March 7, 2020

Letter to the editor, Augusta Chronicle: Gov Brian Kemp neglecting key campaign issue (criminal aliens) #BigTruckTrick

Posted by D.A. King at 5:13 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Candidate Brian Kemp and his Big Truck for rounding up criminal illegals Photo: The Hill


Augusta Chronicle
March 6, 2020

Letters to the editor

One of the reasons Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp edged out former Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle during the Republican primary runoff election in 2018 was because of his strong stance in enforcing immigration laws, which resulted in President Trumpā€™s endorsement.

Gov. Kemp has done a fine job providing strong leadership in passing the ā€œheartbeatā€ bill last year and fulfilling his promise to teachers. However, he has neglected one of his key campaign promises so far – strengthening and enforcement of laws in dealing with criminal illegal aliens in the state.

Excellent legislative bills were introduced last year and this year, but they are not getting any support from Gov. Kemp or our leadership in the General Assembly.

I canā€™t help but notice that too many of our elected representatives ignore their constituents and seem beholden to lobbying efforts of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and large corporations that demand cheap labor, or other groups that advocate for amnesty for illegals aliens ito appease a corrupt Democratic Party that exploits illegals to create a permanent underclass voting base. All of this puts law-abiding Americansā€™ safety and lives at risk.

Most people feel that we do not have a voice in the political process – that we canā€™t compete with huge campaign donations from corporations, unions and political action committees. We do and we can. We have the ultimate power with our individual votes.

Please contact the governorā€™s office and your state representatives and ask them to support the House Bill 915 – the Georgia Anti-Sanctuary Act.

YeSun Wiltse
