March 28, 2020

The Dustin Inman Society is proud to welcome our friend Maria Litland to our board of advisors!

Posted by D.A. King at 12:14 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

John and Maria Litland at the Feb 8, 2020 DIS immigration forum in Atlanta.

We welcome Mrs. Maria Litland to the DIS family. Maria has accepted our invitation to be a member of the board of advisors and we look forward to sound and educated advice from Maria.

A proud immigrant, Maria is married to Mr. John Litland and resides in Marietta. Maria has helped us with education in the Georgia Capitol and is fervently pro-enforcement on American borders and immigration law.

Thank you, Maria!

March 17, 2020

Kevin Riley, editor – The liberal AJC again: Refuses to use accurate “pro-enforcement”, but uses “anti-illegal immigration” in story copy- then reverts to the false “anti-immigrant activist” in photo blurb

Posted by D.A. King at 5:42 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Image: AJC



The liberal AJC is at it again. In a March 4, 2020 story about the sewer that is Gwinnett County Commission politics and their ethics rules, the liberal AJC describes me as an “anti-illegal immigration activist” (hooray! they got it right! – see second paragraph on right side column in image below) then reverts to their usual anti-accuracy smear campaign by describing me as “an anti-immigration activist” in the blurb under the photo of the rather dim Marlene Fosque. I sent a note to the management, including editor Kevin Riley, demanding a correction, but as usual, they are happy to run lies. There was no correction. Riley does not return phone calls or emails.

The liberal AJC announced in 2012 that it was eliminating the position of public editor/ombudsman when then public editor Shawn McIntosh explained that “instead, we’re asking our entire newsroom leadership team to take on some of the public editor duties of listening to readers and responding to their concerns.” As I have noted before, since the liberal AJC cleansed itself of  the now former Senior Managing Editor, Bert Roughton, the only editor who replies to my complaints and queries is opinion page editor, Andre Jackson.

As I have told the liberal AJC management, editors and reporters for seventeen years, I am not anti-immigrant or anti-immigration. Neither are any of the immigrants who support the Dustin Inman Society and are on our board. But liberals are liberals. And the smear agenda must be driven.

You can read the entire liberal AJC yarn here in Press Reader if you want to register. I have the paper copy in my files.

Kevin Riley, Editor in Chief, AJC.

I put the liberal AJC up as being as dishonest a rag as any in the country.



Atlanta Journal Constitution, front page, Metro section, March , 2020

March 13, 2020

D.A. King in Insider Advantage Ga: Crossover Day will reveal much about House GOP, sanctuary policies (The bill was not allowed a vote)

Posted by D.A. King at 2:00 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dustin Inman Society

SPOILER ALERT, Mar 13, 2020: Republican Speaker David Ralston did not allow a vote on HB 1083 on Crossover Day.

Insider Advantage Georgia
The Forum

March 12, 2020
Crossover Day will reveal much about House GOP, sanctuary policies

D.A. King

How “pro-enforcement” is today’s Republican state leadership on illegal immigration? With today being Crossover Day under the Gold Dome, Georgia voters will hopefully be allowed a clear view of where their House Reps stand on sanctuary policies for criminal aliens – in a state with more illegal aliens than green card holders. In an election year.

HB 1083 from Rep. Jesse Petrea (R – Savannah) is all set to go to the floor – assuming GOP House leadership gives the OK to move it from the Rules committee. We will know by midnight tonight.

Georgia Speaker David Ralston

Basically, the commonsense bill makes it illegal for any local or state law enforcement agency to refuse to honor an ICE detainer or to decline to notify federal authorities before release of a prisoner in who ICE has an interest. The well-crafted and simple legislation also says that Georgia law enforcement must allow ICE to interview prisoners under their control and outlaws any policies that prohibit “participation in any program or agreement authorized under Section 287 of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act…”

Rep. Jesse Petrea; Ga General Assembly

Amending and greatly improving the definition of “sanctuary” in existing law, it’s an extremely good bill, perhaps light on immediate punishment for local agencies and officials that violate the language, but that is something that can be remedied.

The fact that Petrea’s bill gives common, everyday individuals a method of redress against a government entity – including law enforcement – found to be in violation of the above if the violation causes injury or death by an illegal alien is a giant step forward. And it is driving the corporate-funded anti-enforcement mob crazy with fear and anger.

When this writer last looked, Petrea’s bill had nearly fifty co-signers including at least one Democrat. DeKalb County’s Vernon Jones is signer number four.

