November 14, 2016

Paul Ryan – “Open Borders is in his ideological DNA”

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Breitbart News

11 Oct 2015

EXCLUSIVE– NumbersUSA President: Paul Ryan ‘Terrifying,’ ‘Open Borders Seeps Out of Every Pore Of His Being’

As donor class Republicans and beltway pundits intensify their “Draft Ryan” campaign, anti-amnesty advocates are pleading with House Republicans to quash the candidacy of the man they call the most open-borders member of Congress.
While these advocates have largely refrained in the past from getting involved in the House leadership scuffle, they now have an urgent warning for House members. They contend that Paul Ryan is an immigration extremist – and point to historical records placing him at the center of a 1990-era corporate-led sabotage of immigration curbs then sought by both parties.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, the president of the immigration control group NumbersUSA, Roy Beck, described Paul Ryan as “terrifying.”

“There’s nobody in the Republican Party who could be worse than Paul Ryan,” Beck implored. “He has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA. That’s the terrifying thing. He’s an ideologue and his spent his whole life working for ideologues. Open borders seeps out of every pore of his being. This isn’t personal, it’s just who he is.”

Ryan’s ideological fidelity to Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy has been well documented. Also well-documented is his intimate alliance with Congressman Luis Gutierrez and Mick Mulvaney to complete Senator Marco Rubio’s amnesty push – earning him Gutierrez’s effusive endorsement for House Speaker. But less discussed, Roy Beck explains, is that Ryan has been at the center of efforts to open America’s border for the last twenty years – playing a starring role in several high-stakes immigration battles that altered forever the future of the GOP and the nation.

In the words of Bloomberg’s John Heilemann, who co-authored the book Game Change with Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin: “[Ryan’s] ties to the pro-immigration mafia ran deep. A protégé of [Cesar] Conda and an ally of [Rick] Swartz [founder of the pro-amnesty National Immigration Forum], Ryan was the staffer who had aided Jack Kemp and William Bennett in their crusade against Proposition 187.”

The Washington Times adds in a 2012 article that Ryan, “worked to water down the strict immigration limits in a bill Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, was working to pass in the mid-1990s… As a staffer in Washington, he worked for Jack Kemp and Sen. Sam Brownback — both of whom were part of the Republicans’ pro-immigration wing, and who fought crackdown efforts from within their own party… As a congressman, he voted for a 2002 legalization bill, praised the 2006 Senate immigration bill backed by Mr. Bush and co-sponsored a 2009 Democratic bill that would have legalized immigrant farmworkers.”

Most recently, in the words of pro-amnestyIleana Ros-Lehtinen Ryan worked “every day” to pass the mass amnesty bill for all of America’s illegal immigrant population.

Ryan’s immigration journey began as college intern working in Washington, when he developed a relationship with Cesar Conda, one of the nation’s top strategists pursuing mass immigration. Rubio would later tap Conda as his Senate Chief of Staff, to help him devise the Gang of Eight immigration plan and then later to advise his presidential campaign.

As AP wrote in 2012, during his time as an intern, “[Ryan] caught the eye of a top [Senator] Kasten aide, Cesar Conda, who offered Ryan a post on Kasten’s staff after Ryan’s 1992 graduation, his first full-time Washington job.”

As Conda later went on to say, “Every chance he [Paul Ryan] got, he’d take the opportunity to pop his head into my office.” To this day, on Conda’s LinkedIn page, he promotes that he has been “described by the Associated Press as one of Rep. Paul Ryan’s ‘conservative mentors.’” AP notes that Conda continued to play a “pivotal role” throughout Ryan’s career: “In 2007, Conda was an adviser to Romney’s presidential campaign and introduced the two men in Washington. A scheduled 15-minute meeting lasted nearly an hour, Conda said.”

After college, Paul Ryan worked alongside former-New York Congressman Jack Kemp in their coordinated attack California’s Proposition 187, a measure pushed by GOP Governor Pete Wilson – and approved by a wide popular vote – which denied state benefits to illegals and required that they be turned over to federal authorities if caught. The measure was blocked by a judge and never went into effect– if it had, potentially millions of California’s illegals, chain migrants and their children would have returned home, unable to draw benefits or alter the state’s political bent.

As National Review reported in 2013, Paul Ryan told EWTN host Raymond Arroyo,”‘I actually campaigned with Jack Kemp against a thing called Prop 187,’ […] [Ryan] said they both worried that the proposal would burn Republicans within the immigrant community, and ‘make it so that Latino voters would not hear the other messages of empowerment.’”…READ MORE HERE