October 21, 2020

Memorable on legalization, the Associated Press & Dr. Rich McCormick, GOP candidate for congress, GA07

Posted by D.A. King at 1:48 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Dr. Rich McCormick. Photo, Ballotopedia.

From the Associated Press via Fox Five TV in Atlanta:

“McCormick said he wants a *path to citizenship for immigrants who “follow the law,” but supports a program where local police agencies partner with the federal government to arrest people in the country without legal permission, saying it takes criminals off the street. Bourdeaux opposes that policy, saying it breeds fear of police in immigrant communities and makes the district less safe because people then won’t call the authorities when they see crime.” Here.


McCormick answered “yes” to the below question on amnesty/legalization for illegal aliens to NumbersUSA (here):

1.) Oppose Amnesty? Do you OPPOSE offering the officially estimated 11 million people illegally in the U.S. a path to U.S. citizenship and/or long-term work permits (whether through a blanket amnesty or an “earned legalization” or other form)?

  • [  ] YES

  • [  ] NO

  • [  ] NOT TAKING A POSITION Comments:

It is necessary to cut through the agenda-driven dishonesty of the Associated Press and its intentional misuse of the word “immigrants.”


October 20, 2020

Continuing saga: Dalton open records: Second attempt to see GBI investigate multiple violations of state law regarding E-Verify and false documents * Kasey Carpenter

Posted by D.A. King at 12:05 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: USCIS

News on the (Dalton) complaints on filing false documents and violation of Georgia’s E-Verify for private employer laws.

Whitfield County Sheriff Scott Chitwood has declined to investigate the complaints we sent regarding the City of Dalton and restaurant owner Rep. Casey Carpenter. On the phone, I was finally successful in convincing a clearly reluctant Sheriff Chitwood to forward my complaint to the GBI, as I had originally requested but since he received the carefully laid out electronic complaints from his staff in a printed format, he told me that is how he would forward the material to GBI.

I explained that the information necessary to understand my complaints could not be accessed unless the reader was using the electronic version.

I am now in the process of attempting to see action from the District Attorney for Whitfield County (Bert Poston) and have sent that office the same electronic complaints with the below email with a copy sent to Diane Morgan, who I am told is the GBI Director’s assistant. I have not recieved confirmation of receipt and am now calling both offices:

Dear District Attorney Poston,

Please see the attached complaint, which is #2 of two complaints I filed with Whitfield County Sheriff Scott Chitwood on September 29, 2020 with the request that he forward them to the GBI. Both complaints are also posted online on our website: complaint #2 here , complaint #1 here.
Please note that I am copying the assistant to GBI Director on this email.
I request that your office forward my well-researched and sourced complaints to the GBI for further action.
I have received a response from Sheriff Chitwood today and quote it in its entirety here: “Your complaint was received, but after reading over it, the Whitfield Co. Sheriffs’ Office would not oversee such a complaint.   Your attention should be directed to the City of Dalton.” I also had a phone conversation with Sheriff Chitwood.
I would be extremely grateful for a reply confirming your receipt of this email.
Thank you,
D.A. King


October 19, 2020

Response from Whitfield County Sheriff Scott Chitwood on complaints for violation of state law Re: Dalton open records *Kasey Carpenter

Posted by D.A. King at 1:11 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below email from Sheriff Chitwood was received here on October 14, 2020 at 9:30 AM. It was actually two complaints. Both here. We also spoke on the telephone when I called him before I saw his email to me.

Sheriff Scott Chitwood. Photo, WCSD


“Your complaint was received, but after reading over it, the Whitfield Co. Sheriffs’ Office would not oversee such a complaint. Your attention should be directed to the City of Dalton.”


Update: 17 Nov 2020: I sent the complaints to the Whitfield County area District Attorney the same day I received the above answer from the Whitfield County Sheriff. But, we think it important to note the guidelines provided by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation on how they get involved in an investigation. From the GBI website, FAQ page:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the GBI get involved in an investigation?

    Under Georgia law, the GBI, as an assisting agency, can ONLY respond to requests for investigations from:

    • Governing officials of a municipality
    • District Attorneys <–
    • Sheriffs <–
    • Superior Court Judges
    • Chief law enforcement officers of any municipality
    • Chiefs of county police departments (in counties with population in excess of 100,000)
    • Chiefs of regular or volunteer fire departments (in suspected arson cases)
    • Governor of Georgia (by directive)


October 17, 2020

ADL, GALEO and KSU’s Center for Hispanic Studies 2005 “bludgeons of bigotry”

Posted by D.A. King at 11:02 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

While reading this anti-enforcement pap was and still is a hoot, we particularly enjoy reading the sentiment on page V: “According to a study (March 21, 2005) by the Pew Hispanic Center, the number of undocumented immigrants is approximately 11 million in the United States, despite current efforts to control illegal immigration though “higher fines, hordes of agents and hundreds of sensors.”

