August 12, 2016

D.A. King on the Tim Bryant radio show (WAGU-AM) August 10, 2016 – Illegal aliens under deportation orders are being issued Georgia drivers licenses

Posted by D.A. King at 9:32 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Tim Bryant: DA King, thanks for your time this morning.

D.A. King: Thank you Tim, thank you Jennifer, glad to be here.

Jennifer Pointer: Yes.

Tim: I can only imagine your reaction to this settlement. You tell me.

DA: Well Tim it’s a long story. Before I start I would like to extend my congratulations to the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Immigration Reporter Jeremy Redmon [00:00:19] for dropping any possible claim to a or pretense of having fair, accurate or balanced and complete information on their reporting on this. It is notable and won’t be forgotten. And also a big hearty thank you and congratulations for his courage to State Senator Josh McKoon for being the only legislator in a Republican controlled gold dome to, to have an interest in this or to carry this bill.

Tim:[00:01:00] All right. The specifics of the settlement this week though, which already and even in advance of the settlement the he state, the, the driver services department ah, Burt Brantley [00:00:56] they were working in this direction anyway and its evidently speeding up the approval process ah you had between May and June almost 2800 of these licenses. That’s up from 1800 ah, between January and May.

DA: Ah, okay, Tim let, I’m very grateful for this opportunity. First of all the, the insult to immigrants like my adopted sister and many of my friends and supporters in, in labeling these people who have won this lawsuit as in any way being described as an immigrant is insulting. And I hope we can all note the difference between an immigrant who joins the American family lawfully and an illegal alien who was here either because he crossed our border illegally or overstayed a Visa.

Jennifer Pointer: Sure.

DA:[00:02:00] The shorter story I can tell is this, Georgia has had in place laws with the intention of stopping any illegal alien from ever obtaining any kind of Georgia driver’s license or official state id card. The language was written such that it was a loophole created when Barack Obama in 2012 in his reelection bid decided to grant um, an executive amnesty to the illegal aliens who can claim to be brought here when they were children.

In that process he awarded them a work permit, a real one this time not the fake ones that they’ve been using.

Tim: Hmm.

DA: A real work permit and a valid social security, not one that was stolen from an American citizen or a real legal immigrant. With those two documents, a work permit and a social security number those were the precautions we had in the state law to stop an illegal alien from getting a driver’s license. Obama negated that language and made it possible for anyone with a work permit or a driver’s license to get a Georgia driver’s … Excuse me. Anyone with a work permit or a social security number to get a driver’s license.

[00:03:00] Josh McKoon bill was aimed at altering the language originally to go back to the original intent so that no illegal alien of any description no matter how they’re described in the Atlanta Journal Constitution could obtain one. For a period of time the Department of Driver’s Services was issuing driver’s licenses to all illegal aliens who could produce a work permit and a social security number. Then they realized that the Obama administration was granting work permits and social security numbers not just to people with this [inaudible 00:03:29] deferred action for childhood arrivals, but also to illegal aliens who had been recently arrested for being in the country illegally in raids and people who it was clear had already been gone through the court system and were under deportation orders.

[00:04:00] This lawsuit brought by the SPLC was aimed at that latter group. This entire news event is built around the fact that illegal aliens who do not have Obama’s deferred action on deportation amnesty who are here because either their country won’t take them back after they’re been ordered deported, or they’ve been ordered deported and their in the removal system and are going to have their status adjusted, have found a lawyer who will do that and then Obama administration has given them a work permit and a social security card. These are by no means immigrants, many of them are again illegal aliens who are already under deportation orders.

Jennifer: Yes.

Tim: And that’s the distinction we need to make there DA King, ah, under deportion orders you say.

DA: Many of them have then been ordered to be deported and their country will not take them back.

Jennifer: So, um, we were talking with, as Tim mentioned Senator, Senator Isaacson earlier and um …

Tim: Senator McKoon.

