November 4, 2007

Rich Pellegrino: Letter to the editor Marietta Daily Journal: BRAVO BILL NIGUT, and “there is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant”

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More from Rich Pellegrino here…
From today’s Marietta Daily Journal MDJ link here.Rich Pellegrino/Letter to the Editor: There’s no such thing as an ‘illegal’ person

Bravo to Bill Nigut of the Anti-Defamation League for pointing out the sometimes subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle language of dehumanization that leads to prejudice and bigotry.

The term “illegal” itself is dehumanizing and is not even accurate. There is no such thing as an “illegal” person or “illegal immigrant.” If there is, then we are all “illegal” if we have ever broken a law – like speeding, or if our ancestors came here illegally (most did by standards of the dominant groups of their times).

There are only human beings, some of whom may commit illegal acts (most of us fall into that category, whether we get caught or not). Even technically, by the law of our land, no criminal laws have been broken by anyone entering this country undocumented. It is a civil matter, like a divorce or a lawsuit – so if you are divorced or have even been sued, I guess you are “illegal.”

Since spiritually, technically and legally there is no such thing as an “illegal immigrant,” the only reason, therefore, to even use that term is to belittle another group of human beings and that is bigotry.

We were all called such terms by the dominant group of the time – two recent examples are the “n-word” used to demean African Americans and “wop” (“without papers”) used to demean Italian Americans (my ancestors).

It is time to grow up as an American people and realize that what makes this country great are immigrants from all countries and backgrounds, and that we don’t have to engage in childish schoolyard antics and call other people names in order to feel superior ourselves.

The current Latino immigrants have earned the right to be here by working hard and abiding by our laws, just as all of our ancestors did before them.

My family has become tired of the hate rhetoric disguised as concern for the rule of law and national security and has started a movement in Cobb County (which is spreading nationwide), made up of ordinary white and black Americans who want to welcome and protect our recent Latino, Asian, African, Middle Eastern and other immigrant neighbors, no matter what their immigration status, and help them assimilate into and continue contributing to the growth of our great nation.

Rich Pellegrino

Director, Cobb Cherokee Immigrant Alliance

July 25, 2007

So many words…so little common sense: We hear from Rich Pellegrino AFOJ

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So many words…so little common sense: We hear from Rich Pellegrino. You may want to get a cuppa coffee for this – yes he is serious, this is a rather short missive for this guy – who is A Friend Of Jerry’s)


Dear Friends,
Reading your articles and posts here, I feel your pain and your fears however I feel that your efforts to blame others for your problems are mostly wasted energy for a variety of reasons, a few of which include:

1) Blaming others may be a short term relief for whatever your particular problems are however it never solves the problems; really, the problems just get worse until you take the time to look inside and really face your fears and insecurities. It is like placing a band aid on a sore which is already infected–a waste of time and energy. (It also always takes a lot more energy to hate or persecute others than it does to love and welcome them. We always knew that love provides many health benefits but now studies also show that the secret to longer life is “compassion” for all people and living things.
2) The current Latino immigrants are no more the cause of your problems than the Irish and Italians were in their time as immigrants, or any other ethnic group for that matter. And, just as each of those groups started out on the bottom of the society, they arose to secure their place in this great American experiment, mostly through hard work but also through fighting the dominant groups for their rights. This time is no difference than history repeating itself, and the Latinos will become citizens (all polls indicate that a path to citizenship is only a matter of time–probably two years), and will be even more productive contributors to our society than they are now. So just as those who supported the rule of law through “Jim Crow”, or “Slavery”, or “Apartheid”, were on the wrong side of history and eventually had to apologize for their wrongdoings–the same will go for those currently supporting any draconian anti-immigrant legislation or even the enforcement of the curr ent outdated and really largely abandoned immigration laws.
3)Even with all of the anti-immigrant legislation in GA, which is some of the harshest in the U.S., there is little change in the immigrant community other than they have gone “underground”, and little change in the law enforcement community, except for “spot” enforcement–so the alleged crackdown is mostly rhetorical–though millions of taxpayers money will be spent trying to defend and implement such measures–another grand waste of time, energy and resources. (In fact, even in conservative Cobb, where I reside and run an immigrant welcoming & protection organization, I am finding many more people, both white and black, willing to help and welcome the immigrants, and also public officials and the police working behind the scenes with us to do the same–even though their public pronouncements may differ. It appears that they too sense the tide of history turning in favor of the immigrants,as do the media as they are constantly contacting us for pro-immigrant stories now, which did not happen in the near past. Also reading your website,it appears that even you are grasping at straws to find instances in which these new laws are really affecting anyone or effecting any change.)It appears that the delay of the federal govt in enacting immigration reform is giving ordinary Americans of good will of all races the opportunity to come together, welcome and protect the immigrants, undocumented or not, so that true reform when enacted will grant them an even clearer path to citizenship.

