February 26, 2017

Can’t we all just focus on issues the liberal AJC approves of?
It looks like Karen Handel wants me to pick which issues matter most to me and my family. And that she is wishing and hoping that nobody in our district picks border security and immigration or any related topic. She doesn’t even include it in her suggestions for issues that matter. Come to think of it, her survey looks a lot like the immigration-free polls Dr. Tom Price ran in his final years in congress.
The concept that Republican politicians in Georgia were emboldened by the success of President Trump’s campaign focused on immigration and American jobs and wages is proven upside-down wrong on a daily basis. Moans of  “I am worried my foreign-born constituents won’t like that bill” can often be be heard in the state Capitol from Republican lawmakers. Left off are the very real concerns that the Georgia Chamber of Commerce will not approve.
Legislation that would protect and preserve English as our common language, stop the issuance of drivers licenses to illegal aliens, even a life-saving bill that would require GBI to share information it is already receiving on the release of criminal aliens to the streets of Georgia are kept at arms length by many “conservative” state legislators.
Georgia suffers more illegal aliens than Arizona. Americans are being killed on a near daily basis by criminal aliens. Now, with immigration and our borders in “the news” literally everyday for more than a year, we see that it is apparently untouchable for at least one candidate for congress from Georgia’s 6th district.
Below is the contents of an email from the Karen Handle campaign.
Note: Candidate Handel wants to hear from you “as soon as possible.”Â
From  Karen Handel in today’s email:
“Fellow Conservative,
I need your help.
Our team put together a brief district survey to determine what issues matter most to you and your family, and I’d like you to give me your input as soon as possible.
This election is so very important, and the choices we make will determine the kind of country we want our children and grandchildren to live in.
Iâve had the opportunity to meet with some incredible people in our community and learn what they wanted to see happen in Congress, and now I want to hear from you. What issues are most important to you this election?
Itâs so important that I hear from you today. I hope you will take a moment to complete this brief survey: KarenHandel.com/district-survey/
Karen Handel”
District Survey
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. It is important that we come together as a community to make our voices heard in Washington. With your help, I will fight for the causes that unite us.
Should we do more to tackle the National Debt?
No Opinion
Would you like to see ObamaCare replaced with a sustainable, consumer focused solution?
No Opinion
Should Congress take steps to reform MediCare and Social Security to ensure their sustainability for future generations?
No Opinion
Should the Federal Government raise taxes to pay for more spending measures?
No Opinion
Does America need to reform its tax code and regulatory structure to stay competitive in the 21st century?
No Opinion
Do you support reforming our higher education system to better prepare our students for the jobs and opportunities of the 21st century?
No Opinion
Should Congress take action to lower the corporate tax rate, which is currently the highest in the industrialized world?
No Opinion
Do you support giving the President the authority to negotiate international trade deals with oversight from Congress?
No Opinion
What are the most important issues for Karen to focus on?
Reforming Obamacare
Ensuring a strong national defense
Increasing economic opportunity for all
Growing our economy and creating jobs
Marriage Equality
Reducing the size of the Federal Government
Balancing the budget
Opposing out of control regulations
Education reform
Do you have any further feedback for Karen?
February 24, 2017

*ACTION NEEDED! Four phone calls! HB 452
*Please help us save lives by passing HB 452 in Georgia!
*We only have until Friday, March 3 at midnight to pass the state House.
HB452 is written to require the GBI to share information it is already receiving from the federal government on the release of criminal aliens from federal custody. The information would be shared with all Georgia Sheriffs and posted publicly. That should already be policy. But it isnât.
You can read more here if you have time.
In 2015, ICE released 19,723 criminal aliens. Some of them went on to kill Americans. GBI has been receiving this information for at least 18 months. They should share it with the public and with local law enforcement – like the National Sex Offender website.
â Your repeated, daily calls should start today and go until final passage or midnight March 3rd.