Jennifer:[00:05:00] Senator McKoon thank you. Sorry. (laughs) We’ve talked with several Senators this morning. Senator McKoon and he was saying that, you know, there, the dangers outweigh the benefits of illegal aliens getting driver’s licenses because I said well, is it not a benefit that you know now we have their photo id, we have their potential address, it’s real, etc. And I want to know what dangers you consider it to be for them to be getting their, you know, their driver’s license without showing any documentation. Because that bothers me as well that they don’t have to present any documentation whereas you, I, Tim or anyone else would have to.

DA: The do Jennifer, to be clear, they go to DDS and they present a birth certificate. You can only imagine from where it comes …

Tim: Yeah.

Jennifer: Right.

DA:[00:06:00] Whether or not it’s accurate or legal, it’s a foreign birth certificate. In Mexico for example none of the birth certificates of the various states are the same. I have found many birth certificates with multiple pictures on them that are taped on there along the, around on the border in Arizona. But the concept that we have to give the de facto national id card that we all use for everyday occurrences including boarding the airliners, opening bank accounts, renting cars and buying explosives to a [inaudible 00:06:07] illegal alien so that we know where they are I think is self-explanatory and it’s very unproductive concept. The danger is that again, in this country that national id card is a driver’s license, whether it’s Georgia or not. You can register to vote if it doesn’t happen automatically with a driver’s license. And one more time, we should all recognize that many people in the world hate this country and American and if you have a driver’s license you can board an airliner without any questions asked.

Tim: DA King got to leave it there. Up against the bottom of the hour break. Thanks so much for joining us this morning.

Jennifer: Yes thank you so much.

DA: Thank you, thank you guys.

February 22, 2015

GOP-Georgia is issuing drivers license to illegal aliens–D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal today: GOP listening to big biz, not voters

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Marietta Daily Journal

February 22, 2015

GOP listening to big biz, not voters

“If we continue to allow illegal immigrants access to all these services, we will be flooded.” — Future Republican Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle on driver’s licenses and other public benefits going to illegal aliens in Georgia, at a March 2004 Georgia Chamber of Commerce “Eggs and Issues” Breakfast speech.

Welcome to the Establishment Republicans’ “New Georgia” — brought to us by what can only be described as “party uber alles” sycophants who would rather ensure a welcome at the next GOP barbecue, breakfast or produce boil than risk being ostracized for noting the obvious.

Not for the first time — or the last — we note that control of the Georgia government has been sold to Big Business led by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and Big Ag with the complicit news suppression of Big Media. Anyone who doubts that fact needs to actually spend some time under the Gold Dome during the legislative session.

Far too many modern-day Republican faithful need to look up the term “useful idiots.”

The GOP has now had control of the Peach State for more than a decade since Cagle — who plans on being Gov. Cagle — offered his “trust me, I’m a conservative” quote on being “flooded.” In that time several state laws intended to deter illegal immigration have been implemented and then ignored by Georgia’s elected leaders — with the lack of enforcement then ignored by the “watchdog” press.

These days, only the bravest in government voluntarily mention the crime of illegal immigration or protecting our jobs, driver’s licenses and other public benefits from illegal aliens.

While the Dunwoody-based Atlanta newspaper and the NPR/GPTV crowd (apologies for my repetition) have done a stunningly efficient job of keeping a lid on “too much information,” Georgia has issued driver’s licenses and public benefits to about 15,000 “victims of borders” since 2012.

The bold effort from Attorney General Sam Olens’ office in joining the Texas-originated, 26-state lawsuit challenging Obama’s latest executive amnesty decree offers the chance to stop at least 170,000 more illegals from legally getting in the “me too” benefit line.

More? In November, when Obama announced his latest amnesty, GOP Gov. Nathan Deal remarked for the record that he had “reservations.” It is up to the reader to decide if that language is stronger that being “miffed.”

By now, many readers may have heard about Columbus state Sen. Josh McKoon’s legislation (SB 6) that would at least stop all illegals from accessing a Georgia driver’s license. On orders from the real bosses in Georgia, the game of “kill this bill — and do it quietly!” by GOP Senate leadership goes like this: either smother the bill in the Public Safety Committee or bottle it up in the GOP-led Rules Committee until after Day 30 so that it cannot possibly see a floor vote by the full Senate this year.

