February 1, 2019

Letter to WSB-TV News from DIS board member, John Litland: You owe King and your trusting (audience) an apology. I no longer trust and will no longer watch WSB News

Posted by D.A. King at 10:21 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

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“I will never look at WSB TV the same again.” – John Litland

Our friend and board member John Litland just copied us on a note he sent to WSB-TV News about the SPLC hate-for-profit smear this news outlet passed on. Great letter, John, thanks!

To the producers and management of WSB TV News,

You posted a story recently about the SPLC listing the Dustin Inman Society as a “hate group.” It is impossible to explain to you my outrage at this journalistic malpractice and lazy ignorance.

The SPLC headline is “The Dustin Inman Society, led by D.A. King, poses as an organization concerned about immigration issues, yet focuses on vilifying all immigrants.” This is a lie.

I am a member of the board of DIS and my wife is a proud immigrant. D.A. King has been a family friend for fifteen years. He has been attacked by the SPLC for about the same amount of time. It is incredible that WSB TV would pass on the hateful, for-profit smears from the integrity-free SPLC that most people paying attention recognize to be hate-mongers and frauds. The SPLC lobbies against immigration enforcement and rakes in millions of dollars each year doing so.

I will never look at WSB TV the same again. D.A. tells me that you never even contacted him before you posted this absurd smear. The Dustin Inman Society works with donations – including from our house – to educate people on illegal immigration and toward some semblance of sanity on our immigration system.

You owe King and your trusting (audience) an apology. I no longer trust and will no longer watch WSB News.


John Litland