So,in closing, ( note from D.A. – FINALLY!)I know that you are good people (as I have personally enjoyed your company and non-violent behavior at rallies, protests and counter protests) who are trying to help yourselves, families, communities and nation through combatting what you perceive to be an evil. However I would suggest that you really search inside and see why you are hurting without blaming anyone else.
Then you can begin your own healing process and we can begin healing our nation. In fact, since my organization is an “immigrant welcoming and protection” organization, and we are all immigrants in this country–I will extend our assistance and resources to each one of you to help you solve your problems–whether they be job, housing, or family related–or you just need counseling to find out what is wrong internally that is making you feel like lashing out at others. Worrying about insecure borders, which are really out of your control even if you patrolled them in person, belies a deeper insecurity and a fear of something–which we will help you uncover and resolve. You see, we all have fears and insecurities–the only difference is if we are willing to admit to them and then deal with them in constructive rather than destructive manners.
Warm regards,
Rich Pellegrino

December 24, 2008

The rich tapestry of the fabric of looking for a better life in the shadows and the climate of fear … oh,nevermind. ILLEGAL ALIEN METH LAB BUSTED IN MY HOME COUNTY

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Rich Pellegrino likely to welcome these victimized “immigrants”

All three men are being held in Cobb County Jail with no bond. The three also have ICE holds on them for possible immigration violations, said Nancy Bodiford, spokeswoman for the Cobb Sheriff’s Office.

Marietta Daily Journal
Police bust meth lab

Published: 12/24/2008

By Talia Mollett

COBB COUNTY – The Marietta/Cobb/Smyrna (MCS) Narcotics Unit arrested three men and broke up a methamphetamine lab in southern Cobb County early this month, law enforcement sources say.

The unit, working with local Immigration and Customs and Enforcement (ICE) agents and the FBI Gang Task Force, seized 51 pounds of methamphetamine, eight pounds of cocaine and assorted laboratory items and precursors from a house at 3505 Windy Ridge Parkway, near where Interstates 75 and 285 meet, according to arrest warrants.

Agents also found 100 pounds of liquid methamphetamines or cocaine at the house, according to warrants.

Irvin Monje Maldonado, 19, Geder Arroyo, 24, and Emerich Arroyo-Mata, 27, were arrested on multiple charges of trafficking methamphetamine and cocaine. All listed the Windy Ridge house as their address.

According to the warrants for the men, agents were conducting surveillance on the house for several hours on Dec. 5 when Maldonado left in a 2004 Honda Odyssey van. The Sandy Springs Police Department pulled over Maldonado some time later and found a hidden compartment in the van. Such compartments are commonly used to transport drugs, Maldonado’s warrant states.

Agents also watched Arroyo and Arroyo-Mata sell cocaine to a Hispanic woman in the complex, according to the warrants.

All three men are being held in Cobb County Jail with no bond. The three also have ICE holds on them for possible immigration violations, said Nancy Bodiford, spokeswoman for the Cobb Sheriff’s Office.


December 12, 2007

Rich Pelligrino topic of another letter to the editor, Marietta Daily Journal today

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James Stoll/Letter to the Editor: Spokesman for illegals promoting anarchy

Marietta Daily Journal

Published: 12/12/2007

It would seem that Mr. Pellegrino has some difficulty with the English language. He does not seem to understand the meaning of the phrase “breaking the law.” I will try to explain what it means, in this country.

* If someone walks into a bank and robs a bank teller, that is called “breaking the law” and he or she should be punished.

* If someone walks into a store and takes store products without paying, that is called “breaking the law” and he or she should be punished.

