December 28, 2012

ACTION NEEDED! Please make your voice heard in Georgia: Help save JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Don’t allow Georgia’s elected officials to ignore the crimes of illegal immigration and illegal employment

Posted by D.A. King at 2:43 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

ACTION NEEDED! –Five minutes of your time !

Don’t allow Georgia’s elected officials to ignore the crimes of illegal immigration and illegal employment! Make your voice heard! Help save the budget! Help save JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!

The entire Georgia state government is (officially) controlled by Republicans!

The Dustin Inman Society
December 27, 2012

Dear Pro-enforcement American,

You can sign up for Action Alerts and newsletters from the Dustin Inman Society HERE

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Please don’t let illegal immigration be dismissed by Georgia’s Republicanleadership…

*According to the U.S. Census and DHS, Georgia ranks number six in the nation in its population of illegal aliens, with more than Arizona.

*The Pew Hispanic Center has estimated that at least 7% of the state’s workforce is black-market, illegal labor. The official unemployment rate is hovering between 8% and 9%.

• English is an optional language
• Georgia spends around $2.4 billion each year on illegal immigration
• The liberal media constantly presents the illegals as the victims and the pro-enforcement Americans as the “mean-spirited” villains
• The USA takes in more legal immigrants than any other nation – Mexico is the number one sending country. Communist China is number two.

*Despite massive public clamoring to pass an important and badly needed illegal immigration-related bill last session (SB 458), the 2012 General Assembly was the first year since 2004 that the legislators failed to pass any legislation protecting jobs for Georgians aimed at illegal immigration. The improvements to Georgia law offered in that bill are even more urgent now. Illegal aliens, having escaped capture at America’s borders, are coming to Georgia, then going to their home country consulates and then obtaining a passport. That foreign passport obviously does not contain the proper visas or stamps issued by American immigration authorities at our borders – we call them undocumented passports. BUT- under Georgia law, illegal aliens can use these undocumented passports to “prove” they are here lawfully to Georgia law enforcement and public benefits administrators.

*The media is howling that “nurses can’t work because Georgia has illegal immigration laws…”- without telling you that if SB 458 had been allowed to pass last session, the confusion and extra admin work would have been avoided.

*Worse, many of the state laws put in place in the past designed to safeguard Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!, public benefits and state budget dollars are being ignored while valid complaints filed against these violations by state and local elected and appointed officials to the Georgia’s Immigration Enforcement Review Board are also being brushed aside and delayed.

*Having publicly lamented in 2011 that Georgia taxpayers spend about $2.4 billion a year on illegal immigration, currently Governor Nathan Deal is calling for cutbacks in most state agencies to help balance the budget. But, Governor Deal, along with Lt. Governor Casey Cagle has gone silent on the state’s obvious illegal immigration spending problem.

*Georgia’s powerful Speaker of the House, David Ralston has made it clear in responses to media queries that he approves of the intent of some in Washington DC to attempt to repeat the failed amnesty of 1986 for illegal aliens and fully intends to prevent a final vote on any immigration related legislation in the Georgia state House. Here is an out-take from a recently published Q&A with Speaker Ralston from the AJC’s “Political Insider”:

AJC -Q: Given that Republicans in Washington are reassessing their approach to immigration reform (amnesty), will the Legislature hold off on the issue?

Speaker Ralston -A: I’m hopeful that maybe now is the time. It’s long overdue. The states have acted. I don’t plan for us to revisit that issue here.

*It is important that all concerned understand that illegal immigration is not somehow a separate issue from any other topic in Georgia. Have you heard your own state Senator or state Representative mention the cost in budget dollars and Jobs!, Jobs!, Jobs! of Georgia’s illegal immigration crisis lately?

*FYI– Legalizing 12-20 million illegal aliens (500K-one million here in Georgia) would result in them becoming eligible for many millions more in taxpayer benefits and entitlements that are now not legally available to them because of their illegal status! And they won’t vote GOP if they are made into “Americans.” You may want to point that out to the “small-government” GOP politicians.

ACTION NEEDED:Please call, email and fax Governor Deal, Lt. Governor Cagle and Speaker Ralston and the other leaders below, along with your own state Senator and state House Rep to let them know you expect them to act in the 2013 Georgia General Assembly to put in place the common sense language they failed to pass in the 2012 session.