When asked about his bill by McKoon, the Cagle-appointed GOP Chairman of the Public Service Committee, where Cagle assigned SB 6, reportedly explained that its future didn’t look too good. It seems many of his south Georgia campaign funders are growers who have illegal aliens working as foremen — and they need driver’s licenses to get to their illegally obtained jobs. Get it?

Because of the danger of voter memory of the exercise, a public, recorded, full-Senate vote on SB 6 would result in passage by a large margin. As president of the Senate, Cagle will not allow that to happen unless he is forced into submission by public pressure and seeing more than half the Republican caucus publicly support the bill by actually signing on as co-sponsors.

And that is as close as we are likely to get to seeing which Republican state Senators are really pro-enforcement and which are more worried about the Chamber of Commerce donors than the voters they swore to protect.

As I write this, the 12 co-signers on McKoon’s bill are Sens. Mike Crane, Steve Gooch, William Ligon, Bill Heath, PK Martin, Greg Kirk, Bruce Thompson, Marty Harbin, Frank Ginn, Michael Williams, Judson Hill and Hunter Hill (the latter two of Cobb). There are 38 Republican state Senators.

For the curious: There are no bills to stop illegal aliens from getting a driver’s license in the GOP-majority state House.

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. He is not member of any political party. Twitter: @DAKDIS

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – GOP listening to big biz not voters

April 25, 2013

D.A. King in Tuesday’s Gwinnett Daily Post: KING: On immigration and promises from the Gang of Eight: Remember 1986

Posted by D.A. King at 11:33 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Gwinnett Daily Post

KING: On immigration and promises from the Gang of Eight: Remember 1986

D.A King

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

“We used the word ‘legalization,’ and everybody fell asleep lightly for a while, and we were able to do legalization.” — Former Wyoming Sen. Alan K. Simpson, co-sponsor of the “one-time” 1986 amnesty for illegal aliens, to NPR in 2010.

For conservatives, there can be no more effective reminder that the current attempt to legalize 11 million to 20 million illegal aliens is a shameless, calculated and deceptive scam than the rallying cry “Remember 1986!”

The liberal media seldom begins a news report on another legalization that’s “not amnesty” without stating that “the Republican party has taken a second look at its immigration stand since the 2012 election … ” This is in hope that obedient GOP voters will succumb to the endless false assertions that if granted citizenship, these grateful, low-wage, entitlement-dependent workers would vote for small-government, low-tax Republican candidates.

An announced goal from the Republican establishment of another legalization is to capture the Hispanic vote. And to “solve immigration forever.”

In 1988, just two years after the Republican establishment actually delivered the “one-time” amnesty (“we’ll never have to do it again … “), GOP presidential candidate George H.W. Bush lost the Latino vote by 39 points. The all-time modern record harvest was Texan George W. Bush, who promised amnesty in his 2004 re-election campaign. He got about 40 percent of the Hispanic vote.

In 2008, Republican John McCain got 31 percent of the Latino vote.

The record low was Bob Dole at 21 percent in 1996 against incumbent Bill Clinton, who had just implemented landmark, effective border-fence measures in San Diego. But Democrat Clinton still won. In a landslide. With 72 percent of the Hispanic vote.

Don’t like the legal and accurate term “illegal alien?” “Undocumented Democrat” is just as descriptive.

The legalization of 1986 only served to increase illegal immigration. Because the false promises of future border security, future enforcement of temporary visa holder departures and future workplace enforcement never happened.

The legalization of 1986 is in large part the reason for the crushing crisis today. Immigration is not “solved.” It is managed. And we will never have a workable immigration system until we have a genuine, visible and proven policy of unapologetic enforcement. Including at the workplace.

One of the current “Trust us, we mean it this time, no really!” promises on legalization-again is future nationwide implementation of the E-Verify system. In about five years. After legalization. “We promise!”