* If someone breaks into a home and takes its contents, that is called “breaking the law” and he or she should be punished.

* If someone breaks into a country and takes jobs from its citizens and/or social services that are paid for by that country’s citizens, or by those who use them, without paying for them, that is called “breaking the law” and he or she should be punished.

* If someone who resides in this country illegally requests a license to start a business, to either pay himself or other illegals like himself, that is called attempting to “break the law” and his or her request must be denied, or the person granting the license would be guilty of aiding and abetting someone else to “break the law,” in which case both parties should be punished.

Now, what else don’t you understand about the phrases “Breaking the law” or “Attempting to break the law”? It is universally recognized that they have the same meaning in every civilized nation on this earth and in any language in which they are spoken.

I do not understand why Pellegrino is chastising us for being “anti-illegals.” Doesn’t that term mean the same as “anti-unlawful” or “anti-lawbreakers”? What are we supposed to be: “pro-illegals” or “pro-bank robbers” or “pro-burglar”? Tell me, how can any law-abiding citizen of any nation not be “anti,” or against, everyone or anything that is “criminal” or “unlawful,” regardless of who or what they are talking about?

Wouldn’t it be a strange place to live if everyone who lived there would be “pro,” or supportive, of everyone who chose to break the laws of the land in which they live? When I went to school, they called that type of situation “anarchy.” Is that Mr. Pellegrino’s dream for the future of our nation? If so, I wouldn’t care to live there.

James Stoll


November 8, 2007

Letter to the editor at the MDJ: Rich Pelegrino “writes a good fairy tale” but ” Americans want their country back”

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Today’s Marietta Daily Journal

Mary Kirkendoll/Letter to the Editor: Americans want their country back

Published: 11/08/2007

Rich Pellegrino writes a good fairy tale, but now, for some facts.

The Federal Immigration & Nationality Act, Sec. 8, USC 1324, states, “A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, OR local government) commits a federal felony when he or she:

* assists an alien he should reasonably know is illegally residing in the U.S., or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering or assisting him or her to gain employment,

* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer, or

* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.

That means, Mr. Pellegrino, the ADL, the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, the ACLU, MALDEF, La Raza, builders, contractors, landscapers, chicken processors and the carpet industry, as well as hotels, restaurants, sanctuary cities and yes, our federal government are committing felonies.

American citizens are fed up with the total disregard of the laws of this land, and we want our country back.

Mary Kirkendoll


September 19, 2017

Brown supremacist, anti-enforcement Jerry Gonzalez: An angry ethnic hustler with ties to “hate group”

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GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez – photo, DIS

“Shorter: The SPLC says the Nation of Islam is a “hate group” and Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO Inc. is partners in the anti-enforcement Cobb United for Change Coalition with the Nation of Islam.


Brown supremacist Jerry Gonzalez: An ethnic hustler with ties to “hate group”

By his own mindless standards, the Executive Director of GALEO, Jerry Gonzalez, has ties to at least one “hate group.” Which makes his latest race-baiting hissy fit, smear-shot at my pro-enforcement friend Phil Kent all the more obvious and comical.

Under Jerry (Gerado E.) Gonzalez’s leadership, the anti-enforcement immigration corporation GALEO partnered up with several marginal groups in 2008 to form what they called the “Cobb United for Change Coalition” here in Cobb County, Georgia.

The groups and their leaders involved in this coalition included the Nation of Islam (headed nationally by the Rev. Louis Farrakhan), the corporate-funded Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (Jerry Gonzalez), the New Order National Human Rights Organization (Gerald Rose), the Cobb Immigrant Alliance (Rich Pellegrino), the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (Mexican citizen and former Atlanta Mexican Consul General Teodoro Maus), the Cobb Southern Christian Leadership Conference (the Rev. Dwight Graves), the Family Life Restoration Center (Luther Washington Jr.) and according to an Marietta Daily Journal editorial, the National Council of La Raza (Janet MurguĂ­a).

For the readers who do not understand Spanish, a translation: The last group mentioned above translates as “The National Council of the Race.” After forty-six years, La Raza has changed it’s name.

When they aren’t smearing Christian groups and caring for its off shore bank accounts, the SPLC hucksters, put out a “hate map” of “hate groups” which has included the Nation of Islam, one of GALEO’s partners in the Cobb United for Change Coalition.