Suggested message: “We are watching and expect you to act on illegal immigration in Georgia- including to correct the current loophole that allows illegal aliens to “prove” they are here lawfully with foreign passports they obtain here in Georgia after they have escaped capture by American Border Patrol Agents. These “undocumented passports” do not contain the required federally issued visas or entry stamps that legal aliens must obtain when they come into our country the legalway. Accepting these undocumented foreign passports as Secure and Verifiable ID in Georgia is dangerous and only serves to encourage continued illegal immigration and allows illegal aliens to take jobs from Georgians and drain our budget.”

*Please start calling and emailing NOW and continue until the 12013 session starts in mid-January. Your own state Rep and state Senator needs to hear from you too!
You can leave a voice mail

Governor Nathan Deal
Call 404-656-1776
Email HERE – contact formFax 404/657-7332

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle
Call 404-656-5030
Email HERE (contact form)Fax (404) 656-6739

House Speaker David Ralston
Call 404-656-5020
Fax 404.657.8277

House Majority Leader Larry O’Neal
Call 404-656-5052
Fax404 656 5902

Senate Majority Leader (elect) Ronnie Chance
Call 404-463-1366
Fax 404 657 9887

Senate President ProTem (elect) David Shafer
Call 404-656-0048
FAX (404) 651-6768

December 21, 2012

Parasitic hucksters at the SPLC now attacking “Anarcho Terrorists” – no, really

Posted by D.A. King at 9:01 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Short of Actually Scary People, SPLC Targets Anarcho-Capitalists

I have to assume that it’s fundraising time at the Southern Poverty Law Center, because Morris Dees and company have gone looking for new people to label enemies of the republic. This time, they’ve found those long underappreciated serpents nesting in our midst, notorious fellow-travelers of the Patriot Movement knows as … anarcho-capitalists?

That even SPLC writer Leah Nelson, may think her organization is reaching a bit far with this one might be indicated by the oddly passive title of the piece, “‘Anarcho-Capitalists’ Seen as Cousins of the ‘Patriot’ Movement.” They are? By whom? Oh. You mean the SPLC sees them as “cousins” yada yada and somehow potentially dangerous and hateful…

More grins HERE

Georgia immigration board moves to set up hearing

Posted by D.A. King at 8:42 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Associated Press

Macon Telegraph

December 20, 2012

Ga. immigration board moves to set up hearing

ATLANTA — A state panel created to ensure that government employees comply with Georgia’s tough immigration law will likely hold its first hearing on a complaint early next year.

Members of the Immigration Enforcement Review Board on Thursday voted to instruct chairman Ben Vinson to take steps to set up a hearing on a July complaint by D.A. King, an activist against illegal immigration.The complaint alleges the state Department of Community Affairs isn’t complying with a state law requirement to collect specific information from government agencies that administer public benefits and to compile that information in a report by Jan. 1 of each year.

Vinson also announced during the meeting that board member Robert Mumford recently resigned from the board to become a Rockdale County Superior Court judge. House Speaker David Ralston, who appointed Mumford to the board, is responsible for choosing his replacement.Created under the state’s strict 2011 law, the board is charged with investigating and reviewing complaints filed by any Georgia registered voter that a state or local government employee or official is violating state laws related to immigration. It began accepting complaints early this year.

The board has broad power to investigate complaints, hold hearings, subpoena documents and witnesses and take disciplinary action. Public employees or officials found to have “knowingly and willfully violated or failed to abide by” the laws can be punished by a fine of up to $5,000.However, the board has gotten few financial resources and no paid staffers to help it fulfill its mission. The logistical requirements for a hearing, including bringing in a court reporter and having subpoenas delivered, need to be figured out, Vinson said after the hearing.Board members went back and forth over whether they should get the ball rolling on setting up a hearing or wait for the Department of Community Affairs to submit additional data for 2012 that is due at the end of the year.

Board member Phil Kent pushed for a hearing, saying it was clear to him the department wasn’t complying with the law.”We are the only entity that can sanction. We can’t just continue to have non-compliance, in my opinion,” he said.John Turner, director of the department’s community development division, said he believed the agency was complying with the law and that it had taken concrete steps to educate other agencies that are supposed to submit reports. He said the department had addressed the issues in the complaint and asked that it be dismissed.”We want to see total compliance with this law, but DCA is not a regulatory agency,” he said, later adding, “We have no means by which we can require public entities in the state of Georgia to register and report.”

King, who has filed four of the five complaints received this year by the board, has expressed frustration that the board hasn’t moved more quickly and decisively on his complaints. He said he wasn’t optimistic that meaningful action would result from the board’s future steps.”I have seen no action taken by this board that would deter any agency from committing future violations,” King said after Thursday’s meeting.

