May 31, 2019

Terrific letter to the editor, MDJ columnist Kevin Foley looking up and talking down to Cobb sheriff on anti-enforcement GALEO Also update on #DaxLopez

Posted by D.A. King at 10:12 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: DIS

NOTE: Dax Lopez does not get appointment!

This excerpt from the AJC Political Insider blog, the Jolt today:

“Gov. Brian Kemp announced four new Superior Court judgeships Friday – but the list was just as notable for a potential jurist who was passed over for a promotion.

That would be DeKalb State Court Judge Dax Lopez,a Latino Jewish Republican who was seeking a superior court seat.

Lopez was blocked by U.S. Sen. David Perdue from a federal judgeship after anti-illegal immigration activists in Georgia objected to his leadership in a group that opposed local government participation in 287(g) programs.

Some of those same forces oppose his bid for the new county post.

Kemp tapped another state court judge, Shondeana C. Morris, for the post.

A former Fulton County prosecutor and assistant Atlanta solicitor, Kemp said she “offers the ideal set of legal expertise and leadership skills for this critically important position.”

The Dustin Inman Society worked very hard to organize resistance to GALEO’s Dax Lopez (now a state court judge) being appointed to superior court by Governor Kemp. The announcement that Lopez did not get the promotion came this morning. We are grateful to all who took time to write, call, email, and tweet Gov. Brian Kemp urging him to pass over GALEO’s anti-enforcement judge for advancement. Thank you, Gov. Kemp!

Letter to the editor today in the MDJ. I don’t subscribe and cannot read it through the pay wall, so thanks to Sue for sending it along.

Marietta Daily Journal


May 31, 2019



Kevin Foley giving Sheriff Warren advice on the subversive and race-baiting GALEO Corporation is another example of the uninformed leftist writer looking up and talking down. GALEO, led by the perpetually angry and professional-victim Jerry Gonzalez, is yet another corporate-funded anti-borders group that has a widely known reputation in political circles for smearing political enemies.

Maybe Foley was among the past crowds that GALEO has led in marches in the streets of Atlanta protesting any immigration enforcement. GALEO particularly hates 287(g) because it detects and reports illegal aliens already captured for other crimes.

Foley’s advice to the sheriff to “engage” rather than “condemn” illustrates that Foley writes from a jerking knee and not any basis in knowledge or experience.

Gonzalez, the boss face of GALEO since its creation in 2003, has accused Warren of bias and prejudice for simply carrying out his sworn duty to protect all Cobb residents. Gonzalez has also falsely smeared pro-immigration enforcement legislators for legislation that would reduce the effects of the illegal aliens GALEO is dependent on to keep the corporate donations flowing. Gonzalez was thrown out of a Rome, Georgia, event by police several years ago for chasing and verbally attacking the diminutive state Rep Katie Dempsey. There is a long history of GALEO radicalism including lobbying against official English, voter ID, and E-Verify — while transporting illegal aliens to the state Capitol.

GALEO lobbied against jails honoring ICE detainers for criminal illegals.

In short, GALEO is a typical subversive and radical but innocuously named anti-borders activist corporation. While that may be right up Foley’s alley, he should at least have the facts before he offers advice to Sheriff Warren.

State Court Judge Dax Lopez served as a board member for eleven years while Jerry Gonzalez led GALEO in the above described activities. He was as silent as mouse, except when he personally wrote Gov. Deal to veto a bill against illegal aliens driving with no license.

In 2016, Dax Lopez was denied a federal court seat because of the courage of Georgia’s Sen. David Perdue, who investigated the facts brought to him by D.A. King on GALEO directly from the GALEO website, much of which has now been deleted. A long list of very respected legislators and other officials including Sheriff Warren wrote to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee advising against Dax Lopez.

Kevin Foley advising Neil Warren is comical.

John Litland



May 28, 2019

Stunning anti-enforcement ignorance against the life-saving 287(g) program from Pat Burns in Cobb County, Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 2:51 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Culpepper Star Exponent

The below is the transcript of a three minute public comment to the Cobb County Board of Commissioners on May 14, 2019 against 287(g).

