May 31, 2013
Marietta Daily Journal
May 31, 2013
Will Georgia Senators vote for amnesty-again?
D.A. King
U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson says he is not hearing from many Georgians regarding the Senate amnesty bill. This sad fact is easily explained. Most GOP voters simply make the assumption that both of Georgia’s Republican senators are automatic “Nay” votes on the now 1,000-page monster legalization scam.
Trusting conservatives assume that because New York’s Chuck Schumer (that’s Schumer, with a radical “D”) is the bill’s sponsor, and because it is being pushed by Alinskyite Community Organizer in Chief Barack Obama, there is no need for concern about how the two GOP senators will vote.
This is a very unsafe assumption.
Isakson and fellow Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss had a hand in writing the last amnesty try in 2007. But they dropped out under withering negative public pressure. The Wall Street Journal reports Isakson was receiving 2,000 calls a day then but only about 100 a day on amnesty so far this year.
From reading past press releases and statements from Isakson and Chambliss, there is good reason for the “of-course-they-will-vote-no” assumptions and that they will continue the struggle to protect American workers.
Example? Here is one from a February 2010 joint press release (“Isakson, Chambliss: Improving Immigration Laws Will Help Unemployment”) illustrating both senators’ recognition of immigration’s direct relation to unemployment. It includes a letter to the president of the Senate urging enforcement of immigration laws.
“Isakson and Chambliss believe the millions of workers who are in the United States illegally are only exacerbating the unfair competition American workers currently face as they struggle to find jobs,” they wrote then.
A November 2009 missive to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano strongly criticized her comment that legalizing millions of undocumented individuals would somehow benefit our economy. The Isakson-Chambliss letter said, “With all due respect, legalizing those who have no legal right to be in the United States will not be a ‘boon’ to American workers. Rather, it would only exacerbate the unfair competition American workers currently face as they struggle to find jobs.”
In spring 2008 the Democrats tried to include legalization for some illegal aliens in an unrelated bill. Both senators spoke loudly against what they recognized as amnesty with another public statement (“Isakson, Chambliss Praise Senate’s Rejection of Amnesty Provision in Emergency War Supplemental Bill” May 2008): “Sens. Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss today praised the Senate’s refusal to include an amnesty provision in the emergency war supplemental bill. Language that would have granted legal status to over 1 million illegal agriculture workers and their families was stripped … from the spending bill for troops. … Isakson and Chambliss earlier this week had urged the Democratic leader to remove the amnesty provision from the bill.”
But earlier this month Politico described Chambliss and Isakson as Republican senators “who could be swayed to a yes vote on the Schumer-Rubio amnesty. It quotes both Georgia Senators. Chambliss said the bill includes “some good basic principles, and “not deal killers I see, right now.” Isakson revealed he was open to it.
“I’m not ready to embrace it,” Isakson said. “There’s not a red flag but not a green one either.”
“The key is Rubio,” said the executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. “Without Rubio, this bill would not get anywhere with Republicans. He gives them the cover.”
On his Senate website, Isakson makes clear his official position: “As I have stated in the past, when it comes to illegal immigration, it is absolutely critical to our state and to this nation that we first secure the borders, honor those who have come here legally by not offering amnesty, and restore credibility to our broken immigration system.”
Despite the hype, the ruse being promoted by Marco Rubio does none of the above. I have posted 40 verifiable facts that disprove the Rubio commercials in my MDJ blog.
Georgians who ever hope to see real border security and immigration enforcement should contact both Georgia senators to ask about today’s position on Schumer’s amnesty legislation.