King’s first complaint, which targeted the city of Atlanta, was resolved when the city council repealed an old ordinance to comply with state law. The board has delayed action on another of his complaints until it sees how things play out with the one that seems destined for a hearing.

He recently submitted a letter to the board withdrawing his fourth complaint. The board’s fifth complaint was dismissed after a preliminary investigation for lack of cause.The complaint King withdrew claimed that nearly 1,200 state agencies that are required to use a federal database called E-Verify to check the employment eligibility of new hires had failed to submit compliance reports to the state auditor as required by law.

After the board delayed action on the complaint at its meeting in September, King asked the attorney general’s office to pursue the complaint. The attorney general’s office said it would not get involved because the complaint was pending before the board. In a letter that he said he planned to mail after Thursday’s meeting, King asked the attorney general’s office to reconsider the complaint now that it’s no longer pending before the board.

Read more here:

December 14, 2012

Cobb County Georgia: Police Chief clears it up: Even with the recent state law, we don’t really care about your immigration status! WELCOME!

Posted by D.A. King at 9:19 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

“Typically we’re not making an arrest strictly on a hold on an immigration issue.”

Marietta Daily Journal
December 14, 2012

Cobb Police Chief reveals sanctuary ‘policy’

In light of the federal court ruling this week saying Georgia law enforcement authorities may check the immigration status of criminal suspects who fail to produce proper identification, the Journal sat down with Cobb County Police Chief John Houser on Thursday to learn how he intends to implement the new law. — MDJ: What differences will we see with this new law? — Houser: We have had discretionary powers…


Judge lifts hold on part of Ga. immigration law

Posted by D.A. King at 9:37 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Note; I have seen and heard Judge Thrash in action on immigration enforcement. Trust me, this was a very unpleasant action for him. dak

Associated Press

Judge lifts hold on part of Ga. immigration law

December 11, 2012

ATLANTA — A federal judge in Atlanta has cleared the way for a section of Georgia’s tough law targeting illegal immigration that had been blocked to enter into effect.

U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Thrash on Monday signed an order adopting a judgment on the law by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. In a ruling before the law was set to take effect in July 2011, Thrash had issued preliminary injunctions that blocked some parts of the law pending the outcome of a legal challenge to the law filed by a coalition of activist groups.

A three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit in August ruled that a part of the law that authorizes law enforcement to verify the immigration status of criminal suspects who fail to produce proper identification should be allowed to go into effect. Thrash’s order, which showed up in an online filing system Tuesday, seems to indicate that law enforcement agencies can immediately begin enforcing that section of the law, said lawyers in the case.

The 11th Circuit panel left in place Thrash’s injunction blocking part of the law that makes it illegal for someone to knowingly harbor or transport an illegal immigrant during the commission of a crime. That section of the law remains blocked under Thrash’s new order. The state can still appeal that part of the 11th Circuit decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The order issued Monday does not resolve the lawsuit filed by the activist groups challenging the law. It merely addresses the preliminary injunctions. The full legal challenge to the law, which alleges it is unconstitutional and is pre-empted by federal law, could drag on for years, lawyers in the case said.

“We’re going to be monitoring the implementation of the show-me-your-papers provision in Georgia very carefully,” said Karen Tumlin, a lawyer with the National Immigration Law Center, referring to the law enforcement section of the law. She said they’ll gather evidence on how the law is interpreted and enforced to use in seeking a permanent injunction of that section.

The Georgia attorney general’s office said in a statement that Thrash’s order simply applies the recent 11th Circuit order applying Section 8, the law enforcement provision of the law.

“As the State has argued throughout this litigation, Section 8 does not break new ground as law enforcement already independently possesses this authority,” the statement says.

Omar Jadwat, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, one of the groups that challenged the law, said that while the order seems to lift the injunction, “it would be irresponsible for the state to go ahead and start enforcing it without providing guidance to law enforcement on how it should be enforced.

Police departments and sheriff’s offices in the state are governed by local governments, which will have to make decisions about how to enforce the law. Unlike similar laws in other states, such as Arizona, Georgia’s law does not require officers to check someone’s immigration status. Instead it authorizes them to do so during the investigation of another crime if the suspect cannot produce an acceptable form of identification, such as a valid driver’s license.

Terry Norris, executive director of the Georgia Sheriff’s Association, and Frank Rotondo, executive director of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police, both said they hadn’t issued any sort of guidance to local agencies on how to enforce the law.

Norris plans to talk to his organization’s training committee to see if they planned to issue any guidelines, but because of the large number of laws that officers have to enforce it’s not practical to issue guidance for each one, he said.

