February 21, 2018

**UPDATED WITH VIDEO LINK – Betrayed! Bill to end the practice of giving illegal aliens the same drivers license as legal immigrants dies in Republican Senate Public Safety Committee today – two Republicans (Chuck Payne and Kay Kirkpatrick) vote with the Democrats

Posted by D.A. King at 4:23 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Republican state senator Chuck Payne VOTED WITH THE DEMS AND THE ILLEGAL ALIEN LOBBY

Republican state senator Kay Kirkpatrick VOTED WITH THE DEMS AND THE ILLEGAL ALIEN LOBBY

Why do you think we call it “Georgiafornia?

Legislation to alter the drivers license Republican-ruled Georgia is giving to illegal aliens with a delay on deportation dies in committee today.

Here is the language of the bill.

Republican-controlled committee kills the bill 5-4 vote. It’s all on video. Archive will be ready tomorrow AM.

**UPDATE: Here is a link to the official video archive. SB417 presentation begins around 55:20 and the vote begins around 123:20. Use the red button slide on the bottom of the screen. You need to put your cursor near it to see it.

When you watch it, you will be able to hear the applause of delight from the illegal aliens in the back of the room.

Republican state senators Chuck Payne and Dr. Kay Kirkpatrick vote with the Democrats to kill public safety bill on illegal aliens drivers licenses. Another, Senator Ben Watson walks out of hearing before the vote. Pro-enforcement bill info here.

Senator John Albers, Chairman. Members here.

Georgia state Senator Josh McKoon watched as two Republican senators voted to kill his legislation that would have insured that illegal aliens do not receive the same drivers license as legal immigrants.

SB 417 was a do-over of a very similar bill that passed the senate in 2016 – by a vote of 37-17 in 2016. The measure did not stop the aliens that USCIS says lack lawful status from driving, it merely changed the design of the card and would not have allowed for federal use, as in boarding airliners or entering federal buildings.

The Chairman could have voted to break a tie, but these two Republicans gave the Democrats and the illegal alien lobby the needed margin.

More later, but expect solicitation for donations to finance qualifying fees for primary opponents for Republican senators Kay Kirkpatrick and Chuck Payne.

Photo of the NO voters as they voted:Red  circles are “NO” voters on pro-American public safety drivers license reform  bill.



Enjoyable reading: How Metro Atlanta Became A ‘Pioneer’ Of Immigration Enforcement

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February 13, 2018

How Metro Atlanta Became A ‘Pioneer’ Of Immigration Enforcement

Arrests by federal immigration agents are way up.

Local law enforcement agencies are eager to help.

And judges rarely side with immigrants fighting deportation.

This is metro Atlanta. By almost any measure, it’s one of the toughest places in America to be undocumented.

A Father, A Husband, An Immigrant: Detained And Facing Deportation
A Father, A Husband, An Immigrant: Detained And Facing Deportation
“I hope it’s true,” said Phil Kent, a member of the Georgia Immigration Enforcement Review Board. “I would hope that Atlanta is one of the tougher places.”

Georgia has some of the strictest immigration laws in the country. Driving without a license, for instance, is a jailable offense here. So undocumented immigrants who get behind the wheel in this sprawling state risk arrest.

“We were a pioneer state … almost every year in our legislature trying to tighten up with regard to immigration enforcement,” said Kent, whose board is charged with ensuring that the state laws are enforced. More here.

ANTIFA THUGS TARGET ICE – The Left interferes in immigration law enforcement — and plans to escalate its lawlessness.

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Front Page


Front Page

Mathew Vadum
The Left interferes in immigration law enforcement — and plans to escalate its lawlessness.

February 19, 2018

The anarchist thugs of Antifa are branching out into obstructing immigration law enforcement, apparently no longer content with shutting down conservative speakers and beating up those they promiscuously label “fascists.”

A case in point was last Thursday, Feb. 15, when about 70 activists surrounded a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) van that was attempting to enter the Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles. The anarchists chanted “no more deportations,” “Trump and Pence must go,” “f–k ICE,” as well as slogans in the Spanish language.

Although the two ICE agents in the van at the time were unharmed and there were no arrests, the action was viewed by anarchists as a successful test of the tactic. Antifa intends to expand its use of the approach. Given Antifa’s ugly track record, this could mean violent, terroristic attacks on law enforcement.

The nighttime action was leftist retaliation for ICE officers doing their jobs by enforcing the law. ICE reportedly detained more than 200 illegal aliens in Los Angeles during a recent five-day enforcement sweep.

Radical leftist Rabbi Aryeh Cohen bitterly complained to the Los Angeles Times about ICE doing what it is supposed to do.

