September 18, 2010

GDOT Commissioner Dodges Tough Questions About Hiring Illegal Worker and violation of state E-Verify law – via CBS-46 Atlanta

Posted by D.A. King at 5:21 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image, Georgia Department of Transportation



We have filed a compliant against the GDOT Commisssioner (HERE) that has gone to the GBI, thanks to Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren.


GDOT Admits Mistake For Breaking Immigration Law
GDOT Commissioner Dodges Tough Questions About Hiring Illegal Worker
By Jeff Chirico, CBS Atlanta Investigative Reporter

September 16, 2010

ATLANTA — A Georgia Department of Transportation spokesman admitted Thursday that his agency made a mistake in failing to comply with a state immigration law. The admission comes a month after a CBS Atlanta investigation revealed a GDOT contractor had hired an illegal immigrant and GDOT didn’t follow a law designed to prevent that.

GDOT spokesman David Spear had refused to speak on camera about CBS Atlanta’s investigation because of what he called “pending litigation.” He agreed to speak with CBS Atlanta after reporter Jeff Chirico tracked down GDOT commissioner, Vance Smith, after a public meeting.

Smith refused to answer the Tough Questions. He repeatedly referred Chirico to “the legal department.”

In August, CBS Atlanta revealed a contractor, Bromell Manicured Lawns of Conyers, had hired an illegal immigrant. Twenty-seven-year-old Silmar Constantino was hit and killed by a car while cutting grass on Freedom Parkway on July 28.

Bromell’s owner, Michael S. Bromell, signed an affidavit in June promising to check employees’ legal status in a federal work authorization program such as E-Verify. But according to Homeland Security documents, Bromell didn’t register with E-Verify until August -two months after he signed a contract with GDOT. State law requires it to be signed at the time of bidding.

“We made a mistake. We acknowledge that mistake. We corrected that mistake and we’re moving forward,” said Spear.

The CBS Atlanta investigation found GDOT didn’t require every bidder to submit and affidavit. Also, the affidavit GDOT prepared didn’t ask for the right information.

The immigration law GDOT admits to breaking went into effect January 1.

Spear said, “[GDOT is] a large agency. It takes time to adjust. We have hundreds of contracts, if not thousands of contracts.” Chirico responded, “But your legal team knows when laws are changed. It happens a few miles down the road.” Spear responded, “We did not know.”

Entire story and VIDEO HERE

August 20, 2010

VIDEO Commissioner Vance Smith & GDOT Didn’t Know About The Illegal Immigrant Labor Law…and still don’t – CBS 46 Atlanta TV News

Posted by D.A. King at 10:32 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image, Georgia Department of Transportation



Jeff Chirico

GDOT Didn’t Know About The Illegal Immigrant Labor Law

ATLANTA — GDOT spokesman David Spear admitted that his agency didn’t know it was violating a law that cracks down on hiring illegal immigrants until a CBS Atlanta report.

Spear said the Georgia Department of Transportation “missed the law.” He thanked CBS Atlanta for bringing it to his attention and confirmed that the agency is working to fix what he calls an oversight.

On Wednesday, illegal immigration activist D.A. King told CBS Atlanta that the Georgia Department of Transportation violated state law that requires government contractors verify employees’ legal working status.

King said the affidavit GDOT uses to comply with the law doesn’t require all the information mandated by House Bill 2 passed in 2009. The legislation clarifies wording in Georgia’s Security and Immigration Compliance Act signed in 2006.

The allegations come on the heels of a CBS Atlanta investigation that questioned whether a GDOT contractor hired an illegal worker.

An affidavit obtained from GDOT shows the agency didn’t require a contractor to provide a registration number and date for the federal government’s employment verification database known as E-Verify.

GDOT spokesman David Spear said in an email that apparently GDOT used the wrong affidavit. He said he isn’t sure if it was an isolated incident.

King said he believes the violation could make it easier for GDOT contractors to get away with hiring illegal immigrants.


September 15, 2010

Georgia Department of Transportation corruption continues: Federal Document Shows GDOT Contractor Lied On Affidavit

Posted by D.A. King at 8:38 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image, Georgia Department of Transportation



CBS Atlanta TV

Federal Document Shows GDOT Contractor Lied On Affidavit
Company Swore To Check Employee’s Legal Status in Federal Database

By Jeff Chirico, CBS Atlanta Investigative Reporter

September 9, 2010

ATLANTA — A Department of Homeland Security document obtained exclusively by CBS Atlanta shows a Georgia Department of Transportation contractor lied on a government affidavit. On that affidavit the company owner promised to make sure his employees were in this country legally by checking a federal database called E-Verify.