“Good morning. My name is Patricia Burns. Most of you know me for supporting my neighborhood, county, and even country as I served in Vietnam during that war. Unknown to you though, is my 25 years involvement in immigration and human rights. You hold the picture of why. That’s our daughter, Mary, who entered our hearts as a hard to place infant. She expanded our awareness to the anti-immigrant fever that engulfed Cobb and swept across Georgia. Today, let’s talk 287(g).

287(g) is a federal Homeland Security program that uses Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, to sidle into local government under the guides of public safety. It has quietly redirected funding from other county programs, even perhaps public safety salaries. 287(g) is discretionary, it all depends on a sheriff’s personal fears and views. From my understanding, Cobb pays the salaries of six deputies and two sergeants who work for ICE, but Cobb pays for it. Stop funding and approving this expensive and aggressive federal tool. Bartow County has disengaged from it.

The argument offered arises that violent criminals are taken off the streets, true perhaps but there is no accountability that those who are arrested are all violent. It models criminality and increases racial profiling. No accountability means mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, small business owners, and tax payers, are swept up by these six deputies, two sergeants and a sheriff who become no more than bounty hunters of your. Since statistics and costs of Cobb using 287(g) is nearly impossible to find, let’s look at Gwinnett County. Gwinnett, uses the same invasive program where to costs tax payers from 1.2 to $3 million annually according to the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute. We can assume costs are about the same here.

In conclusion, do not renew or support a program that drumbeats our dark side. Instead, uplift Cobb County residents with things that make us the best, parks, libraries, senior centers, sound infrastructure, and perhaps even raises in public safety at this time. Thank you.” Video below.

May 22, 2019

Inger Eberhart of the Dustin Inman Society on Insider Advantage Georgia: On the war on Immigration enforcement in Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 10:39 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Editor’s note: The Gwinnett county 287 g program was extended to 2020 late Tuesday afternoon. 

“It’s my responsibility to assist the federal government in identifying illegal aliens committing crimes in Gwinnett County,” Gwinnett County Sheriff Butch Conway on the 287(g) agreement with ICE

With the corporate-donor dollars on the anti-enforcement side, the war on immigration enforcement is raging in Georgia. It is not at all clear who will prevail.

Inger Eberhart

In question this month is the federal program that allows two local jails to locate and hold illegal aliens captured for additional crimes here in Georgia.

Sheriff Butch Conway’s Office has had an agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement since 2009 in which specially trained deputies can act as immigration agents under the supervision of ICE officials. Such agreements are allowed under Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

All known aliens are screened using the database provided by ICE to determine immigration status and the illegal aliens are then reported to ICE.

In 2007, Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren was the first in the state to have his jail become 287(g) approved. Both sheriffs report significant success in not only turning over criminal aliens to ICE for deportation, but in reducing the overall jail population. The 287(g) program acts as a deterrent to many illegals who are carefully considering where to take up residence.

Both sheriffs’ agreements with ICE on the 287(g) program are scheduled to expire next month unless the arrangements are extended or renewed. And both sheriffs report that they have captured murderers, kidnappers, rapists and child molesters who were found to be in the country illegally. In a different time, one would assume that nobody would have a problem with the federal authorities receiving help from local jails. Those times are long gone.

In today’s Georgia, identity politics groups oppose the added 287(g) enforcement with the ever-present but mindless talking point that it somehow makes the community less safe. The idea is that it is better to leave criminal aliens in the Georgia community than to risk “separating families.”

It is easy to describe the various opponents of enforcement as “the usual suspects”, but we think it educational to name some names – the Latin American Association for example. David Schafer serves as ‘Managing Director of Advocacy’ for the LAA. “We have to ask ourselves, ‘What’s good for our community,’ ” Schafer told the Gwinnett Daily Post in 2016, the last time Sheriff Conway’s 287(g) agreement was renewed. “Is it better to work with communities in terms of helping them build confidence to report crimes? And how much good does it do us to be taking parents out of families when we’ve got a situation where these families are already struggling to make a living when we’re effectively taking the wage earner out of the home?”

