March 20, 2017
Daily Caller
March 18, 2017
Russ Read
30 Countries Are Refusing To Take Back Illegal Immigrants Convicted Of Serious Crimes
 Daily Caller
Approximately 30 countries are refusing to accept the deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes in the U.S., according to Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar.
While these countries are refusing to accept the deportations of these criminals, the U.S. government is still issuing visas and student visas to citizens of those countries, according to the Texan congressman. There is already a law on the books which allows the U.S. to hold visas from a country that is not taking back its criminals, but according to Cuellar, the U.S. is not enforcing it.
“We’re not enforcing it, which is amazing. So now my intent is to go back to our committee on appropriations and affect their funding until they do that,” Cuellar told Sharyl Attkisson, host of Full Measure, in an interview.
Cuellar, a Democratic member of the House Committee on Appropriations, told Attkisson that the Supreme Court has ruled that illegal immigrants arrested for criminal activity can only be held for a certain period of time before they must be released.
“That means you’re releasing criminals into our streets because those countries refuse to take back those criminal aliens,” said Cuellar. “That’s wrong. And especially I think it’s even worse that this is already on the books, and we’re still issuing business tourist visas and student visas to countries that refuse to take back their criminal aliens. That’s wrong, and we’re hoping to change that.”
Cuellar has not been afraid to break with some of his party leadership on immigration issues in the past. He was known as one of former President Barack Obama’s fiercest critics on illegal immigration. Cuellar teamed up with Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn in 2014 to help pass a bill that would speed up the deportation of unaccompanied minors. His stance disappointed his fellow Democrats, including Sen. Harry Reid.
There are many foreign countries that refuse to retake illegal immigrants convicted of crimes, according to the congressman, including Vietnam, Cuba and China. Cuellar said that diplomacy plays a factor in the government’s refusal to enforce the law, as the Department of State and other federal agencies do not want to upset foreign partners.
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But, for Cuellar, diplomacy is no excuse to put American lives in danger.
“But my response is, but we can upset our constituents, we can upset our way of life that we have here by allowing those criminals to be released?” said Cuellar. “And basically the response from the State Department is because you have to work with the State Department and Homeland Security. And the State Department, with all due respect, was focused on diplomacy.”
Cuellar noted that he understands the importance of diplomacy in these situations, but that it also important to prevent convicted criminals from returning to American neighborhoods. He told Attkisson that he plans to push for the U.S. government to withhold visas from countries that refuse to take back their convicted criminals.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/03/18/30-countries-are-refusing-to-take-back-illegal-immigrants-convicted-of-serious-crimes/#ixzz4bt6WVJqz
“More returnees means lower wages for everybody in blue-collar industries such as construction and automobile manufacturing, where competition for jobs is likely to increase, economists say.”
“Moreover, the loss of remittances from the United States — Mexico’s second-largest source of revenue at roughly $25 billion last year — could have devastating effects, particularly in rural areas.”
Washington Post.
March 3, 2017
After decades in America, the newly deported return to a Mexico they barely recognize
 Photo: Washington Post
By Antonio Olivo
March 3
MEXICO CITY — The deportees stepped off their flight from El Paso looking bewildered — 135 men who had left families and jobs behind after being swept up in the Trump administration’s mounting effort to send millions of undocumented immigrants back to their economically fraught homeland.
As they filed into Mexico City International Airport recently, government employees handed them free ham-and-cheese sandwiches, Mexican ID cards and information directing them to social services in the capital.
“Welcome back!” a cheerful government worker called out, taking down names and phone numbers.
Then the men, who had spent as many as 20 years in the United States before being caught and held in detention for several weeks, walked out into a Mexico many of them barely remember, where job opportunities are scarce and worries about the worst inflation in a decade await them.
In the wake of new enforcement policies announced by the Trump administration recently that dramatically expand the pool of undocumented immigrants targeted for deportation, Mexico is bracing for an influx of men and women like them. Their arrival — along with a surge of undocumented immigrants leaving the United States voluntarily — promises to transform Mexican society in the same way their departure did.
