December 14, 2006

A note from a Dustin Inman Society supporter…in Pennsylvania

Posted by D.A. King at 5:41 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


To Mr. D.A. King of the Dustin Inman Society

How sad that our government has forced us into the situation in which we find ourselves today. The countless hours and dollars which need to be spent demanding secure borders and enforcement of our Rule of Law is tragic.

I read about your plight via the news articles posted at and was greatly saddened. So many of us are already struggling to hang on as the American Dream is being pried away from us by Corporate America.

My husband is a 64-year-old truckdriver. Because of financial obligations and the cost of healthcare, he is going to have to continue working for at least 5 more years. With the onset (I believe this month) of Mexican national truckers being allowed on American highways under NAFTA, not only is his job in jeopardy, but most assuredly he will lose his retirement benefits. The funds simply won’t be there. Trucking will be another one of those jobs Americans didn’t want to do.

We can ill afford to send you $100. Our plight is simple. Do we sock that money away, to provide for retirement? Or do we give it away to someone who has been instrumental in the fight to reclaim America–thereby gambling on winning that fight and retaining our job and retirement benefits?

When we throw into the equation consideration for the future of our children and grandchildren and the basic fundamental of right vs. wrong, then the decision is simple. What my husband and I cannot afford is to turn a deaf ear. Too much is at stake.

I know we have seen you on television on several occasions and have seen you quoted in numerous articles. We are also aware that Georgia appears to be leading the nation in the struggle to fight illegal immigration on the local level, while most of the rest of our state governments sit on their hands and say it’s a job for the Feds. This is, in no small part, due to your dedication and determination, I am sure.

On behalf of my entire family, thank you for a job well done. We pray you will be able to continue fighting our battle for (and with) us.

As the saying goes, the check’s in the mail–

V and J
Oklahoma City, PA.

Mexican truckers to hit U.S. roadways next year
Transportation secretary vows to release
1-year, NAFTA pilot plan by December Read it here

Holding the Line
The NAFTA Trucker: Investigative Reporter Charles Bowden’s Story in the November 1999 Issue of The Teamster Told of Exploited, Exhausted, Unsafe Mexican Truck Drivers — Seven Years Later, Nothing has Changed. Read it here.