crash.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.Photo: Twitter/GA General Assembly.

Aurelio Mayo Perez, an illegal alien, was booked into Marietta’s Cobb County jail for no driver’s license but released due to an edict from then-President Barack Obama to cut enforcement. Two years later, Mayo Perez was convicted of aggravated child molestation and rape. There are literally tens of thousands of these stories of fully preventable misery inflicted on Americans in their own country.

With the election of President Biden, we see another president severely reduce immigration enforcement. At least he is talking about illegal immigration.

I am a retired senior special agent, and was the assistant director, enforcement training, U.S. Immigration Service, at FLETC, and I am proud of my professional lifetime dedicated to immigration enforcement. I am outraged that here in Georgia, despite his detailed campaign promises on addressing sanctuary cities and to create a registry of criminal aliens, Gov. Brian Kemp has not so much as mentioned the topic since the 2018 election. It seems Kemp has more in common with Joe Biden than pro-enforcement Georgia voters on the scourge of illegal immigration and the needless crime it generates. We won’t be fooled again.

Robert Trent

St. Marys
Here – (paywall)

January 22, 2021

OPINION: Remembering Brian Kemp “Big Truck” Campaign Ads: Broken Promises on Illegal Aliens. Debbie Dooley pens an opinion column in FetchYourNews to twenty-nine N. GA rural counties

Posted by D.A. King at 4:40 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

We are grateful for the kind words from Debbie Dooley. FetchYourNews.com is a widely read news outlet serving 29 counties in North Georgia and parts of Tennessee and North Carolina.

OPINION: Remembering Brian Kemp “Big Truck” Campaign Ads: Broken Promises on Illegal Aliens


Written by: Debbie Dooley

Remember the primary election campaign ad in which Gov. Brian Kemp told us – and the world – “I got a big truck, just in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take ’em home myself?”  We do. Heard anything on illegal immigration from him since 2018? We haven’t.

Even though states cannot deport illegal aliens (only the feds can do that), in 2018 Kemp promised to create a “Track and Deport Plan.” And he promised to create a criminal alien database. None of this has happened and he is defiant in his silence because he thinks you will also be silent.

During the 2018 primary election, Kemp presented himself as a determined pro-enforcement advocate on criminal aliens and made a host of promises on illegal immigration, including very detailed proposals on legislation he would send to the state legislature. Kemp’s campaign pledges on illegal immigration are a large part of the how he won the endorsement from President Trump, which is a major reason he won the primary and the governorship. Since then, it’s crickets from Kemp on illegal immigration and the associated crime and job theft.

He must answer for this betrayal. At least Joe Biden admits which side he is on.

D.A. King at the Dustin Inman Society has compiled an extensive Brian Kemp file over the years that is a ‘must read’ for conservatives who are taking a second look at Kemp.

“It’s not only the fact that Gov. Kemp showed us who he really is when he pulled his “Big Truck Trick” on trusting conservatives. Georgians are being displaced from badly needed jobs by black market labor and criminal aliens are being released from county jails to go on and commit more criminal acts”, D.A. told me. “He has turned his back on Georgians who depend on leadership on the issue while DHS tells us we have more illegal aliens here than Arizona.”

Foreign language videos to help non-English speakers vote in Georgia

D.A.’s file reminded us that when he was Secretary of State, Kemp spent tax dollars to create foreign language videos to help non-English speakers register and vote in Georgia. Yep, he did that.

“Kemp’s State of the State silence on voter security should not be ignored, considering Georgia issues foreign nationals temporary drivers licenses and ID that are nearly identical to the ones eligible American voters get.” Most people are going to be stunned on this one. D.A. King explained to me that there is no law to prohibit these non-citizen drivers licenses from being considered “proper ID” for voting. You need to read about that from D.A. too.

We hope you will take a long look at the “Brian Kemp” file at the Dustin Society website. You can see some of the now forgotten Brian Kemp campaign ads there.

You can leave a message for Gov. Kemp at his capitol office at 404-656-1776. Here.

November 30, 2020

REWARD! * Brian Kemp * and phone call policy of 2020

Posted by D.A. King at 1:54 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Do not call me policy here.

March 7, 2020

Letter to the editor, Augusta Chronicle: Gov Brian Kemp neglecting key campaign issue (criminal aliens) #BigTruckTrick

Posted by D.A. King at 5:13 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Candidate Brian Kemp and his Big Truck for rounding up criminal illegals Photo: The Hill


Augusta Chronicle
March 6, 2020

Letters to the editor

One of the reasons Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp edged out former Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle during the Republican primary runoff election in 2018 was because of his strong stance in enforcing immigration laws, which resulted in President Trump’s endorsement.