1) To the office of Georgia House Public Safety Committee Chairman Rep. Alan Powell: “Please pass out HB452.” –> 404.463.3793
2) To your own state House Rep. – are you a co-signer on this public safety bill? If not, why not? Contact info HERE.
3) To Georgiaâs Speaker of the House, Rep David Ralston’s office – leave a message “please pass HB452 and save American lives that are being lost to criminal aliens released by the feds into Georgia.” –>Â 404.656.5020
4) To your own county Sheriff’s office. Ask your sheriff if he thinks he should be getting info on dangerous, criminal aliens that the feds have released into Georgia – ask him to call the above and help us get this bill passed. Contact info HERE.
HB 452 must pass the Georgia House before March 3, at midnight.
The illegal alien lobby is calling your state Rep right now to kill this bill. The liberal AJC is trying to kill the bill with fake news.
State Rep Jesse Petrea is a hero for sponsoring this legislation!
February 23, 2017
 Photo: CAPS
Macon Telegraph
February 23, 2017
State legislation to warn public on release of dangerous criminal aliens â is your House Rep a supporter?
State Rep. Jesse Petrea, R-Savannah, introduced House Bill 452 this week with an impressive list of co-sponsors including former Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Safety, now Republican state Rep. Bill Hitchens, R-Rincon. Petreaâs bill would require the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to share information it receives from the federal government on the release from federal custody of criminal aliens with Georgia sheriffs and to post it online.
In part, HB 452 reads âto the extent permitted by federal law, the bureau (GBI) shall post on its public website the names of persons who are aliens; who have been arrested, booked, detained, incarcerated, or convicted during immigration and criminal law enforcement investigations; and who have been released from federal custody within the boundaries of this stateâŚâ
According to federal records – and the AJC – among the criminal aliens released from immigration detention since 2011, there are some 10,731 convictions for assault; 890 for sexual assault, including rape; 473 for homicide-related offenses; and 375 for kidnapping.
âThis bill is about transparency. The people have a right to know when criminal aliens are released back into our communities. That information is not now available to themâ says Petrea. âThe people can form their own opinions based on the data made available to them. My goal is to make the information available.â
The Center for Immigration Studies in Washington D.C. released a report last year âFree to Kill: 124 Criminal Aliens Released By Obama Policies Charged with Homicide Since 2010â outlining information on some of the criminal aliens who have been released by the agency since 2010. ICE provided data on aliens who were charged with homicides after being released and aliens who were released multiple times by ICE.
âThe criminal aliens released by ICE in these years â who had already been convicted of thousands of crimes â are responsible for a significant crime spree in American communities, including 124 aliens charged with 135 new homicidesâ reports Jessica Vaughan of CIS.
Rep. Petreaâs bill has been assigned to the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee.
The bill must clear the full House before March 3 to have a chance to pass into law this year. Many Georgians supportive of the Petreaâs legislation have already contacted the Public Safety Committee Chairman, Rep. Alan Powell, who is a co-sponsor of the bill.
Read more here: http://www.macon.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/article134605269.html#storylink=cpy
IAG is a subscription website. We post here by permission. Many thanks to Mr. Phil Kent, IAG publisher.
Insider Advantage Georgia
February 23, 2017
AJC reporter Sheinin criticized for âfake newsâ
by IAG Staff | Feb 23, 2017 | James Magazine
State Rep. Jesse Petrea, R-Savannah, and a number of immigration control activists are upset with Atlanta Journal-Constitution writer Aaron Gould Sheinin and his editors for printing what they call âfake newsâ in an article yesterday describing Petreaâs House Bill 452 dealing with criminal aliens.
Sheinin wrote: âLegislation filed in the state House on Wednesday would require the GBI to create and maintain a website listing any unauthorized immigrant currently in Georgia.â Longtime activist D.A. King of the Dustin Inman Society brands it as âfalseâ (as does Petrea and others) and demanded an AJC retraction. As this is written, the newspaper hasnât done so.
