April 8, 2015

A Resolution outline for coming Republican district conventions: STOP UN-RECORDED VOTING IN THE GEORGIA SENATE

Posted by D.A. King at 9:31 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

*Background: Under current rules of the Georgia state senate, some motions and amendments are decided on the senate floor by a vote in which the information on how a senate member has voted go un-recorded and off the vote tally machine we have all seen high up on the wall of the senate chamber. This is known as “rise stand and be counted.” It is important to understand that this maneuver does not currently result in any senator rising, or standing unless they happen to already be out of their desk seats. The raise-your-hand vote happens in a matter of seconds. Whether or not to have this unrecorded hand vote is decided by another unrecorded hand vote.

According to senate rules, there is no recorded, machine vote on floor amendments to pending bills unless and until any one senator makes a motion for the recorded machine vote – called “YEAS AND NAYS” – and the motion is then (quickly) supported by four other senators who indicate their support for a recorded machine vote by… raising their hands..

Again: With the “rise stand and be counted” voting method, there is no official record of how each senator voted on important amendments to bills that effect all Georgians. See Senate rules, 5-1.3 VOTING GENERAL

* For a recent example of use of the un-recorded vote maneuver, see HERE.


With the goal of creating a completely transparent, accountable and recorded voting system for members of the Georgia state Senate on official legislative questions.

WHEREAS, We, the people of Georgia expect and demand complete accountability and transparency in all legislative votes and decisions made by our elected public servants in the General Assembly, and
WHEREAS, under current rules of the Georgia Senate ( 5-1.3 (b) ) known as “rise stand and be counted,” legislative matters in the Senate Chambers are decided without any public record of each senator’s vote or position, and
WHEREAS, “rise stand and be counted” represents a demonstrable and proven avenue and maneuver that allows amendments to legislation to be added or defeated without a public record of any senators vote, and
WHEREAS, Senate Rules must be altered and modernized to reflect the will of the people and the entire Senate and it’s president to produce a public record of all legislative related votes in the Senate Chamber, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, we the voters attending the ________ District Republican convention do hereby direct and demand that Georgia Senate rules be changed to eliminate any un-recorded vote method or format in the Georgia senate chamber, that all votes on all amendments to all legislation be conducted with recorded, machine counted voting, and that the unaccountable and un-recorded voting method known as “rise stand and be counted” be struck from senate rules, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Republican Party ___District convention ______ is hereby authorized and directed to transfer a copy of this Resolution urging legislative voting transparency to each member of the ___ District state legislative body, the Honorable Casey Cagle Lieutenant Governor of the State of Georgia and president of the Georgia Senate, The Honorable Nathan Deal Governor of the State of Georgia and the Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.

Respectfully Submitted:
By: ________________________________________


Title: Secretary, ________ District Republican Party convention
