Donor/sponsor/enabler list for Jerry Gonzalez’s GALEO May, 2014 11th annual Power Breakfast fundraiser. The Annual GALEO Power Breakfast is one of the principle fundraising events for anti-borders GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund.
PHOTO – that is Jerry Gonzalez on the far-left with more of Georgia’s illegal alien lobby in Georgia Governor Deal’s office, July, 2014 from a WABE radio story HERE
Gerardo E. (Jerry) Gonzalez is a former MALDEF employee.
Important, (but ignored by the media) quote from MALDEF co-founder, Mario Obledo: “California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.”
*Kuck Immigration law Partners law firm Charles Kuck is vice-Chair of the GALEO Board of Directors – most media in Georgia, including the AJC simply describes him as “an immigration lawyer.”
*Briarcliff Pediatrics (this office is operated by Jerry Gonzalez’s husband, Dr. Ray Deeb )
*Rey Pascual Rey Pascual is a member of the Board, GALEO
*Rohan Law, P.C. Douglas Rohan is a member of the Board of Directors, GALEO
*Southwest Airlines ( there was a later drawing for two airline tickets donated by SWA – the winner was GALEO member Republican state Senator Jack Hill. Gonzalez congratulated Senator Jack Hill in a GALEO “get out the vote” newsletter in June : “Congratulations to Georgia State Senator Jack Hill (R-Reidsville), the GALEO Member who renewed his membership during the months of May/June to qualify for a pair of Southwest Airlines tickets! We drew the winning ticket on Thursday, July 10th at the GALEO office. Pictures are posted on our facebook wall! There is a lot going on and your actions and raising your voice is necessary.”
*The Road to Recovery Inc. (This immigration-dependent business was founded and is operated by Rocio Woody, who is also a Board member of GALEO. Rocio Del Milagro Woody was appointed to Georgia’s State Board of Corrections in the fall of 2013 by Republican Governor Nathan Deal and confirmed in that position by the super-majority Republican-controlled state Senate. Breitbart write up here.)
* Leonard Gomez, City Council, Grantville Georgia – Gomez is a product of GALEO network ‘Institute for Leadership’ anti-borders training in community organizing
*Mimi Woodsen, City Council Columbus, Georgia – Woodsen is also board member GALEO
Video from live Atlanta TV yesterday – your education on just one of the slimy, ethnic hustlers in the illegal alien lobby – Atlanta’s Gerardo E. (Jerry) Gonzalez.
Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO loses a live TV debate -again – on Arizona law and amnesty again then goes into smear mode. Again.
Angry Jerry talks about the ‘rule of law’, the constitution and the fact that we had an amnesty more than twenty years ago… and brings a smile to D.A. King. Jerry astounded the entire crew in the Fox Five studio. The studio crew apologized to me for his very unprofessional smear attacks and will be reluctant to invite him in again. I explained that Jerry was not too bright, lacks a real argument and is trained to ridicule his opponents and to never let truth or conscience get in the way.
The good thing here is that so many new people get a better understanding of who and what Jerry Gonzalez is. It doesn’t seem to be Jerry’s week. National Review Online has gotten wind of Jerry’s constant fabrications and written about him and the SPLC. Others have written about his offensive antics. An example HERE
In Fox Five Atlanta studio, (7 minutes) Angry Jerry Gonzalez loses debate – kicks into smear mode at end. HERE
Second hit VIDEO (3 minutes)-
Edited re-cap and in which TV anchor finds out Jerry is a liar and confronts him with truth and Jerry is forced to admit his lies at end. HERE We also did a debate on the 7PM 11 Alive NBC Atlanta TV station – I cannot locate that on their Website yet. There, Jerry had apparently been told by his bossman to stick to the issue and just keep saying we cannot secure the border unless we grant another amnesty…I mean “comprehensive immigration reform.”
If you have thoughts and remarks on this, send them in to me and I will consider posting them on the DIS blog page.