In response to an email from King calling him out, however, Sheinin claimed Petrea âintroduced a bill that does more than he says it means.â But then, after speaking with Petrea, Sheinin backed down and wrote in an email that âam going to change the story to reflect what he intends the bill to do, instead of what it says in plain language it would do.â
âThis happens all too often. The AJC sometimes rewrites new versions of political stories when they are originally inaccurateâ rather than just simply publishing a formal clarification or correction,â says Phil Kent, CEO of InsiderAdvantage Georgia and the governorâs appointee to the state Immigration and Enforcement Review Board.
What is accurate, by the way, is that Petreaâs bill would require the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to share information it has been receiving from the Department of Homeland Security for over a year regarding the release from federal custody of criminal aliens onto the street.
Journalist Code of Ethics

 Photo: AJC 2019
Bill would create public list of unauthorized immigrants in Georgia (FALSE)
Aaron Gould Sheinin
9:59 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017 Georgia Politics and Government
Legislation filed in the state House on Wednesday would require the GBI to create and maintain a website listing any unauthorized immigrant currently in Georgia. (FALSE)
House Bill 452, by Rep. Jesse Petrea, R-Savannah, would also require the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to list any unauthorized immigrant who is arrested or convicted of a crime (FALSE) and any who have been released from federal custody in Georgia.
The bill requires the GBI to update the website within 12 hours of receiving the names and must send a copy to the Georgia Sheriffâs Association.
The bill comes as President Donald Trumpâs administration moves to crack down on illegal immigration.
The Trump administration on Tuesday issued stringent new guidelines for vastly bolstering the nationâs border security, expanding immigration detention and prioritizing many more people for deportation.
Georgia is home to an estimated 375,000 unauthorized immigrants.
** Reality:
“23 Â To the extent permitted by federal law, the bureau shall post on its public website the
24 Â names of persons who are aliens; who have been arrested, booked, detained, incarcerated,
25 Â or convicted during immigration and criminal law enforcement investigations; and who
26 Â have been released from federal custody within the boundaries of this state, as such names
17 LC 41 0958
- 27 Â are presented within the Law Enforcement Notification System of the Enforcement
- 28 Â Integrated Database of the United States Department of Homeland Security or the National
- 29 Â Law Enforcement Telecommunications System as received by the Georgia Information
- 30 Â Sharing and Analysis Center within the bureau or any replacement agency. Within 12
- 31 Â hours of receiving such names, the bureau shall post such names as required by this Code
- 32 Â section and electronically send a copy of such names to the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association.”
— Email exchange, AJC (read from bottom up)
From: “D.A. KING” <Dking1952@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: AJC FAKE NEWS AGAIN Going national on this on RETRACTION DEMAND Georgia bill would create list of state’s unauthorized immigrants
Date: February 22, 2017 at 5:52:38 PM EST
To: Aaron Gould Sheinin <Aaron.GouldSheinin@ajc.com>, Kevin Riley <kriley@ajc.com>, Bert Roughton <Bert.Roughton@ajc.com>, Andre Jackson <Andre.Jackson@ajc.com>
Cc: Phil Kent <philkent@philkent.com>RE; lines 23-24 HB 452
Aaron et al. I paste below the lines to which he refers and the language that demonstrates his inaccurate report. And which illustrate the feeble attempt to defend the inaccurate report. Letâs all note together that the AJC report did not err on the side of the Americans who may be killed or maimed by criminal aliens released from custody. Or that the bill was inspired by dead Americans like Kate Steinle and countless others who have been killed by criminal aliens who have been released from custody.
Letâs also note, as I will in a more public forum, that I tried very hard to sell the story around this language last year to J Salzer while I explained to him that GBI has been receiving the information about released criminal aliens for at least 18 months, but refused to share info with Ga sheriffs or to even answer my open records requests on that topic. I even created a web page for Salzer to mine info after I explained the problem to him. No news there!
AJC policy: Public safety angle on immigration?: bad. Poison a new piece of legislation aimed at saving lives: SOP. Because immigration agenda.