José Armando López García sits in the small Mexico City home he shares with his 92-year-old mother. López was deported last year after being caught using a fake driver’s licence. He lived in the United States for 27 years and left his wife and five children behind in Las Vegas.
Since President Trump took office in January, the number of U.S. government flights landing in Mexico City loaded with deportees has jumped from two a week under President Barack Obama to three, Mexican officials said. The arrivals include convicted felons but also many without criminal records.
The numbers of immigrants deported from the United States waned in the final years of the Obama administration, which took steps to focus enforcement on hardened criminals and recent arrivals.
Trump, who made immigration enforcement a centerpiece of his campaign, has been clear that he views illegal immigrants as potential security threats and competitors to Americans for jobs. Last week, he told journalists at a private lunch that he might be open to a comprehensive immigration overhaul that includes a path to legal status for those who had not committed crimes.
But Trump did not mention such a plan in his remarks to a joint session of Congress, emphasizing his deportation initiatives instead.
About 500 deported Mexicans, including some who had been picked up when Obama was in office, are arriving here daily.
“Many of these people come not knowing how to speak Spanish,” said Amalia García, secretary of Mexico City’s labor department, which serves as a point of contact for the deportees. “They come feeling very bitter, very ashamed and very hurt.”
More returnees means lower wages for everybody in blue-collar industries such as construction and automobile manufacturing, where competition for jobs is likely to increase, economists say.
The Trump administration on Feb. 21 issued guidelines strengthening enforcement against illegal immigration but insisted that it isn’t seeking “mass deportations.” (Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post)
Moreover, the loss of remittances from the United States — Mexico’s second-largest source of revenue at roughly $25 billion last year — could have devastating effects, particularly in rural areas.
At the same time, though, there will be more English-speaking Mexicans entering the workforce who’ve honed their skills in the United States, a development that in the long run could position Mexico to be a stronger player in the global economy, analysts say.
“A lot of these people ran businesses in the U.S. and did well,” said Andrew Selee, vice president of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. “In the same way that in the United States we saw a wave of Mexicans who became part of the American culture and changed it, we’re now seeing a wave of Mexicans moving back who are integrating American culture into Mexico.”
[Trump’s fight against Made-in-Mexico could carry price on both sides of border]
The Mexican government hopes to tap into that potential — and to diminish the likelihood that deportees will try their luck again across the U.S.-Mexico border, where the Trump administration plans to build a wall.
A federal program launched in 2014, called Somos Mexicanos (We’re Mexican), tries to help returning migrants find jobs, start businesses and deal with the emotional trauma many experience after leaving families in the United States.
Under the program, arriving deportees receive food, a medical checkup and bus fare to wherever they plan to live in Mexico. Local case managers then connect them to social services and job leads and, in some cases, help with moving their families back.
“The first thing that many have in mind is: ‘I want a job,’ ” said Gabriela García Acoltzi, director of the Somos Mexicanos program. “We help them identify other areas where they need assistance.”
But the government’s ability to provide such services to the tens of thousands of returning migrants expected in the coming years is uncertain.
The value of the Mexican peso plunged after Trump took office, prompting worries about the worst inflation in the country since the 2008 global recession. Those fears have heightened as the possibility looms of a trade war with the United States that would affect $1.5 billion in daily cross-border commerce.
[With NAFTA in Trump’s crosshairs, Mexico’s border factories brace for the unknown]
Meanwhile, prices for tortillas, meat and other necessities have gone up in response to the federal government’s 20 percent hike in gasoline prices last month, hitting poorer Mexicans especially hard.
In dispensing government resources to the returnees, García cautioned, “the important thing is to be flexible in what they’re requiring.”
At the Mexico City airport, many passengers arrived in the same rumpled clothes they were wearing when U.S. immigration authorities grabbed them. Some wore gray detention center pants after serving time in jail.
