January 14, 2018

Another grab-the-tissue weeper from the liberal AJC re-hashing the talking points from the anti-borders lobby, but great quote from Mike Hethmon

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Trump says no to proposed D.C. immigration deal

DACA recipients still waiting

By Marlon A. Walker – The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

January 12, 2018

“Effective immigration enforcement is an imperative to keep the country out of disarray, said Mike Hethmon, senior counsel for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, which advocates for the legal interests of citizens and civic associations concerned with the impacts of immigration.

“The low range of the number of people that would drop everything overseas and come to the United States is 200 million,” he said. “The upper end, over half a billion people. The point being whether you have a very generous immigration system for entrance into the U.S., you have to have an effective enforcement regime. Other than that, the United States would cease to exist as we know it. The demand can never be met completely.

“Like a hospital after a hurricane, it’s triage.”

Hethmon said, “It’s just the height of hubris arrogance, it seems to me, for these people to have some legitimate claim to be part of the community of the United States. They’ve received extraordinary generous benefits from the public and the public taxpayers — education, health care, other strands in the bundle of benefits that make up lawful residency and citizenship. They’re received all of those simply by the fact their parents broke the law.

“I don’t see how that creates a standard in the United States that is acceptable.” Here.