The list of anti-287(g) activists goes on to include the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) that has organized lobbying against immigration enforcement since 2003 – including for the eleven years that State Court Judge and current candidate for a governor’s appointment to the DeKalb Superior Court, Dax Lopez served as board member and fund raiser….read the entire column here.

May 17, 2019

WSB Radio Atlanta 4:00 PM drive time – Erick Erickson on Trump immigration plan and “labor shortage” in Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 10:27 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: AJC

Erick Erickson Twitter @EWErickson – WSB 750 AM Wikipedia

Added info on Erickson Re; Obama nominated federal judge who was on GALEO board for eleven years here.

“Erickson also actually told his listeners that Lopez would have no role on immigration as a federal judge. “No spin,” pledged Erickson,…”

9-ish minutes from May 16, 2019


AJC coverage of the McKinsey report here.

Transcript from :

Erick Erickson:
“The President has unveiled his immigration plan today. Uh, let me start at the end, as opposed to the beginning, [inaudible 00:00:10] while I’ll explain. It’s not going to happen. The end. Reason it’s not going to happen is because Chuck Grassley, Susan Collins, Lyndsey Graham and several other members of the Senate have come out and said, “There’s no need for this. We don’t want to consider this.” [inaudible 00:00:25] can’t pass in the House, and Senate Republicans are saying, “We don’t want to do this.” And in fact, the- the President has privately consulted behind the scenes through Jared Kushner, uh, on this immigration plan, but Republicans don’t want to pursue it.

Erick Erickson:
However, the President has an argument, and it’s a Georgia argument, for why they should do this. Uh, let me explain this to you. The McKinsey … the McKinsey consulting group, um, they do all sorts of studies, uh, economic studies and whatnot. Well, McKinsey & Company decided to do a study on their own; they weren’t paid by anyone, but they decided to do a study of Georgia’s economic trends. And there are some worrying signs for Georgia economically. Let me read you some numbers. According to McKinsey, Georgia has unfilled job openings in several sectors in 2018. 28,800 available jobs in transportation and logistics, 22,300 in sales, 22,200 in computing, 20,300 in healthcare, 16,700 in office and administration. Again, these are the number of jobs that are not filled.

Erick Erickson:
We are in an employment crisis in Georgia, or at least, we’re heading into one, uh, not because we have too many unemployed people, but because we don’t have enough people to fill the jobs that are available. So by the way, th- this goes back to a … Chris Burns from Dynamic Money was here two weeks ago. He made this point about the current economic news in the state. It is so good right now, there are so many openings, that if you want a new job, go market yourself. Uh, get your resume together, and start shopping it around. We are at a full employment situation; there are a massive number of jobs that are not being filled [inaudible 00:02:15].

Erick Erickson:
Again, let me read you the numbers, for these are the 2018 numbers from McKinsey & Company, in Georgia. 28,800 unfilled jobs in transportation and logistics, 22,300 unfilled jobs in sales, 22,200 jobs unfilled in computing, 20,300 unfilled in healthcare, 16,700 unfilled in office and administration. That’s just Georgia.

Erick Erickson:
So the President’s got to do something, because his advisors are starting to warn him that we need more workers in the country. And if we were to produce natural-born workers in this country, it would take a minimum of 18 years, 19 years really to get them into the workforce, because they’d be nine months in the womb, and then 18 years before they get out of high school. [inaudible 00:03:03] forget college. So it- it would take us 19 years really, to- to build them natural-born. So you know what we gotta do? The thing some of you don’t wanna do: immigration. Loosen the standards on immigration.

Erick Erickson:
I mean, I- I don’t need to read the numbers again, but you get the sense in Georgia: we need more workers here. We can lure workers from other parts of the country, but if you lure workers from other parts of the country, well, you’re … One, I mean, take for example, do we really want a bunch of people from California coming here? I mean, that was one my chief objections to Amazon, we’re getting a bunch of skinny jeans-wearing hipsters from Washington, down to Georgia with their Washington, atheistic, progressive, hostile to- to Christian values … [inaudible 00:03:45] no point.

