January 14, 2008

Jerry Gonzalez whines to his pals at Georgia Trend Magazine about the law being applied ( even for illegal aliens) in Cobb County Georgia – but they have not even run the letter!

Posted by D.A. King at 4:54 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

As I have said many times, Jerry Gonzalez cannot understand the meaning of truth, honor or shame.

Georgia Trend magazine has made Jerry a 100 most influential Georgians two years in a row…enough said. HERE.

Cobb County Feature in Georgia Trend: Immigrants & Foreign Investors beware in CobbFound in Letter to the Editor sent to Georgia Trend
Written by Jerry Gonzalez
Posted on 2008-01-14

Based upon the stories and phone calls that GALEO and other groups have recieved directly, we believe there exists an element of racial profiling and discrimination within the ranks of Cobb County Police. The perception is shared amongst Latinos in Cobb County, regardless of their immigration or citizenship status.

Before Cobb County attempts to paint itself as a welcoming destination for international investment, Cobb County must address the growing concerns of racial profiling and aggressive tactics against Latino and immigrant families. These tactics are being manifested through anti-immigrant efforts by Sheriff Neal Warren where many legal immigrants and Latino U.S. citizens have been forced to prove their status simply because they are Latino. In addition, Cobb County Commissioners passed an anti-family and anti-immigrant housing ordinance directly targeting Latino and immigrant families. As a result of these intimidation tactics, many immigrant families are leaving Cobb County.

As Americans, we must remember that the rule of law and our U.S. Constitution provides basic protections to all people. Regardless of what we may feel about the failed federal immigration policy, the rule of law includes protections of due process for ALL people, regardless of immigration status or citizenship. This was recently upheld by a federal court against the City of Hazelton. The rule of law should also be applied in a manner that does not discriminate against any group of people. We do not take exception with the rule of law, but we do take exception with the apparent lack of due process in some cases and the apparent discriminatory practices that some Cobb County Police are engaging in against Latino families. The testimony that was recently heard during a public hearing in Cobb County by Latino citizens was real. The testimony by attorneys working on some of these cases was real. The stories we have heard of people afraid to come forward to the police were also very real.

There has been compelling testimony from Latino U.S. citizens who were victims of alleged police abuse and discrimination as well as victims of possible racial profiling and excessive abuse of power. These concerns are serious. For the sake of the overall public safety in Cobb County, the law enforcement officials need to work with community leaders to build back trust that has been seriously eroded. Cobb County Police must be accountable for some of the erosion of community trust that has occurred. However, we must work together to ensure we build back the trust in order to protect and serve the public safety of all of Cobb County residents.

Overall, Cobb County as a whole must be held accountable for spreading anti-immigrant sentiment and rhetoric. Foreign investors need to look elsewhere rather than look in Cobb County. If you look or sound like an immigrant, you may end up in jail having to prove your legal status or citizenship. It has already happened. Immigrants need to be extra careful in Cobb County, including any foreign investors. My advice would be to invest elsewhere where your money and your people will be equally welcome.

Your readers should hear these stories directly. Watch the YouTube Video by Atlanta Latino

Jerry Gonzalez
Executive Director
Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO)
Office: 404.745.2580
Fax: 404.759.2671
P.O. Box 29506
Atlanta, GA 30359