For the record, I have written about my 1977 guilty plea to illegal gambling many times and include it in my bio that is sent out before each speaking engagement. It is not exactly news as the AJC ran a profile on me in 2006. Jerry Gonzalez is dim enough to believe that his endless attacks will somehow make people not recognize the truth about illegal immigration. My bio below:
BIO 1/2010
A nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration, D.A. King, is a former Marine, and a 27 -year resident of Marietta, Georgia.
He writes on border security and illegal immigration in the Marietta Daily Journal and other Georgia and nationally read newspapers including the Washington Times and the Atlanta Journal Constitution as well as the subscription Websites, Insider Advantage Georgia, and the Southern Political Report.
He is founder and president of the Dustin Inman Society. .
With a focus on Georgia, The Dustin Inman Society is a coalition dedicated to educating the American public, the media and elected officials on the consequences of illegal immigration, illegal employment, illegal administration of Public Benefits, our un-secured borders and the breakdown of the rule of law in our republic.
The organization was named in memory of Dustin Inman, a sixteen-year-old youth from Woodstock, Georgia, killed by an illegal alien on Father’s Day week-end, 2000. Dustin was but one of the thousands of Americans who have lost their lives as a result of our intentionally unsecured borders and illegal immigration.
Dustin Inman’s killer remains at large. American law enforcement authorities report they believe he is successfully hiding in Mexico.
D.A. has been a tireless advocate for use of the 287 (g) enforcement program in Georgia and is proud that it has proven to be a successful tool in removing and deterring criminal aliens and saving lives.
D.A. has been studying our illegal immigration crisis for more than eight years and set aside his twenty five year insurance business in 2003 to devote full time to educating people on the crisis created by the acts of organized crime of illegal immigration and illegal employment.
He has made four trips to the Southwest border, the most recent of which being in December 2006 as a guide for four Georgia legislators.
He has appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Live, PBS, Fox News, CNN ESPANOL, CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight, CBS EVENING NEWS, MSNBC, Univision and in a 2004 CNN Presents one hour documentary on illegal immigration in Georgia.
He was an invited witness and testified on the effects of illegal immigration in the American workplace to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and The American Workforce at Congressional Field Hearings in Georgia in August 2006.
He has lectured to a UGA 2007 graduate class in the School of Social Work, a Kennesaw University debate class and a 2006 class of Emory University Journalism students as well as many high-school student organizations.
He has been featured in news stories on illegal immigration in Business Week magazine, Governing magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the Washington Post, the Washington Times, the Rocky Mountain News, the National Journal, the Christian Science Monitor and other nationally read publications.
D.A. has been a guest host on nationwide radio broadcasts and is a frequent guest on numerous radio shows and networks addressing illegal immigration including NPR, Public Radio International, Air America and CNN.
In April, 2009 he spoke to Georgia Tax Commissioners as an invited authority on use of the federal SAVE system at the annual conference of the Technology Development Council of Georgia (TCTECH).
D.A. lobbies at the local level, at the Georgia Capitol and in Washington D.C. and does public speaking to educate the public. He lobbied in favor of the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB 529), signed into law in April 2006 . He lobbied in favor of HB 2, a 2009 Georgia law aimed at gaining compliance with the 2006 GSICA.
His present projects include working to convince local governments in Georgia to comply with this law.
D.A. works at his own expense and donations. He has spent his savings doing so.
He has organized more than a dozen protest rallies against illegal immigration and a repeat of the failed amnesty of 1986, both in Georgia and Washington, including a 2005 rally at the White House and another in April of 2007, also at the White House.
In May 2007, he organized a rally to oppose a repeat of the 1986 amnesty legislation outside Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss’ Atlanta office and near Senator Johnny Isakson’s office.
In 1977, King pleaded guilty to a charge of illegal gambling and was punished with a fine and probation.