Not liking their chances here, several of the men made a beeline toward a nearby bus terminal to find a way back to the border.
“The situation here doesn’t look good,” said Luis Enrique Castillo, 47, adding that he planned to return to his wife, four children and two grandchildren in Chicago, where he lived for 20 years.
Castillo said he was arrested when U.S. immigration officials knocked on his door looking for one of his sons, who had been scheduled for deportation. They didn’t find his son and, after checking his ID, picked him up instead.
José Armando López García, 50, is trying to make a life in Mexico after being deported about a year ago. He left a wife and five children in Las Vegas after a routine traffic stop revealed he was using a fake driver’s license.
López, a professional carpenter, received a $1,260 government grant through the Somos Mexicanos program that allowed him to start a contracting company out of the home he shares near the airport with his 92-year-old mother.
The money he makes is barely enough to live on, López said. And his depression deepens when he sees other children, who remind him of his own.
“I can’t imagine them living here,” López said, tears streaming down his cheeks. “There’s too much insecurity, and I don’t know how it would work with the schools.”
Jill Anderson, director of Otros Dreams en Acción (Other Dreams in Action), an advocacy group for former undocumented immigrants who grew up in the United States, said many returning students face problems being admitted to Mexican public schools.
The system for transferring U.S. school credits into Mexican schools is rife with red tape, requiring translated transcripts and other proof, which can take more than a year, Anderson said.
Her group has backed legislation to speed up the process, which President Enrique Peña Nieto recently endorsed. But Anderson also noted the resistance here to doing too much to accommodate a population of returning compatriots who rub many the wrong way with their English and their more aggressive American manner.
“It really interrupts the economic and social norms of Mexico,” she said. “They speak English, and they’re asking for access to higher education and to employment in ways that their parents were not able to.”
When José Manuel Torres, 23, followed his deported father back from Georgia about five years ago, he was denied admission to Mexico City’s public university system because he lacked proof of graduating from his middle school outside Atlanta — despite having his high school diploma.
“I told them, ‘Dude, if I finished high school, isn’t it common sense that I went through middle school?’ ” said Torres, speaking in English with a Southern twang. “They said, ‘Yes, but this is the process.’ ”
Torres was hired by an international call center in Mexico City — a growing industry filled with younger English-speaking Mexicans who, as their parents did in the United States, tend to socialize in isolated communities where they resist speaking the language of their new home.
He left that job, though, and, through a family connection, found another job as a school orchestra stage manager at the public National Autonomous University of Mexico. This has allowed him to take classes in software engineering, his real interest.
“This place really beats you up,” Torres said about Mexico. “There are so many circumstances here that constantly keep hitting you, pulling you down, and you’ve got to keep driving through it, grinding and pulling.”
It’s that spirit — forged for many returning Mexicans during years of living illegally in the United States — that may ultimately benefit Mexico, said economist Luis de la Calle.
De la Calle predicted that, in the short term, average wages will drop as more qualified people enter the country to compete for scarce jobs. But the overall economy is likely to expand in the long run when those people start to succeed, he said.
“We suffered a cost as a nation by sending those hard workers to the U.S., in the sense that we lost a lot of talent,” de la Calle said. “When they come back to Mexico and they are properly trained, they will make more than a proportional contribution to Mexico.”
Gabriela Martinez in Mexico City and David Nakamura in Washington contributed to this report.
Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly described the National Autonomous University of Mexico as private. It is a public institution. HERE
 SPLC “Poverty Palace” in Montgomery, Alabama circa 2006
Real Clear Politics
The Hate Group That Incited the Middlebury Melee
By Carl M. Cannon
RCP Staff
March 19, 2017
Under different circumstances, Alabama civil rights lawyer Morris S. Dees and American Enterprise Institute scholar Charles Murray might have been colleagues, even pals. Instead, Murray found himself in a near-riot at Middlebury College after accepting a speaking invitation from Republican students at the Vermont school. Students and faculty galvanized by Dees’ political organization barred Murray from speaking. They shouted him down, chanted their own manifesto, and pulled fire alarms to prevent him from being heard.