Gov. Kemp has done a fine job providing strong leadership in passing the “heartbeat” bill last year and fulfilling his promise to teachers. However, he has neglected one of his key campaign promises so far – strengthening and enforcement of laws in dealing with criminal illegal aliens in the state.

Excellent legislative bills were introduced last year and this year, but they are not getting any support from Gov. Kemp or our leadership in the General Assembly.

I can’t help but notice that too many of our elected representatives ignore their constituents and seem beholden to lobbying efforts of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and large corporations that demand cheap labor, or other groups that advocate for amnesty for illegals aliens ito appease a corrupt Democratic Party that exploits illegals to create a permanent underclass voting base. All of this puts law-abiding Americans’ safety and lives at risk.

Most people feel that we do not have a voice in the political process – that we can’t compete with huge campaign donations from corporations, unions and political action committees. We do and we can. We have the ultimate power with our individual votes.

Please contact the governor’s office and your state representatives and ask them to support the House Bill 915 – the Georgia Anti-Sanctuary Act.

YeSun Wiltse


March 5, 2020

Brian Kemp file: Kemp contacts House members on continuing to allow illegal aliens to receive free college seats – HB444

Posted by D.A. King at 4:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Gov Brian Kemp. Image: The Resurgent

HB444 billed as ‘reform’ to dual enrollment program but does not change lack of screening for illegals

Original column here from ImmigrationPloiticsGA.com 

 *UPDATE – 8:50 PM. I  was informed about 5:30 this evening that although it wasn’t on the Rules calendar, while I was writing the below column, House leadership put the HB444 bill on members desks and held a surprise vote today. This was done because we were shining way to much light on the DE program and the bill. Too many House Reps were starting to ask questions. They voted about 12:30-ish I am told. The bill passed (they agreed to senate version).

Never let it be said that Gov Kemp and Speaker Ralston won’t work together.

“They shoved it down our throats. If I had known all this, I never would have voted to agree” one GOP Rep told me this evening. 


Spoiler alert to this post: While it is billed as a way to produce a more educated workforce, the Georgia dual enrollment program allows high school students to attend public universities at zero tuition cost. It has no verification system to keep illegal aliens out of the taxpayer-funded system. And, unless they have the Obama DACA amnesty, which provides a work permit, illegal aliens are not eligible to work anywhere in the United States. Read the story on ImmigrationPoliticsGA.com here

February 25, 2020

Former ICE Director Tom Homan condemns Gov. Brian Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 6:26 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Former ICE Director Tom Homan and D.A. King at Dustin Inman Society immigration forum. Photo: FetchYourNews.com



February 12, 2020

Former ICE Director Tom Homan condemns Gov. Kemp

ATLANTA, Ga – Gov. Brian Kemp received the proverbial earful from former ICE Director Tom Homan over his broken campaign promise to deal with illegal immigration in Georgia.

Homan was the keynote speaker at an event held by the Dustin Inman Society, titled “Honoring Immigrants: An Expert, Pro-Enforcement Conversation on Immigration.”

“Georgia’s the next California. You’ve got a governor over here that made promises to his constituents, whose been missing in action on that issue,” Homan told the room. “Keep your word and do the right thing. We’re not asking you to do anything out of the ordinary. We’re asking you to support the enforcement of the nation’s laws.”

Homan told the room he spoke with a special agent about Kemp, who agreed that Georgia’s governor isn’t following through with his promise to curb illegal immigration.

Kemp’s campaign platform took a tough stance on immigration. He even released a “Track and Deport Plan,” where he promised to “create a comprehensive database to track criminal aliens in Georgia. He will also update Georgia law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons.”

In 2019, Kemp dissolved a controversial Immigration Enforcement Review Board, which civil rights groups viewed as a harassment tool for anti-immigration groups.

“They talk the talk during the campaign, but they won’t walk the walk,” claimed Homan about most politicians. The only exception being President Donald Trump, who has taken decisive action to prevent illegal immigration in the states.

Homan encouraged attendees to call the governor and hold him accountable for his campaign promises.

Border crossings by the numbers
Trump declared a national emergency at the Southern Border on Feb. 15, 2019, because close to $1 million illegal crossings were occurring.

“72 percent of the crossings were either family units or children by themselves. Children under the age of 18 because of that humanitarian crisis, 50 to 60 percent of border patrol agents were no longer on the lines. They were changing diapers, making formula, making hospital runs,” said Homan.

According to the former ICE Director, the lack of agents on the border contributed to the 68,000 opioid deaths of Americans.

“Border is unprotected; drugs are going to flow. Many investigations clearly show criminal cartels in Mexico manage the entire northern Mexican border…They will get 100 to 150 family units, push them through one sector at one time and tie up all the border patrol assets in that area. Meanwhile, they’re moving the bad guys. The guys that don’t want to turn themselves in and claim asylum. [The cartels are] moving MS13 members and drugs over here,” Homan stated.