Shorter: The SPLC says the Nation of Islam is a “hate group” and Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO Inc. is partners in the anti-enforcement Cobb United for Change Coalition with the Nation of Islam.

For mainstream Georgians who have the pleasure of not being familiar with “Angry Jerry” Gonzalez, it may help to know that he is one of the ethnic hustler, hard leftists who uses the endless smears from the discredited SPLC to attempt to keep pro-American dialogue out of the immigration debate. But he is also a wanna be tough guy when he doesn’t like what you have to say. Example: A 2011 Rome News-Tribune report (“Immigration discussion gets heated during panel”  recounts Gonzalez’s antics at a mainstream event in that lovely Georgia city.

Apparently, Gonzalez was “uninvited” as a panel member on a scheduled meeting focused on Georgia’s E-Verify law.

According to the Rome news report, Gonzalez showed up anyway, angrily shouted at Rome’s diminutive and well-liked state Representative, Katie Dempsey, from the audience during and after the event and ended up being escorted out of the event, the building and off the property by Rome police officers. Dempsey was a cosigner on the bill that created the E-Verify requirement for private employers, HB 87. Word around Rome is that the meeting organizers learned of Jerry’s involvement in a lawsuit against the governor and the state to overturn stop enforcement/HB 87 and concluded that Gonzalez wasn’t the best choice for a rational, unbiased discussion.

We agree. And we wonder if Angry Jerry will chase and scream at Phil Kent at the coming event. In the spirit of the leftist smear artists, somebody may want to ask Jerry if he still beats his husband. 

Led by Gonzalez, GALEO toxic for federal judge nominee

Angry Jerry is likely still hysterical over the fact that the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee tossed consideration of a GALEO board member, Dax Lopez, after Barack Obama nominated him for a federal judge seat here in Georgia. Georgia Senator David Perdue, a committee member, made it clear that Lopez’s ties to the radical, Jane Fonda-funded GALEO Inc. caused enough concern to reject Dax Lopez.

If Angry Jerry’s years of marching in the streets of Georgia and Washington D.C. demanding an end to voter ID and enforcement of American immigration laws wasn’t what illustrated the anti-American nature of Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO and it’s mission, maybe it was the fact that Gonzalez is a former employee of the radical MALDEF.

To get an idea of the ideology involved in rabid haters like Gonzalez, it helps to know what a MALDEF founder, Mario Obledo, made it quite clear on the radio in 1998: “California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn’t like it they should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.” 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Jerry Gonzalez, race-baiting hater.

September 23, 2015

THE ILLEGAL ALIEN LOBBY – A beginners guide to GALEO #6 : Ties to SPLC-designated “hate groups”, advocating for an end to local partnership with federal immigration authorities and smearing Georgia law enforcement for…law enforcement

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Jane Fonda-funded GALEO was – and as far as we know, still is – a member of the ‘Cobb United For Change Coalition ‘

(Above: Cobb’s Rich Pellegrino)

which includes not only another leftist “group” headed by the same Rich Pellegrino quoted below, but also the Marietta Nation of Islam organization. See HERE  (or here) for info on the fact that the SPLC has listed the latter group on their 2012 (we love this one) “hate group” list. Shorter: In addition to smearing the Cobb sheriff and other elected officials, GALEO has ties to SPLC-designated “hate groups.”  GALEO associate Pellegrino has taken the stage at the same event as American terrorist, Bill Ayers.


See the below news report:

Marietta Daily Journal

Activists go after Cobb sheriff, say actions politically motivated
by By Kathryn Dobies and Jon Gillooly

May 15, 2010 1

ATLANTA – Immigration activists at Jessica Colotl’s Friday press conference called for Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren’s resignation and went after several local and state politicians.

Activists and members of human rights groups joined Colotl – an illegal immigrant and Kennesaw State University student – and denounced Warren’s recent actions, calling them politically motivated.

“It’s really unfortunate that her family has been used by ‘Wild West Warren’ for a political ploy to score political points,” said Jerry Gonzalez, executive director for the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials. “It’s shameful that a law enforcement official would use the rule of law and the authority given to him by Cobb County voters to abuse that power and to create a massive manhunt for a college student, a non criminal.”