In 2006 he filed a complaint with the Secretary of the Georgia Senate against Georgia state Senator Sam Zamarripa who is founder and Chair of the tax – exempt corporation “Georgia Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials” (GALEO) and a former board member of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) for conflict of interest in opposing a bill (SB 529) that would require local governments in that state to obey long-standing federal immigration, employment and Public Benefits laws.
D.A. and Sue have been married for 27 years. He is not a member of any political party. dak 770 427 2857
Lt. Governor’s PAC reportedly kicks in $250,000 for narrow victory
Jason Anavitarte, controversial candidate for the Republican ballot in Georgia’s state senate District 31 primary contest has apparently squeaked past opponent Boyd Austin, a former mayor.
Austin has criticized Anavitarte as representing “outside interests” rather than the district; “…a breakdown of Anavitarte’s contributions from both his April 30th report as well as his latest one bear this out. In the April document 94 percent of Anavitarte’s contributions come from outside the district (with many from lobbyists). In the latest report, outside-the-district donations make up 97 percent of Anavitarte’s total. Only six individuals in the district gave a monetary contribution” according to a July note at Insider Advantage Georgia.
As of August 22, the Secretary of State website still shows results of the August 11TH primary contest as “Unofficial Results – Totals may not include all Absentee or Provisional Ballots” but watchers agree that Anavitarte will likely prevail in the final vote tally.
UPDATE: Final and official results show that Anavitarte won 10,574 to 10,348, a margin of 226 votes.
Anavitarte has drawn considerable attention since it was revealed that from 2006 -2009 he served on the board of the radical GALEO Inc. GALEO is well known as a corporate-fundedforce against immigration enforcement, ICE holds, 287(g), voter ID and official English. In 2006, the same year Anavitarte joined the board of directors, GALEO teamed with the ACLU, MALDEF, and the ADL in a protest rally against state immigration enforcement.
GALEO Director Jerry Gonzalez has illustrated the group’s mission with antics such as escorting admitted illegal aliens into the Georgia senate Chamber in an effort to stop passage of a 2006 bill, the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB529) – aimed at reducing Georgia’s attractiveness as a destination for illegal immigration. Gonzalez has also been criticized for badgering a diminutive female state Rep, Katie Dempsey, for her pro-enforcement position on E-Verify in a Rome, Ga. public forum.
GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez. Photo: Dustin Inman Society
In early 2016, another former GALEO board member and state court judge, Dax Lopez, was passed over for confirmation after an Obama nomination for a lifetime seat on the federal bench due to his ties to GALEO. This writer was proudly credited with leading the opposition to the Lopez nomination with the research series ‘A Beginner’s Guide to GALEO’ posted on the Dustin Inman Society website in 2015 and 2016.
On its political blog, the Atlanta Journal Constitution has reported that a PAC, ‘Advance Georgia,’ founded by Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor and president of the senate Geoff Duncan helped Anavitarte’s slim victory with a $250,000 infusion:
“Jason Anavitarte might owe Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan a thank-you note for his apparent narrow GOP runoff victory over Boyd Austin in the contest to replace state Sen. Bill Heath, R-Bremen. The lieutenant governor’s PAC pumped about $250,000 into Anavitarte’s bid. He’s currently up by about 200 votes – a 1% margin says the liberal AJC Political Insider blog.
Georgia’s Lt. Governor and President of the Senate, Geoff Duncan. Photo: AJC.
“Jason Anavitarte is a former member of the Paulding County School Board and candidate for Senate District 31 in the Georgia Legislature. Most recently, Jason served as Senior Adviser of Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan’s campaign and served on the state finance committee for Governor Brian Kemp during the 2018 election. Jason has been named one of the 50 Most Influential Latinos in Georgia” according to Anavitarte’s campaign website, Campaign website (August 19, 2020).
Anavitarte, who has described himself as an admirer and supporter of Senator Marco Rubio, is a former Doraville City Council member and in 2005 filed to run for the state House as a Democrat. In the recent primary he was endorsed by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and originally did not mention illegal immigration on his campaign site as an issue.