 Morris Dees – The Weekly Standard
When Murray and Middlebury professor Allison Stanger tried to leave the building, they were followed by protesters who accosted them physically. The professor was grabbed by the hair and her neck twisted—she was fitted with a neck brace at a hospital—and their car rocked in a way that alarmed local authorities.
It was another victory for opponents of free speech, and if that seems like an incongruous scalp for a civil rights lawyer to wear, well, our politics are pretty odd these days.
Charles Murray is a political scientist with a doctorate degree from M.I.T. The American Enterprise Institute is a Washington-based think tank devoted to “defending human dignity, expanding human potential, and building a freer and safer world.” Its scholars believe these goals can be attained by promoting democracy and strengthening the free enterprise system in the U.S. and around the globe.
Morris Dees is a born salesman who was a committed capitalist before he entered elementary school. “When I was 5, I bought a pig for a dollar. I fattened it up and sold it for $12,” he once told People magazine. “I always had a feel for making money.”
When his mother sent him a fruitcake his freshman year in Tuscaloosa, Morris and classmate Millard Fuller wrote other students’ parents offering to deliver freshly baked birthday cakes. Soon they were selling 350 cakes per month. By the time they left law school, they were making $50,000 a year—$400,000 in today’s dollars.
After graduation, Dees and Fuller hung out a shingle and practiced law. But the real money came from their mail order business, peddling everything from cookbooks to tractor cushions. In 1969, Dees sold the direct-mail firm to the Times Mirror Co. for $6 million. By then, Fuller had cashed out, given away his money, and with his wife gone to live a Christian life building homes for the poor—efforts culminating in the creation of Habitat for Humanity.
Dees also started a nonprofit, which he named the Southern Poverty Law Center. But he gave up neither the high life nor the direct-mail business. He lives in luxury with his fifth wife and still runs the SPLC, which has used the mail-order model to amass a fortune. Its product line is an unusual one: For the past 47 years, Morris Dees has been selling fear and hate.
The business model is simple, albeit cynical, and best illustrated by its most famous case. In 1987, a Dees-led legal team won a $7 million judgment against the Ku Klux Klan in a wrongful death suit on behalf of Beulah Mae Donald, the mother of a 19-year-old kid murdered by members of the racist group. But the defendants’ total assets amounted to a building worth $52,000. That’s how much Mrs. Donald, who died the following year, received. But Dees reaped $9 million for the SPLC from fundraising solicitations about the case, including one showing a grisly photo of Michael Donald’s corpse.
Today, the center boasts a treasury of more than $300 million, the richest civil rights group in the country.
But with the Ku Klux Klan literally out of business, how was the SPLC able to frighten people into still donating? That’s where the AEI’s Charles Murray reenters our story, along with many other mainstream conservative groups. Scaring the bejesus out of people requires new bogeymen, and lots of them.
In recent years, you can find yourself on the SPLC’s “hate map” if you haven’t gotten fully aboard on gay marriage — or the Democratic Party’s immigration views. In other words, the Dees’ group classifies individuals and organizations as purveyors of “hate” for holding the same view on marriage espoused by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton until mid-2012.
Such labeling has consequences, which became clear in August 2012 when a gay rights activist named Floyd Lee Corkins entered the lobby of the Family Research Council armed with a 9mm handgun and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. The gun was for killing as many Christians as he could, although he only managed to wound a guard. The sandwiches? He was going to rub them in the faces of his murder victims. Corkins had heard that a Chick-fil-A executive express opposition to gay marriage. Why the Family Research Council? He told police that the Southern Poverty Law Center had labeled it “a hate group.”