(Photo above: Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO Executive Director)

Warren maintains that he was enforcing the law, as is his duty under oath, and was not encouraged by anyone to pursue the situation.

Colotl, 21, was stopped on KSU campus March 29 for a traffic violation and later arrested for driving without a valid license. After Colotl was booked into Cobb Jail, she was turned over to immigration authorities. She was taken to the Etowah County Detention Center in Gadsden, Ala., on April 1, but was released May 5. Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities agreed to defer any action against her for one year so she could return to her studies at the university.

On Wednesday evening, however, the Cobb Sheriff’s Office obtained a warrant for Colotl on a felony charge of lying to law-enforcement officials, based on a reportedly false address she provided upon her book-in at the Cobb County Jail in March. On Friday morning, Colotl turned herself into Cobb authorities and was released on a $2,500 bond.

Rich Pellegrino, of Cobb Immigrant Alliance, said his group would soon be asking for Warren’s resignation.

“Next week we will be releasing information we have documented proof that Sheriff Neil Warren has been selectively enforcing the law, looking to the side when other people have identity issues, other people who are friends of his have identity documents, false documents, we will be releasing that next week and calling for the resignation and removal of Sheriff Neil Warren,” Pellegrino said.

Gonzalez even called for President Barack Obama to step in, asking him to take away an agreement, known as 287(g), which Cobb County has with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency to check the immigration status of everyone booked into the county jail. The Cobb County Sheriff’s Office was the first agency in Georgia to participate in 287(g). Since July 2007, Warren’s office has identified more than 6,600 inmates who were in the United States illegally. Warren signed a new 287(g) agreement in October 2009.

In defense of his latest actions, Warren said Friday that his staff went to the Duluth address that Colotl provided to his department during her first book-in and met with the manager of Century Park Apartments, only to find that Colotl did not live there.

“I have all the confidence in the world that my investigators did a thorough investigation,” Warren said. “And they presented a case to the magistrate, and the magistrate judge felt there was probable cause to issue the warrant. So it’s time for us to let the courts and the judge decide … We started getting calls and I felt obligated to look into it. I did not have any encouragement to do anything.”

Warren said he has no intentions of resigning.

Regarding Colotl’s late March booking in Cobb Jail and the tools used to determine the status of an inmate, Warren said, “some may think it is unfortunate that minor offenders are caught in the 287(g) net; but I value any tool that helps me enforce the law and remove violators from our community. Georgia law establishes legal criteria for every potential offender, from traffic violations thru capital felony murder. Often individuals have different perceptions or personal definitions of criminal activity. I follow the Georgia Code and enforce those statutes. That is my oath of office and duty to the citizens of Cobb County.”

Following Friday’s press conference, Christopher Taylor, Colotl’s attorney, was critical of the Journal for its reporting, saying the Journal was responsible for Colotl’s second arrest.

“I believe the Marietta Daily Journal and the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office misreported this issue,” Taylor said. “I’ve got a problem with the Marietta Daily Journal … Reporting that she gave a false address caused a fire storm.”

However, the Journal brought Colotl’s story to light on May 1 because her friends and sorority sisters from Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority reached out to the newspaper, asking for coverage of a march for Colotl at the state Capitol.

In an attempt to contact Colotl, the Journal called her previous attorney, Kazuma Sonoda, of the Sonoda Law Firm, sent her a message via Facebook and finally went to the Duluth address she provided to authorities on May 7. At the address, a woman answered and said she still receives mail for Colotl, but has never met the KSU student.

Taking jabs at politicians Friday, Gonzalez said, “(Former) U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal has said he wants to bring Arizona along to Georgia as governor. (Former) state Sen. Eric Johnson wants to ban access to college education to deserving students like Jessica. They want to kick them out of school. Is that the kind of Georgia that we want?”

Johnson, a Republican candidate for governor, on Friday challenged a statement from the chancellor of the University System of Georgia that it would be too costly to require verifying citizenship when a student goes through the admissions process.

“This is a typical bureaucratic response. First and foremost, we cannot afford to simply ignore the law, and it is unacceptable to brazenly dismiss the responsibility of enforcement,” Johnson said. “… It does not cost a dime to ask for a valid driver’s license, valid passport, or valid student visa.”

