February 20, 2020

Action needed to end sanctuary cities in Georgia – five minutes of your time *Brian Kemp

Posted by D.A. King at 12:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Illegal aliens protest borders in Atlanta, January, 2016 – photo DIS

Phone calls and emails to four Georgia politicians needed!

The General Assembly is back in session and there are several common sense illegal-immigration related bills that I hope you will help us get passed. We will send out another alert listing them Monday, but today we are beginning the process of education on legislation that needs our immediate attention. Ā Today.

Georgia’s Anti-sanctuary Act – HB915

Republican Rep Phillip Singleton has introduced HB915 which is a bill that would require all jails in Georgia to honor ICE detainers. This is an end to sanctuary policies. There is much more to it and you should read about it here from Rep Singleton, but the title of the bill pretty much says it all. The bill has 19 co-sponsors. But it should have many more.

Believe it or not, this lifesaving pro-enforcement bill may not pass the Republican-controlled legislature in an election year. More on that next week.

Right now and tomorrow we need phone calls and emails to Gov Kemp, Speaker Ralston and the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee where the bill has been sent. In addition, I plead with you to contact your own Rep to ask that they sign on to HB 915.

Remember candidate Kemp’s ā€œBig Truck?ā€ You can read one of many letters to the editor about Gov Kemp and his silence on criminal aliens ‘Kemp’s broken campaign promiseā€™ here.

It is hard for me to believe but I have come to realize that many pro-enforcement voters have forgotten that candidate Kemp promised us he would end sanctuary cities in Georgia during campaign in 2018. He hasnā€™t said a word about it or illegal immigration since then.

Below is a reminder about Gov Brian Kempā€™s campaign promise in a short video from 2018.

If you are wondering why candidate Kemp didnā€™t use forever-sixteen Dustin Inman from right here in Georgia as an example of Americans killed by illegal aliens in his TV ad, join the club. We hope you ask him. I will.

1) Please call Gov Kempā€™s office at 404-656-1776 and tell the nice young staffer that you want to leave a message for the governor. That message is simple:
“We are watching to see if you act on your campaign pledge on sanctuary cities and criminal aliens. We want you to start with public support for HB 915.ā€

–>WARNING: Governor Kemp has started a very arrogant ā€œdo not call meā€ policy (read about it here). If the staffer tells you that your message will not be delivered to the governor unless you send an emailed form, tell that staffer you will continue to call and that you are sending news of the refusal to take phone messages from voting Georgians to the Dustin Inman Society. Contact us at DA@TheDustinInmanSociety. org or leave a message on the DIS facebook page. Then call again. THENā€¦send in a note from the governorā€™s contact page form. Please (always) do both! It is important to keep the phones ringing.

2) Then – please call the office of the Speaker of the House, Rep David Ralston 404-656-5020 and leave a similar message with his staffer. – ā€œWe are watching to see if the Anti-Sanctuary Act, HB915 will see passage out of the house and we will want to know why if it doesnā€™t HB915 will save lives in Georgia by helping to deport criminal aliens.ā€ Then, please send Speaker Ralston a follow up email. Email address here.

3) Then, repeat the process with the House Judiciary Chairman, Rep Barry Fleming – 404-656-5125. Then send him an email with the same message. Email address here.

4) Then, please repeat with your own Republican Rep. Contact info here. Do not waste time on Democrats.

This will take you about five minutes. Please do it today (now is good!) and tomorrow. Sanctuary for illegal aliens is madness. HB915 will save lives if the Republicans who rule us will allow it to become law. The life you save may be one of your own family members.

**Please know well-paid, corporate-funded lobbyists from the Marxist anti-borders lobby are working the halls of the state Capitol to see that this bill does not see the light of day. They are telling your state Representative that ending sanctuary city policies will make Georgia less safe! You can read about that here.

Please share this with your friends and family.