Last month, CBS Atlanta started asking Tough Questions to Bromell Manicured Lawns of Conyers. The Conyers-based business has a $530,000 mowing contract with GDOT.

In July one of Bromell’s employees, 27-year-old Silmar Constantino was hit and killed on Freedom Parkway while cutting grass. CBS Atlanta later learned from GDOT that Constantino was an illegal immigrant.

Company owner Michael Bromell signed an affidavit on June 16 swearing that he was registered with E-Verify. But a Department of Homeland Security list of Georgia employers registered to use E-Verify shows Bromell Manicured Lawns did not sign up to use the database until August 26, 2010. That is ten days after CBS Atlanta aired the first story about Bromell.

A GDOT spokesman even told CBS Atlanta in an email last month the company registered with E-Verify in May.

Cobb County District Attorney Pat Head learned of the investigation from a concerned citizen. He asked the Cobb County Sheriff to investigate claims that the company owner lied on a government document and gave false information to a government agency. He said the crimes are felonies and can carry a maximum prison sentence of five years.

Head said GDOT could have requested an investigation when it learned of the discrepancies. As of this point, GDOT has not said it has asked for an investigation.


September 3, 2010


Posted by D.A. King at 3:10 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Image, Georgia Department of Transportation




(Georgia law says that a citizen cannot file a compliant with GBI or AG – it is a law that is enforced)

I hand delivered this about 10:30 this morning.

3 September 2010

Mr. Patrick H. Head, District Attorney
Cobb County, Georgia
10 East Park Square
Marietta, GA 30090
(770) 528-3080 Hand and electronically delivered


Mr. Head,

I write to request that your office forward the below complaint of multiple violations of Georgia law to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for examination and/or to the Georgia Attorney General for prosecution.

I am aware that an ordinary citizen is prohibited by law from lodging a compliant with either office.

This is a complaint against and request for an investigation of the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and his staff for clear and publicly admitted violations of OCGA 13-10-91.

The intent of this legislation was to protect and preserve public works jobs for eligible workers in Georgia and to encourage state and local government agency compliance with long-standing U.S. immigration and employment law. The law has been treated as ‘compliance optional’ by the good ole’ boys at GDOT.

The violations have cost American citizens – as well as real, legal, non-citizen immigrants – in Georgia not only jobs, but personal dignity. Because I am quite familiar with the consequences of illegal immigration and illegal employment, it is difficult to fully express my outrage at the current state of affairs at GDOT and the illegal, immoral and defiant method with which this official agency hires labor paid with tax dollars.

OCGA 13-10-91 clearly requires that when hiring contractors, all public employers – including GDOT – collect a sworn, notarized affidavit attesting to use of the no-cost federal employment verification system (currently known as ‘E-Verify’, formerly as ‘Basic Pilot’ and ‘EEV’) from prospective contractors before a bid may be considered.

Further, the law is clear that the aforementioned affidavit must reflect the federal E-verify ‘user number’ as well as the date of the agreement with the federal government authorizing use and a declaration that the contractor will continue to use the verification system throughout the contract period.

GDOT is in violation in that it has not only failed to use the correct affidavit or to collect the proper information but also is and has been processing bids without ever collecting an affidavit. GDOT is requiring contractors to submit an affidavit only after notifying the contractor of a successful bid on the millions of dollars worth of public works contracts it administrates.

To illustrate this fact, I submit one such affidavit attached to this letter from Bromell Manicured Lawns Inc; which will receive about $500,000 of taxpayer funds from a contract with GDOT. I also attach news reports and links to video in which the GDOT public spokesman has admitted the violations described above.

Additionally, attached is a screen print taken from a page on the official GDOT Website on 23 August, 2010 on which the policy of requiring “successful low bidders” for public works jobs to execute the mandated affidavit only after being awarded contracts is stated.

The law above was created in the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006 with the intent of protecting jobs, discouraging use of illegal labor and to create a level playing field for honest public works contractors. Although opposed by powerful lobbying interests, legislation to clarify the law was passed in 2009 with considerable publicity and again in 2010.

As I am sure you know, on the state contractor level, E-Verify is used to verify newly hired employees only and cannot be used to check employees hired before authorization and a user number is assigned by the federal government.