KSU officials have said that Colotl was receiving in-state tuition since she graduated from a Georgia high school.

Gonzalez went on to say that Georgia has “no leadership from both of our U.S. senators.”

“Where is Saxby Chambliss and where is Johnny Isakson? Instead of saying no on immigration reform, why are they not working to move forward with a workable solution that moves us together as a nation to uphold our values as a nation? (Isakson) You are up for re-election sir. There are a 160,000 Latinos registered to vote. We are paying attention to this issue,” he said.

In response, Isakson told the Journal, “I have always drawn a clear distinction between legal and illegal immigration, and anyone who comes to our country legally should be welcomed to share in the pursuit of the American dream. At the same time, the defense of our nation begins with securing our borders and ending the opportunity for illegal entry. Our immigration laws must be followed and they must be enforced, and I stand in full support of those who do both.”

*Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Activists go after Cobb sheriff say actions politically motivated

*Under then new content editor, J.K. Murphy, the MDJ paid to have its website upgraded, but did not have a backup on place. Years worth of news and opinion were lost, even when checking the Wayback Machine. This report was one of the lost.


September 2, 2014

D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal Sunday -Obama amnesty plan a ‘security nightmare’

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Marietta Daily Journal

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Obama amnesty plan a ‘security nightmare’

D.A. King

It has come to our attention many readers are unaware last year the Obama administration released 169 illegal aliens from deportation proceedings who have already been convicted of “homicide-related crimes” in the U.S. Yes, some of these individuals are murderers.

I am not making this up. Seven of the illegal alien killers released came from zip codes in Georgia — one of them in Cobb. It is impossible to provide the names of these criminals, as the feds will not release that secret because of “privacy rights.”

Like most Americans, when interviewed on an Atlanta TV station about this madness, Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren was outraged and concerned about public safety and security.

But not to worry, says local illegal alien defender Rich Pellegrino, who assured the same station these killer illegals are not a threat to public safety. You may have seen Pellegrino around town wearing a T-shirt that reads “We Are All Undocumented.”

Back here on Earth, Jessica Vaughn, director of Policy Studies at the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies says “according to ICE data, about 50 percent of criminal aliens will re-offend after release.” ICE should prioritize protecting the public over freeing criminals who are going to be deported.” (Along with more details you can see the two local TV segments linked on my MDJ blog.)

The 169 killer illegal aliens released were part of a larger group of 36,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens released from ICE custody onto American streets in 2013.

CIS revealed earlier this year that the convicted-criminal illegal aliens freed by ICE in many instances had multiple convictions, nearly 88,000 in all. They include: 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault, 303 kidnapping, 1,075 aggravated assault, 9,187 dangerous drug convictions, 16,070 drunk or drugged driving and 303 flight escape convictions.

Feel safer? Note: As of Thursday noon, I cannot find any mention of this threat from any of our Georgia elected officials — at any level — except the Cobb Sheriff.

The Obama regime says they have no choice but to release these criminals because the illegals’ home countries won’t take them back. But most of these nations still receive financial aid and their new emigres are still allowed to obtain visas to enter the U.S.

You may want to ask the members of the Georgia delegation to Washington about that one. I will.

In another action of what could easily be labeled as an on-going coup d’etat in the Republic he has sworn to protect and serve, the president of the United States has promised to soon side-step Congress and federal law on immigration enforcement. Again.

American workers be damned, Obama is indicating to the far-left and the Chamber of Commerce that he will not only unilaterally expand the number of green cards issued each year, but also ensure that some, if not most, illegal aliens be given official amnesty on deportation during his reign. And be awarded work permits.

Obama’s reported plan to provide administrative amnesty to 5 million illegals presents “a security nightmare,” according to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who fears it could make it easier for terrorists to carry out an attack on the United States.

Unless Dear Leader has tossed this security provision along with the Rule of Law, currently, applicants for the work permit — known as an Employment Authorization Document — are required to submit fingerprints with their EAD application.

Republicans running for federal office as conservatives — including for president — should be vetted for a rock-solid promise on their intention to A) reverse any executive action from Dear Leader outlined above and B) to use the fingerprints collected from the “victims of borders” to track, capture and process these illegal aliens with deportation proceedings if they ever restore the republic surrendered to the disciple of Saul Alinsky who now occupies the White House.