Erick Erickson:
But where are we going to find the people, if we’re not attracting them other states? And by the way, we did attract them from other states, then those states suddenly have employment problems, ’cause you gotta fill the jobs in those states. So the President’s gotta do something, and his solution is to open borders. Now, not open borders in the way the left wants open borders. Essentially what the President is doing, is he wants to be able to, uh, open the border to more immigrants who are already skilled, already have the skills, uh, but he also wants to open schools to immigrants, who not only potentially have the skills, but could also then stay here.

Erick Erickson:
See, it’s no good for us to be bringing people into this country, educating them, and then having them go to China or elsewhere. We gotta find a way to keep them here, and so that’s what the President’s policy wants to do. Currently only about 12% of immigrants are admitted to the country based on employment and skills. 66% are admitted based on family connections, and the President wants to flip those around, so 57% of the people who are coming would be based on employment, 33% would be based on family connections. The President … As he said all along, he wants to prioritize family connections based on either bringing children or bringing spouses or bringing parents in, not the extended family of first cousins, second cousins, first cousins once removed, aunts and uncles. So he- he wants to reshape that balance, but he really wants to make it easier for employers to bring into this country someone from abroad who wants to, uh, work in this country.

Erick Erickson:
Now, one of the things that this- this, um, policy for the President [inaudible 00:05:36] doesn’t touch, is the DREAMers. Um, this plan that the President’s rolling out today takes no position on current illegal immigration. What it does try to do is reset the parameters for illegal immigration. So, for example, um, instead of prioritizing people immigrating to this country who have existing relatives in this country, what the President wants to do is prioritize immigration of what he’s calling extraordinary talent, people with professional or specialized vocation, and exceptional students, that is, students in other countries with good grades who want to come to college in the United States, we’ll prioritize allowing those people to come in, hopefully then finding them jobs in the United States to develop talent here.

Erick Erickson:
Um, real world situation here: I actually … I- I was not an immigration attorney and had to help a guy, uh, with an immigration situation. But I was a lawyer, and he was a soccer coach. And he was a very, very good soccer coach, but soccer coaches … Obviously, uh, prioritizing British soccer coaches in the United States was not a high priority, uh, even for … At the time it was the Bush administration. Uh, just it wasn’t. Um, he had a job here. His visa was, uh, up for expiration, and there were people arguing that he should not be able to stay in the country, even though he had an employer in this country that wanted him to stay, wanted him to stay as a soccer coach.

Erick Erickson:
Uh, the federal government gave the run-around for a very long time, on allowing him to stay because of, uh, his classification on his visa. There were Americans who could have done the work. The problem was, there just actually weren’t any Americans who wanted to do his job, but it was a convoluted, burdensome, bureaucratic process to try to keep a British soccer coach in the United States working for a private American school who wanted to keep him.

Erick Erickson:
We … Eventually the situation we were successful, but it was still a- a pain in the butt to do. Uh, what the Trump administration wants to do … That process has actually got more complicated over time. What the Trump administration wants to do is they want to simplify the process by which if you have an employer in this country, and they want an existing employee who is an immigrant to stay, they’ll make it a lot easier for that company to keep that person’s visa renewed, but also if you have an employer or an employee out of the country who wants to come into this country, and the employer wants them to come, they’ll make it easier not only for that employee to come but to stay, and not tie it to their job; once they’ve worked for a number of years, they’ll be able to stay if they want to, if they want to seek American citizenship.

Erick Erickson:
That’s actually a pretty good idea, because what … Typically what happens is an employer brings, uh, someone from abroad here, and that person … One- one or two things happen: either they stay with the company, and you’ve got to go through the burdensome renewal process over and over and over, over time, or eventually, they decide, “You know what? I want to go work for someone else. I can get paid more. I wanna stay here. I can benefit another company.” And there’s a just nightmare process of trying to make that move, and so this will streamline that- that. The Trump administration is saying that a Byzantine process, Byzantine bureaucracy, uh, very complicated, convoluted, hard to follow … It drives up costs. People have to hire lawyers. They shouldn’t have to do that; they should be able to do it themselves, and we should prioritize finding people who want to come here to work, not people who want to come here because their family’s already here.

