August 28, 2016

D.A. King in the Macon Telegraph: A Respectful Reminder for Rep. Allen Peake

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Macon Telegraph

August 23, 2016


A respectful reminder for Rep. Allen Peake

Maconā€™s Republican state Rep. Allen Peake is one of the most intelligent, sincere and genuine thinkers in state government. As a long-time but reluctant denizen of the Gold Dome, I hope he has a long and bright future in public service ahead of him.

In publicly expressing his reasonable concerns about supporting Donald Trump, Peake has made it clear that he worries about the ā€œextinctionā€ of his political party. It seems he is concerned that Trumpā€™s stated position on immigration enforcement has driven Hispanic voters away from the Republican Party.

Addressing the deceitful immigration fairytale endlessly offered up to decent politicians like Peake from the anything-for-a-buck, globalist propagandists, a respectful dose of reality to all concerned: Lawlessness and a repeat of the ā€œone timeā€ immigration amnesty of 1986 would not create a great wave of Republican Hispanic voters.

Proof? Two short years after Ronald Reagan was persuaded by the Chamber of Commerce wing of the GOP to sign the ā€™86 amnesty bill, Republican presidential candidate George H.W. Bush received just 30 percent of the Hispanic vote ā€” putting him in the John McCain (31 percent) and Mitt Romney (27 percent) range. McCain had promised legalization ā€œon day oneā€ in the White House. Romney took the pro-American ā€œenforce the lawā€ position.

Neither does advocating for an increase in legal immigration result in a Republican advantage. About 80 percent of all new immigrants want even more services and bigger government ā€” and they vote Democrat to that end. So would legalized illegals. We are importing about a million legal immigrants every year, most of whom are poor and low-skilled. That fact should be discussed.

It is important to acknowledge that Hispanics are not a monolithic voting bloc. The proud Hispanic board members of our America-first, pro-enforcement effort here support Donald Trump and sanity on immigration.

Peakeā€™s common-sense plea to fellow Republicans for a platform of smaller government and more personal responsibility should be matched with a well-informed position on immigration and recognition that Georgia has more illegal aliens than Arizona.

The Democratic-media complex will stop at nothing to inspire Trumpā€™s defeat. We hope Rep. Peake will ignore them and stick with Donald Trump. We are.

D.A. King
President, the Dustin Inman Society, for the board of advisers HERE