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. Twitter: @DAKDIS

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Obama amnesty plan a security nightmare

August 29, 2011

D.A. King: in the Marietta Daily Journal today- Georgia GOP brass silent on Obama’s amnesty coup

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D.A. King: Georgia GOP brass silent on Obama’s amnesty coup
by D.A. King

The Marietta Daily Journal

August 28, 2011

The Obama administration announced Aug. 18 that the Department of Homeland Security would begin to dismiss pending deportation cases of thousands of illegal aliens who have been captured in the United States. Currently there are a reported 300,000 illegals in the deportation pipeline.

The new decree was announced without fanfare on the White House website in a blog posted by Cecilia Munoz, late of the National Council of La Raza (“The Race” in English) and currently serving the Obama regime as White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs.

The defiance of laws put in place by Congress is described as covering illegal aliens who have not yet been officially convicted of other, “serious” violent crimes here. Essentially, the policy from Dear Leader says that illegal aliens who do not have criminal records would be able to remain indefinitely in the United States. And apply for work permits.

With somewhere around 25 million Americans out of work or underemployed, apparently, this represents the long-awaited Obama “Jobs Program.” As you can see, the anti-enforcement lobby was not wasting its time with the years of marching in American streets with the “Stop the raids and deportations!” demand. The guidelines for the anti-deportation order include:

* the person’s ties and contributions to the community, including family relationships;

* the person’s age, with particular consideration given to minors and the elderly;

* whether the person has a U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, child, or parent;

* whether the person is the primary caretaker of a person with a mental or physical disability, minor, or seriously ill relative;

* whether the person or the person’s spouse is pregnant or nursing;

Translated to reality, the list includes most illegals who have already made it past Border Patrol or overstayed their visa. Few don’t already either fit the above descriptions or won’t start the process of making sure they will do so very soon.

The last little gem about being “pregnant or nursing” changes a long-used and very accurate term. “Anchor baby” is now “anchor fetus.” The White House has now given official acceptance to the angry and defiant howl “You can’t deport me, I have an American citizen child …” and expanded it to include a child of any nationality or origin.

The sound you may have been hearing for the last eight days is the sound of celebratory champagne corks popping and squeals of delight from the illegals’ organizers – both in and out of the Obama White House. It isn’t the right to vote, but it is a start. No word yet on what real – legal – immigrants from around the world are thinking about a system that rewards people who ignore the long process of joining the American family according to those mean old immigration laws.

This is in response to the never-ending demands from the open borders lobby that Obama make good on his campaign pledge to begin amnesty proceedings in his first year in office. The liberal press and the illegal alien lobby’s blogs are filled with excitement and glee because of the literal Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card thrown to the illegals.

One group called Centro Sin Fronteras (No Borders Central) has posted a note of victory under the headline “Backing down the president,” writing, “Last week President Obama’s administration finally bent to the pressure from the Latino community – and the threat of the withdrawal of the Latino vote …” Here in Cobb Rich Pellegrino, who opposes immigration enforcement while wearing a t-shirt that reads “We are all undocumented” has been quoted in this newspaper as being “ecstatic” about the Obama defacto amnesty-for-votes scheme.

More than a week after Barack Hussein Obama made it clear that some immigrants are more equal than others and that there are groups of people for whom American borders and immigration laws do not apply, the natural assumption for readers would be to expect outraged reaction from Georgia’s conservative elected officials in Congress including outraged press releases, informative posts explaining Obama’s anti-enforcement move and the assurance of oversight hearing, investigations and strongly worded protests.

This long-time American just spent the last hour or so carefully checking the Websites of the entire Georgia Republican delegation – both U.S. Senators and all GOP House Representatives.

I reserve the remainder of this space for listing their press releases or remarks that I found on that topic as of noonish on Friday. …

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. On the Web:

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – D A King Georgia GOP brass silent on Obama s amnesty coup

July 20, 2011


Posted by D.A. King at 12:07 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Media Advisory 20 July 2011

The Dustin Inman Society
3595 Canton Rd. A-9/337
Marietta, Ga. 30066
Contact: D.A. King
DA@TheDustinInmanSociety.or g



Today, the Dustin Inman Society officially announces that founder D.A. King will begin a seven-day “un-protest” action to show his organization’s support for the recently enacted Georgia immigration and employment enforcement law, HB 87. The un-hungry, un-protest protest he announces today also represents his signal of agreement with a portion of the opinion of Federal Judge Thomas Thrash in his preliminary injunction of two sections of the Georgia law.