One result of GDOT’s refusal to adhere to the rule of law by which we are all supposed to be governed is that any integrity-free contractor has only to hire his illegal laborers before he makes a bid to GDOT which can be based on a much lower wage level to be paid to illegal labor than to an American… or legal immigrant worker. Then, having won the contract administered by GDOT, the contractor can obtain E-Verify authority which would be needless… as he already has his work force.

Recent news reports have put the black-market replacement workforce above 6% in Georgia. GDOT has admitted to a local investigative reporter with CBS Atlanta TV that at least one of its contractors’ workers may have been in the USA in violation of our very liberal immigration laws.

Another result is the ongoing defiance and contempt for the law while we suffer about 10% unemployment. We will never know how many Americans were swindled out of a job or how many illegal aliens decided to remain in Georgia because of GDOT’s violations.

I realize there is no legislated penalty for any local government, official agency or department head for violation of this law. Nevertheless, I am determined to see an inquiry and public notice of its findings.

I believe I am well within my rights and responsibilities as a citizen to respectfully but firmly request this matter be checked by the proper enforcement authorities.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or need for additional information.

Respectfully submitted,

D.A. King
American citizen

Marietta, Ga.

Please find attached:

A copy of an affidavit dated 16 June, 2010 from Bromell Manicured Lawns to GDOT. (click image to enlarge)

A copy of a screen print from the GDOT Website detailing that agency’s policy on submission of affidavits from “successful bidders.” (also HERE from the WAYBACK MACHINE)

A page of hyperlinks to CBS Atlanta TV Website pages containing at least four (as I write I anticipate an additional news story to appear) news stories on the matter. In at least one segment, the official spokesman for GDOT admits the violations.

Links (4) to CBS Atlanta TV reports on GDOT policy regarding public works laws VIDEO

GDOT Didn’t Know About The Illegal Immigrant Labor Law
GDOT Didn’t Know About The Illegal Immigrant Labor Law. GDOT spokesman David Spear admitted that his agency didn’t know it was violating a law that cracks down on hiring illegal immigrants until a CBS Atlanta…

Is GDOT Complying With Immigration Law?
Is GDOT Complying With Immigration Law?. A CBS Atlanta investigation is raising Tough Questions about whether the Georgia Department of Transportation is following a law designed to keep illegal immigrants…

GDOT: Worker May Have Been Illegal
GDOT: Worker May Have Been Illegal. The Georgia Department of Transportation said Wednesday that one of its subcontractors may have been in the country illegally. The admission came after a CBS Atlanta…

CBS Atlanta Asks If GDOT Contractor Is Hiring Illegal Workers
CBS Atlanta Asks If GDOT Contractor Is Hiring Illegal Workers. A Georgia Department of Transportation contractor who is earning hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars refused to reveal whether a deceased…

ADDED TO ONLINE VERSION 15 September 2010:

Federal Document Shows GDOT Contractor Lied On AffidavitFederal Document Shows GDOT Contractor Lied On Affidavit. A Department of Homeland Security document obtained exclusively by CBS Atlanta shows a Georgia Department of Transportation contractor lied on a…


GDOT Admits Mistake For Breaking Immigration Law
GDOT Admits Mistake For Breaking Immigration Law. A Georgia Department of Transportation spokesman admitted Thursday that his agency made a mistake in failing to comply with a state immigration law. The…

O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91
Pages: 3

O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91

Copyright 2010 by The State of Georgia
All rights reserved.

*** Current through the 2010 Regular Session ***


Go to the Georgia Code Archive Directory

O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 (2010)

§ 13-10-91. Verification of new employee eligibility; applicability; rules and regulations

(a) Every public employer, including, but not limited to, every municipality and county, shall register and participate in the federal work authorization program to verify employment eligibility of all newly hired employees. Upon federal authorization, a public employer shall permanently post the employer’s federally issued user identification number and date of authorization, as established by the agreement for authorization, on the employer’s website; provided, however, that if a local public employer does not maintain a website, the identification number and date of authorization shall be published annually in the official legal organ for the county. State departments, agencies, or instrumentalities may satisfy the requirement of this Code section by posting information required by this Code section on one website maintained and operated by the state.

(b) (1) No public employer shall enter into a contract pursuant to this chapter for the physical performance of services within this state unless the contractor registers and participates in the federal work authorization program to verify information of all newly hired employees or subcontractors. Before a bid for any such service is considered by a public employer, the bid shall include a signed, notarized affidavit from the contractor attesting to the following:

(A) The affiant has registered with and is authorized to use the federal work authorization program;

(B) The user identification number and date of authorization for the affiant; and

(C) The affiant is using and will continue to use the federal work authorization program throughout the contract period.

