February 12, 2020

#Georgiafornia: Another letter to the editor on Gov. Brian Kemp’s defiance on criminal aliens – Marietta Daily Journal

Posted by D.A. King at 6:29 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dustin Inman Society


“There is a reason we quit the Georgia Republican Party — and it is centered around the fact that in a state with more illegal aliens than green card holders, illegal immigration has become a forbidden topic in an effort to court the fabled “suburban moderates” and Hispanics. This insulting and dangerous treachery is not going to drive conservative independent voters to the polls in November. Including us.”

#Georgiafornia: Another letter to the editor on Gov. Brian Kemp’s defiance on criminal aliens – Marietta Daily Journal.  Here.


Murder, rape, child molestation – Georgia Dept of Corrections ICE detainer report for November, 2019 – ask Gov Brian Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 6:24 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Candidate Brian Kemp and his Big Truck for rounding up criminal illegals Photo: The Hill



Governor Brian Kemp’s ‘do not call me’ policy

Posted by D.A. King at 6:21 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Gov Brian Kemp. Image: The Resurgent

Governor Kemp’s ‘do not call me’ policy

“Having been a reluctant and active denizen of Georgia’s state Capitol since 2004, I can assure those who aren’t that the number one activity that gets the immediate and full attention of the elected officials there is an organized group of voters who actually drive to Atlanta and go into the Gold-Domed beehive during legislative session.

The number two most effective way to get their attention is to ring their telephones – this includes phones in the governor’s office, where the phone number is and has been 404-656-1776.”

There is no voice mail.

Read the entire original post here.

February 10, 2020

Photos from the Feb 8, 2020 Dustin Inman Society immigration forum in Atlanta: “Honoring Immigrants: An Expert, Pro-Enforcement Conversation on Immigration” * Brian Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 9:48 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


What is more diverse than the presidential field of the Democrat Party? The board of the Dustin Inman Society – and any event we have ever done.

We wanted to wait until the crazies oozed out with their hate to post pics and more info on our Saturday event. We waited only two days! The anti-borders mob is having a cow!

We were hoping it would be Jim Galloway at the AJC who spread the slime first. As it happens, it was Media Matters with the SPLC lies and hate-mongering.

We had plenty of security.

Kathy Inman, Dustin’s mom, here.

The Eventbrite page is here.

Program here.

A freak snow storm in N. Georgia and Atlanta and over-blown warnings from the media kept a lot of paid attendees home on this Saturday morning.

Tom Homan had some remarks about Georgia Gov. Kemp on Fox and Friends Saturday morning. Here.

Mr. Brian Pritchard of FetchYourNews.com was in attendance and had D.A. King on his AM show Monday, February 10 here.

FetchYourNews also did a report on the event.

–> Attention shoppers! Here is a link to a new book further exposing the already disgraced SPLC.

The crowd enjoying ‘God Bless America’ being sung by Sybil Eberhart


Keynote Speaker, Mr. Tom Homan, and D.A. King on stage. Tom is holding the placard made to remind people to remind Gov Kemp about his campaign promises on criminal aliens. #TrackandDeport” (states cannot deport anyone).

Tom Homan – former Acting ICE Director and Fox News commentator. Tom rocked the room. Mr. Homan is pro-enforcement.


Mary Ann Mendoza helps Kathy Inman when Kathy spoke to the crowd. Mary Ann is an Angel Mom.

Jessica Vaughan from the Center for Immigration Studies is an encyclopedia of knowledge! Don’t miss Jessica’s blog.


D.A. King. The title of the event was “Honoring Immigrants: An expert, pro-enforcement discussion on immigration.”


Early AM before the crowd arrived. We cannot afford the high-end venues that corporate Georgia sponsors for the illegal aliens lobby.


Early morning set-up. Workers wearing coats in the “Pavillion” which is hotel talk for “tent” in February. The room was set for 130 confirmed attendees – B-4 snow.

T-shirts. Free with a donation!

Sybil Eberhart sings the opening “God Bless America.”

Mr. George Rodriguez, “El Conservador” speaking to the crowd. Sometimes in Spanish…

DIS board member Inger Eberhart. Inger is explaining the SPLC and other hate scammers.

Ev, our neighbor for 35 years and DIS board member addressing the room.

DIS board member, Ev Robinson, speaking.

Winter storm warnings for snow kept about half of the 130 confirmed, paid attendees away.

John and his wife Maria. John is a DIS board member, Maria is an immigrant.

