June 16, 2011

From Billy Inman on the 11th anniversary of his only child’s death at the hands of an illegal alien

Posted by D.A. King at 10:21 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Hi friend as lots of you no today is the 11th Anniversary that changed my life losing Dustin an Kathy being in the shape she is in its been a heck of a Road as most of you no. I want to thank God for me being able to do what I can and all of You for doing what ever you did or done+ do in Our lives I don’t see some of you as much as I used to or do the things we use to do but I still think an keep hope that one day things will get Better. Lots of you no what I have to do an put up with but I really Try my Best and do the best I can wishing I could do more for Kathy and on the Illegal Immigration Problem.

I have met lots of folks these past 11 years an wish I could have met some before what happened to us yall are what I say my kind of Folks. Officers have been really Good too I have more Respect for them today than Before for Knowing a few of them and knowing what they have to put up with on a daily Basis an then Go home I thank all of them for what they do ,

I really Appreciate Da King for the Dustin Inman Society an all of the Supporters for Bringing more Attention on the Problem an Getting Law Makers to Pay Attention letting them know were Paying more Attention than Ever

Thank You All

Love or Care for You

Dustin’s Dad

Billy Inman