That changed after he drew the attention of pro-enforcement conservatives and the media. He now has stated policy positions on immigration that are curiously tailored to a candidate for federal office as opposed to a state senate seat, but has assured voters he is supports legal immigration without offering limits. From
“I support legal immigration and I want to see our current immigration laws upheld. I support the following reforms:
End chain migration. Stop the original immigrant from petitioning to bring their extended families into the USA.
Move to a merit-based skill categories system. This system would put an emphasis on education and skill as a basis for acceptance into the country.
Reform welfare. Deny welfare to anyone with a green card or visa.
NO AMNESTY! Enforcement of deportation will stop people from coming to our borders.
I support the use of e-verify by our businesses. We need to hire people that are legal to work here in Georgia.
No in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.”
Lt Governor Duncan’s PAC was the topic of AJC coverage in October, which included the observation: “the financial haul could also help Duncan exert more influence over a fractious Republican caucus that sporadically sparred during his first legislative session. Duncan said he preferred to view it as a “partnership” to support Republicans.”
According to the most recent estimates from DHS, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona and enforcement of laws designed to deny jobs, benefits and services to illegals is routinely ignored by the Republicans who have run the state for *more than a decade nearly two decades.
Anavitarte and his committee and floor votes on illegal immigration-related matters will be the focus of much attention from conservative writers and voters when he becomes a state senator.
Greg Williams’ post below has now become a topic on the AJC’s widely-read Political Insider blog. GALEO’s executive director and major-league, race-baiting hate monger, Jerry Gonzalez, has been allowed to create a distraction conversation on the battle over Lopez’s nomination to federal court with a whole-cloth-lie Twitter post accusing me (DAK) of having done an an “anti-sementic post.” It is clear that the Lopez advancement to committee hearing is in trouble and this is what happens when hater liberals like Angry Jerry start losing.
We hope you read William’s post carefully and decide for yourself if writing that he “respects other’s right of religious determination” while professing his own faith is “anti-sementic.” I don’t. We hope you will give consideration to the same on granting Greg’s request for a forum on which to express his objections to Dax Lopez becoming a federal judge.
For the record, I didn’t have any idea and have never given any thought to Lopez’s religious beliefs until I read Galloway’s September 2015 profile of Lopez in which he wrote “Wait — didn’t I mention that Dax Lopez is both Latino and Jewish?”
This was long after our on-going campaign to find a suitable, pro-enforcement federal judge nominee began and was covered, but, does Lopez’s ethnicity and his religion somehow qualify him for federal judge?
On today’s Daily Jolt, Galloway wags a finger at Williams – and from his wording, perhaps everyone who opposes Lopez for federal judge – with “Some opponents of Dax Lopez’ nomination to a U.S. District judgeship are straying close to a line that ought not be crossed.” Presumably because of Greg Williams’ remarks on my website.
The Political Insider goes on to inflame what for most people is a non-event with “All of this to say that opponents of his nomination to the federal bench have heretofore focused on Lopez’ association with the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials. Now they are drifting into an area that threatens to strip them of all credibility.”
Would that be Williams even obliquely referring to Lopez’s faith? Like Galloway did?
In the very educated opinion of this pro-enforcement American, Jerry Gonzalez is an unhinged slime-ball looking for traction on a way to direct the discussion away from Obama’s nomination of Dax Lopez for federal judge with the usual goop. We are surprised anybody went for it. Welcome to the inside of 21st century “politics.”
Posting this update and typing “Hate-group” Jerry-Gonzalez’s name has taken me 30 minutes that I will never get back, and has created the feeling that I need another shower…
Not because I feel the need to indulge anyone concerned, but to illustrate the vile absurdity of the smear from Jerry Gonzalez, I post the e-mail sent from here to Williams when I figured out what Angry Jerry was reaching for in his Twitter smear last night.
It took me awhile to figure out what this crazy POS meant, but I am now assuming he means your OPED on the DIS site from the other day.
