November 30, 2009

LULAC files suit to stop enforcement in Ohio

Posted by D.A. King at 8:07 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The Collins Report

LULAC mounts bizarre effort to keep Ohio from revoking licenses

When the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles announced its plans to revoke approximately 47,000 vehicle registrations it suspects were fraudulently secured by illegal aliens there was a rapid and predictable response from The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)…

LULAC filed a lawsuit trying to stop the state from protecting Ohio’s legal residents from the constant erosion of law represented by illegal aliens who are “gaming” the Ohio motor vehicles department.

The suit seeks to stop the state’s fraudulent registration recall based on the absurd argument that allowing the state to take this action would amount to allowing Ohio to enter into matters of federal immigration law which it isn’t empowered to do.

The frauds bankrolling this action consider it unfair and unconstitutional because it targets illegal aliens. In other words, the State of Ohio’s efforts to combat criminal abuse of its auto registration system by criminals can’t be allowed because the “targeted” criminals are violating federal laws not state statutes.

The immigration lawyer who filed the suit whined that canceling the illegal registrations filed by illegal aliens committing fraud will cause these illegal aliens to lose their cars and disadvantage their American born children. He says nothing about the fact that these “disadvantaged” children have been put into this position by the criminal actions of their parents. He moans that this action could cause these families to be separated and (gasp!) relocated (like back to their home country maybe?)

So far not even 5% of the 47,457 suspected frauds ordered to produce legal proof to support their registration applications have done so. If Ohio is coming around things look bright for restoring American freedoms next year.

This very encouraging news keeps the issue of illegal alien amnesty hot until next Election Day which is a very good thing…


Silence! Dissent will not be tolerated!

Posted by D.A. King at 8:04 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Mark Hyman — American Spectator

The plan to silence dissent

…The Obama Administration declared war on the minority of media outlets that do not worship the political left’s newest false idol immediately after Obama was sworn in. Three days into his presidency Obama warned Congressional Republicans against listening to radio host Rush Limbaugh…


Hispanic American stands up to open borders lobby against the crime of illegal immigration – is, of course, labled “racist”

Posted by D.A. King at 7:58 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

San Bernardino County (Calif.) Sun

Activist gives Latino face to fight against illegal immigration

Raymond Herrera isn’t bothered that people are split on whether he’s a patriotic activist or self-hating, racist nut. — The 60-year-old Victorville resident and Vietnam War G.I. has become a fixture at city council, school and county board meetings, where he and members of his fledgling group… HERE

Health bills fail to block illegals from coverage

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Washington Times

Health bills fail to block illegals from coverage

Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants could receive health care coverage from their employers under the bills winding their way through Congress, despite President Obama’s explicit pledge that illegal [aliens] would not benefit…


November 29, 2009


Posted by D.A. King at 10:44 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

National Center for Policy Analysis


Many Hispanic activists, Mexican citizens and perhaps even members of the Mexican government refuse to accept the legality of our 1845 annexation of Texas, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo after the Mexican-American War, or the 1852 Gadsden Purchase, says Investor’s Business Daily (IBD).

One of these activists is Charles Trujillo, a professor at the University of New Mexico:

He predicts a new, sovereign Hispanic nation within this century encompassing much of the American southwest and part of northern Mexico.
States have the right to secede under our original Articles of Confederation, he contends, and this will be accomplished by the electoral pressure of future majority Hispanic populations in these states.
Another is the Hispanic student activist group known as MECHa, an acronym for Movimento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan):

It claims that California, Arizona, Mexico, Texas and southern Colorado were stolen and should be returned to their rightful owners, the people of Mexico, under the name “Nation of Aztlan.”
Aztlan is the mythical place where the Aztecs are said to have originated.

Few caught the significance of the words of then-Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo before the National Council of La Raza in Chicago on July 27, 1997: “I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.”

Current President Vicente Fox repeated this line during a 2001 visit to the United States, when he called for open borders and endorsed Mexico’s new dual citizenship law.

A June 2002 Zogby poll found that the majority of Mexican citizens agree with him and hold the view that, since the Southwest United States really belongs to Mexico, they do not need permission to enter. The poll found that 58 percent of Mexicans agreed with the statement, “The territory of the United States’ Southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico.”

Source: Editorial, “Los Angeles, Mexico,” Investor’s Business Daily, May 5, 2005. HERE
For text:

Los Angeles, Mexico: FAILED CITY?

Posted by D.A. King at 10:38 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

L.A. Weekly

Why L.A. can’t find work

…But one issue with new job openings is training and preparation: L.A. has about 800,000 people — nearly the population of San Francisco — living below the official poverty line. Nearly 40 percent of Angelenos can’t even read at an eighth-grade level….


