Illegals incorporating in Georgia to get their autos registered and drive without a driver’s license – How many dead Americans is too many?
See video in this blog*!
How to get your car registered if you are an illegal alien -without a driver’s license – in Georgia
D.A. King
On New Year’s Eve, Cobb County Georgia sheriff deputy Loren Lilly was run off the road and killed by an illegal alien who was driving without a license. I can go on, or you can click here to see that Americans are dying at the hands of illegals on our roads every day.
Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers worked very hard last session to attempt to prevent unlicensed driver’s from registering their cars and getting car tags in Georgia. Many of us called and faxed to get Rogers’ bill through the legislature. I went to the Capitol and lobbied in favor of it. Before his bill SB 38 became law, July 1st, anyone could take a foreign driver’s license ( like one from Mexico) to a Georgia county tag office and get a license plate…and drive with out a valid Georgia driver’s license.
SB 38 says that one must have a valid Georgia driver’s license to get a license plate.
The law applies to individuals…not corporations.
So…if you were a company that sold auto insurance and helped illegal aliens get tags ( license plates – for those not in the American South) for their cars, what would you do to continue making a buck by putting illegals on the Georgia roads?
Help illegals get themselves incorporated…that’s what. Then, as a ‘Registered Agent’ for the corporation, you help them put their car in the name of the newly created corporation and get the tag without needing that pesky driver’s license. No Problemo!
See here for an example of just one Registered Agent’s work since June… Click on some of the names for more information.
*Please click on link below – while it lasts – for a WSB TV Atlanta news story from reporter Tom Jones on this little scheme.
Dangerous Georgia Tag Loophole?
You can thank Tom Jones for his excellent reporting here ( scroll down to bottom of page).
The Georgia Secretary of State’s office should be made aware of your thoughts on these dummy corporations. They are merely fronts to promote illegal driving by illegal aliens. This fraudulent practice will result in more dead Americans on our roads!
No matter where you live, if you want, (PLEASE DO!) contact that office using info below. Enough public outrage can have an effect here, be polite and respectful…and remember that this is the work of the profiteers and the illegal aliens – not the Secretary of State’s office.
Sec. of State – Georgia E-mail
Executive Offices
214 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Phone 404-656-2881
FAX 404-656-0513