Who wrote and edited this little gem put out by the Kennesaw State University Center for Hispanic Studies?

The ADL and GALEO.

GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez – photo, DIS


Robert A. DeVillar, Ph.D., Senior Editor – Director KSU Center got Hispanic Studies and Jerry Gonzalez, MPA, Coordinating Editor, Executive Director, GALEO & GALEO Latino Community Development Fund, that’s who. Click on the image of the cover page below to read it. Don’t miss page V.







Immigration Crime Fighting: The Dustin Inman Society in the National Journal, 2005

Posted by D.A. King at 10:41 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Cover, National Journal, October, 2005

Enchanted Land Article




October 16, 2020

Dustin Inman Society board member Everett Robinson in the AJC today: Readers write – Anti-Enforcement GALEO is not a civil rights group

Posted by D.A. King at 9:03 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Great work, Ev!


Photo from online AJC opinion page today

October 9, 2020

Are illegal aliens with DACA being approved for Weapons Carry License in Georgia? – more info on the growing file WCL

Posted by D.A. King at 11:03 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: GunsToCarry


We have been asking questions on this for more than year. It looks like having a work permit may be even more of a jackpot bonus to illegal aliens than many people realize. Here is a Q/A from the Cobb County Probate Court office.

Illegal aliens with DACA are illegals aliens – no legal status, no lawful presence, not admissible and are removable, so says the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Here.

Directly from a Georgia Probate Judge;

“Because Georgia has incorporated the federal prohibitors into its WCL statute in order to allow a WCL holder to skip an instant background check to purchase a firearm, we have to comply with the federal requirements that we perform a NICS check on each applicant as well as an IAQ (immigration inquiry) on each person applying who is not a U.S. citizen.  These checks are performed through a terminal in our office which accesses that information – which has been authorized by the GBI.

I’m not computer-minded enough to tell you the specifics of how that information is obtained except we type in certain descriptive information into the software provided to us, including certain identifying numbers created through ICE on immigrants, to get the stuff we need to determine eligibility.

My Question to a former senior ICE Agent:

“What is the final report to the probate court from (ICE)/LESC on immigration status for a DACA recipient (who obviously has an EAD) and a hunting permit, DL/ID card. Will the DACA recipient who applies for WCL be approved by the reporting fed agency on lawful presence/legal status/immigration status?

FYI: Here is a write up of last year’s appellate court decision on DACA lawful presence.



attorney gave me quite a lengthy and comprehensive response. In a nutshell, aliens with DACA are in kind of a grey area. Some circuits have determined specifically that DACA does not confer lawful status for the purposes of 922(g)(5), while others have disagreed with that stance. The matter has not been litigated in the 11th circuit though, so our attorney couldn’t cite any precedent in GA related to the matter.

In the end, the matter of qualifying for a concealed carry permit is a state issue, so our policy would not govern their decision. But it would be our position that an alien with DACA is not lawfully present in the US for the purposes of 922(g)(5) and should not possess any firearm.

However, I don’t think Cobb is looking that far into it and is only concerned with whether or not the alien meets the criteria for the permit itself – not whether the alien should possess a firearm in the first place.”


How Do I Apply for a Weapons Carry License (WCL)? Here, from georgia.gov .

Here is Georgia law on firearms eligibility.





October 7, 2020

Liberal AJC explains to readers that corporate-funded anti-enforcement/anti-voter ID/anti-official English GALEO is a “civil rights group” – again — *UPDATED with DIS board member response letter

Posted by D.A. King at 9:58 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

photo: AJC

October 5, 202

A federal judge has dismissed requests from a civil rights group to require Gwinnett County and the state to send absentee ballot applications in Spanish.

“Nonetheless, this Court recognizes that Plaintiffs’ end goal of ensuring that Spanish-speaking Gwinnett voters receive bilingual absentee ballot applications is a reasonable and desirable outcome,” Ray wrote.

He said, though, that GALEO and the other groups lacked the standing to make the case. Ray said in his order that the individuals who said they weren’t sent Spanish-language ballot applications were able to get them from the county, and did vote. He added that a Spanish-language ballot application was accessible on the county website.

Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO’s executive director, said he disagreed with the judge’s analysis…. Read more here.

