May 19, 2020
April 29, 2020
March 5, 2020
SPLC lobbies against public safety ‘anti-sanctuary’ legislation in Georgia HB1083

SPLC Action Fund lobbyist Isabel Otero speaks against HB1083 in GA Capitol, Mar 4, 2010. Judiciary non-civil committee.
Audio: (2 minutes)
Transcription (
Isabelle Otero, SPLC Action:
Hi, good afternoon. Thank you. Uh, my name is Isabelle Otero. I am the Policy Associate for the SPLC Action Fund. Uh, we urge you to oppose at HB 1083. Uh, the SPLC Ac- Ac- uh, the SPLC Action Fund has seen these bills across the country. They are a result of an aggressive agenda by anti-immigrant hate groups, like the Federation for Immigration Reform. These types of unconstitutional bills become law- laws that serve as a tool for discrimination, because they- that is what- what’s their intended purpose.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is currently litigating against the SB 168 in Florida. And we are making our equal protection, uh, claims, and we are not done with the litigation yet. Um, these laws violate and individuals equal protection rights under the law, by disproportionally affecting black and brown people, and any other Georgian perceived to be foreign-born. Therefore, this is an unconstitutional and unfunded mandate, and you must allow-
… our law enforcement officials to continue to have discretion and authority that they need to do their jobs as they see fit, and not as the federal government sees fit.
The authors of this bill would like for us to believe that our law enforcement officials should just receive an administrative warrant from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a federal agency, not a judicial- judicial warrant, with oversight in the courts. And that’s enough to determine a persons status. That is not what an immigration detainer says. An immigration detainer is simply signaling that the federal government has more questions, and more- more adjudication to do for someone’s immigration status.
This bill, basically, opens up our law enforcement, uh, to all kinds of liability if they enforce this administrative warrant. This bill takes away their discretion, and may violate a lot of folks Fourth Amendment rights. Uh, in Florida, we have a case against the Monroe County, uh, Sheriff’s Department. They violated the Fourth Amendment rights of Mr. [Peter Brown 00:02:21]. He was illegally detained in Florida’s Monroe County Jail for deportation, despite his repeated pleas to authorities that he was a US citizen.
Speaker 1: (Chairman)
Ms. Otero, your time has expired.
Isabelle Otero:
Thank you.
February 11, 2020
What is more diverse than the entire Democrat Party presidential candidate field and has more immigrants? #SPLC
What is more diverse than the entire Democrat Party presidential candidate field and has more immigrants?
The board of the Dustin Inman Society.
How crazy and dishonest are the crazies? This crazy and dishonest.
Photos from the recent DIS immigration forum here.
January 19, 2020
Repost: Barbara Jordan quotes on immigration – In case you don’t see them at the SPLC!
Below are just two of many quotes on immigration from Barbara Jordan. We repost them here incase you don’t see them from the hate-mongers at the SPLC.
Prevent Illegal Immigration
“To make sense about the national interest in immigration, it is necessary to make distinctions between those who obey the law, and those who violate it. Therefore, we disagree, also, with those who label our efforts to control illegal immigration as somehow inherently anti-immigrant. Unlawful immigration is unacceptable.”– February 24, 1995
“Illegal aliens have no right to be in this country. They are not part of our social community. There is no intention that they integrate. As human beings, they have certain rights – we certainly should not turn them away in a medical emergency. As a nation, it is in our interest to provide a limited range of other services- immunizations and treatment of communicable diseases certainly fall into that category. But, if illegal aliens require other aid, it should rightly be provided in their own countries.” – August 9, 199
No to Amnesty
“If people unauthorized to enter believe that they can remain indefinitely once having reached the interior of the nation, they may be more likely to come.” – August 3, 1994
“There are people who argue that some illegal aliens contribute to our community because they may work, pay taxes, send their children to our schools, and in all respects except one, obey the law. Let me be clear: that is not enough.”
January 16, 2020
The SPLC urges action to convince Georgia Governor Kemp to take in more refugees – “because it makes our communities safer” #AJC here
January 14, 2020
*** * ******
The Trump administration’s relentless war on immigrants and refugees has reached our very own state. President Trump recently issued an executive order requiring governors to submit a letter of written consent to affirm their support of ongoing refugee resettlement in their state.
A bipartisan majority of 41 governors have already affirmed their support for resettlement so far, making Georgia an outlier. We’re calling on Governor Kemp to continue the life-saving refugee resettlement program here in Georgia.
We need your help! Kemp has until Friday, Jan. 17, to send written consent to the federal government to allow for refugee resettlement in our state. Call the governor and ask him to uphold Georgia’s 40-year tradition of welcoming the world’s most persecuted mothers, fathers, and children.
Can you call Governor Kemp’s office and ask him to affirm his support of refugee resettlement in Georgia?
Call now: 404-656-1776 or, contact the office online.
Not sure what to say? Keep your message short, make it personal, and don’t forget to say thank you!
You can also try this sample message: My name is _____ and I’m from _____, Georgia. I’m calling because I want Governor Kemp to sign a written letter of consent to affirm that Georgia welcomes refugees. The refugee program is important to me because it saves lives and makes our communities stronger. Thank you.
For more context, read Jim Galloway’s op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Opinion: Brian Kemp has a month to decide if there’s room in the inn
The Trump administration has decimated our country’s refugee intake – from roughly 90,000 each year under the Obama administration to just 18,000 today. We know our country holds true to its ideals when we open our arms and provide refuge and opportunity to those fleeing wars and genocide around the world.
Governor Kemp has until this Friday, Jan. 17, to decide whether Georgia will remain a welcoming home to refugees.
Will you stand with refugees today by calling the governor and asking him to affirm his support of refugee resettlement in Georgia?
Call now: 404-656-1776 or, contact the office online.
Thank you,
SPLC Action Georgia
January 10, 2020
December 9, 2019
September 21, 2019
Michelle Malkin on the Southern Poverty Law Center and the media stenographers #SPLC – video
“[@splcenter] is the most ruthless & efficient smear machine in America. It doesn’t matter to the open borders stenographers & echoers of these smears that the SPLC has been discredited, not just by right-wing reporters, but by knowing left-wing progressives…” –@michellemalkin
— Regnery Publishing (@Regnery) September 20, 2019