A very honorable mention should go to Freshman Rep. Philip Singleton (R – Sharpsburg) for his hard work on his own anti-sanctuary bill (HB915) that served to drive consideration of Petrea’s bill.

GA state Rep Philip Singleton
Photo: Georgia General Assembly

Readers here who may be wondering why they have not heard of this measure before now should know that while there is extensive exposure of legislation to reward illegal aliens with instate tuition and (inaccurate) coverage of a bill to end use of the legal and accurate term “illegal alien” to describe illegal aliens, no, the AJC has not done a story on HB 1083. So you likely read it here first.
Petrea’s public safety bill enjoys all the right enemies, including the usual suspects who are funded to fight against immigration enforcement with mindless and false howls of “anti-immigrant!” and “hate!”

Going in the opposite direction of sanctuary state California, and along with one of Gov. Brian Kemp’s campaign pledges on illegal immigration, HB 1083 will serve to save lives in Georgia if it becomes law. If it doesn’t, it will vividly illustrate the true values of the Republican leadership. Either way, tomorrow Petrea’s anti-sanctuary for criminal aliens legislation will no longer be treated as a secret by Georgia media.

If it becomes law, here’s hoping it is one of those laws that is actually enforced.

A political independent, D.A. King is president of the Dustin Inman Society, which advocates for final passage of HB 1083.

March 11, 2020

D.A. King letters in the Daily Sentinel – Grand Junction, CO: “…it can only be a matter of time before the corporate-funded anti-borders mob presses for another term: “victims of borders.”

Posted by D.A. King at 5:27 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Prager U


The Daily Sentinel
Grand Junction, Colorado

Printed Letters: March 10, 2020

Re; “Words Matter”, March 7, 2020.

Renaming illegal aliens is a political maneuver

It is truly unbelievable that any responsible lawmaker would spend time considering legislation to end the practice of describing illegal aliens as illegal aliens. The clear goal here is to work toward the end that “we are all just people, so why do we need terms — or immigration laws at all?”

“Illegal” has a meaning in the English language as does “alien” in American immigration law. The argument that use of the legal and accurate term to describe illegal aliens somehow “dehumanizes them” and we should stop using it is not the end of the discussion, it is the beginning.

Here in Georgia, where we are home to more illegal aliens than green card holders, we see the same politically motivated attempt to change the language to alter the perception of immigration enforcement.

Remembering that official open borders is the end game, it can only be a matter of time before the corporate-funded anti-borders mob presses for another term: “victims of borders.”

Why not just do it now to save the goofy debates in your capitol and on your opinion pages?


Marietta, Georgia


March 10, 2020

Call to Action! DIS action alert sent out today about noon – YES to HB1083!

Posted by D.A. King at 9:06 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


UPDATE: 13 March : Republican Speaker David Ralston did not allow a vote on hit bill in the Republican-controlled House.

The Dustin Inman Society at
The Dustin Inman Society
March 10, 2020
Dear D.A.,

YES to HB1083!

HB1083, an anti-sanctuary bill that requires local law enforcement in Georgia to honor ICE detainers and to comply with federal immigration law has advanced to the House Rules Committee!

This bill moved because of your help! We need more help.

We need more of your calls to pass this lifesaving bill!

Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than green card holders. Gov. Kemp ran on a promise to end sanctuary cities. This bill makes Georgia safer for our families. HB1083 is pro-enforcement.



Please call the offices of Rules Chair Smith, Vice Chair Hatchett, and Speaker Ralston today leave a polite message telling them to pass HB 1083 into law!

Make your call today! And tomorrow! And Thursday! HB1083 must pass by Thursday at midnight to go on to the senate.

Speaker Ralston: 404.656.5020
Chair Smith: 404-656-5141
Vice Chair Hatchett: 404-656-5025

And here’s a sample script:

Hello, my name is ________ and I’m a citizen in ________. I’m calling today to ask that HB1083 be passed into law to save lives in Georgia. We agree with Gov Kemp: Criminal aliens kill Americans. Please tell the boss we are calling as supporters of the Dustin Inman Society. Thank you.”

Be sure to check the DIS Blog for current updates, as well as the DIS Facebook page.


D.A. King

The Dustin Inman Society

March 8, 2020

UPDATED! GA Speaker David Ralston: 404-656-5020 – ACTION NEEDED: Anti-sanctuary bill stuck in Republican-ruled Gold Dome committee. One phone call from you will help

Posted by D.A. King at 9:37 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Legal Americans .com

UPDATED 13March – Republican Speaker of the House did not allow a vote on HB 1083.