Constantly altering news stories to get to accurate w/o note: Normal.
This one isnât going away.
23 To the extent permitted by federal law, the bureau shall post on its public website the
24 names of persons who are aliens; who have been arrested, booked, detained, incarcerated,
25 or convicted during immigration and criminal law enforcement investigations; and who
26 have been released from federal custody within the boundaries of this state, as such names
a punctuation mark (;) indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses, that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma.
Aaron Gould Sheinin <Aaron.GouldSheinin@ajc.com>, “D.A. KING” <Dking *****> February 22, 2017 3:05 PM
Lines 23-24
Aaron Gould Sheinin
Staff Writer
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
(404) 526-5823 office
Facebook: Georgia Politics News Now
From: D.A. KING [mailto:Dking1952@comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 1:41 PM
To: Gould Sheinin, Aaron (CMG-Atlanta) <Aaron.GouldSheinin@ajc.com>
Cc: Riley, Kevin (CMG-Atlanta) <Kevin.Riley@ajc.com>; Roughton Jr, Bert (CMG-Atlanta) <Bert.Roughton@ajc.com>; Phil Kent <philkent@philkent.com>; Rep. Jesse Petrea <jesse.petrea@house.ga.gov>; Galloway, Jim (CMG-Atlanta) <Jim.Galloway@ajc.com>; Bryant, Timothy (CMG-Athens) <Timothy.Bryant@coxinc.com>
Subject: Re: AJC FAKE NEWS AGAIN Going national on this on RETRACTION DEMAND Georgia bill would create list of state’s unauthorized immigrants
Please be prepared to detail where exactly the bill creates a list of ” any unauthorized immigrant currently in Georgia.â
Because you are going to have that opportunity.
On Feb 22, 2017, at 1:34 PM, Gould Sheinin, Aaron (CMG-Atlanta) <Aaron.GouldSheinin@ajc.com> wrote:
Pretty telling and not amusingly useful that Rep. Petrea introduced a bill that does more than he says he means.
I spoke with Rep. Petrea a moment ago and am going to change the story to reflect what he intends the bill to do, instead of what it says in plain language it would do.
Aaron Gould Sheinin
Staff Writer
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
(404) 526-5823 office
Facebook: Georgia Politics News Now
From: D.A. KING [mailto:DKing1952@comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Jackson, Andre (CMG-Atlanta) <Andre.Jackson@ajc.com>; Riley, Kevin (CMG-Atlanta) <Kevin.Riley@ajc.com>; Roughton Jr, Bert (CMG-Atlanta) <Bert.Roughton@ajc.com>; WSB-TV Assignment Desk (CMG-Atlanta) <assignmentdesk@wsbtv.com>; Gould Sheinin, Aaron (CMG-Atlanta) <Aaron.GouldSheinin@ajc.com>; Turnbull, Misti (CMG-Atlanta) <misti.turnbull@wsbtv.com>; Galloway, Jim (CMG-Atlanta) <Jim.Galloway@ajc.com>
Subject: AJC FAKE NEWS AGAIN Going national on this on RETRACTION DEMAND Georgia bill would create list of state’s unauthorized immigrants
Pretty telling – and amusingly useful – that Aaron doesnât know how to read legislation or the meaning of legal terms he doesnât like. This wonât be fixed with a âclarification” or a correction.
Bill would create public list of unauthorized immigrants in Georgia
Image removed by sender.
Legislation filed in the state House on Wednesday would require the GBI to create and maintain a website listing any unauthorized immigrant currently in Georgia. (FALSE)
House Bill 452, by Rep. Jesse Petrea, R-Savannah, would also require the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to list any unauthorized immigrant who is arrested or convicted of a crime and any who have been released from federal custody in Georgia.
The bill requires the GBI to update the website within 12 hours of receiving the names and must send a copy to the Georgia Sheriffâs Association.
The bill comes as President Donald Trumpâs administration moves to crack down on illegal immigration.
