October 30, 2007

HATESPEECH? ADL: We can describe Border Patrol Agents as being a “horde” – you cannot use that word to describe more than 20 million illegal aliens who swarm over our borders #BillNigut

Posted by D.A. King at 11:23 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

I will respond to the ADL attack soon, and look forward to exposing the absolute hypocrisy involved. Until I do, I offer one example here.

From the ADL attack and its leader in Atlanta, Bill Nigut ( in a GALEO ALERT) : “King has become accepted by many media outlets as a legitimate spokesman, but when the cameras aren’t rolling, he uses hate-speech to characterize undocumented workers as a threat to the safety and well-being of American citizens,” said Bill Nigut, ADL Southeast Regional Director. The ADL goes on to write “Using terminology that describes immigrants as part of “hordes” that “swarm” over the border. This dehumanizing language has become common.”

I love this.

Here is an excerpt (page V) from a previous ( 2005) effort from the ADL and others to silence us . This time the ADL admits working with GALEO as well other partners in smear, the Center for Hispanic Studies – at no less than Kennesaw State University – the third largest college in Georgia.

“According to a recent study (March 21, 2005) by the Pew Hispanic Center, the number of undocumented immigrants is approximately 11 million in the United States, despite current efforts to control illegal immigration through “higher fences, hordes of agents and hundreds of sensors.”

Got it so far? Bill Nigut, Kennesaw State University, GALEO and the ADL tell us that using the word “horde” to describe millions of illegal aliens with zero regard for American laws that do not benefit them is “HATESPEECH” – but their ( and Pew Hispanic Center’s) use of the word “horde” to “dehumanize” and describe Border Patrol Agents risking their lives to secure our borders is apparently just fine.

Horde here from Merriam Webster. You decide.