Who has been negotiating the terms of the promises — including E-Verify — necessary to slide another legalization swindle past the American people? One of the “stakeholders” is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The same people who used their enormous lobbying budget to stop E-Verify from being mandatory at its inception. The same Chamber of Commerce that sued multiple times in federal court to stop the requirement that E-Verify be mandatory on federal contracts. The same Chamber of Commerce that went all the way to the Supreme Court trying to stop the E-Verify mandate in Arizona.


April 15, 2013

D.A. King in the Sunday Marietta Daily Journal – Amnesty-again? Remember 1986

Posted by D.A. King at 10:44 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below is the as written version of the column that ran in the Sunday Marietta Daily Journal yesterday. We thank the MDJ for the space. I have added several links to further educate the reader.

Amnesty-again? Remember 1986

D.A. King

Sunday, April 14, 2013

“We used the word ‘legalization,’ and everybody fell asleep lightly for a while, and we were able to do legalization.” Former Wyoming Sen. Alan K. Simpson, co-sponsor of the “one-time”1986 amnesty for illegal aliens- to NPR, 2010.

There can be no more effective reminder that the current attempt to legalize 11-20 million illegal aliens is a shameless, calculated and deceptive scam than the rallying cry “REMEMBER 1986!” Particularly for conservatives. And some Republicans too.

The liberal media seldom begins a news report on another legalization that’s ‘not amnesty’ without stating that “the Republican party has taken a second look at it’s immigration stand since the 2012 election…”. This in hope that the low-information and obedient GOP-bot voter will succumb to the endless false assertions that granted citizenship, grateful, low-wage, entitlement-dependent workers would vote for low-tax, small-government Republican candidates. If any of these vanishing conservative creatures were then able to make it out of a primary election.

An announced goal from the Republican establishment (yes, Virginia, there is a Republican establishment) of another legalization is to capture the Hispanic vote. And to “solve immigration forever.”
So, let’s make it clear. Again. In 1988, just two years after the Republican establishment actually delivered the “one-time” amnesty (“we’ll never have to do it again…”), GOP presidential candidate George H.W. Bush lost the Latino vote by 39 points. The all-time modern record harvest was Texan George W. Bush (R), who promised amnesty in his 2004 re-election campaign. And got about 40 percent of the Hispanic vote.

In 2008, Republican John McCain (yes, Virginia – there are RINOS’ too) got 31 percent of the Latino vote despite his desperate foreign-language radio campaign promise of legalization “on day one.”

The record low was Bob Dole at 21 percent in 1996 against incumbent Bill Clinton, who had just implemented landmark, effective border-fence measures in San Diego. An action that sparked wild outrage in the illegal alien lobby. But Democrat Clinton still won. In a landslide. With 72 percent of the Hispanic vote.
Don’t like the legal and accurate term “illegal alien?” “Undocumented Democrat” is just as descriptive – and accurate.

By 2000, according to the then INS, the legalization of 1986 only served to increase illegal immigration. Golly…why? Because rewarding any action creates more of the same. And because the false promises of future border security, future enforcement of temporary visa holder departures and future work place enforcement never happened.

The amnesty of 1986 is in large part the reason for the crushing crisis today. Immigration is not “solved.” It is managed. And we will never have a workable immigration system until we have a genuine, visible and proven policy of enforcement. Including at the workplace.

One of the current – “trust us, we mean it this time, no really!” – promises on legalization is future mandatory, nationwide implementation of the E-Verify system. In about five years. After legalization. Got that?

Who has been negotiating the terms of the promises – including E-Verify – necessary to slide another legalization swindle past the American people? One of the “stake-holders” is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The same people who used their enormous lobbying power to stop E-Verify from being mandatory at its inception. The same Chamber of Commerce that sued multiple times in federal court to stop the requirement that E-Verify be mandatory on federal contracts. The same Chamber of Commerce that went all the way to the Supreme Court trying to stop the E-Verify mandate in Arizona.

The border is not secure. “We’ve seen the number of illegal aliens (crossing) double, maybe even triple since amnesty talk started happening,” an irate Border Patrol agent told Townhall last month.

