April 3, 2006

Press release from Senator Saxby Chambliss on amnesty

Posted by D.A. King at 7:18 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Senator Chambliss released the following press release today. We are happy that the Senator recognizes that amnesty for illegal aliens is not only wrong, but that it does not stop illegal immigration.

Now, about securing the borders…

For Immediate Release

April 3, 2006

Chambliss: Flaws of 1986 should not be repeated

Proposes amendment to remove amnesty from agriculture portion of bill approved by Senate Judiciary Committee

“The Judiciary Committee bill would not require illegal immigrants working in agriculture to wait in line behind everyone outside the country trying to legally enter the United States in order to get their permanent resident status. Not only is this unfair, but it is a repeat of the 1986 approach, which is widely recognized as seriously flawed.”

— Senator Saxby Chambliss

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today said that the short-lived effects of the amnesty included in the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act passed by Congress risk being repeated if the Senate accepts the amnesties that exist in the immigration bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Chambliss took to the floor to propose an amendment to remove the amnesty from the agricultural portion of that bill.

Chambliss’ amendment would allow illegal aliens to receive blue cards as prescribed by the Judiciary Committee’s bill; however, at the end of a two-year period those workers must return to their home countries and enter the U.S. in a legal manner. In contrast, the Judiciary Committee’s bill would provide a path to citizenship, which Chambliss opposes.

“We know from past experience that agricultural workers do not stay in their jobs for long, especially when they gain a legal status and have the option to work in less back-breaking occupations,” said Chambliss. “My amendment provides for a reasonable and responsible transition to the H-2A program, and I believe it is an approach that will not repeat the mistakes of the past and is more in line with the way the vast majority of Americans believe we should deal with our large illegal population.”

“One reason I oppose amnesty is because the last time Congress addressed what to do about the illegal population in our country, a similar approach was agreed upon, and it did not work, “said Chambliss.

“The Judiciary Committee bill would not require illegal immigrants working in agriculture to wait in line behind everyone outside the country trying to legally enter the United States in order to get their permanent resident status. Not only is this unfair, but it is a repeat of the 1986 approach, which is widely recognized as seriously flawed,” Chambliss added.

Chambliss also noted that after attending a naturalization ceremony recently in Atlanta, a number of new citizens asked him to reject an amnesty.

“These folks told me they felt it demeans the efforts they made to obey the law and wait in line to become a U.S. citizen. They realize what a valuable accomplishment they made. It does not seem fair to me to call what the process those newly naturalized citizens followed earned citizenship and also to call what the Judiciary Committee is asking the Senate to consider earned citizenship. There is a fundamental difference between the two and that should be recognized in the rhetoric of the Senate,” said Chambliss.”

For more information, contact Chambliss’ press office at 202-224-3423.