King reports that he enthusiastically shares the assessment of Judge Thrash, when Thrash wrote “the apparent legislative intent is to create such a climate of hostility, fear, mistrust, and insecurity that all illegal aliens will leave Georgia” (CNN U.S., June 27, 2011). “This judge, sworn to uphold the law says this like it is a bad thing” King said in amazement. “A mass exodus of illegal aliens is the new American Dream for the majority of Georgians
what is this guy’s agenda? What is his problem?”

King has reluctantly chosen to dedicate himself to devouring a chili dog in addition to his already regular and quite ample food intake each day for the next seven days to indicate his support and agreement.

“The best and certainly most enjoyable method of illustrating the now comical absurdity of the rather dim, fringe individuals who constantly search for ever sillier ways to oppose enforcement of American immigration laws is to use a little absurdity ourselves” said King today. “I challenge all concerned and hungry pro-enforcement Georgians to commit to joining me in my un-protest.”

King noted that two local anti-enforcement residents led by Cobb County’s “open borders huckster” Rich Pellegrino have reportedly recently been joined by a person calling himself ‘Reverend Jeff Jones’ in a hunger strike to protest Georgia’s law aimed at protecting the state’s budget dollars, jobs and rule of law.
“We urge many more anti-enforcement, wannabe comics to come out of the shadows and join with Pellegrino and the law-hating hungries” added King. “In these dire days of raging unemployment and budget cutbacks, we need the entertaining distraction.”

King says he has several favorite commercial outlets for obtaining the needed chili dogs, but may prepare some of them at his home in Marietta. He will begin his un-hunger, chili dog un-protest today at 3:00 PM at the Kennesaw, Georgia Town Center Varsity restaurant. “I am only looking for a better life through immigration enforcement and diet and will go un-hungry” ended Mr. King, a long time pro-enforcement activist and writer. (Anti-enforcement media release happily passed on below)

Named for a sixteen year-old Woodstock, Georgia youth who lost his life to illegal immigration, the Dustin Inman Society is opposed to illegal immigration, illegal employment, legalization and open borders.

Press Release & Press Conference Advisory
DATE: Wednesday, July 20
TIME: 10am
WHERE: Glover Park, Marietta Square, Marietta, GA
‱ Rich Pellegrino, Director , Cobb Immigrant Alliance (CIA), 404-573-1199
‱ Rev. Jeff Jones, Unitarian Universalist Pastor, Cobb County, Georgia , 770-424-3765

For Immediate Release:

Marietta, Ga–On Wednesday, July 13, Rev. Jeff Jones learned about the hunger strike of Salvador Zamora and Martin Altamirano in protest of Georgia’s House Bill (HB) 87. Deeply inspired by their courage, he met with them twice and decided to be in solidarity with them through a seven day fast in which he would eat nothing and drink only water with lemon and honey, which began on Friday, July 15.
As a Unitarian Universalist minister and Pastor in Cobb County, Rev. Jones appreciates that Mr. Altamirano and Mr. Zamora are spiritually grounded in their opposition to HB 87 as all faith traditions teach us to welcome the stranger and comfort those in need.
Rev. Jones further believes that HB 87 fails to recognize the important role that immigrants play in Georgia’s economy, will tear families apart, and he shares the assessment of Judge Thrash, whose ruling blocked two particularly egregious parts of HB 87, when he wrote “the apparent legislative intent is to create such a climate of hostility, fear, mistrust, and insecurity that all illegal aliens will leave Georgia” (CNN U.S., June 27, 2011). Rev. Jones further believes such a climate of hostility and fear negatively impacts all immigrants and all people in Georgia.
Rev. Jones also supports the goal of Mr. Zamora, Mr. Altamirano and the Cobb Immigrant Alliance in their call for “reform instead of the current enforcement-only, harsh approach endorsed by Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, and other incarceration-minded states.”

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