The Trump administration on Tuesday issued stringent new guidelines for vastly bolstering the nationâs border security, expanding immigration detention and prioritizing many more people for deportation.
Georgia is home to an estimated 375,000 unauthorized immigrants.
ICE raids causing concern for local immigrants
Channel 2’s Rikki Klaus reports.
Channel 2’s Rikki Klaus reports.
February 21, 2017
February 20, 2017
Ga. Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black On Immigration Debate
 Photo: WABE News
February 20, 2017
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiorsâ

Welcome to the Republican-ruled Georgia Senate! Where we are more equal than you, puny citizen!
We do not allow common citizens who sit in the gallery to use cameras to record what we do in our Chamber, including to track our unrecorded votes. Camera use in the Senate Chamber is reserved for us only!
And don’t come into the Senate Rules Committee with the intention of recording video from the front of the room. We don’t like that either. You may get too much information. Prepare to be sent to the back of the room, and out of microphone range. Don’t like it? We will call lots of police to make you comply! Resistance is futile!
Photos below: “Welcome to the Georgia Senate” rules for visiting the Senate gallery: Cover and contents.
Three state Senators, two taking pictures on the Senate floor. Left to right: Senators Jeff Mullis, John F. Kennedy and Blake Tillery (AJC).

February 19, 2017
 Photo: American city & county
Immigration Enforcement Review Board
19 February 2017
Attachment to complaint: Whitfield County Schools
Multiple violations OCGA 50-36-1
A quick inspection of the Whitfield County Schools reveals that they are conducting Adult Education classes. Several emails from Anna Bello at that office confirm that fact. I attach one below.
A Mr. Eric Beavers at the same office has replied to my open records request, and I also attach his message. He admits that his office has none of the documents required to verify the eligibility mandated in OCGA 50-36-1 of the adult individuals they are spending tax money to educate.
I request enforcement action and that the IERB forward this information to the state Attorney Generalâs office for separate investigation and enforcement action.
Below is the text of my recent open records request to Whitfield County Schools and the reply from that office.
25 January 2017
Open records request
Whitfield County Schools
Compliance with state Public Benefits law
Re; OCGA 50-36-1
Mr. Eric Beavers
Communications Specialist
Whitfield County Schools
P.O. Box 2167
Dalton, GA 30722-2167
Phone: (706) 217-6724
Mr. Beavers,
Please regard this as my official request for public records under Georgiaâs open records law.
Please send me copies of any and all state required verification documents, including applications, affidavits and Secure and Verifiable ID associated with the calendar years 2015 and 2016 administration of the adult education for English language classes conducted by Whitfield County Schools, including the Adult English Class for ESOL Parents conducted at Varnell, Antioch, Pleasant Grove and Dug Gap schools.
Please also include any document that illustrates the original start date of these adult education classes.
Please contact me with any questions. I hope for an electronic response.
Thank you,
D.A. King
Marietta, Ga. 30066
UPDATED January 26, 2017
To: D.A. King
Re; OPEN RECORDS REQUEST January 26, 2017 1:38 PM
âDear Mr. King,
To the extent we understand the records you have described, the District has no records responsive to your request. To the extent that you seek records that may be related to the program that you reference those records would be exempt from production pursuant to O.C.G.A. section 50-18-72(a)(37).
2017-01-25 0:28 GMT-05:00 D.A. KING :
Eric Beavers â Communications Specialist
Whitfield County Schools
w: (706) 217-6724 ⢠c: (706) 980-7447â
And, email from Anna Bello
Good morning ****
I was told that you needed the times and places where I offer Adult English Class for ESOL Parents. The following is my schedule:
Monday = Varnell 9-11am
Tuesday = Antioch 8-10 am
Wednesday = Pleasant Grove 10-12 am
Friday = Dug Gap 12:30-2:30 pm
Please call me if you have any questions.
Thank you
Ana M. Bello
T III Parent Involvement Coordinator
Cell: 706-980-1702
End of complaint attachment.
Thank you,
D.A. King
February 17, 2017
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