This episode prompted the FBI to drop the SPLC as a resource for hate crime cases. It prompted no such soul searching in academia. Before Charles Murray’s abortive visit to Vermont, several hundred Middlebury alums signed a letter opposing his visit. They and the numerous professors and students who protested all cited the SPLC as their sole source for various slanders against Murray: He’s a racist; he favors eugenics; he’s a “white supremacist.”
Murry’s original sin is “The Bell Curve,” a book Murray co-authored more than two decades ago postulating a correlation between poverty and IQ. But it never advocated “eugenics.” Nor is he anti-gay: He’s argued in favor of gay marriage to Republican groups.
The “white supremacist” stuff is especially offensive: Murray, whose first wife was Asian, has mixed-race children….The rest HERE
Carl M. Cannon is the Washington Bureau Chief for RealClearPolitics. Reach him on Twitter @CarlCannon
March 18, 2017
 Jim Galloway. Photo: AJC
Adios, pretense. Or, how could we ever have borders if we are all equal?
“A declaration that all men and women are created equal is on its face an invitation to immigrants.”
Jim Galloway, Atlanta Journal Constitution “Political Insider.”
March 18, 2017.
You can read the rest of it * here.
The AJC page is not up anymore. And it goes in and out on Wayback Machine. Here is that link. Below I pasted the entire Galloway navel gaze below.
Steve King, John Lewis, and the American gene pool
“A Day Without Immigrants” protestors march in the streets outside the state capitol in Austin, Texas in this file photo from February. Drew Anthony Smith/Getty Images
A review of the fundamentals is always worthwhile. For that reason alone, we are all indebted to U.S. Rep. Steve King of Iowa.
Last week, the Republican congressman registered his approval of Geert Wilders, the “Dutch Donald Trump,” and his campaign to be prime minister of the Netherlands on an anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant platform.
“Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” King wrote via Twitter.
The backlash to his statement was swift and included rebukes from several of King’s congressional colleagues. Among them was John Lewis of Atlanta, who called the remarks “bigoted and racist” and more.
“It suggests there is one cultural tradition and one appearance that all of humanity should conform to,” the Atlanta congressman said. Which is true enough, but Lewis’ statement didn’t quite get us to the teachable moment that King’s mischaracterization deserves.
America holds itself out as a nation built around an idea rather than shared DNA or religion — which had been the traditional foundations of European nationhood and to a great extent still are. On this side of the Atlantic, we have been about adding to the gene pool, not refining it.
These topics often come up in families with high school history teachers. Only a few months ago, we were walking out of the movie theater, having watched a Cold War drama called “Bridge of Spies.”
The history teacher among us was giddy. The Tom Hanks character, in a conversation with a CIA agent, had given a succinct speech that the teacher intended to convert to a YouTube video as a way of explaining to students the difference between a constitutional democracy and democratic nationalism.
“My name’s Donovan. Irish. Both sides, mother and father. I’m Irish, you’re German, but what makes us both Americans?” the Hank character asks, then answers himself. “Just one thing … the rule book. We call it the Constitution, and we agree to the rules. And that’s what makes us Americans. It’s all that makes us Americans.”
A declaration that all men and women are created equal is on its face an invitation to immigrants. And so our history has largely revolved around absorption — about changing newcomers and being changed by them. About assimilation and resistance to assimilation.
The first German language newspaper in America, Die Philadelphische Zeitung, was published in 1732 by Ben Franklin. German-language journalism thrived, unabsorbed, in the U.S. for nearly two centuries, until World War I.
California’s Constitution of 1849, which brought that state into the Union, was printed in both Spanish and English. California would remain a formally bilingual state for 30 years.
The Jim Crow era that followed the Civil War and Reconstruction amounted to white resistance to the assimilation of African-Americans — whose ancestors were brought here unwillingly — into the social and political fabric of the country. While focused in the South, that resistance stretched nationwide.
The civil rights movement of the next century would be its sequel.
As late as the 1950s, hostile Protestants named communism and Catholicism — the latter a mostly European import — as the two greatest existential threats to the United States. Communism is largely gone, and Catholics have finally won acceptance.
