July 31, 2015


Posted by D.A. King at 8:02 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

UPDATE-ADDED September 9, 2015:

Dax Lopez has resigned from GALEO! – Which does not make him suitable to be a federal judge. Keep pouring it on! More calls! More letters!

We understand that public pressure since his nomination has resulted in Dax Lopez’s resignation as a director on the board of GALEO. We also note that he did not resign when GALEO attacked and smeared Cobb Police, the Cobb Sheriff, the Gwinnett Sheriff and multiple state officials for the offense of merely trying to protect Georgians from the ravages of criminal illegal aliens.

We also note that Lopez did not resign from GALEO when they took and active role in opposing voter ID, passage of state laws aimed at preserving jobs and benefits for legal residents or joining the SPLC and the ACLU in a lawsuit against existing state law (HB 87- 2011) designed to encourage illegal aliens to migrate out of Georgia.

Dax Lopez has shown us his core values, including when he helped raise funds for GALEO’s mission of fighting against voter ID in our state.



“Dump Obama’s radical anti-enforcement illegal alien lobby federal judge nominee Dax Lopez now!”


U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue can and must stop the confirmation of Dax Lopez to the federal bench.

You can read the excited report from the AJC HERE. Note they forgot to include Lopez’s open affiliation with the race-baiting, illegal alien lobby group, GALEO.

PRO-AMNESTY GALEO, Founded in 2003 by former MALDEF board member and open borders bagman Sam Zamarippa, operated by anti-borders tribalist Jerry Gonzalez proudly boasts of Jane Fonda as a “Founding Friend” and is financed by corporate Georgia, including Coca Cola, Georgia Power, State Farm Insurance Co., a long list of immigration lawyers and Southwest Airlines.

A very short list of examples of Dax Lopez’s GALEO:

GALEO has organized and participated in marches in the streets of Atlanta demanding an end to any enforcement of American immigration laws. And they will again. Maybe with Federal Judge Dax Lopez!

GALEO has lobbied against Georgia sheriffs cooperation with federal immigration authorities and congratulated sheriffs for refusing to honor ICE detainers – exactly what got Kate Steinle killed in San Francisco on July 1st.

GALEO angrily opposes voter ID. And often allows Socialist and Communist pamphlets and banners at anti-borders rallies.

GALEO is well known in the Georgia Capitol for lobbying against any state laws that inhibit the crimes of illegal immigration and illegal employment.

GALEO Executive Director Jerry Gonzalez had to be removed by local police at a Rome, Ga. event when he became abusive to a diminutive female Georgia legislator in 2011.

GALEO joined other open borders groups in lawsuits to stop enforcement of an immigration and employment law (HB 87) in Georgia designed to deter illegal immigration.


If you are not familiar with GALEO and Jerry Gonzalez, please take a look at this recent newspaper column outlining more of GALEO’s leftist antics.


Because of his radical and leftist views, Dax Lopez has openly supported and served GALEO as front man and on its Board of Directors – and as Treasurer – for years. He has no business anywhere near any type of judgeship, much less a lifetime seat as an Obama-appointed and Republican-confirmed Federal Judge.

Somebody ask Lopez if Americans who want borders should “go back to Europe!”

Please begin calling the Washington D.C. and Georgia offices of Senators Isakson and Perdue today! “NO, TO DAX LOPEZ AS FEDERAL JUDGE!.”

You never know – maybe this is enough to get Tea Party groups in Georgia involved!

We can and must stop the madness. Remember that the Republicans control the Senate and the confirmation process!


U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson:

United States Senate
131 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-3643
Fax: (202) 228-0724

One Overton Park
3625 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 970
Atlanta, GA 30339
Tel: (770) 661-0999
Fax: (770) 661-0768

U.S. Senator David Perdue:

* 383 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3521
Fax: (202) 228-1031

Atlanta, Georgia191 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 3250
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-865-0087
Fax: 404-865-0311

July 28, 2015

QUICK FACT: 92% of the $1.87 billion spent on criminal illegal alien incarcerations last year came from the states.