My grandfather was Jewish. I am a Christian. I have no concern about anyone’s religion. I only send this to you as a heads up. It never occurred to me that they would try this with your OPED…
These people will stop at nothing and will smear anyone who gets in their way.
We are happy to post the below commentary from the well-known Georgia Young Republican and radio personality, Greg Williams. The added educational links are all ours.
The Obama Judicial appointment legacy includes two lifetime appointments of left leaning Supreme Court Justices ( Kagan and Sotomayor ). On the Attorney General specturm, former AG Eric ( Fast & Furious ) Holder and his AG successor Loretta “We gonna track your use of the 1st Amendment” Lynch have shown a propensity for biased and selective prosecutions focused on political vendettas while simultaneously stonewalling GOP efforts to investigate the Executive Branch and its myriad scandals. Based on this sordid Judicial history, it confounds me why anyone would knowingly contribute to the Obama legacy through support of his Federal Judge appointments.
“I question the strategy and logic from anyone with a vested interest in Georgia of approving an Obama appointed Federal Judge with a lifetime term during Obama’s last year. President Obama has demonstrated his lack of respect for the Constution and activist zeal with several missives, recently conveying legal status to 5 million illegal aliens, an Executive Order successfully challenged in Court. This specific Obama Judicial nominee, Judge Dax Lopez, has a palpable lack of experience on the bench and dubious activist alliances.
Of secondary concern, Judge Lopez experienced an undoubtedly transforming religious epiphany during his conversion to Judaism…I can’t claim any expertise in that arena as I’ve never questioned the role of the Lord Jesus Christ in my life but I do respect the right of others in their personal religious self-determination. Dax Lopez has already exhibited a propensity to reinvent oneself via religious convesion and I believe the populace is owed more data before assessing qualifications and competence. While there are nuanced questions about his role advocating for activist organizations, I will leave that for others to debate.
If Dax is truly qualified for federal judgeship, then I’m sure the next POTUS will articulate and explain the nomination and assuage the current negative sentiment against this lifetime appointment.”
The below email text sent out by Jerry Gonzalez and the flyer below it which explains the various levels of funding for the upcoming GALEO Inc. fund raising event. GALEO proudly announced that Republican Nathan Deal will attend and offer “welcoming remarks” to the people who fund anti-borders radicalism in Georgia.
Along side tribalists from his former employer, MALDEF, Jerry Gonzalez and his mob of subversives have often marched in the streets of Atlanta demanding an end to enforcement of American immigration laws.
From Discover the Networks:
“MALDEF has played a major role in: (a) radically transforming the immigration debate in America, fostering what has become the widespread acceptance of direct attacks on the very idea of national sovereignty; (b) the de facto elimination of any requirement for citizenship rights; and (c) the casual dismissal of all critics as “anti-immigrant” nativists, racists, and “McCarthyites.” For example:
MALDEF co-founder Mario Obledo said in 1998: “California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. They should go back to Europe.”
Email from Angry Jerry Gonzalez this morning:
“You are invited! Please join us for one of GALEO’s primary fundraisers. Together, we work towards enhancing civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community in Georgia. Your support helps us accomplish all that we do for our communities.
Join us on Friday, May 8th!
If you are unable to join us, please consider becoming a GALEO Member or donate to the GALEO Latino Communitry Development Fund.
If you are interested in supporting GALEO and our efforts in Georgia further, please ask about the sponsorship packet for individuals or businesses interested in financially contributing for the event which funds our work. Please send an email to
Jerry Gonzalez,GALEO
This is a must attend event for all Latino leaders in Georgia and all interested in the Latino community.
Keynote address:
AnMarie Martin,
Georgia Peace Officer
& Community Activist
from Gainesville, GA
Special remarks by Jaime Rangel,
GALEO Institute for Leadership Alumni Class of 2014 from Dalton, GA
Welcoming remarks will also be provided by Governor Nathan Deal
The 12th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast is one of the principle fundraising events for GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund.