DIS board member, scholar, author and immigrant, Mary Grabar. Mary’s recent book is titled “Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America.”

DIS board member and event speaker, Ev Robinson. Background, speaker George Rodriguez

Mary Ann Mendoza

Right to left: Kathy Inman, Tom Homan and Kathy’s caretaker.

Mary Ann Mendoza speaking to the room. Angel Moms.

VIDEO — Brian K. Pritchard #BKP at FYN hosts D.A. King after DIS Feb 8 immigration forum – – Brian Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 12:20 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

January 29, 2020

Letter to the editor in the Brunswick News from retired senior immigration agent Robert Trent: Kemp has yet to take action on illegal aliens

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Gov Brian Kemp – photo, Facebook

Brunswick News
January 25, 2020

Letters to the editor

Kemp has yet to take action on illegal aliens

I still recall days of old when bold politicians called for reforms to protect the people of Georgia from illegal aliens. Unfortunately, as I repeatedly read stories in the press about rapes of women and children, murders and robbery, my memory brings back then candidate Gov. Brian Kemp’s promise to “track and deport” criminal aliens in Georgia.

I suppose the governor hasn’t had the time or the inclination to follow through on his promise, or was it just a politician pandering to his base? Perhaps the governor’s staff isn’t keeping him apprised of the seriousness of the current situation?

I didn’t have to look too hard to find some recent statistics for criminal aliens lodged in Georgia’s prisons. Here are the numbers and crimes for November 2019, compliments of the Georgia Department of Corrections:

• Child molestation, 234.

• Murder, 162.

• Rape, 127.

• Aggravated assault, 116.

• Armed robbery, 110.

• Statutory rape, 63.

• Kidnapping, 63.

• Trafficking meth, 137.

• Racketeering, 12.

I imagine the heads up at the governor’s office will roll when he finds out just how bad things have become in regard to criminal illegal aliens. Or will they?

The governor certainly has it within his authority to implement the plan he ran on.

Robert M. Trent

St. Marys


January 16, 2020

The SPLC urges action to convince Georgia Governor Kemp to take in more refugees – “because it makes our communities safer” #AJC here

Posted by D.A. King at 11:30 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: Email from SPLC Action

January 14, 2020

*** * ******

The Trump administration’s relentless war on immigrants and refugees has reached our very own state. President Trump recently issued an executive order requiring governors to submit a letter of written consent to affirm their support of ongoing refugee resettlement in their state.

A bipartisan majority of 41 governors have already affirmed their support for resettlement so far, making Georgia an outlier. We’re calling on Governor Kemp to continue the life-saving refugee resettlement program here in Georgia.

We need your help! Kemp has until Friday, Jan. 17, to send written consent to the federal government to allow for refugee resettlement in our state. Call the governor and ask him to uphold Georgia’s 40-year tradition of welcoming the world’s most persecuted mothers, fathers, and children.

Can you call Governor Kemp’s office and ask him to affirm his support of refugee resettlement in Georgia?

Call now: 404-656-1776 or, contact the office online.

Not sure what to say? Keep your message short, make it personal, and don’t forget to say thank you!

You can also try this sample message: My name is _____ and I’m from _____, Georgia. I’m calling because I want Governor Kemp to sign a written letter of consent to affirm that Georgia welcomes refugees. The refugee program is important to me because it saves lives and makes our communities stronger. Thank you.

For more context, read Jim Galloway’s op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

Opinion: Brian Kemp has a month to decide if there’s room in the inn

The Trump administration has decimated our country’s refugee intake – from roughly 90,000 each year under the Obama administration to just 18,000 today. We know our country holds true to its ideals when we open our arms and provide refuge and opportunity to those fleeing wars and genocide around the world.

Governor Kemp has until this Friday, Jan. 17, to decide whether Georgia will remain a welcoming home to refugees.

Will you stand with refugees today by calling the governor and asking him to affirm his support of refugee resettlement in Georgia?

Call now: 404-656-1776 or, contact the office online.

Thank you,
SPLC Action Georgia

January 14, 2020

D.A. King in the Dalton Daily Citizen News: Remembering Kemp’s promises on illegal immigration #BrianKemp #BigTruckTrick

Posted by D.A. King at 11:10 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Candidate Brian Kemp and his Big Truck for rounding up criminal illegals Photo: The Hill


Dalton Daily Citizen News
January, 15, 2020

Remembering Kemp’s promises on illegal immigration

Gov. Brian Kemp has regularly boasted of his business-first approach to governing and enhancing the climate for corporate profit in Georgia. But the watchdog media has neglected to note the tradeoffs he has made or the trusting conservative voters he has betrayed by ignoring campaign promises.

