June 19, 2019

A conservative immigrant and DIS board member writes to Gov Kemp on GALEO – again

Posted by D.A. King at 2:21 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

We received this letter today as a Bcc. I added the link back to Ms. Grabar’s original letter and one to Gov Kemp’s “big truck” ad.


Governor Kemp,

About two months ago I wrote explaining that as a proud immigrant and American I was asking you to pass over Dax Lopez for a judicial promotion due to his association with the radical and leftist GALEO group. I was glad to see you ultimately make the right decision on that case.

The idea of encouraging and rewarding a sitting state court judge who served as board member and fundraiser keynote speaker for the GALEO activists while they fight enforcement of our immigration laws and a long list of other conservative ideals, including reporting criminal aliens to federal authorities, seemed contrary to the way you presented yourself during your campaign.

To my disappointment, I now see that you have appointed to a statewide, constitutional office, John King, someone who is greeted by GALEO as a “close friend” and who served as keynote speaker at a GALEO fundraiser while he was a police chief and while GALEO was fighting against local law enforcement aiding ICE in locating criminal aliens.

I am not aware of a single move from your office to use your power to rid Georgia of illegal employers or illegal aliens. Even the most generous observer would judge that you are much more on the side of GALEO than you are the majority of Georgians who trusted you to be strong and effective against the crime of illegal immigration.

Your campaign pledges on the criminal aliens and illegal immigration ravaging Georgia and Georgians now appear to be empty promises.

I cannot further explain my anger and disappointment, and I assure you this will not be forgotten.

Mary Grabar

Member, Board of Advisors

The Dustin Inman Society