Reservations are now being taken and will be made on a first come, first served basis. Reservations will be held only when payment is processed or received. Please see credit card link below.
Registration is now open by credit card or mailing a check with the appropriate payment (GALEO, P.O. Box 29506, Atlanta, GA, 30359):
Current GALEO Members & Nonprofits: $50.00 per person
Non-GALEO Members: $100.00 per person
GIL Participants and Student Rate: $25.00 per person
Group Tables – $750.00: Corporations or groups may purchase a table at the rate above for a table of EIGHT people.
Deal’s Atlanta Capitol office number is 404 – 656 – 1776.
Note to curious readers:
* Until I post a more in-depth outline of his race-baiting shenanigins, learn a little more about the Democrat fund raiser and GALEO leader, Jerry Gonzalez from his bio, HERE – but if you see him, it is always enjoyable to ask if he gets paid per illegal alien or on a draw/commission arrangement. Also, in the spirit of his leftist smearing, you may want to ask if he still beats his husband…
* This is not the first time Georgia Republicans have helped these anti-enforcement leftists raise operational funds. And not the first time for corporate Georgia either. See HERE
* See number 32 in the GALEO list of “Founding Friends” for the much-valued Jane Fonda connection HERE
This is the flyer you get if you ask for more information
“Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials
12th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast
Friday, May 8, 2015
Keynote Address: AnMarie Martin, Hall County Deputy Sheriff
Welcoming remarks will also be provided by Governor Nathan Deal (Note from D.A. King: Deal has along history of his association with this far-left group. He appointed one of the GALEO board members to the state Board of Corrections in 2013. The Super-majority Republican state Senate then confirmed the appointment in 2014. HERE )
Sponsorship Levels: Deadline for Sponsorship is Friday, April 24, 2015, 5:00 P.M.
Platinum – $10,000
Exclusive Sponsorship at this level.
Logo signage at the 12th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast
Speaking opportunity to address audience on Friday, May 8th event.
Full Page Color Advertisement for Program: Full Page Ad: 7.75” (H) x 5” (W), 300 dpi. DUE in PDF format or high resolution JPG by 04/24/15.
FOUR GALEO Memberships as a Padrino/Madrina ($1,000.00 value) level of membership o TWOTablesatBreakfast(8peoplepertable)andprimeseating.
Gold – $5,000
Exclusive Sponsorship at this level per industry.
Full Page Color Advertisement for Program: Full Page Ad: 7.75” (H) x 5” (W), 300 dpi. DUE in PDF format or high resolution JPG by 04/24/15.
THREE GALEO Memberships as a Padrino/Madrina ($750.00 value) level of membership o ONETableatBreakfast(8peoplepertable).
Silver – $3,000
Program: Full Page Ad: 7.75” (H) x 5” (W), 300 dpi. DUE in
PDF format or high resolution JPG by 04/24/15.
TWO GALEO Memberships as a Padrino/Madrina ($500.00 value) level of membership
Bronze – $2,000
Program: Half Page Ad: 3.875” (H) x 5” (W), 300 dpi. DUE in
PDF format or high resolution JPG by 04/24/15.
ONE GALEO Memberships as a Padrino/Madrina ($250.00 value) level of membership
Four Tickets for the Breakfast.
Leadership Circle – $1,000
Quarter Page Black & White Advertisement for Program. Quarter Page Ad: 3.875” (H) x 2.5” (W), 300 dpi. DUE in PDF format or high resolution JPG by 04/24/15.
ONE GALEO Membership as a Hermano/Hermana ($100.00 value) level of membership
Two Tickets for the Breakfast.
Amigos– $500 Listed as Amigos of GALEO in the Program and PPT.
All sponsors above this will be listed in the PPT. ONE GALEO Membership as a Hermano/Hermana ($100.00 value) level of membership o Two Tickets for the Breakfast.