Erick Erickson:
That sounds like a no brainer to me. It sounds like a good idea. Of course, again, let’s go to the end of this. Congressional Republicans right now are saying this- this is a deal-starter. We- we don’t even want to consider this. We’re headed into an election season; we don’t want to do this. The President’s team this afternoon though is signaling he intends to make this a campaign issue if the Democrats won’t go along with it, but the subtle hint there … He’s saying that the Democrats won’t go along with it, but the subtle implication is, if the Republicans in Congress won’t go along with this, he’s gonna make it a campaign issue whether they like it or not, ’cause he really wants to do this. This President wants an immigration deal.

Erick Erickson:
Again though, ’cause I’m seeing people tweeting and emailing: this is nothing to do with … He’s not taking a position on the DREAMers. Illegal aliens are already here; this is only about fixing, streamlining and making more simple, the existing immigration process, legal immigration process, into the country.”


May 16, 2019

“Now, the open borders billionaires at FWDus have jumped in to create a letter writing campaign to you on behalf of Dax Lopez” Letter to Gov Kemp from conservative immigrant Mary Grabar

Posted by D.A. King at 1:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was copied to us today. The links were in it when it arrived.

Re; Dax Lopez

Governor Kemp,

I see that you may appoint state court Dax Lopez to Superior Court and I write to ask you to consider the ramifications of advancing this man, who I am sure by now you know was a board member of the radical and race-baiting GALEO lobbying corporation.

When Lopez was nominated for federal court several years ago his record and that of GALEO were exposed for all to see and caused conservative Senator David Perdue to reject his nomination. The outcry then was shared by many of us who were amazed that while Lopez was an active board member, GALEO Executive Director Jerry Gonzalez attacked law enforcement officers and stood against literally all of the conservative principles of fairness and immigration enforcement, not to mention voter ID. Now, the open borders billionaires at FWDus have jumped in to create a letter writing campaign to you on behalf of Dax Lopez. That seems enlightening to me. I hope it does to you as well.

Dax Lopez is the favorite son of the people who will never stop pushing against immigration enforcement. He should not be trusted with an appointment to Superior Court.

At least one dependable news report indicates that while he was a sitting judge and an active part of the anti-enforcement GALEO operation, Dax Lopez personally lobbied then Governor Deal to veto public safety legislation aimed at protecting Georgians from the crime of illegal immigration.

As a proud immigrant and attentive conservative, I hope you listen to the people who elected you and remember your own campaign pledges on the illegal immigration that is ravaging Georgia and Georgians.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Grabar


D.A. King in the AJC on 287(g): Politics shouldn’t hinder immigration enforcement

Posted by D.A. King at 11:00 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Culpepper Star Exponent


AJC, May 14, 2019
Politics shouldn’t hinder immigration enforcement

A recent AJC story on the 287(g) program in the Gwinnett County jail contains quotes from two Democrat candidates for sheriff who parrot the corporate-funded anti-enforcement immigration talking points. The Bizarro-world gist is that locating and reporting to federal authorities murderers, rapists, child molesters and drug dealers who land in jail somehow reduces community confidence in law enforcement. The problem is that these prisoners are part of America’s protected class – illegal aliens. Candidate for sheriff and retired police chief Curtis Clemons allows that he thinks removing these dangerous criminals makes Gwinnett less safe. Washington has repeatedly failed to protect America from the crime of illegal immigration. Only political opportunists would reject a proven-effective local enforcement tool.

Thankfully, Gwinnett’s pro-enforcement hero, Sheriff Butch Conway, stands up against the leftist lunatics who would trade lives and commonsense public safety for the advancement of their open borders, identity politics agenda.




May 14, 2019

Conservative Republican Women of North Atlanta send a letter to Gov. Kemp opposing appointment of GALEO’s Dax Lopez to Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit – Superior Court

Posted by D.A. King at 8:48 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was copied to us today.


