March 12, 2019

Frauds Crooks and Criminals blog on HB 202 -Georgia: CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center Join Forces to Block Data Collection in the Prison System

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Frauds, Crooks and Criminals blog

Georgia: CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center Join Forces to Block Data Collection in the Prison System

When I read Ann Coulter’s book “Adios America” I was struck by an important theme in the book and that is that she said it is virtually impossible to get information about immigration status of those incarcerated in America jails and prisons.

Adios America
Indeed this blog—Frauds and Crooks—is built around the generally accepted premise that a very large percentage of those jailed in the US are aliens mostly of the illegal variety, but including legal immigrants as well.

So if that isn’t true, why wouldn’t the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the SPLC want the data collected and put the issue to rest once and for all?

Of course, the answer is that they fear what the results would show!

Here from the Center for Immigration Studies we learn that not only do they not want the data collected, they are outright blocking legislation, at least in Georgia, that would require that information be collected and made available to the public!

Democrats, the SPLC, and CAIR Argue Against Collecting Data on Alien Prisoners in Georgia

If politics makes for strange bedfellows, then how much truer that is where immigration politics is concerned. The most recent proof of that was occasioned by a public hearing on an amendment to a bill introduced into the Georgia House of Representatives.

The bill is short and straightforward: It would require the Georgia Department of Corrections (DOC) to maintain statistics regarding the number of alien prisoners in its custody; what percentage they compose of the total population of state prisoners, with breakdowns by nationality; and, importantly, those against whom Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has filed detainers with the intent of taking them into custody to begin deportation proceedings upon release. It would also require those figures to be made publicly available.

At the hearing, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was joined by Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to argue against the bill, which we know courtesy of D.A. King, who attended the hearing and took a photo of the sign-in sheet.

This brings us back to that question of strange bedfellows, in this case, the SPLC and CAIR… More here.