Note: I have no idea why the text above is so screwy…


Beginner’s Guide to GALEO from the 2015/2016 Dustin Inman Society campaign to stop the conformation of former GALEO board member Dax Lopez for federal court here.


Update: Dustin Inman Society board amber Everett Robinson just sent me the below letter to the AJC editor he sent in 2 weeks ago. Believe it or not, they ran part of it! Thanks Ev. Thanks, AJC!

Ev, our neighbor for 35 years and DIS board member addressing the room.


Dear AJC,

In a stunning abuse use of the term, the AJC recently referred to the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) as a “civil rights group” in a news report on their failed lawsuit against Gwinnett County involving foreign language voter ballots.

GALEO, funded by corporate-Georgia, is notorious for its long history of actively fighting against official English for government, voter ID and marching in the streets of Atlanta against immigration enforcement. GALEO has actually lobbied to convince local governments to refuse to honor ICE detainers when dangerous criminal illegal aliens are found to be in local jails and organized rallies against state laws to require public employers to use the federal E-Verify program aimed at insuring illegal labor does not take taxpayer-funded jobs.

As a proud, long-time board member of a citizen-funded group that advocates for an equal application of the law on immigration and for official English for government, this sixty-something, pro-enforcement Black conservative knows a civil rights group when he sees one.

Regarding GALEO: Being anti-official English and anti-enforcement on immigration does not a “civil rights” group make.

Everett Robinson


Board member, the Dustin Inman Society


October 5, 2020

Open records request – additional response from City of Dalton RE: Missing year’s affidavit from Oakwood Cafe *Kasey Carpenter

Posted by D.A. King at 11:00 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Photo: City of Dalton

The response on top was received here Oct 2, 5:23PM. We are grateful for the follow-up.


Mr. King,

I am sending a second follow up message to reply to the concerns you relayed; specifically, you noted that copies of the 2013 and 2014 Occupational Tax Certificate applications/affidavits for Oakwood Café were not present in the responsive document which we relayed to you.

I checked with the City Clerk’s office and was reminded that the retention schedule for SAVE and E-Verify affidavits is three (3) years according to the guidelines provided by the Secretary of State for Georgia (see details below. Thus, the City is simply not in possession of those physical records you requested for the years 2013 and 2014 (applications/affidavits). If you review the Excel spreadsheet documents which the City provided you, however, you will see that Oakwood’s records for those years are listed as being submitted to the Georgia state audit system in compliance with the law.

I regret that we did not let you know in advance that we did not possess those physical records as indicated above, but the City’s response to your records request provided all of the responsive records in our possession at the time of your request.

LG-16-038 | SAVE and E-Verify Affidavits
Category: Personnel
Description: Affidavits testifying to an individual’s right to receive public benefits. Note: Retention applies only to those affidavits not maintained as part of another record, such as a contract or bid response.
Retention: 3 years
Classification: Temporary-Short-Term
Updated: October 20, 2016

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your follow up questions, and feel free to contact me directly by email or phone if I can assist you further.

Best Regards,



Jason Parker
Dalton City Administrator
300 W. Waugh Street
P.O. Box 1205
Dalton, GA 30722

From: Jason Parker
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 2:47 PM
To: ‘D.A. King’
Subject: RE: City of Dalton Response to Request for Public Records

Good Afternoon,

I apologize for the delay in response and thanks for your follow-up questions as we strive to respond accurately and timely to all requests for public records. I am checking to see if there was an oversight in the records search and will get back with you shortly.

Feel free to call or email if you have questions in the meantime.



Jason Parker
Dalton City Administrator
300 W. Waugh Street
P.O. Box 1205
Dalton, GA 30722

Mexico is not sending us its best: Border Patrol Arrests Man Wanted for Rape, Murder (example # 2 gazillion…)

Posted by D.A. King at 8:40 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Photo: Wikipedia

Border Patrol Arrests Man Wanted for Rape, Murder

Release Date:
September 12, 2019

TUCSON, Ariz. – U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested a Mexican national with multiple warrants in both Mexico and Oregon for homicide and rape, respectively.

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Photo Courtesy of U.S. Customs and
Border Protection

Tucson Sector agents apprehended three men after they illegally crossed the border into the United States through a mountainous area outside Nogales. Records checks revealed one of the men, Juan Francisco Espinosa-Burgos, to be wanted for rape in Oregon City, Oregon. He is also wanted in Mexico for homicide.

All three subjects will be processed for immigration violations. Espinosa-Burgos will be handed over to Mexican law enforcement authorities following his extradition to Oregon for adjudication of his alleged crimes in the U.S.

Last modified:
September 12, 2019