Doctors Without Borders reported that 31 percent of women crossing the border experienced some form of sexual assault during their journey.

“Children are dying. The cartel is making millions of dollars a year,” asserted Homan.

He also mentioned the decrease in illegal crossings, which are down 72 percent from the high in May 2019. Homan attributes this reduction directly to Trump and the actions that he has taken, including forcing Mexico to enforce its laws.

14,00 children were in American government custody because a criminal organization haul smuggled them across the border. 2,500 families have been separated. Also, the border patrol has saved 4,000 immigrant lives.

Mexico has reportedly removed 86,000 Central Americans this year.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol published online records pertaining to illegal immigration.

“In Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 To Date (TD), during the month of January, a total of 29,200 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border, compared to 32,857 in December and 33,514 in November. In FY19, a total of 851,508 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on [the] Southwest Border.”

Current numbers for 2020.

ICE Effectiveness
In an effort to clear up misunderstandings about ICE’s role in immigration and arrests, Homan said, “no one ripped a child out of their mother’s arms. It was zero tolerance, not family separation.”

ICE wanted to prosecute people who broke the law, and with zero tolerance, numbers dropped 26 percent in two weeks in the Rio Grande Valley. However, the president stopped the policy after receiving political push back.

Zero Tolerance did result in the separation of families because a child can’t go to the U.S. Marshall if the parent committed a crime.

Homan brought up sanctuary cities and how the policies put ICE agents in danger due to a false narrative that they arrest victims and witnesses.

“89.8 percent of ICE arrests were illegal in the United States and had a criminal conviction or pending criminal charges when arrested because they were locked up in a jail cell,” Homan asserted. “Victims and witnesses shouldn’t be afraid because we’re not looking for them, and we’re not arresting them. Criminal aliens are going to re-offend in the very community in which they live. The immigrant community.” Read the rest here.

AJC letters to the editor today: Trump is doing the job Brian Kemp will not do on sanctuary cities

Posted by D.A. King at 10:27 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

photo: AJC

February 25, 2020
Readers write

Trump is doing job Kemp promised to do

President Trump is (reportedly) sending special operations agents of the Border Patrol to assist Immigration Customs and Enforcement in sanctuary cities — including Atlanta. This move by Washington brilliantly illustrates a failure to launch by Gov. Brian Kemp.

Kemp, of the “big truck in case I need it to round up criminal illegals” fame of the 2018 campaign also promised to end sanctuary cities, and to “track and deport” with creation of a database of criminal aliens.

The Dustin Inman Society is offering a reward for information leading to the discovery of any quote, quip, remark, utterance, legislation or order from Kemp on illegal immigration since he won the election.

Trump is doing the job Kemp will not do in Georgia. His record shows Kemp is merely another business-first politician who has turned his back on pro-enforcement voters who trusted him on illegal immigration.

It was the “Big Truck Trick.” And it will be long remembered.



February 23, 2020

Letter to the editor, MDJ -Taxpayer-funded college classes without immigration status check: Gov. Brian Kemp must see an amnesty coming

Posted by D.A. King at 12:52 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Gov Brian Kemp. Image: The Resurgent

Marietta Daily Journal

Feb 18, 2020
Kemp must see an amnesty coming


A recent MDJ story tells us that the Democrats have introduced a bill under the Gold Dome to allow illegal aliens with deferred action on deportation to access in-state tuition. Long a priority of liberals, this bill treats illegals as if they were somehow as deserving as legal immigrants — like my wife — or U.S. citizens when it comes to public benefits.

The story, produced by Capitol-Beat News Service, refers to the illegal aliens as “undocumented immigrants.” How does anyone verify anything about anybody if they have no documents? The description is nonsense. These illegal aliens with DACA have been granted work permits and Social Security numbers, which they have used to obtain driver’s licenses in Georgia. It is a scandalous and a needless security risk to know that driver’s license document is the exact same credential issued to legal immigrants.

The sad fact is that the Democrat “in-state tuition for illegals” bill is not far off from the ongoing Republican-created practice of rewarding illegal aliens in high school with cost-free public college seats in Georgia’s “dual enrollment” program that has no system of checking immigration status at all. Gov. Kemp is quietly pushing HB444 through the Legislature with the intent of reducing costs to taxpayers in the dual enrollment program, but he refuses to add a badly needed requirement that the University System of Georgia weed out the “undocumented” from admission.

The goal is more workers. Kemp must see an amnesty coming?

To get a view of how far many, if not most, Georgia Republican legislators have strayed from pro-enforcement conservative values, the Atlanta paper reports that “Lindsey Tippins, a Republican from Marietta who is the Senate’s Higher Education Committee chairman, declined comment Thursday, saying he hadn’t seen the (in-state tuition) bill and wanted to wait until the legislation comes to his chamber before discussing it.”