If Neil Gorsuch is confirmed as a U.S. Supreme Court justice — his first Senate hearing is Monday — he will be the only Protestant on the nation’s highest bench. The other eight are either Catholic (five) or Jewish (three).
A few days before Steve King sent out his Tweet on what he thought this country was about, an arm of the University of Georgia, the Selig Center for Economic Growth, published its annual analysis of the state of the multicultural economy in the United States.
Jeffrey Humphreys, the center’s director, is one of the state’s leading economists and has been putting out this particular study since 1990. The report is geared toward businesses that want to reach ethnic and racial minorities in the U.S. with their goods and services.
This year’s headline: In 2016, the $1.4 trillion Hispanic market in the United States was larger than the entire economies of all but 14 countries in the world. Smaller than the gross domestic product of Spain, but larger than that of Mexico.
African-Americans still make up the nation’s largest racial minority market, but the buying power of Hispanics — an ethnic group, Humphreys points out — is larger.
In essence, Humphreys matches census data with statistics on economic purchases. He can tell you, for instance, where Hispanic buying habits differ from the rest of America. They spend more on groceries and clothing, but less on tobacco. They spend more on car insurance, but less on health insurance. (Probably because, on the whole, they’re younger. Thirty-five percent are under age 18.)
But Hispanics are like the rest of America when it comes to spending on booze, utilities, furniture, public transportation and grooming products.
In reading this study, I realized that Humphreys has developed some serious data on how racial and ethnic minorities are absorbed into the U.S. mainstream. In some cases, to the point that the data no longer can find them. The Irish, for instance.
“The census doesn’t ask that point. If it did, I could do that. If people could remember whether they were Irish or not,” Humphreys said.
“The thing is, at some point, an ethnic group or even a racial group is going to behave in ways that might not be much different from anyone else. We’re not at that point yet,” he said.
It’s an interesting thought, though. Consumerism as a foundation of national unity. But it will probably not happen.
In walking back his comments, Congressman King said he hoped to see “an America that’s just so homogenous that we look a lot the same.” But that, too, is a misunderstanding of who we are.
Any science student can tell you that homogeneity — whether we’re talking gas molecules or people — occurs only in a closed system that admits no outsiders.
There will always be outsiders pressing to get into the United States, looking to change and be changed. But only if we’re lucky.
March 17, 2017
March 14, 2017
Illegal Alien Crime: Business, Ethnic Lobbies Try to Block Transparency Bill in Georgia
Business and ethnic lobbies are trying to keep Georgia residents in the dark whenever the federal government is forced to release illegal alien criminals back onto the streets, says D.A. King, founder of a pro-American immigration reform group in the state.
The business groups are using their allies in the state Senate to divert, delay and then defeat a transparency bill — dubbed HG 452 — that has already been approved almost unanimously by Republican and Democratic legislators in the State House, said King, who founded the Dustin Inman Society to push for immigration reform. According to King:
HB 452 is a simple, one page bill that allows and requires the [Georgia Bureau of Investigation] to share information with we the people and Georgia sheriffs that it is already receiving from the feds regarding the release onto the streets of Georgia of convicted, criminal aliens. This list includes murderers, rapists, child molesters and kidnappers.
But “HB 452 is in trouble in the Republican-ruled Georgia state Senate,” King said in a Tuesday statement, as he called for supporters to lobby for the bill:
Yesterday, HB 452 went through the Senate Public Safety Committee on a 4-3 vote. But the Chairman of that committee felt the need to change the language of the bill. His changes were pointless … [But] HB 452 now must go through the Senate Rules Committee before it can see a vote in the full Republican-controlled state Senate. Assuming the Republicans there allow it to pass, because of the needless change in language, it then must go back to the House for passage again.
Allied business groups and ethnic lobbies are vigorously trying to stall the bill, King said.