Posted by D.A. King at 4:44 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

92% of the $1.87 billion spent on criminal illegal alien incarcerations last year came from the states HERE


Let us know if any of this somehow escapes from the liberal Georgia media files…

July 17, 2015

The truth about changing Georgia state senate rules to abolish the unrecorded votes on the floor – email exchange between me and the Secretary of the Senate office

Posted by D.A. King at 11:53 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Laura Messier
Office of the Secretary of the Senate
353 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334From: D.A. King [mailto:DKing1952@comcast.net]

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 12:39 PM
To: Messier, Laura
Subject: Re: Resolutions changing Senate Rules

Hi Laura, Thanks again.
To be clear: the resolution/attempt to change senate rules – including eliminating the “RISE STAND AND BE COUNTED” UNRECORDED VOTE – can be done anytime, not just every two years at the beginning of the biennial General Assembly. Correct?


D.A. King

On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:40 AM, Messier, Laura wrote:

Hey there,

I believe I have your answers. In no particular order:

– Yes, a resolution proposing changes to the Senate Rules can have as many sponsors as they like (obviously assuming they’re all Senators).
– It would NOT require a machine roll call vote, so it could be voted on by hand. A Senator can move for a recorded vote, though.
– Changes to the Rules will be referred to the Committee on Rules. If the Committee on Rules does not report it out within two legislative days it will be automatically discharged from the committee and put before the senate for a vote (which, again, could be a hand vote or a roll call).

I hope that covers it. Let me know if I missed something.


Laura Messier
Office of the Secretary of the Senate
353 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334

July 15, 2015

D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal today – Death by illegal alien deterrent: End Georgia Sanctuary Counties

Posted by D.A. King at 11:35 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. “Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits often without paying any taxes. “Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world.”

“Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

No, that wasn’t a campaign quote from Donald Trump. It certainty wasn’t anything Jeb! or Hillary said. It is from the mouth of Democrat U.S. Senator from Nevada, Harry Reid – but from 1993. We think Reid was working on the premise that American lives matter.

A reminder: On July 1, 2015 an illegal alien who had been deported five times killed a 32-year-old American woman, Kate Steinle, in San Francisco, a “sanctuary city” where local law enforcement does not honor requests from federal authorities to detain illegals for ICE pickup. Not that law related to immigration enforcement matter much in Obama’s transformed America.

We can only hope that this innocent and productive young women’s completely preventable death is as long-remembered as that of Michael Brown, the Ferguson, Missouri street thug who roughed up a cop after robbing a store before being shot by a police officer.

In case you are wondering, news reports are that, no, Barack Obama did not send an official delegation to Kate Steinle’s funeral on Thursday.

According to government data, about 120 immigrants released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings. To be clear: Obama has blood on his hands.

A direct result of the American ruling class just looking for a better life, death by released illegal alien is not a new occurrence. But the killing can be greatly reduced if local governments act to protect the people they were elected to serve by cooperating with the little real enforcement efforts the Obama regime allows.

Sanctuary cities are already “illegal” under federal law and have been since 1996.

So, for common sense Georgians looking for an issue to push in the next General Assembly, know this: Sheriffs in Fulton, DeKalb and Clayton counties have — quite proudly — made it policy to not honor ICE detainers for illegal aliens.

If you doubt that astoundingly mindless and dangerous fact, just take a look at the websites of the illegal alien lobby groups like the corporate-funded GALEO where the Executive Director, Jerry Gonzalez, congratulates the counties for advancing the anti-enforcement cause.

Gonzalez says releasing criminal illegal aliens makes us all safer.

So far, there is silence from the governor and most state legislators on these sanctuary counties — as well as the near-certainty that the consequences will be dire for more innocent Americans.

And Georgians should be speaking out in gratitude to Senator Josh McKoon from Columbus. He plans on expanding his bill, SB 6, aimed at ending the current loony practice of rewarding any illegal aliens with Georgia driver’s licenses, to include sanctioning local governments that refuse to protect us from criminal aliens. He wants to require the state to obtain data from the feds on criminal aliens released by the Obama administration and make it available to the public.

McKoon has seen the reports that other states are not just striving to make life comfortable for illegals, but actually hiring them to be public school teachers, giving them a license to practice law and putting them ahead of Americans and legal immigrants for instate tuition and taxpayer subsidized scholarships.

It should come as no surprise that the young conservative state senator is a constant target of the anti-borders left, including many in the liberal media blogosphere, but it should be an informative and shocking wake-up call that Republicans who ran as “conservatives” have in large part remained silent on offering their support for McKoon’s bold and potentially life-saving commonsense ideas.

