October 7, 2005

Welcome to The Dustin Inman Society Weblog [ BLOG]

Posted by D.A. King at 1:59 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From here in what we sadly note is rapidly becoming Georgiafornia , we will be commenting on news that is published or aired in the mainstream media [MSM] , and presenting news that it has ommitted. We will note political events, efforts – and the lack of efforts – by those who have the power and authority to return Georgia to the rule of law on which our nation was founded.

We intend to be a voice for the Georgians who understand that absent secure borders and the promised protection of the federal government, illegal immigration cannot realistically be viewed or described as “a Federal problem”.

For Georgians, illegal immigration is obviously a “Georgia problem”. One that has reached crisis proportions and one that must be faced and dealt with by our state and local government.

Here, various writers [Bloggers] will offer daily observations and opinions concerning illegal immigration with links to facts, news and views effecting the state of our state.

D.A. King, president of The Dustin Inman Society will serve as editor.

Please make The Dustin Inman Society Blog part of your daily internet visits. We can change the staus quo.

We welcome your comments, which can be sent to our comments section on our “Contact Us” page.

We ask the question: How will we know when we have enough illegal aliens in Georgia, and how will we stop them then? And we will constantly remind the reader that employing, sheltering, transporting, assisting, or encouraging an illegal alien to remain in the United states is a crime.

Dustin Inman and the other Americans who have lost their lives to our un-secured borders and illegal immigration serve as painful reminders that like all crimes, illegal immigration has consequences.