The anti-borders lobby was there [at the Monday committee vote] in full force and was allowed to interrupt the hearing. One anti-American opponent of the bill told the room that sharing the info on criminal aliens released onto our streets was “bad for immigrants and bad for small business.” Another made it clear that sharing the information showed a lack of “compassion.” Yet another told the committee that letting your county sheriff know when murderous, criminal aliens were set free into your community it would make you less safe.
One of the leading opposition forces is GALEO, a Latino advocacy group which describes the transparency bill as an “anti-immigrant” bill, saying it allows:….READ THE REST HERE.

Atlanta Journal Constitution
March 17, 2017
Trump’s enforcement policy doing its job
We are grateful to the AJC for the recent news report (“Fear sets in among metro immigrants amid crackdown,” News, March 12). It is music to the ears of the pro-enforcement American majority that “undocumented workers” are “selling off their cars and homes and preparing to return to their native countries.” After eight years of the Obama administration’s fake news of “record deportations,” we see real distress in the illegal alien community. Which is exactly the purpose of President Trump’s enforcement policy.
The straw man argument that “it is impossible to deport 11-20 million illegals” is now meeting the reality that fear of the law results in many illegals migrating out of the U.S. on their own.
After being appointed by President Clinton to recommend remedies for the illegal immigration crisis in the mid ’90s, the late U.S. Rep. Barbara Jordan told Congress “Unless this country does a better job in curbing illegal immigration, we risk irreparably undermining our commitment to legal immigration.” We have been advancing the ‘Jordan Doctrine’ from here for nearly 15 years and happily note that Donald Trump and the AJC are validating our work.
March 15, 2017
March 14, 2017

ACTION NEEDED — I’ll wash your car!
Help us save some American lives with five minutes of your time, please. HB 452 in trouble in Republican state Senate.
HB 452 is a simple, one page bill that allows and requires the GBI to share information with we the people and Georgia sheriffs that it is already receiving from the feds regarding the release onto the streets of Georgia of convicted, criminal aliens. This list includes murderers, rapists, child molesters and kidnappers.
HB 452 passed out of the Republican-run House Public Safety Committee with a unanimous, bipartisan vote. HB 452 passed the full Republican-run House 144-26.
–> HB 452 was the subject of an excellent National Review piece yesterday, in which the Dustin Inman Society is mentioned.
HB 452 is in trouble in the Republican-ruled Georgia state senate. Yesterday, HB 452 went through the Senate Public Safety Committee on a 4-3 vote. But the Chairman of that committee felt the need to change the language of the bill. His changes were pointless and quite frankly, showed his lack of knowledge of the bill and the program on which it is based.
The anti-borders lobby was there in full force and was allowed to interrupt the hearing. One anti-American opponent of the bill told the room that sharing the info on criminal aliens released onto our streets was “bad for immigrants and bad for small business.” Another made it clear that sharing the information showed a lack of “compassion.” Yet another told the committee that letting your county sheriff know when murderous, criminal aliens were set free into your community it would make you less safe.
→HB 452 now must go through the Senate Rules Committee before it can see a vote in the full Republican controlled state Senate. Assuming the Republicans there allow it to pass, because of the needless change in language, it then must go back to the House for passage again.
The corporate-funded (Coca Cola, Georgia Power, AJC owners, Cox Communications …) illegal alien lobby has a phone bank of people who are swamping the Capitol phones right now to kill the bill.