To no one’s surprise, Cobb’s brave and no-nonsense sheriff, Neil Warren, has made clear his own strong support for McKoon and his intentions — including ending the practice of rewarding illegals with driver’s licenses.

21st century Georgia Legislators with their fingers in the air should try to find the passion of 1993 Harry Reid and voters should light up the legislator’s phones.

Maybe Americans killed by illegal aliens can get as much action and attention as has the Confederate flag.

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. He is assisting Sen. McKoon with his immigration legislation. Follow him on Twitter: @DAKDIS

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Death by illegal alien deterrent End Georgia Sanctuary Counties

July 13, 2015

Regarding Georgia state Senator Butch Miller and unrecorded votes – A letter to the editor in Gainesville that will never see print there…

Posted by D.A. King at 8:00 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below was sent to the Gainesville Times today for publication. As if…

Note, Georgia state Senator Butch Miller is @Butch_Miller on Twitter.


Dear editor,

RE; Proposal would ban driver’s licenses for some young immigrants

The Times recent report on state Senator Josh McKoon’s legislative effort to insure no illegal alien is rewarded with a Georgia drivers license and to compile a public registry of criminal aliens had an interesting quote about Senator Butch Miller’s position on the drivers license issue: “But Miller isn’t ready to grant exceptions to undocumented immigrants in Georgia or Hall County”.

It should not go un-noted that in the 2014 General Assembly, a bill (SB 404) with the same intent was defeated in the state senate. But not after a floor debate in which Miller made it clear that he favored giving drivers licenses to illegals. His comments from his seat during the debate made it clear that if “10,000” illegals had access to a drivers license (video HERE), that would result in as many auto insurance policy sales and an addition to the auto insurance industry economy. Don’t look now, but Butch Miller is a …car dealer. He voted against the 2014 bill.

McKoon’s 2015 bill, SB 6, is still alive – despite an amendment to add its goals to another drivers license bill being defeated by an unrecorded vote in the Republican super-majority state senate. Miller was not among the four senators who backed McKoon for a recorded vote on whether or not to approve the amendment. All of this is available on the video recording from Day 39 of the 40 day session.

McKoon has promised to introduce a resolution to allow the entire senate to vote on eliminating the rule that allowed the entire unrecorded vote process.

The vote on that decision can be held by another unrecorded vote if five senators don’t support McKoon’s sure-to-come motion for a recorded vote on whether or not to stop allowing unrecorded votes.

Confused readers may want to ask Senator Butch Miller for a further explanation.

D.A. King

King is president of the Dustin Inman Society and is assisting Senator McKoon with his immigration legislation.

Bill Clinton: To reduce inequality, you have to have tight labor markets …

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Bill Clinton: “What we should be trying to do is make sure that we’re all growing in real terms together. And having the right budget for the government and the right investment strategy is a part of it. But the end goal has got to be more vigorous job growth, a tighter labor market, which will raise incomes.”

Yet his wife demands market-flooding Gang of 8 bill.

July 9, 2015

Josh McKoon interviewed by Todd Rehm at Ga Pundit on his expansion of SB 6

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Enforcement works: An illegal alien tells us that illegal aliens leave when they cannot get a drivers license or a job

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WSB TV report on Georgia state Senator Josh McKoon’s July 8, 2015 press conference – Expand SB 6 and end illegal alien sanctuary policies in Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 9:08 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

July 8, 2015

Prepared remarks from Georgia state Senator Josh McKoon today’s Capitol press conference

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Below we have pasted the text of the remarks Georgia state Senator Josh McKoon made at a Georgia Capitol press conference just ended in Atlanta. We urge you to take the time to understand Senator McKoon’s goals for the next legislative session.

You can contact him HERE (and through his legislative assistant) with thanks and comments. Donna.Nealey(AT)senate.ga.gov

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery 8 July 2015 – Josh McKoon

“Good morning. Thank you for joining me today.

Today is the first in a series of media availabilities I will have to discuss legislative proposals for the upcoming session of the General Assembly.

For our purposes today, I am announcing two such proposals.

One, in the interest of government transparency, I intend to introduce a resolution in the Senate very early next session that would allow members to vote on changing Senate rules to end the practice of unrecorded votes on the Senate floor.

