December 28, 2011

D.A. King on the Marietta Daily Journal blog: With no official U.S. language, HUD now offering aid in 175 languages

Posted by D.A. King at 12:20 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Marietta Daily Journal blog today

Blogging while D.A. King:

With no official U.S. language, HUD now offering aid in 175 languages
Bonus info included!

American readers who are justifiably alarmed at the local, state and national cost of providing benefits, services, drivers license exams, educational info and other official assistance and printed material in a seemingly endlessly increasing number of languages other than English may want to look forward for what is coming from Dear Leader and the anti-English crowd in Washington.

CNS News reports that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Barack Obama has launched a telephone service that will offer live, one-on-one interpretation services in more than 175 languages.

One hundred seventy-five languages!

From the HUD Homepage :

“Have a question about buying a home, rental assistance or foreclosure but English is not your first language? HUD can help with its new HUD Language Line, a live telephone interpretation service that will allow HUD staff to converse with the public in almost any language.”

Can you say Tower of Babel R Us?

“Almost any language” won’t be enough of course. Anyone remotely familiar with the doctrine of the open borders mob knows that demands for additional languages is not far behind and that the premise will be that all government agencies at all levels must offer to translate into any and all of the world’s languages at anytime. You know, to be “fair.”

By some estimates, there are nearly 7000 languages in the world. Presumably not including Pig Latin, which is not included – yet – in the HUD list of languages in which to dole out taxpayer provided services. Readers who are, well
pro English, should know about a great and effective group by that name working hard to make English the nation’s official language HERE .

You can read the entire news item from CNS News HERE .

Bonus info: A character named John D. Trasviña is the Assistant Secretary of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at HUD.

Astute readers that follow illegal immigration may remember his name from his previous leadership gig at the rabidly anti-enforcement, open borders Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), a far-left group that was created by the Ford Foundation, from which it has received millions.

MALDEF vigorously opposes any English as official language effort at any level in the USA.

My favorite radio quote from MALDEF’s founder, Mario Obledo, in 1998 – repeated live on the air goes like this: “California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.”

To no one’s surprise, the dutiful media unfailingly describes MALDEF as a “civil rights organization.” You can, and should, read more about MALDEF HERE

Jerry Gonzalez, familiar to many readers here as the always-angry and comical chief wanna-be- enforcer at former state Georgia state Senator Sam Zamarripa’s GALEO and darling of Georgia’s liberal media is a former MALDEF employee. Zamarripa is a former MALDEF board member. Jane Fonda is a GALEO “founding friend.”

In any language, this is what we call “networking.”