An affidavit required by this subsection shall be considered an open public record once a public employer has entered into a contract for physical performance of services; provided, however, that any information protected from public disclosure by federal law or by Article 4 of Chapter 18 of Title 50 shall be redacted. Affidavits shall be maintained by the public employer for five years from the date of receipt.

(2) No contractor or subcontractor who enters a contract pursuant to this chapter with a public employer or a contractor of a public employer shall enter into such a contract or subcontract in connection with the physical performance of services within this state unless the contractor or subcontractor registers and participates in the federal work authorization program to verify information of all newly hired employees. Any employee, contractor, or subcontractor of such contractor or subcontractor shall also be required to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph.

(3) Upon contracting with a new subcontractor, a contractor or subcontractor shall, as a condition of any contract or subcontract entered into pursuant to this chapter, provide a public employer with notice of the identity of any and all subsequent subcontractors hired or contracted by that contractor or subcontractor. Such notice shall be provided within five business days of entering into a contract or agreement for hire with any subcontractor. Such notice shall include an affidavit from each subsequent contractor attesting to the subcontractor’s name, address, user identification number, and date of authorization to use the federal work authorization program.

(4) Contingent upon appropriation or approval of necessary funding and in order to verify compliance with the provisions of this subsection, each year the Commissioner shall conduct no fewer than 100 random audits of public employers and contractors. The results of the audits shall be published on the website and on the Georgia Department of Labor’s website no later than December 31 of each year. The Georgia Department of Labor shall seek funding from the United States Secretary of Labor to the extent such funding is available.

(5) Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement in an affidavit submitted pursuant to this subsection shall be guilty of a violation of Code Section 16-10-20 and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in such Code section. Contractors and subcontractors convicted for false statements based on a violation of this subsection shall be prohibited from bidding on or entering into any public contract for 12 months following such conviction.

(c) This Code section shall be enforced without regard to race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or national origin.

(d) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this Code section, the Commissioner shall prescribe forms and promulgate rules and regulations deemed necessary in order to administer and effectuate this Code section and publish such rules and regulations on the Georgia Department of Labor’s website.

(e) The commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation shall prescribe all forms and promulgate rules and regulations deemed necessary for the application of this Code section to any contract or agreement relating to public transportation and shall publish such rules and regulations on the Georgia Department of Transportation’s website.

(f) No employer or agency or political subdivision, as such term is defined in Code Section 50-36-1, shall be subject to lawsuit or liability arising from any act to comply with the requirements of this Code section.

HISTORY: Code 1981, § 13-10-91, enacted by Ga. L. 2006, p. 105, § 2/SB 529; Ga. L. 2009, p. 970, § 1/HB 2; Ga. L. 2010, p. 308, § 2.A/SB 447.

August 19, 2010

D.A. King: GDOT Is Breaking State’s Immigration Law

Posted by D.A. King at 9:44 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Activist: GDOT Is Breaking State’s Immigration Law
Violation May Make It Easier For Contractors To Hire Illegal ImmigrantsBy Jeff Chirico, CBS Atlanta Investigative Reporter

August 18, 2010

ATLANTA — Illegal immigration activist D.A. King said the Georgia Department of Transportation violated state law that requires government contractors verify employees’ legal working status.

King said the affidavit GDOT uses to comply with the law doesn’t require all the information mandated by House Bill 2 passed in 2009. The legislation clarifies wording in Georgia’s Security and Immigration Compliance Act signed in 2006.

The allegations come on the heels of a CBS Atlanta investigation that questioned whether a GDOT contractor hired an illegal worker.

An affidavit obtained from GDOT shows the agency didn’t require a contractor to provide a registration number and date for the federal government’s employment verification database known as E-Verify.

GDOT spokesman David Spear said in an email that apparently GDOT used the wrong affidavit. He said he isn’t sure if it was an isolated incident. VIDEO HERE
King said he believes the violation could make it easier for GDOT contractors to get away with hiring illegal immigrants.

Open records request to Georgia Department of Transportation Commissioner Vance Smith regarding Bromell Manicured Lawns #GDOT

Posted by D.A. King at 9:32 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image, Georgia Department of Transportation




18 August 2010

To: Commissioner Vance Smith, Jr.
Georgia Department of Transportation
One Georgia Center
600 West Peachtree NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Please consider this correspondence my official request under Georgia’s Open Records Act for the public records outlined below.
Sent electronically 18 August. 2010. Also faxed.