State Senator Lindsey Tippins. Photo: Ga General Assembly.

While real conservatives instantly recognize the Dem attempt to get a foot in the door for equal benefits for illegals (their hoped-for future voting base), Tippins clearly has his finger in the wind and is taking the “let’s wait to see if anyone is looking” attitude on giving illegal aliens in Georgia what we will not give to legal immigrants and U.S. citizens in Chattanooga or any other place in the U.S.A.

At our pro-enforcement house, we have this filed in the now very thick and expanding “why we aren’t Republicans” folder.

John Litland


February 20, 2020

Action needed to end sanctuary cities in Georgia – five minutes of your time *Brian Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 12:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Illegal aliens protest borders in Atlanta, January, 2016 – photo DIS

Phone calls and emails to four Georgia politicians needed!

The General Assembly is back in session and there are several common sense illegal-immigration related bills that I hope you will help us get passed. We will send out another alert listing them Monday, but today we are beginning the process of education on legislation that needs our immediate attention.  Today.

Georgia’s Anti-sanctuary Act – HB915

Republican Rep Phillip Singleton has introduced HB915 which is a bill that would require all jails in Georgia to honor ICE detainers. This is an end to sanctuary policies. There is much more to it and you should read about it here from Rep Singleton, but the title of the bill pretty much says it all. The bill has 19 co-sponsors. But it should have many more.

Believe it or not, this lifesaving pro-enforcement bill may not pass the Republican-controlled legislature in an election year. More on that next week.

Right now and tomorrow we need phone calls and emails to Gov Kemp, Speaker Ralston and the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee where the bill has been sent. In addition, I plead with you to contact your own Rep to ask that they sign on to HB 915.

Remember candidate Kemp’s “Big Truck?” You can read one of many letters to the editor about Gov Kemp and his silence on criminal aliens ‘Kemp’s broken campaign promise’ here.

It is hard for me to believe but I have come to realize that many pro-enforcement voters have forgotten that candidate Kemp promised us he would end sanctuary cities in Georgia during campaign in 2018. He hasn’t said a word about it or illegal immigration since then.

Below is a reminder about Gov Brian Kemp’s campaign promise in a short video from 2018.

If you are wondering why candidate Kemp didn’t use forever-sixteen Dustin Inman from right here in Georgia as an example of Americans killed by illegal aliens in his TV ad, join the club. We hope you ask him. I will.

1) Please call Gov Kemp’s office at 404-656-1776 and tell the nice young staffer that you want to leave a message for the governor. That message is simple:
“We are watching to see if you act on your campaign pledge on sanctuary cities and criminal aliens. We want you to start with public support for HB 915.”

–>WARNING: Governor Kemp has started a very arrogant “do not call me” policy (read about it here). If the staffer tells you that your message will not be delivered to the governor unless you send an emailed form, tell that staffer you will continue to call and that you are sending news of the refusal to take phone messages from voting Georgians to the Dustin Inman Society. Contact us at DA@TheDustinInmanSociety. org or leave a message on the DIS facebook page. Then call again. THEN…send in a note from the governor’s contact page form. Please (always) do both! It is important to keep the phones ringing.

2) Then – please call the office of the Speaker of the House, Rep David Ralston 404-656-5020 and leave a similar message with his staffer. – “We are watching to see if the Anti-Sanctuary Act, HB915 will see passage out of the house and we will want to know why if it doesn’t HB915 will save lives in Georgia by helping to deport criminal aliens.” Then, please send Speaker Ralston a follow up email. Email address here.

3) Then, repeat the process with the House Judiciary Chairman, Rep Barry Fleming – 404-656-5125. Then send him an email with the same message. Email address here.

4) Then, please repeat with your own Republican Rep. Contact info here. Do not waste time on Democrats.

This will take you about five minutes. Please do it today (now is good!) and tomorrow. Sanctuary for illegal aliens is madness. HB915 will save lives if the Republicans who rule us will allow it to become law. The life you save may be one of your own family members.

**Please know well-paid, corporate-funded lobbyists from the Marxist anti-borders lobby are working the halls of the state Capitol to see that this bill does not see the light of day. They are telling your state Representative that ending sanctuary city policies will make Georgia less safe! You can read about that here.

Please share this with your friends and family.

February 13, 2020

Former Acting ICE Director notes GA Gov Brian Kemp’s betrayal on illegal immigration: Fox and Friends Feb 8, 2020

Posted by D.A. King at 9:11 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Fox and Friends link here.

and later that day…

Mr. Tom Homan and D.A. King on stage. Tom is holding the placard made to remind prose to remind Gov Kemp about his campaign promises on criminal aliens. #TrackandDeport” (states cannot deport anyone).

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