November 25, 2007

MALDEF out from under rock in Cobb County Georgia, wants to monitor law enforcement! Marietta Daily Journal readers – including the sheriff – respond

Posted by D.A. King at 7:27 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

For those who have not kept up with the far left adventures of MALDEF in my home county and state, you may not know that MALDEF has asked to be on a steering committee appointed by our sheriff to monitor law enforcement activities.

Rather like the fox asking to help guard the hen house.

This request come after our sheriff has begun helping ICE enforce federal immigration laws and illegal aliens arrested for additional crimes being deported.

You can read Marietta Daily Journal news articles on the MALDEF games here and here the MALDEF press release here. Having spoken with the Cobb sheriff recently, I can tell you that he has done exactly what he should do…he has ignored these open borders hustlers.

Americans are learning about MALDEF in Cobb County Georgia! Below are recent letters to the editor from the Marietta Daily Journal. ( Bonus reading: U.S. immigration laws spark anger in Mexico HERE)

Cobb sheriff Neil Warren is the only sheriff in Georgia to have taken advantage of the eleven year-old federal tool that expands local law enforcement’s authority to enforce American immigration laws. It is called”287g”

Here in Cobb County, we are very proud of our sheriff. Contact Sheriff NeilWarren here

The Dustin Inman Society salutes sheriff Warren, his attention to duty and his courage.

Click on headlines to read entire text

Neil Warren/Letter to the Editor:

No plans for roundup 11/25/2007

In response to Monday’s MDJ article “Immigrants to Sheriff: Stop violating our rights,” there are several issues addressed by Elise Shore of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund that need to be clarified



L.L. Stephens/Letter to the Editor:

You’d think we’re the ones in a foreign country 11/25/2007

I want to commend Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren and his deputies and staff for the time, expense and effort they have gone through to get certified with Immigration and Customs Enforcement in dealing with “illegal” immigrants.


Winona Booth/Letter to the Editor:

MALDEF’s real goal to eliminate program 11/25/2007

Local authorities agreed in February to form the committee when they signed a deal with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Latino leaders said.


Lee Albright/Letter to the Editor:

Contractors to blame for illegals problem 11/25/2007

I can only imagine that since the contractors are siding with the illegals in our county and country, that they are the ones that provide them with jobs, housing, etc.


Marianne Harper/Letter to the Editor:

Sheriff should monitor MALDEF

I feel Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren should be on a committee to monitor MALDEF’s activities. It is against the law to aid illegal aliens.


Coy A. Short/Letter to the Editor:

Illegal’s spokesman needs to focus on education 11/21/2007

The Leaders of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, as printed on the front page of Monday’s MDJ, need to do more educating and less criticizing of our fine sheriff, Neil Warren, and his staff.


Jimmie Sue Bristow/Letter to the Editor:

Tired of our country kowtowing to illegals 11/21/2007

I am so very appalled and very sick and tired of the illegal immigrants’ crybaby attitude. It is time for them to wake up and smell the coffee! They are in our country illegally!