“If anything changes, it will not be an overnight change,” he said. “It will be a gradual acknowledgement of the provisions and a determination of how to enforce them.”

Rotondo said he doesn’t expect it to have a great impact on the way law enforcement officers operate and that individual local agencies will enforce the law based on their resources and priorities.


December 9, 2012

ACLU: “…stop the senselessness of continuing to build a border enforcement regime” – Intercepted Pearl Harbor Day email from the illegal alien lobby

Posted by D.A. King at 4:41 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Below I post a copy of the text of several emails received here yesterday.

“…stop(s) the senselessness of continuing to build a border enforcement regime.” – Vicki B. Gaubeca
Director, Regional Center for Border Rights
ACLU of New Mexico

With the coming fight in congress regarding a repeat of the failed 1986 “one-time” amnesty for illegal aliens, what do you do on Pearl Harbor Day 2012 if you are part of leftist ACLU, open borders – La Raza network who will always fight against immigration enforcement – no matter the outcome of the legalization plot? You send out a national call to supporters to sign on to a letter to Dear Ruler urging him to end the border security and enforcement concept. American borders and immigration laws being such evil, mean-spirited, anti-family-unity human and civil rights violations and all…

This email was sent here by several readers. Apparently it went nationwide. It seems that the ACLU open borders agenda was a bit too clear for some in their anti-enforcement network. One sender included a note saying that he could no longer “remain silent” on the ACLU’s radical platform and asked me to share this in case it helps. We’ll see.

Note from D.A.: I have deleted the last ACLU senders’ names here to protect the people who forwarded me the email from the despicable open-borders ACLU critters, who are protected by the MSM.

I have sent this entire mail to the following news agencies/people: Senior immigration reporter at the New York Times, senior immigration reporter at the Associated Press, senior reporter, show host at WABE FM Atlanta which is the local NPR station here in Atlanta, Washington DC political reporter for the AJC, assorted pro-enforcement immigration reduction leaders in Washington, so far one congressman and several Georgia state legislators.

I included the following observation to the reporters: “1000 to 1 – against: the odds I put on the (the news outlet you work for – ie: Associated Press, NYTimes…) ever telling the American public about this effort or agenda.” dak

After I hit “post” here I will send it to a senior immigration reporter at the WSJ.

Please send word if you see pigs soaring down your street or any part of this in any “news” report. Ever.

The intercepted ACLU email below:

Begin forwarded message:
From: **** *****
Date: December 7, 2012 9:16:27 PM EST
To: ########
Subject: ….. FW: PLEASE SIGN AND HELP GET SIGN-ONS: Obama Letter [see attachment] (Note from D.A. – text of attachment HERE)

[Attachment(s) from **** **** included below]

From: [] On Behalf Of Jumana Musa
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 3:49 PM
Subject: [rwg] FW: PLEASE SIGN AND HELP GET SIGN-ONS: Obama Letter
Importance: High

*apologies for cross posting*

Please see the message below and attached sign on letter from Vicki Gaubeca of the ACLU Regional Center for Border Rights. If your organization would like to sign on, please contact Vicki directly at

Hello colleagues,

As you may know, there have been many recent conversations at the federal level, both by the President and the U.S. Members of Congress, about reforming immigration policy. Unfortunately, these dialogues are also continuing the rhetoric of “securing the borders” as a necessary part of “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Border communities, particularly in along the U.S.-Mexico border, have experienced a massive increase of border enforcement resources and personnel. This massive increase has come with very few corresponding accountability and oversight mechanisms, which has led to an increase in civil and human rights violations, traumatic family separations in border communities, and racial profiling and harassment of Native American/American Indians and Hispanics/Latinos—many of whom are U.S. citizens and have lived in the region for generations.

Several border organizations have written the attached letter to President Obama, urging his Administration to adopt a reform plan that recognizes the growing need for accountability among our border officials and stops the senselessness of continuing to build a border enforcement regime.

Please consider signing your organization to this letter. In addition, please circulate this letter throughout your networks to encourage additional signatures.

All sign-ons should be sent to Vicki Gaubeca at as soon as possible but no later than Wednesday, January 2, 2013.

Thank you again for your consideration.


Vicki B. Gaubeca
Director, Regional Center for Border Rights
ACLU of New Mexico
P.O. Box 727
Las Cruces, NM 88004-0727
(575) 527-0664 office
(575) 373-5789 cell
(575) 527-0111 fax

Learn more about the ACLU of New Mexico at

This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender’s contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties.

ACLU logo is here in original email…”