D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. His blog is posted on www.MDJonline.com
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Will Georgia’s senators vote for ‘amnesty again ’
May 28, 2013
Sessions writes to Obama, asks he listen to ICE “whistleblowers”
U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, continues to lead the opposition to the current immigration reform package, yesterday writing a letter to President Obama asking that he speak with immigration officers with insight into enforcement shortcomings. — “We write today to express concern over the exclusion of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and their representatives from the negotiations surrounding immigration reform,” begins Sessions’s letter, which is co-signed by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va…
Cliff Kinkaid — Canada Free Press — Toronto
Big media lobbying for illegal alien amnesty
Big media corporations are lobbying for passage of the Gang of Eight’s 844-page immigration bill, S. 744. Critics call it amnesty. — Walt Disney Co. (owns ABC News) – Hearst Corp. (owns 15 daily newspapers, including the Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, Albany Times Union and San Antonio Express-News. Also, Hearst Television Inc., which comprises 29 television and two radio stations)…
Daily Caller
Rubio has long history of blocking immigration enforcement
Sen. Marco Rubio blocked numerous immigration-enforcement bills when he served as speaker in the Florida House of Representatives from 2007 to 2009. — “Rubio blocked any efforts to deal with the problems of illegal immigration on the local or state level,” one former politician from South Florida, who has known Rubio since his city councilman days in West Miami, told The Daily Caller…
May 22, 2013
Marietta Daily Journal
May 22, 2013
The many faces of amnesty-again: Marco Rubio slipping in polls (also: ”
The Many Faces of Marco — Rubio is pro-amnesty, anti-amnesty, etc. …”)
Good news for conservatives! Marco Rubio’s “I wanna be president” poll numbers are taking a decided dip. That happy fact is starting to make this writer think there may be hope for a dash of sanity in immigration this year. Maybe even hope for the Republican Party. Possibly even for conservatives too!
It seems that despite the all-out efforts of the big-money, legalization-again machine and the liberal media (apologies for the repetition), many real conservatives recognize the stench of betrayal radiating from Golden Boy Rubio and his “it’s not amnesty” scam.
As noted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Rubio’s approval rating among self-described conservatives has dropped since the Schumer/Rubio Gang of Eight Amnesty bill was unveiled.
A Public Policy Poll released last week shows that, when asked for their preference on a GOP candidate for the 2016 presidential race, only 17% of “very conservative” respondents indicated support for Rubio That’s down nine points from March. Only 18% of “somewhat conservative” respondents supported him – a four point decline from before the amnesty bill introduction.
Rubio’s approval numbers went down about five points with Latinos in the same polling since introducing his amnesty bill.
This is the exact opposite effect the Republican establishment has been peddling. Apparently, many Latinos didn’t get the memo from John McCain and GOP central that they were supposed to be all-in on amnesty, expanding legal immigration and adding 33 million more job-seekers to the American labor market in the next decade while trashing American immigration laws.
Voters who still depend on the liberal mainstream media for their “news” may need a little background on Rubio and his campaign promises before he was elected to the U.S. Senate as a ( I love this) “Tea Party Darling.”
So let’s outline some campaign promises and position statements from Marco Rubio on legalization for millions of undocumented Democrats. Here is one courtesy of PowerLine blog. Rubio, 2009: “If you go to people and say: “Look, well you’ve been here for so long that even though you broke the law we’re going to let you stay. . .it demoralizes the people that are going through the legal process: it’s a very clear signal that ‘why go through the legal process if you can accomplish the same thing through the illegal process?’
Rubio then said, “I never have and never will support any effort to grant blanket legalization amnesty to folks that have stayed in this country illegally.” This was well before he went to the U.S. Senate and fell in with the John McCain/Lindsey Graham anti-enforcement crowd. It was also before he began tirelessly hauling water for Democrat Chuck Schumer.(Note: Schumer was shilling in the U.S. House for the 1986 version of ‘it’s not amnesty’. On my MDJ blog, readers can see actual archived video of him and others parroting the exact same fairy-tales being used as arguments for the 2013 legalization).