ACLU and fellow race-baiting crazies GO FISH for “racial profiling” – AJC happy to help out

Posted by D.A. King at 10:34 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Groups schedule forum to examine 287(g)

Atlantans Building Leadership for Empowerment and the ACLU of Georgia will sponsor a forum on racial profiling Dec. 5 in Lawrenceville. The forum comes just weeks after Gwinnett County implemented the 287(g) Agreement, making it the fifth agency in Georgia to allow for local enforcement of federal civil immigration laws.

The forum will provide community members of diverse backgrounds an opportunity to share testimonies of being racially profiled and to learn about their rights when encountering law enforcement. The ACLU of Georgia will compile those testimonies into a report.

“The signing of another 287g agreement in Georgia makes it necessary now more than ever for our Georgia Legislature to pass anti-racial profiling legislation,” said Rev. Tracy Blagec of ABLE.

The forum is from 1-3 p.m. at Saint Lawrence Catholic Church, 319 Grayson Highway, Lawrenceville.


Cubans land at US nuclear power plant – have to call to be discovered: FEEL SAFER?

Posted by D.A. King at 10:22 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Miami Herald

Cuban migrants land at Turkey Point, raising security questionsBY JOHN DORSCHNER AND ANDRES VIGLUCCI

More than 30 Cubans were dropped off close to the `heavily guarded’ Turkey Point nuclear power plant and remained undetected until they call for help hours later.

More than 30 Cubans, dropped off by a smugglers’ speedboat, spent up to eight hours on the off-limits grounds of the Turkey Point nuclear power plant on Thanksgiving day, then called the plant’s nuclear control room to say they were by the cooling canals.

A spokesman for Florida Power & Light said Friday that the group was six miles from the reactors, and the power plant in southern Miami-Dade County “was not affected in any way.”

But the utility, which boasts of tight security in the area, did not address why its security personnel apparently did not become aware of the Cubans’ presence on Turkey Point for up to eight hours.

Information about the incident was revealed by a report that FPL filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which stated that at 1:28 p.m. Thursday the control room “received a call from an individual stating that he was a member of a group of Cuban nationals that had landed in the Turkey Point cooling canals.”

FPL has call boxes in the area for use by maintenance workers, a company spokesman said, but it’s not clear whether the Cuban used one to call the control room.

Nuclear power plants were directed to sharpen security after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. FPL maintains round-the-clock security teams immediately around the Turkey Point plant buildings, which are also protected by several layers of fencing.

The buildings are surrounded by miles of twisting, mangrove-lined canals where hot water discharged from the plant cools as it circulates.

FPL spokesman Michael Waldron said there was no security breach since the Cuban group was nowhere near any of the plant’s heavily secured buildings. He did not say how far into the surrounding natural areas the heavy security extends.

“I can tell you that FPL maintains a very strong security program that is regularly evaluated by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission,” Waldron wrote in an e-mail.

“As you know, there are many sensitive aspects of our security program that we cannot discuss in the newspaper, however, these individuals were over six miles from the plant in an environmental area and did not come anywhere near the heavily protected facility.”

According to immigration authorities, the Cubans were dropped off by two smugglers’ in a speedboat around 6 a.m. More than seven hours later, the control room learned they were in the cooling canals and called plant security, “who located and assumed control over the Cuban nationals without incident,” according to the NRC filing.

FPL security called Miami-Dade police for assistance. Police arrived at 2:25 p.m. and called federal immigration agents, who took the Cubans into custody.

The Cubans told agents they were picked up east of Havana by two men in a 30-foot, triple-engine speedboat.

The Cubans were detained 100 feet from the spot where they were dropped, said U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman Elee Erice. Typically, Cubans detained after reaching U.S. shores are processed and released.

The precise number in the group could not be determined. The NRC put the number at 33, but a Miami-Dade police report had it at 34. The group included four children.

Security at the plant has been managed by Wackenhut, but FPL did not respond to an e-mailed question asking whether the company still does. FPL also did not say who, if anyone, is responsible for safeguarding the canal system.

Earlier this year, FPL paid the NRC a $130,000 fine after an investigation found that six Wackenhut guards slept or acted as lookouts for napping guards while on the job at the Turkey Point plant. One guard was “sleeping while on duty at a post in a vital area of the reactor,” the NRC said.

In 2005, FPL officials told reporters how they had beefed up security at the Turkey Point plant to guard against terrorist incursions. A small private army armed with automatic weapons patrols the grounds, while bulletproof towers occupy strategic positions to scan the perimeter or lay down crossfire. The plant is ringed with barricades to stop vehicles and fencing to snare intruders.


The fall of Mexico

Posted by D.A. King at 10:17 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The Atlantic

The fall of Mexico

…More than 14,000 people have been killed in the almost three years since President Felipe Calderón mobilized the army to fight Mexico’s half-dozen major drug cartels. Virtually none of those homicides has been solved, partly because witnesses suffer short-term memory loss when questioned…


November 25, 2009


Posted by D.A. King at 7:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


We hope that you enjoy some time with your family. Everyday without another amnesty is something for which to be thankful.

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