Commissioner Smith,

Please send me a copy of the affidavit attesting to use of the no-cost federal E-Verify program received from GDOT public contractor Bromell Manicured Lawns, (1091 Shadow Lake Drive, Lithonia, GA, 30058-3215. Phone: 770 761-7888 or 1350 Farmer Rd
Conyers GA 30012) as is required under OCGA 13-10-91 before any public employer such as GDOT may accept a bid or enter into contract with any prospective public contractor.

Also, please forward to me a copy of any document received from Bromell Manicured Lawns on which that company made its original bid to GDOT for the current contract period.

In addition, please send me copies of any internal GDOT correspondence including any email relating or mentioning Bromell Manicured Lawns or CBS Atlanta TV from January 1, 2010 to 18 August, 2010.

I am happy to pay any lawful charges for copying and am grateful if your reply can be sent electronically. Please fell free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you for a prompt and complete response.

D.A. King

Marietta, Ga. 30066

HOUSE BILL 2 from 2009 HERE

September 7, 2010

Complaint hand delivered today to Cobb District Attorney against Bromell Manicured Lawns Inc. for violation of public works law intended to protect American workers in Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 6:06 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Image: USCIS



The below complaint was hand delivered to Mr. Pat Head, Cobb County District Attorney, with the request that it be sent to the GBI and/or the AG

See related but separate complaint HERE

6 September 2010

Mr. Patrick H. Head, District Attorney
Cobb County, Georgia
10 East Park Square
Marietta, GA 30090
(770) 528-3080 Hand and electronically delivered

Complaint: Bromell Manicured Lawns falsified Public Works contractor affidavit
Violation of OCGA 13-10-91 & 16-10-20

Mr. Head,

I write – again – to request that your office forward the below complaint of multiple violations of Georgia law to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for examination and/or to the Georgia Attorney General for prosecution.

I am aware that an ordinary citizen is prohibited by law from lodging a compliant with either office.

This is a complaint against – and request for an investigation of – Bromell Manicured Lawns of 1350 Farmer Rd., Lithonia Georgia 30012 for multiple violations of Georgia’s Public works law, OCGA 13-10-91. In addition, I believe it is clear that Mr. Michael S. Bromell, president of Bromell Manicured Lawns is in violation of OCGA 16-10-20 for false swearing on an official notarized affidavit submitted to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) regarding his company’s authority to use the federal E-Verify program.

State law requires that all public works contractors attest to use of the E-Verify database to verify work eligibility of newly hired employees and provide their E-Verify users number as well as the date of their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which is authority to use the no cost system.

According to documents provided to me by GDOT through Georgia’s open records laws, Michael Bromell, Bromell Manicured Lawns president, signed an affidavit dated 16 June 2010 attesting to use of E-Verify as a condition of obtaining a work contract for his company with GDOT. This is not Bromell’s first contract with GDOT.

According to documents obtained from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Bromelll Manicured Lawns did not obtain an MOU with E-Verify until 26 August, 2010. This date is well after GDOT and Bromell became aware of a local news organization’s investigation of their use of illegal labor.

I ask that an official investigation be launched and that the penalties for violation of Georgia law be implemented as a deterrent to other contractors for whom the law apparently is a joke. This would include the penalties added to Georgia code under SB 447 in the 2010 legislative session: “Contractors and subcontractors convicted for false statements based on a violation of this subsection shall be prohibited from bidding on or entering into any public contract for 12 months following such conviction.”

I am respectfully confident of a full and complete investigation and that in creating some semblance of fear of legal sanctions for dishonest public works contractors and the official agencies that hire them, American workers will benefit from enthusiastic enforcement of the laws designed to protect us in Georgia.

Please find attached a copy of the affidavit in question (click to enlarge) and a page from a 607 page printout of Georgia E-Verify users provided by the U.S. DHS showing Bromell’s MOU date of August 26, 2010.


D.A. King

Marietta, Ga. 30066

ADDED TO ONLINE VERSION 15 September 2010:

Federal Document Shows GDOT Contractor Lied On Affidavit
Federal Document Shows GDOT Contractor Lied On Affidavit. A Department of Homeland Security document obtained exclusively by CBS Atlanta shows a Georgia Department of Transportation contractor lied on a…