Heads up, for those who may have missed it: The “reform” bill Rubio is now hawking for big business removes the illegal status from the millions of illegal aliens within months of the left-handed signature of Barack Obama were it to become law. They become legal residents and eligible for state and local benefits on the spot. The promise, even less than in 1986, is that there will be a “plan” devised to secure the border after “it’s not amnesty.”
In a 2010 Fox News campaign debate against Florida’s Charlie Crist, Rubio also declared: “As far as amnesty, that’s where the governor [Crist] and I disagree. He would have voted for the (2007) McCain plan. I think that plan is wrong, and the reason why I think it’s wrong is that if you grant amnesty, as the governor proposes that we do, in any form, whether it’s back of the line or so forth, you will destroy any chance we will ever have of having a legal immigration system that works here in America.”
Marco Rubio is often described as a “fresh face” in GOP politics. We surmise that fully depends on which of his faces are in question. Here’s hoping for the expanded recognition of the arrogance and contempt he clearly holds for the intelligence and memory of pro-enforcement Americans.
Despite Rubio’s ridiculous radio and TV ad campaign, a Rasmussen poll last week shows only 30% think the government is likely to actually secure the border if the Gang of Eight legalization scam passes.
Apparently, the other 70% remember 1986.
Here’s hoping they always remember the many faces of Marco Rubio too.
D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized expert on illegal immigration. The Dustin Inman Society on Facebook – Twitter @DAKDIS
May 17, 2013
File from 2007. Parking here for research reasons. GOAL: To learn if any of this 2006 & 2007 language is in the Rubio/Schumer scam s 744
See HERE for expanded explanation
The excerpts from three pieces of federal legislation on the three following pages come from the U.S. Senate’s 2006 Comprehensive Immigration Act.( s 2611) and this year’s Flake Gutierrez House bill,(the Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy (STRIVE) Act – HR 1645… and s 1348 2007
Note: the Judicial Watch FOIA obtained SPP organizational chart contains members from many U.S. official governmental departments, including the State Department. http://www.judicialwatch.org/5979.shtml
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by Senate)
a) Requirement for Reports- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies, shall submit to Congress a report on improving the exchange of information related to the security of North America.
3) VISA POLICY COORDINATION AND IMMIGRATION SECURITY- The progress made by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to enhance the security of North America by cooperating on visa policy and identifying best practices regarding immigration security, including the progress made–
(A) in enhancing consultation among officials who issue visas at the consulates or embassies of Canada, Mexico, or the United States throughout the world to share information, trends, and best practices on visa flows;
(B) in comparing the procedures and policies of Canada and the United States related to visitor visa processing, including–
(i) application process;
(ii) interview policy;
(iii) general screening procedures;
(iv) visa validity;
(v) quality control measures; and
(vi) access to appeal or review;
(C) in exploring methods for Canada, Mexico, and the United States to waive visa requirements for nationals and citizens of the same foreign countries;
(D) in providing technical assistance for the development and maintenance of a national database built upon identified best practices for biometrics associated with immigration violators;
(E) in developing and implementing an immigration security strategy for North America that works toward the development of a common security perimeter by enhancing technical assistance for programs and systems to support advance automated reporting and risk targeting of international passengers;programs and systems to support advance automated reporting and risk targeting of international passengers;
STRIVE Act of 2007 (Introduced in House- Flake – Gutierrez)
a) Requirement for Reports- Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies, shall submit to Congress a report on improving the exchange of information related to the security of North America.