“The original goal was to really loudly proclaim that we’re not going to stand for ICE destroying families … on Valentine’s Day of all days,” said Cohen, who is on the board of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, which helped to publicize the action…. More here

VIDEO: In which a Twitter engineer explains how to take American conservatives off Twitter for thought crimes…

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This is a don’t miss from James O’Keefe

From Twitter: “Looks like thousands of Twitter users committed the thought crime of tweeting about “God,” “the American flag,” and “guns,” and were taken off the platform. Our undercover reporting into Twitter showed those terms indicate to engineers you are “for sure a bot.” #TwitterLockOut”

** UPDATED – Today in Georgia: Legislation to create new drivers licenses for illegals with deferred deportation to be considered under the Gold Dome

Posted by D.A. King at 10:16 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Georgia drivers license currently issued to both legal and illegal immigrants photo: DDS


“People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the United States legally.”

New York Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009. Here.

**UPDATE: The Republican committee killed the bill. See here.

Legislation to create new drivers licenses for illegals with deferred deportation to be considered under the Gold Dome today

REAL ID Act allows for alternate documents

D.A. King

Driver’s licenses and the illegal aliens who get them are an issue under the Gold Dome again. We expect to see consideration of at least two bills before crossover day. One of them, SB 417 from Senator Josh McKoon, should see a senate hearing today in the Public Safety Committee. A similar bill from McKoon passed the senate by a huge majority in 2016.

Another, HB 484 from Rep Jeff Jones, is pending in the House Motor Vehicles Committee.

The bills are aimed at creating a second tier of driving and ID credentials so as to end the current policy of giving the illegals who have a reprieve on deportation the same driving and ID credentials issued to legal immigrants and Mercedes Benz executives.

A point of contention will likely be that fact that Georgia’s Department of Drivers Services insists they are “not issuing to illegal or undocumented immigrants.” The Associated Press and the AJC say they are.

The federal REAL ID Act of 2005 says “deferred action (on deportation) is evidence (of ) lawful status.” The United States Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS), the federal agency that issues the work permits, reports something different.

It isn’t as complicated as many people think. Most aliens require a work permit to legally gain employment. Officially known as ‘Employment Authorization Documents’, these EADs contain coded information on the status of the bearer. Some illegals have been given a work permit on a temporary basis, which is the basis of how they obtain a drivers license.

For this Telegraph report, and as an educational service to readers, this writer contacted USCIS for an official statement on the status of the non-citizens (aliens) who have either already ordered deported or who have been granted a deferral in their deportation proceedings and who have been issued Georgia drivers license.

We asked USCIS for a breakdown of the EAD category codes that denote unlawful status of the temporary work permit holders and received a list of codes that indicate unlawful status.

The relevant USCIS Response:

“Individuals in the following categories do not have lawful status. They have either been granted temporary relief from removal, or cannot be removed due to the refusal of all countries designated to receive the alien, or because the removal of the alien is otherwise impracticable or contrary to the public interest:

(a)(10) Aliens granted withholding of deportation or removal
(a)(11) Aliens granted deferred enforced departure
(a)(13)/(14) Aliens granted a stay of removal under the Family Unity Program
(c)(14)/(33) Aliens in a period of deferred action
(c)(18) Aliens granted deferral of removal under the Convention Against Torture, and aliens under a final order of removal who are on an order of supervision because they cannot be immediately removed

Finally, in some cases, abused spouses of certain nonimmigrants who are eligible for an EAD under (c)(27)-(c)(30) may not be in status.”

DDS has issued drivers licenses and/or ID Cards to applicants in all or most of these categories.

If Georgia is going to continue to give people with debatable immigration status drivers licenses and ID Cards, we think the legislative goal of creating special, easily recognized documents that cannot be confused with credentials issued to legal immigrants is a commonsense homerun.

According to language in the legislation, these new documents will be of “unique design and color” and oriented vertically, which DDS already does on under age twenty-one drivers licenses and ID Cards issued to Americans.

Georgia drivers license issued to drivers who are under age twenty-one

At least two states, California and Michigan already have a multi-tired drivers license system in place

Both bills follow instructions contained in the REAL ID Act language that makes the new documents fully valid for driving privileges, but not for the federal acceptance that REAL ID Act regulates.

Plainly put, while they can still legally drive, the non-citizens who have unlawful status codes on their work permits will no longer be able to use their Georgia-issued drivers cards or ID Cards as ID to enter federal buildings or board airliners in the U.S. And it will be far less confusing in our voting process.

All this would be much easier to explain if we were discussing Mexico – where no illegal aliens can obtain any drivers license.


February 20, 2018

Immigration quote: Chuck Schumer #illegal aliens

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U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer. photo: U.S. Senate


“People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the United States legally.”