UPDATED 5:00 PM – Thank you al for your calls! The Speaker’s voicemail box is full. Please start again Monday AM!

We can save lives with this bill!

Anti-sanctuary city bill held up in Republican Georgia House committee! Every call counts. The anti-border crazies are calling right now!

Sanctuary city policies kill Americans. Please make one call to try to save HB1083 – and to save lives in Georgia?

Speaker David Ralston’s office is 404-656-5020. 

Please call and leave a message with the staffer;

“We are watching how Republicans stand up to the leftists and we want HB1083 to pass. Stop the deadly illegal alien sanctuary policies in Georgia.” 


Speaker David Ralston

HB1083 was on its way to a “do pass” vote in the GOP-controlled House Judiciary non-civil committee last week when it was suddenly tabled. The reason is a (partial) mystery, but what we do know is that the illegal alien lobby, including the hate-mongering SPLC, is very busy organizing phone calls to Republican Speaker David Ralston’s office to kill the bill.

The phone line has voice mail. Please call today and Monday and please share this note? It is good to call more than once. Time is running out. “Cross over day” is Thursday.

Remember when candidate Brian Kemp promised to end sanctuary city policies? Us too.


March 7, 2020

Letter to the editor, Augusta Chronicle: Gov Brian Kemp neglecting key campaign issue (criminal aliens) #BigTruckTrick

Posted by D.A. King at 5:13 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Candidate Brian Kemp and his Big Truck for rounding up criminal illegals Photo: The Hill


Augusta Chronicle
March 6, 2020

Letters to the editor

One of the reasons Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp edged out former Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle during the Republican primary runoff election in 2018 was because of his strong stance in enforcing immigration laws, which resulted in President Trump’s endorsement.

Gov. Kemp has done a fine job providing strong leadership in passing the “heartbeat” bill last year and fulfilling his promise to teachers. However, he has neglected one of his key campaign promises so far – strengthening and enforcement of laws in dealing with criminal illegal aliens in the state.

Excellent legislative bills were introduced last year and this year, but they are not getting any support from Gov. Kemp or our leadership in the General Assembly.

I can’t help but notice that too many of our elected representatives ignore their constituents and seem beholden to lobbying efforts of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and large corporations that demand cheap labor, or other groups that advocate for amnesty for illegals aliens ito appease a corrupt Democratic Party that exploits illegals to create a permanent underclass voting base. All of this puts law-abiding Americans’ safety and lives at risk.

Most people feel that we do not have a voice in the political process – that we can’t compete with huge campaign donations from corporations, unions and political action committees. We do and we can. We have the ultimate power with our individual votes.

Please contact the governor’s office and your state representatives and ask them to support the House Bill 915 – the Georgia Anti-Sanctuary Act.

YeSun Wiltse


Inger Eberhart: BOLO – Be on the lookout for for illegal alien instate tuition legislation

Posted by D.A. King at 11:55 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Illegal aliens protest in Atlanta for in-state tuition in Georgia’s public universities. Photo: Education Writers Assoc.


BOLO: Be On the Lookout for state legislation to reward illegal aliens with Instate Tuition

Inger Eberhart

Inger Eberhart
Photo: Facebook

Currently, there are three bills in the Georgia General Assembly that will legislate in-state tuition for illegal aliens.

HB997: Georgia Resident In-State Tuition Act is co-sponsored by three Democrats and two Republicans (Cantrell–Woodstock and Bonner—Fayetteville) Grants in-state tuition to illegal aliens who have:

Graduated from a Georgia high school or obtained a GED
Been in the state of Georgia for four years prior to the first day of classes for the term
Been physically present in the US since on or before his/her 12th birthday
Is less than 30 years old at the time of enrollment

HB920 is sponsored by David Clark (R-Buford); there are no co-sponsors. HB 920 will grant in-state tuition to “undocumented” students (it directly outlines it in the bill) who:

Attended a secondary school in Georgia for three years immediately before graduating from a Georgia high school
Applied for enrollment in a postsecondary education institution in Georgia within 24 months after high school graduation
Submitted to the postsecondary educational institution an official transcript verifying such student’s attendance record and graduation from a high school in Georgia

What does this mean? President Trump issued a statement to end public benefits to those who desire to immigrate to our country. Three Georgia Republicans work to issue public benefits to those in our country illegally. When these Republicans say they support the President’s agenda, ask them the following questions:

Why do illegal aliens in Georgia get in-state tuition when legal citizens from other states must pay the higher tuition rate?
Why are they giving public benefits to illegal aliens when the President directly opposes it?