3) VISA POLICY COORDINATION AND IMMIGRATION SECURITY- The progress made by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to enhance the security of North America by cooperating on visa policy and identifying best practices regarding immigration security, including the progress made–
(A) in enhancing consultation among officials who issue visas at the consulates or embassies of Canada, Mexico, or the United States throughout the world to share information, trends, and best practices on visa flows;
(B) in comparing the procedures and policies of Canada and the United States related to visitor visa processing, including–
(i) application process;
(ii) interview policy;
(iii) general screening procedures;
(iv) visa validity;
(v) quality control measures; and
(vi) access to appeal or review;
(C) in exploring methods for Canada, Mexico, and the United States to waive visa requirements for nationals and citizens of the same foreign countries;
(D) in providing technical assistance for the development and maintenance of a national database built upon identified best practices for biometrics associated with immigration violators;
(E) in developing and implementing an immigration security strategy for North America that works toward the development of a common security perimeter by enhancing technical assistance for programs and systems to support advance automated reporting and risk targeting of international passengers;
Subtitle C–Southern Border Security
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)
(a) Requirement for Reports- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies, shall submit to Congress a report on improving the exchange of information related to the security of North America.
(3) VISA POLICY COORDINATION AND IMMIGRATION SECURITY- The progress made by Canada, Mexico, and the United States to enhance the security of North America by cooperating on visa policy and identifying best practices regarding immigration security, including the progress made—
A) in enhancing consultation among officials who issue visas at the consulates or embassies of Canada, Mexico, or the United States throughout the world to share information, trends, and best practices on visa flows;
(B) in comparing the procedures and policies of Canada and the United States related to visitor visa processing, including–
(i) application process;
(ii) interview policy;
(iii) general screening procedures;
(iv) visa validity;
(v) quality control measures; and
(vi) access to appeal or review;
(C) in exploring methods for Canada, Mexico, and the United States to waive visa requirements for nationals and citizens of the same foreign countries;
(E) in developing and implementing an immigration security strategy for North America that works toward the development of a common security perimeter by enhancing technical assistance for programs and systems to support advance automated reporting and risk targeting of international passengers;
May 14, 2013
 DIS billboard. One of six. Image: DIS
To avoid the semantics scam: “Amnesty” is any legislation or act that removes the illegal status from illegal aliens and allows them to remain in these United States. Under any terms or conditions, legalization is amnesty and amnesty is legalization. We remember 1986.
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson
Washington D.C. Office
United States Senate
131 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-3643
Fax: (202) 228-0724
Below are photos of the two latest citizen donor-sponsored Dustin Inman Society billboards that went up today here in the Metro Atlanta area of Georgia, USA. We think they are self explanatory.
The red billboard is up at 997 Reinhardt College Pkwy Canton, GA 30114. (In front of Cherokee Muffler – from downtown Atlanta: I-575 N to exit # 20, left on Riverstone Pkwy to Hwy 140. Right on Hwy 140 – which is also Waleska St. – about 1.5 miles. Billboard is on the left and best visible from the southbound lane)
The blue billboard is up at 6376 Bells Ferry Rd., Acworth Georgia. (In front of European Motorworks – between Hwy 92 and Eagle Dr that enters the Town Lake community and best visible from soutbound lane)
We include a quote from a 2007 press release regarding the 2007 amnesty attempt (Isakson, Chambliss: Immigration Bill Not Good Enough For Georgia) put out by U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss
:”Senator Isakson and I have worked tirelessly to ensure that this bill addresses Georgians’ concerns,” said Chambliss. “We must be allowed ample time to engage in a thoughtful and full debate so that we continue to improve this legislation. The window on immigration reform is closing and if we are going to have reform, it must be done in the right way–border security first, no amnesty, no new pathway to citizenship.”
Also a quote from Senator Isakson in another release when the 2007 amnesty legislation failed in the U.S. Senate:
“Isakson believes border security must be “de-coupled” from the rest of the immigration bill, and that it must be the first, separate step of reform, before anything else takes place. He believes this is the only way to assure the American people that the President and the Congress are serious about securing the border. “
We note with great concern that the Rubio-faced amnesty bill of 2013 is legalization first and the promise of enforcement later. Just like 1986. And that the Senate Judiciary Committee is busy dismantling laws that have been ignored since 1996 regarding biometric monitoring of temporary visa holder’s departure from the post 9/11 USA.