I have heard it said that the unrecorded, hand vote known as “rise stand and be counted” is necessary “to speed up debate.” Those of us dedicated to government accountability reject the premise that duly elected state Senators – for any reason – should ever cast a vote – on any issue – that cannot be readily visible and noted by our constituents. After serving in the legislature for five years I can say with a degree of certainty that we do not suffer from a lack of time to deliberate but rather the time we have is not appropriately prioritized. Ending the practice of unrecorded votes I suspect will result in a more deliberative and transparent public policy formation process that benefits all involved.

The Senate is empowered to amend this and all of our Rules at anytime during our two year biennium and I intend to give the Senate that opportunity.

Secondly, regarding the crime of illegal immigration, I want to announce the expansion of the language and goals contained in Senate Bill 6.

I am aware that many may not regard this as having the importance of a billion dollar-a-year transportation tax increase. But, I have seen estimates that we spend about $2.5 billion dollars each year from the Georgia budget on the crime of illegal immigration.

According to DHS, we have more illegal aliens than Arizona. While that crime is lowering our wages, hurting our own poor, costing us jobs and doing perhaps permanent damage to the concept of a government operated on the rule of law, all of that must be secondary to the fact that the Obama administration and local governments across the nation are releasing convicted, violent, deportable criminal aliens onto American streets who are murdering innocent people.

The most recent completely preventable murder of yet another American, Kathryn Steinle, who was shot down by an illegal alien who had multiple previous criminal convictions and had been deported five times can, and I fear will, eventually also happen here in Georgia. I am guessing that the general public is unaware that least three law enforcement agencies in the metro-Atlanta area reportedly have the same policies in place that allowed Kate Steinle’s illegal alien killer to be released by San Francisco law enforcement.

While there are very powerful forces aligned against any legislative actions intended to deter illegal immigration and illegal employment in Georgia, I am in hopes that our lifesaving bill will at least be granted a hearing in the senate and that the number of co-sponsors will increase. I will be introducing substitute language designed to increase public safety and save American lives.

We know that enforcement works at encouraging illegal aliens to leave Georgia. Attrition of – not an increase in – the illegal population is the goal of the enforcement provisions in SB 6.

The additions to my bill that already contains language to end the current practice of rewarding any illegal aliens with a Georgia drivers license will include:

1) A component that clarifies and expands the state definition of “sanctuary ” governments and policies.

Currently, I am informed that the sheriff’s offices in Clayton, DeKalb and Fulton counties have in place policies that refuse cooperation with federal law enforcement regarding ICE requests to hold illegal alien prisoners for federal enforcement action.

To be clear: We are exploring all possible methods of sanctioning any law enforcement agency that refuses to cooperate with ICE on detainers or sharing of information.

2) It is our intent to put into state law a requirement that state law enforcement officials are given access to currently available data from federal law enforcement sources regarding criminal aliens released onto American streets by the Obama administration and if possible, make that information available in the form of a public, online registry.

The thought here is that if we can track and register sex offenders, we can and should do the same for criminal aliens to protect American lives. We will be grateful for any and all assistance from the Georgia delegation in Washington D.C. on this.

3) To insure that Americans and legally admitted immigrants are not replaced in line by illegals, language is being added to SB 6 to clarify the intention of the legislature that no illegal alien will qualify for instate tuition in USG schools or technical colleges and are more clearly prohibited from accessing HOPE scholarship funding.

4) Also, in the interest of deterrence and making Georgia much less attractive to illegal immigration, SB 6 will be modified so as to prohibit aliens who do not have legal status from being licensed or employed as professionals in public schools or practicing law as attorneys as is happening in other states.

To the sure-to-come mindless howls of “mean-spirited” and “anti-immigrant”: Let me be clear that our intention is to honor our immigration system and the value of American citizenship by protecting the rule of law and the taxpayers we were elected to serve and defend. In my view, under the Gold Dome, we should strive to be pro-enforcement on immigration.

A time traveler from the Georgia of even ten years ago would be astounded by the unconstitutional actions of the president and current reward system we have in place for illegal aliens the Obama administration has endeavored to grant executive amnesty.

We must not be party to matching president Obama with a Georgia amnesty. The results of the creeping incrementalism of the last several years is undeniable.

In conclusion, to secure the safety of the people of our state so that no one in Georgia is the victim of a wanton crime that should never have happened like Kathryn Steinle, to insure that Georgians who are suffering from unemployment rates above the national average have a fair opportunity to get employed and to end the reward system for illegal aliens in Georgia I can and will continue to press for immediate consideration and action on the proposals I have outlined today.”

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