Surprising few political insiders, illegal immigration seems to have dropped off of the governor’s radar since Election Day 2018.

The left-leaning Georgia Budget and Policy Institute says Georgia is home to more “undocumented workers” than green card holders. The federal Department of Homeland Security says we host more illegals than Arizona.

This, despite state laws passed nearly every year since 2006 to make Georgia inhospitable to illegal immigration. The regulations in place — including the state’s E-Verify laws — would serve the intended purpose if they were actually enforced — or even noted — by Gov. Kemp.

Georgians should realize most illegal immigration is a direct result of illegal employment and must be recognized as the organized crime that it is. Kemp is silent on the entire issue.

“Business friendly” is a term that is counter to “pro-enforcement” on immigration. Dalton conservatives have their own problems in that Republican state Sen. Chuck Payne has pledged his allegiance to the billionaire-funded, anti-enforcement group FWD.us that lobbies in Washington, D.C., and the state Capitol. Payne has described his work with the group as “a moral imperative and a political obligation to my constituents and the health of our country and economy,” according to Georgia Recorder.

Conservative voters who can remember back to the summer of 2018 may recall “Brian Kemp’s Track and Deport Plan,” an extremely detailed campaign promise aimed at illegal aliens who commit additional crimes. “As governor, conservative businessman Brian Kemp will create a comprehensive database to track criminal aliens in Georgia. He will also update Georgia law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons” went the pledge. We challenge readers to find mention of any of this from the governor — or the Georgia media — since he was elected.

All this is yet another brilliant example of “silence is consent” and will continue until GOP voters find the courage to challenge the governor and the business lobby that has taken over the Gold Dome.

D.A. King

(King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society, which advocates for immigration enforcement)


January 9, 2020

Marietta Daily Journal: Gov Brian Kemp gets hit for ignoring his campaign promises on illegal immigration – again

Posted by D.A. King at 9:29 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Candidate Brian Kemp and his Big Truck for rounding up criminal illegals. Photo: The Hill


Marietta Daily Journal



Kemp’s broken campaign promise

There is a reason we quit the Georgia Republican Party — and it is centered around the fact that in a state with more illegal aliens than green card holders, illegal immigration has become a forbidden topic in an effort to court the fabled “suburban moderates” and Hispanics. This insulting and dangerous treachery is not going to drive conservative independent voters to the polls in November. Including us.

January 7, 2020


In November a male foreign national with an ICE detainer was arrested in Marietta for sexually molesting two teenage boys for years starting when the boys were ages 8 and 9. Just after Christmas another alien with an ICE hold, Juan Antonio Gonzalez, was arrested by Cobb police and booked into the county jail facing six felonies including murder, aggravated assault, fleeing police and possessing a gun during the commission of a crime. We know this because the MDJ reported it. Thank you.

While Gov. Kemp is endlessly boasting of his business-first approach to governing Georgia and the “No. 1 for business” ranking from some magazine, what the MDJ and the rest of the state media are not reporting is that these two examples of vicious crimes by illegal aliens illustrate part of a broken campaign promise from Kemp.

Readers who can remember back to 2018 may recall “Brian Kemp’s Track and Deport Plan” which was a particularly detailed campaign pledge to voters aimed at illegal aliens who commit additional crimes. It went like this: “As governor, conservative businessman Brian Kemp will create a comprehensive database to track criminal aliens in Georgia. He will also update Georgia law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons.”

We have no hope of Kemp going after the employers who draw the “undocumented” cheap labor into our state. That would upset the business donors. But at our house we have been waiting to see Kemp follow through on his tough talk on illegal alien crime. Including the two examples above, we challenge anyone to find any mention from Kemp — or the Georgia media — of the campaign promise, new laws, tracking criminal aliens or illegal alien databases.

There is a reason we quit the Georgia Republican Party — and it is centered around the fact that in a state with more illegal aliens than green card holders, illegal immigration has become a forbidden topic in an effort to court the fabled “suburban moderates” and Hispanics. This insulting and dangerous treachery is not going to drive conservative independent voters to the polls in November. Including us.

Bill Buckler



Campaign ad, 2018 – Brian Kemp and his “track and deport” pledge – because illegal aliens kill Americans

Posted by D.A. King at 9:08 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Audio only linked below.

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