Community Partners – $200
Listed as a Community Partner for Program ONLY (excludes PPT).
One Ticket for the Breakfast. Corporate Tables – $750.00: Corporations or groups may purchase a table at a rate of $750.00 for a table of EIGHT.
NOTE: All contributions to the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund, a 501(c) 3 charitable, nonprofit organization, are fully tax-deductible. P.O. Box 29506, Atlanta, GA 30359 / Office: 404.745.2580 / Fax: 404.759.2671 Email: / Version: 031815
Atlanta’s WSB TV News report on “offensive” term: “Illegal alien.”
The below WSB TV News report (“Signs supporting bill offends Hispanic community“) focused on some signs promoting Georgia’s Senate Bill 6,which will end the practice of giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, ran Wednesday night, March 18, 2015 on the 11 o’clock news.
When you watch it, try to find any pro-American balance.
And try to forget that interviewing Angry Jerry Gonzalez who runs the anti-borders, business-funded GALEO Inc. and a foreign language speaking man who is apparently an illegal alien and job thief wouldn’t really qualify as “balance” in most professional newsrooms.
Also, try to remember that the term “illegal alien” is a legal and accurate way to describe a non-citizen who is present in the remains of the United States in violation of our immigration laws.
Try to remember that “illegal alien” is widely used to describe illegal aliens in federal law, Georgia law, by the IRS, in Presidential Executive Orders, and in deliberations in and and decisions by the United States Supreme Court – including by that wise Latina”, Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Don’t forget to be offended.
One more thing: This WSB TV reporter, Amy Napier Viteri’s former “journalism” gig was with the anti-borders Telemundo foreign language TV network in Washington DC. Her bio on WSB tells us she “grew up in a bilingual Ecuadorian-American household, speaks fluent Spanish and looks forward to helping tell the stories of Spanish speakers here in Georgia.”
Got that?
We don’t know who posted the SB 6 signs in mostly liberal Decatur, but we offer a hearty thank you!
National Push by a Local Immigration Activist: No G.O.P. Retreat
ATLANTA — He says the United States is filling up with immigrants who do not respect the law or the American way of life. He refers to Latino groups as “the tribalists,” saying they seek to impose a divisive ethnic agenda. Of his many adversaries, he says: “The illegal alien lobby never changes. It’s the Wall Street wing of the Republican Party joining forces with the Chamber of Commerce, the far left and the Democrats in an effort to expand cheap labor and increase voting for the Democratic Party.”
D. A. King, who quit his job as an insurance agent a decade ago to wage a full-time campaign against illegal immigration in Georgia, is one reason this state rivals Arizona for the toughest legal crackdown in the country. With his Southern manners and seersucker jackets, he works the halls of the gold-domed statehouse, familiar to all, polite and uncompromising.
Now, like other local activists around the country, he is looking beyond Georgia to stop the House of Representatives from following the Senate and passing legislation that would open a path to legal status for illegal immigrants.
As lawmakers return to their home districts for the August recess, advocates like Mr. King are joining forces with national groups that oppose legalization and favor reduced immigration for an all-out populist push.
“These local people live in the middle of these places, they know how to be effective in their districts,” said Roy Beck, executive director of one of the largest national groups, NumbersUSA, who is now holding regular strategy calls with Mr. King and more than 50 other state advocates.
The zeal of militants like Mr. King is a problem for the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, and other Republican leaders, who are hoping to steer their divided caucus to pass a House version of legislation to fix the broken immigration system, which could include legal status for those who lack it — though probably not citizenship.
Mr. King’s “respectful but firm” message for the speaker, he said in an interview, is that “any vote for legalization would be a matter of very great consequence for the people who voted for conservative congressmen from Georgia.”
Mr. King says his wrath grew slowly, beginning in the 1990s with a feud with Mexican neighbors who disrupted the quiet of his leafy street. In Mr. King’s account, they parked fleets of run-down vehicles on their lawn and at one point housed 22 people in a jerry-built warren of rental rooms in the basement.