Repost with happy dance grins: An open letter to Georgia’s Immigration Enforcement Review Board – D.A. King in the Macon Telegraph June 22, 2017 #IERB

Posted by D.A. King at 6:34 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

An open letter to Georgia’s Immigration Enforcement Review Board

D.A. King

Special to The Telegraph June 22, 2017

D.A. King

“And Deal spokesman Brian Robinson said Deal intended his appointees to the board to take a hard line on immigration.”

“Gov. Deal signed this piece of legislation (HB 87) into law not so that it could be neutered and used as window dressing,” Robinson said.

“This immigration law is meant to have teeth. We want it to be enforced.” — 2011

Dear members of the Immigration Enforcement Review Board:

After no little trouble on my part, nearly a year ago, I filed a valid complaint against the city of Atlanta because it refused to protect public benefits according to state law which received much national news coverage when it was created in 2006 and international media attention the last time it was modified (2011).

OCGA 50-36-1 clearly requires all agencies that administer public benefits — including business licenses/occupational tax certificates — to follow simple and standardized procedures to help insure that applicants are eligible and are not illegal aliens. The city of Atlanta acknowledged their Business License Office was not following the state law, but defiantly defended themselves by saying they were in compliance with their own city ordinance on the process.

The IERB made a unanimous decision that my complaint is accurate and that city of Atlanta was in violation and sent me this letter to that effect. The IERB “requested” that Atlanta take remedial action to correct the estimated 6,000 violations that occurred over the course of five years.

While I awaited a meaningful sanction from the board on which you serve, apparently a procedural error was discovered which caused the entire hearing process on my complaint to be repeated from the beginning.

The original finding of violation had zero effect on the defense from the city of Atlanta in the second version of your proceedings. Their lawyer brought in the same witness to make the same “Ground Hog Day” claim: “We are in compliance with city law…and since state law doesn’t mention non-profit businesses, we think the law is ambiguous and difficult to obey or understand…”

I have received a second letter from the IERB with the same finding of violation and the same “request” that Atlanta obey the law. We should all be so lucky in our own business and daily responsibilities under the law.

Window dressing indeed.

I write today to make it clear that it is my assumption that the current delay in further IERB action and a meaningful punishment is intended to allow the city of Atlanta time to now begin compliance and escape any sanctions by simply stating they have stopped their violations. State law allows the IERB to impose punishments that will deter other agencies from future violations.

Having had similar experience with the IERB since its inception, I offer the request that if there is no intention of real use of authority in investigation of further violations or any real sanctions for clear violations of the law over which you have authority, the board members admit there is no reason for it to exist and to explain that premise to the General Assembly and the people of Georgia.

The pervasive official attitude across the state is that 2011’s HB 87 and all laws aimed at the crime of illegal immigration can easily be treated as optional in Georgia. The IERB and so far, the Attorney General’s office have done nothing to change that perception. I am aware that state law allows the AG’s office to prosecute violations of the three laws over which the IERB has preview totally separately and in addition to whatever action the board takes — or does not take.

As you know, I have more than 10 additional complaints pending with the board. I have little confidence in fair resolution. I am now beginning the process of seeking assistance for a remedy in the court system, where adjudication of violations of state law have a better chance of seeing real, wholehearted attention and justice. I am not going to ignore the board’s inaction despite the fact that the governor, the Legislature and Atlanta’s media does exactly that.

While I am aware some board members sincerely strive for an equal application of the law, I hope that you will all make recommendations to the General Assembly to disband the IERB and allow a workable, enthusiastic justice system that actually uses investigative authority to take over.

I also note here that I have a great deal of trouble recalling more than one meeting or hearing since the board’s creation in 2011 that saw attendance by the entire board membership.

Including in the “watch-dog media,” to my experienced knowledge, I am the only person in Georgia who pays attention to compliance on the illegal immigration legislation passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Deal or investigates obvious violations.