The RubiObamAmnesty bill is not border security first and most Americans can see that if there was any intention of securing the border it would have been done starting on September 12, 2001 or at least before the shameless husksters-for-open-borders in both parties began the 2013 amnesty-again campaign.
Many thanks to the DIS supporters who made these billboards possible. More to come!

May 8, 2013
Note from D.A. – I have been hearing a 30 second version of the below Rubio-“I am a conservative and its not amnesty”-fable on the local Atlanta radio station, WSB-AM and its sister FM station for several days here. At least once it ran twice, back-to-back.
I checked with WSB ad sales: the price for each 30 second hit is $750.00. Apparently the promo for more foreign workers and legalization is funded by Mark Zuckerburg’s open borders org, FWD.us .
Bonus info: Apparently the illegal alien lobby is upset that Zuckerburg is pushing amnesty for the wrong reasons.
Date: May 8, 2013
FILE NAME Marco Rubio/Mark Zuckerburg/Barack Obama ad for amnesty-again: Today
Length of file : 01.00 minutes
Marco Rubio : Male voice
MALE SPEAKER : Unidentified Male voice
[AUDIO BEGINS] [Today] (All direct exact quotes)
Marco Rubio: Anyone who thinks that we have now in immigration is not a problem is fooling themselves. What we have in place today is De Facto Amnesty.
Male Speaker: Conservative leaders have a plan but toughest enforcement measure in the history of the United States.
Marco Rubio: I have to pass the background check, they have to be able to pay a registration fee, they have to pay a fine.
Male Speaker: Order security on steroids. Tough border triggers have no giveaways for law breakers.
Marco Rubio: No federal benefits, no food stamps, no welfare, no ObamaCare, they have to prove that they’re gainfully employed.
Male Speaker: Bold, very conservative, a tough line on immigration.
Marco Rubio: They put some place the toughest in enforcement measures in the history of the United States potentially in the world and it once and for all deal with the issue of those that are here illegally but does so in a way that’s fair and compassionate but does not encourage people to come illegally in the future and isn’t unfair to the people that have done it the right way.
Male Speaker: Stand with Marco Rubio to end De Facto Amnesty, support Conservative Immigration Reform.
[AUDIO ENDS] [Today]
May 7, 2013
RUBIO QUOTES! Some Rubio quotes and promises from his campaign for the Senate from Powerline blog:
“…When Rubio was running for the Senate in 2009, he told a Florida political blogger that, with regard to immigration, “the most important thing we need to do is enforce our existing laws.” He added:
If you go to people and say: “Look, well you’ve been here for so long that even though you broke the law we’re going to let you stay. . .it demoralizes the people that are going through the legal process: it’s a very clear signal that ‘why go through the legal process if you can accomplish the same thing through the illegal process?’
Rubio then said, “I never have and never will support any effort to grant blanket legalization amnesty to folks that have stayed in this country illegally.”
Later in 2009 (according to Mediaite), Rubio told a Florida Republican club that, unlike his opponent Charlie Crist, he would not have voted in favor of legislation allowing illegal workers to earn legal status.
Rubio called this “blanket legalization.”
Similarly, during a Fox News debate in 2010, Rubio declared: “As far as amnesty, that’s where the governor [Crist] and I disagree. He would have voted for the McCain plan. I think that plan is wrong, and the reason why I think it’s wrong is that if you grant amnesty, as the governor proposes that we do, in any form, whether it’s back of the line or so forth, you will destroy any chance we will ever have of having a legal immigration system that works here in America.”
Finally, during a CNN debate shortly before the 2010 election, Rubio had this exchange with Candy Crowley:
CROWLEY: You’re going to close the borders, get the electronic system, fix the legal system, and then do what?
RUBIO: “You’ll have people in this country that are without documents that will be able to return to the – will be able to leave this country, return to their home land, and try to re-enter through our system that now functions, a system that makes sense.”
In other words, “self-deportation.”
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