He took the neighbor to court over code violations, and the conflict boiled for seven years until the family moved away.
A visit in 2004 to the Southwest border convinced Mr. King that the country was facing “what was easily described as an invasion.” Returning to Georgia, he made common cause with the struggling father of a teenage boy killed in a car accident by a reckless driver who was an illegal immigrant. He named his organization the Dustin Inman Society, after the boy.
The mistrust of Mr. Boehner among Mr. King and his allies deepened recently when the speaker rebuked an anti-amnesty hero, Representative Steve King, Republican of Iowa, for commenting that young immigrants here illegally had “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border.
Mr. King in Georgia said he sided squarely with the congressman of the same name, although he might have chosen a milder metaphor. He nonetheless spared little in his description of Senator Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who was one of the authors of the Senate bill, calling him a “smarmy and dishonest” turncoat. During the Senate debate, Mr. King designed and paid for thousands of bumper stickers as well as three large billboards along a commuter highway near Atlanta.
“Help us stop RubiObama amnesty!” one big sign read, with President Obama’s name joined by his hallmark red-white-and-blue letter to that of Senator Rubio.
His billboards instructed drivers to call a senator from Georgia, Johnny Isakson. Mr. Isakson, who supported a comprehensive bill in 2007, voted against the Senate legislation this year.
In Georgia, Mr. King has not been afraid to take on many adversaries, including the farmers and growers, business organizations, labor unions and Latinos. A big-shouldered former Marine, he often shows up with his own placards at rallies called by his opponents — just to let them know he is watching.
“I was taught that we have an American culture to which immigrants will assimilate,” Mr. King said. “And I am incredibly resentful that’s not what’s happening anymore.”
Mr. King, 61, runs his one-man operation from the small guest room of his home on a tree-shaded cul-de-sac in the Atlanta suburb of Marietta, equipped with an aging desktop computer and a chair that he acknowledges “needs a new coat of duct tape.” He lives on small donations, and to keep it all going he spent down his savings, ran up his credit cards, refinanced his house three times and “sold the stock my grandmother left me.”
He is unmoved by the protests of Latino and immigrant groups that the Obama administration has already done more than enough enforcement, with more than 1.6 million deportations those groups say have sown fear in their neighborhoods.
Mr. King wants a lot more enforcement before the House does anything else on immigration. He sees the Senate bill as a scheme by Democrats to create legions of new government-dependent voters for their party. He feels certain House Republicans will ultimately reject it.
“The tribalists will not make any difference with any Republican who has enough sense to get on an airplane every Monday and fly to Washington,” Mr. King said.
In his recent meetings in the statehouse, Mr. King huddled with two Republicans, Senator Josh McKoon and Representative Edward Lindsey, who called in by phone. They laid plans for Republicans in the state legislature to send a letter to all the Georgia lawmakers in the House, urging them to focus on enforcement and avoid legalization.
Mr. King is joining a surge of activity among his allies that was spurred by the Senate vote in June. At NumbersUSA, Mr. Beck said, more than 400,000 people signed on to an e-mail list as the vote approached, expanding its followers to more than 1.6 million names. Mr. Beck said a recent conference call he convened with followers was joined by 58,770 people.
But Jerry Gonzalez, a Latino leader in Georgia who is one of Mr. King’s oldest rivals, pointed to new demographics that House lawmakers would have to consider. The number of registered Latino voters in the state grew to 184,000 in 2012 from 10,000 a decade earlier, with more than 200,000 legal immigrants eligible to become citizens.
“If the Republican Party gets stuck with D. A. King and his extremist xenophobic narrative, they are setting themselves up for future failure,” said Mr. Gonzalez, executive director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, or Galeo.
One worrisome sign for Mr. King is that his donations are not increasing. But he is forging ahead, putting up new billboards on Georgia highways — and planning one with the face of John Boehner.