Please call the members of the offices of members of the Senate Rules Committee and leave a polite, short message with the staffer to “please pass out HB 452 so we can save some American lives in Georgia. We are watching…”
Republican SENATE RULES COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Please call this morning, and after lunch, then email all of them. Repeat tomorrow. I’ll wash your car…
Mullis, Jeff (Chairman) (404) 656-0057 jeff.mullis@senate.ga.gov
Hill, Jack(404) 656-5038 jack.hill@senate.ga.gov
Millar, Fran (404) 463-2260 nbsfmillar@gmail.com
Albers, John (404) 463-8055 john@senatoralbers.com
Cowsert, Bill (404) 463-1366 bill.cowsert@senate.ga.gov
Gooch, Steve (404) 656-9221 sgooch@windstream.net
Hill, Hunter (404) 463-2518 hunter@votehunterhill.com
Kennedy, John F. (404) 656-0045 john.kennedy@senate.ga.gov
Shafer, David (404) 656-0048 david.shafer@senate.ga.gov
Wilkinson, John (404) 463-5257 john.wilkinson@senate.ga.gov
.Miller, Butch (404) 656-7454 butch.miller@senate.ga.gov
Unterman, Renee S (404) 463-1368 untermanr@bellsouth.net

Shouldn’t the public know when ICE releases criminal aliens? Georgia bill says “yes.”
National Review Online
John Fonte noted in these pages last week that the new DHS office serving victims of criminal aliens (dubbed VOICE) will help challenge the dominant media narrative about immigration. Along with the complementary initiative to systematically provide the public with information on crimes committed by released criminal aliens, Fonte says it represents “the opening round of a long-overdue declaration of (political) war on the sanctuary cities, counties, and states that protect criminal aliens.”
This is all in response to President Trump’s executive order on interior immigration enforcement, which directed DHS to, among other things, “make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.”
Rather than wait for the feds, lawmakers in Georgia have decided to move ahead along similar lines to make available information on criminal aliens. Legislation is working its way through the state legislature that would require the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) to share with the public information – already being provided to it by ICE – on criminal aliens released from federal custody. ICE shares information nationwide, through a system called Enforcement Integrated Database (EID) and Law Enforcement Notification System (LENS), when it releases criminal aliens who have been convicted of “violent or serious crimes” like “certain felonies and misdemeanors – such as homicide, rape, sexual assault, aggravated assault, robbery, and kidnapping.”
Despite the fact that illegal aliens are not covered under the Privacy Act of 1974, and that President Trump has reversed policy to the contrary, ICE has privacy concerns on the data and in at least one of ICE’s “Privacy Impact Assessment Updates” says “ensuring that the notification is shared with the appropriate entities is a responsibility of the law enforcement agency initially receiving the data, and any further dissemination may be governed by the state’s laws and policies on information sharing.”
Thus the motivation for a state law requiring that the GBI begin to send the information to Georgia sheriffs and to post it on its official website for public education and warning. The bill, HB 452, isn’t a lark by amateurs; included among its co-sponsors is Rep. Bill Hitchens, former Director of the Georgia Office of Homeland Security, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Safety, and Colonel of the Georgia State Patrol.
The legislation passed the state House of Representatives earlier this month on a 144-26 vote. It will now be considered by the state Senate, where the Republicans have a two-thirds majority.
With that kind of dominance, passage may seem guaranteed, but my pro-enforcement friend on the ground in Georgia, D.A. King, has been working on this for about eighteen months and the says the outcome in the Senate is far from certain, with the possibility that Big Business might try to kill the measure.
As it is, King said the Atlanta Journal Constitution published a deceptive story on the bill (surprise!) and the state’s main corporate-funded anti-borders group, GALEO, has launched a major push to stop it (“anti-immigrant,” “bigotry,” “intolerance” – you know the drill).
I was glad to hear from King – who runs the Dustin Inman Society, named after a Georgia teen killed by an illegal alien – that the office of U.S. Sen. David Perdue (who, with Tim Cotton, has co-sponsored the Raise Act to reform legal immigration) was helpful in providing information to get the bill written. We’ll know the outcome by March 30, when the Georgia legislature’s session ends. If passed, the bill could serve as a model for other states. That might seem unnecessary given President Trump’s commitment to transparency regarding criminal alien information. But such transparency needs to be institutionalized so it’s harder for a President Warren (or President Perez or President Ellison!) to reverse it a few years down the road.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/445735/georgia-bill-criminal-aliens
Jeff Mullis March 14, 2017
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