New York Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009. Here.

February 19, 2018

In a state with more illegal aliens than Arizona – Cobb County, Georgia Republican Party to members: ‘Tell us what topics you want to be discussed at Saturday Breakfast meetings…immigration not listed as a choice

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photo: DIS


A recent email survey sent out by the Cobb County Republican Party should turn some conservative heads. Party leadership is looking for ways to improve the traditional monthly Saturday breakfast meetings and asks about possible new food choices and types of future speakers.

The email also lists choices of topics that respondents can pick as one they are “most interested” in. Forget that it was the issue with which President Trump beat Hillary – the red-hot topic of immigration and amnesty didn’t make the cut as a possible choice.

We note that far too many  Republican pols would rather have a root canal while sitting in a chair of broken glass than talk about immigration, even in a state with more illegal aliens than Arizona. Too much discussion highlights the wide gap between the ever-loyal grass roots voters and the GOP establishment. Cobb County is often cited as being number four in the state as far as its population of illegal aliens.

4. What types of speakers are you most interested in? Check all that apply.

The entire questionnaire here.

Liberal AJC allows response to the inaccurate “English only” label for SR 587 – wouldn’t it be great if Lawmakers did too?

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The liberal AJC allows response to the inaccurate “English only” label for SR 587 – wouldn’t it be great if Lawmakers did too?

Typo : Note, the letter below has the incorrect number on the legislation. It is SR 587, not 577


Valid reasons for English as official language

February 18, 2018


Senate Resolution 577, a constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of government operations, is not— as claimed in a Feb. 11 editorial— “English only” or somehow anti-business.

There are common-sense exceptions for the state and its political subdivisions. They include the teaching of languages other than English, the promotion of diplomacy, trade, commerce and tourism with other languages and protection of the rights of crime victims and criminal defendants if other language usage is required.

By the way, Georgia has an official English-in-government statute, but it contains loopholes that would be closed with this amendment. For one example, the state Department of Driver Services administers the permanent resident driver’s license test in 11 foreign languages. This undermines public safety, since all road signage is in English — and it must end.

This amendment, subject to ratification by a statewide referendum if passed by the legislature, would enhance better communication and save significant taxpayer money by reducing burdensome translation costs. That’s a main reason why Gov. Nathan Deal, when he served in Congress, supported legislation stipulating English as the official language of government. And who dares to accuse him of being anti-business?


February 18, 2018

Action Needed: One phone call! Georgia is giving illegal aliens with deferred deportation (and some who have already been ordered deported) the same drivers license we issue to legal immigrants

Posted by D.A. King at 5:36 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Dustin Inman Society

Please call, leave a polite message with the assistant or voice mail, then send a short E-Mail: “Please pass out SB 417 and change the drivers license to illegals so it is vertically oriented.”


Please contact the office of Georgia State Senator John Albers, Chairman, Senate Public Safety Committee
Capitol Office
421-C State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 463-8055
Fax: (404) 651-6768
info@senatoralbers.com Email

RE; SB 417Change Georgia drivers license/IDCards issued to illegal aliens.

Sponsors : Senators Josh McKoon, William Ligon, Bruce Thompson, David Shafer, Marty Harbin, Michael Williams and others.

New tier of drivers license for illegal aliens must be oriented vertically – as are under 21 credentials.

SB417 will require Department of Drivers Services (DDS) to change the current policy of issuing illegal aliens who have been given a deferral on deportation (and some who have already been ordered to be deported) the exact same drivers license and official state ID card as is issued to legal immigrants and Mercedes Benz/KIA executives here on legal temporary visas. These credentials can and are used to board airliners and create needless confusion in our voting process.

Since 2012, DDS says they have issued, renewed or replaced more than 50,000 such credentials.

→ One of the changes to the documents required in the bill is to orient the drivers license/ID Cards vertically – as we already do for American citizens under the age of 21 (photo). 

Georgia drivers license issued to drivers who are under age twenty-one

ACTION NEEDED: Please call and email the office of Senator Albers and make it clear that you are watching this bill and want the illegal alien’s drivers licenses/ID Cards to be clearly marked to show the status of the holder and that it is imperative they are vertically oriented. If we can do it for American youth, we should have no problem doing it for illegal aliens.

Fact sheet on this bizarre issue here.


February 17, 2018

Fast Fact: ICE: 90% of all arrests had criminal records, ‘pending’ charges

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Photo: Zazzle


ICE: 90% of all arrests had criminal records, ‘pending’ charges

“Despite claims that ICE agents are rounding up “innocent” illegal immigrants, the agency’s records show that some 90 percent of all arrests last year had criminal convictions or were wanted on charges. Just a bit over 10 percent had no known criminal convictions or charges.”


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