May 13, 2019

Another “NO to Dax Lopez” letter – “in our rural North Georgia community, there would be no political payoff for putting a former GALEO sympathizer, fundraiser and tactician in a Superior Court seat”

Posted by D.A. King at 9:05 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below letter was copied to us this evening. I have more to post, but little time…

Dear Gov. Kemp

I just learned that Dax Lopez is on a list for you to pick from for a DeKalb Superior Court appointment. I am shocked that this man is anyone’s choice for a higher court. I hope that you are not seriously considering him.

The fact that Lopez was on the board of the GALEO Co. and remained silent while Jerry Gonzalez accused good, decent people, including legislators and law enforcement officers of “racism” and “hate” because they made it clear that immigration laws matter makes me shudder to think he is any type of judge. GALEO stands against voter ID and uses ethnicity as a political weapon and did so the entire time Dax Lopez was a board member.

Senator Perdue has proven his courage in pointing out the problems with Dax Lopez when Obama tried to make him a federal judge. I am told that there is some imagined political benefit to advancing Dax Lopez due to his ethnicity. I trust we are only going to advance judges because of their proven integrity and personal history. As a recent former Republican county chair, current state committee member and a grassroots activist for your campaign, I respectfully assure you and your advisors that here in our rural North Georgia community, there would be no political payoff for putting a former GALEO sympathizer, fundraiser and tactician in a Superior Court seat.

Please pass over Dax Lopez as Senator Perdue did in 2016.

Denise Burns

Ringgold, GA 30736

May 10, 2019

D.A. King on Insider Advantage Georgia today: Illegal Alien Employer Arrest an Enforcement Opportunity for Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 3:47 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: Insider Advantage Georgia

Illegal Alien Employer Arrest an Enforcement Opportunity for Kemp

D.A. King

May 10, 2019

The news that a Mexican illegal alien amassed a large fortune by illegally operating a construction company while employing other illegal aliens and living in a Bartow County compound — complete with a security wall and armed guards – presents a golden opportunity for Gov. Brian Kemp. That is, if the new governor wants to make clear his determination to fight illegal immigration.

It cannot be said enough: The chief cause of illegal immigration is illegal employment. Reduce the former and see less of the latter. Fewer illegal aliens equals fewer crimes committed by illegal aliens. It seems obvious.

As the anti-enforcement Georgia Budget and Policy Institute was kind enough to remind us last summer, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Lawful Permanent Residents (green card holders). Only the most politically blind and naĂŻve still hold out hope that congress will accomplish anything meaningful on ending the illegal immigration crisis.

The logical conclusion is that state and local governments should use all available tools to make Georgia as inhospitable as possible to illegal employers and illegal aliens. That would include unapologetic enforcement of state laws already in place.

Which brings us back to the governor and Juan Antonio Perez, the illegal alien recently busted by the feds and who reportedly had somewhere around 200 employees “almost all of them here illegally.”

Kemp should consider having the GBI obtain the employment records from all of the companies operated by Perez, if he has any. Including the I-9 forms. The I-9 form is the outdated, 20th century paper device used to collect and record identity verification documents presented by new employees to the employer.

It is impossible for an illegal alien to complete the I-9 process without use of false or stolen ID. Georgia has a state law for that.

Intended to severely punish ID fraud in the process of obtaining employment, Georgia’s “Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011” (HB 87) put OCGA 16-9-121.1 in place.

“Offense of aggravated identity fraud”
(a) A person commits the offense of aggravated identity fraud when he or she willfully and fraudulently uses any counterfeit or fictitious identifying information concerning a real, fictitious, or deceased person with intent to use such counterfeit or fictitious identifying information for the purpose of obtaining employment.”

The law says that a first offense “shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 15 years, a fine not to exceed $250,000.00, or both…”

To our knowledge, the law has not been enforced.

The governor can send a strong signal to illegal aliens who have little reason to avoid living and working in Georgia by application of this statute and prosecution of the victims of borders who now fearlessly commit identity fraud to reside, work illegally and lower wages in Georgia. Let’s start with the black market labor that worked for Juan Antonio Perez.

Pro-enforcement conservatives are watching.

D.A. King is president of the Marietta-based Dustin Inman Society. D.A

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