HB896 is sponsored by all Democrats and will grant in-state tuition for college, university, or technical school students who:

Attended a Georgia high school for three or more years
Obtained a diploma or GED
Registered as a student or is a student at an institution of higher education on or after July 1, 2021
Has filed or will file an affidavit that s/he will file an application to legalize his/her immigration status

None of this information will be disclosed to any local, state, or federal agency, including law enforcement agencies.

What does this mean? They will confiscate your tax dollars for illegal aliens, not give you an accounting for it, and not share it to keep our community safe.

Inger Eberhart of Cherokee County, GA. is a longtime pro-enforcement writer and a member of the Dustin Inman Society board of advisors.

March 5, 2020

Brian Kemp file: Kemp contacts House members on continuing to allow illegal aliens to receive free college seats – HB444

Posted by D.A. King at 4:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Gov Brian Kemp. Image: The Resurgent

HB444 billed as ‘reform’ to dual enrollment program but does not change lack of screening for illegals

Original column here from 

 *UPDATE – 8:50 PM. I  was informed about 5:30 this evening that although it wasn’t on the Rules calendar, while I was writing the below column, House leadership put the HB444 bill on members desks and held a surprise vote today. This was done because we were shining way to much light on the DE program and the bill. Too many House Reps were starting to ask questions. They voted about 12:30-ish I am told. The bill passed (they agreed to senate version).

Never let it be said that Gov Kemp and Speaker Ralston won’t work together.

“They shoved it down our throats. If I had known all this, I never would have voted to agree” one GOP Rep told me this evening. 


Spoiler alert to this post: While it is billed as a way to produce a more educated workforce, the Georgia dual enrollment program allows high school students to attend public universities at zero tuition cost. It has no verification system to keep illegal aliens out of the taxpayer-funded system. And, unless they have the Obama DACA amnesty, which provides a work permit, illegal aliens are not eligible to work anywhere in the United States. Read the story on here

SPLC lobbies against public safety ‘anti-sanctuary’ legislation in Georgia HB1083

Posted by D.A. King at 10:51 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: Email from SPLC Action

SPLC Action Fund lobbyist Isabel Otero speaks against HB1083 in GA Capitol, Mar 4, 2010. Judiciary non-civil committee.





Audio: (2 minutes)

Transcription (

Isabelle Otero, SPLC Action:
Hi, good afternoon. Thank you. Uh, my name is Isabelle Otero. I am the Policy Associate for the SPLC Action Fund. Uh, we urge you to oppose at HB 1083. Uh, the SPLC Ac- Ac- uh, the SPLC Action Fund has seen these bills across the country. They are a result of an aggressive agenda by anti-immigrant hate groups, like the Federation for Immigration Reform. These types of unconstitutional bills become law- laws that serve as a tool for discrimination, because they- that is what- what’s their intended purpose.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is currently litigating against the SB 168 in Florida. And we are making our equal protection, uh, claims, and we are not done with the litigation yet. Um, these laws violate and individuals equal protection rights under the law, by disproportionally affecting black and brown people, and any other Georgian perceived to be foreign-born. Therefore, this is an unconstitutional and unfunded mandate, and you must allow-

… our law enforcement officials to continue to have discretion and authority that they need to do their jobs as they see fit, and not as the federal government sees fit.

The authors of this bill would like for us to believe that our law enforcement officials should just receive an administrative warrant from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a federal agency, not a judicial- judicial warrant, with oversight in the courts. And that’s enough to determine a persons status. That is not what an immigration detainer says. An immigration detainer is simply signaling that the federal government has more questions, and more- more adjudication to do for someone’s immigration status.

This bill, basically, opens up our law enforcement, uh, to all kinds of liability if they enforce this administrative warrant. This bill takes away their discretion, and may violate a lot of folks Fourth Amendment rights. Uh, in Florida, we have a case against the Monroe County, uh, Sheriff’s Department. They violated the Fourth Amendment rights of Mr. [Peter Brown 00:02:21]. He was illegally detained in Florida’s Monroe County Jail for deportation, despite his repeated pleas to authorities that he was a US citizen.

Speaker 1: (Chairman)
Ms. Otero, your time has expired.

Isabelle Otero:
Thank you.



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