Right now, the most visible “it’s not amnesty” conspirators in the U.S. Senate include New York Democrat Chuck Schumer, a member of what is called the ‘Gang of Eight’. Schumer delivered the gangster’s promise on Meet the Press earlier this month: “We’ve come to a basic agreement, which is that first, people will be legalized. In other words, not citizens, but they’ll be allowed to work, come out of the shadows, travel. Then, we will make sure the border is secure” he said. With a straight face. (VIDEO: you can see Schumer’s Meet the Press remarks on my MDJ blog)

Office pool anyone? Awarded “probationary-we-aren’t-illegal-anymore” status, how many days would elapse before the now legalized victims of geography would restart the angry rallies demanding “CITIZENSHIP NOW!” while holding up “PROBATIONARY STATUS IS RACIST!” signs?

And how long before the ACLU and La Raza would file a lawsuit for “citizenship processing discrimination?”

The American people put down an amnesty attempt last in 2007. Ask yourself: If they were at all sincere, why didn’t the same people who were selling legalization then dedicate themselves to making the promises become reality before the 2013 legalization promise campaign?

Remember 1986.

D.A.King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration.


February 21, 2013

D.A. King in the Marietta Daily Journal – Opposition to IMAGE offers lessons on commissioners

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Marietta Daily Journal
February 19, 2013

D.A. King

Opposition to IMAGE offers lessons on commissioners

“Sec 2-143. Contractors, protecting jobs for eligible workers, bidding requirements and reducing unemployment.”— Official caption outlining the purpose of Cobb’s pending IMAGE-for-contractors’ ordinance.

The three Cobb Commissioners saying “no” to the Cobb IMAGE ordinance should all be thanked for showing us their true character and integrity level.

As a candidate last summer, Chairman Tim Lee made a very large deal of publicly signing an agreement with ICE to start the process of the county becoming IMAGE certified.

“The message, if there is one, is that Cobb County takes its responsibility very seriously to make sure that everything possibly that could be done is being done to make sure the laws are being followed in our county, and to make sure there’s an opportunity for equal employment for those that deserve it,” Lee said after signing the IMAGE application.

Candidate Lee promised, in writing, that “it is our intention to bring forward an addition to the county code this January that will require those doing business with Cobb to also enroll in the IMAGE program. This process will require several public meetings in January and your support on this important addition to the county code would be appreciated.”

Lesson: Tim Lee’s word has little worth. And he is willing to prove it.

Most people, including this writer, took a wait-and-see attitude with newly elected Democrat Commissioner Lisa Cupid on the job-protection ordinance. The obvious question was, “Will she vote to protect the unemployed, poor and working poor who are the first hit by the ravages of illegal immigration?” Or would we see the identity politics and the “group-think” for which the left is so infamous?

Cupid removed all doubt with her recent remarks in this newspaper that the people who had been caught working illegally on the Cobb Courthouse construction multiple times were really no big deal. Most Georgians are outraged to learn of even one American losing a job to identity theft and illegal hiring. Not Cupid. It was pointed out to her that the first Americans affected by illegal immigration were black Americans and native born Hispanics, Her response? “Cry me a river.”

Lesson: Cupid’s reaction would likely be quite different if the illegal aliens who are lowering wages and stealing jobs were English-speaking, potential conservative voters coming from Manitoba.

Which brings us to Commissioner Helen Goreham. Bless her heart.

Just last month Goreham supported having contractors “and subcontractors” who do business with the county become IMAGE certified “because it ensures that official citizens of the U.S. are afforded job opportunities that might otherwise go to illegal immigrants, and in today’s economy it’s very important that our citizens are gainfully employed,” she said. This was before the Cobb Chamber of Commerce spokesman said they had no position on protecting jobs with use of IMAGE. Good one, ehh?

Goreham’s sadly hilarious guest column in Sunday’s MDJ to “set the record straight” and grace us with her expert insight on what we have all been missing on E-Verify and IMAGE should be its own lesson on Helen Goreham.

We don’t have the space here to fully cover all the nonsense inaccuracies in Goreham’s little “I need cover” missive, but this one shines: According to Goreham “the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) introduced the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986.” Umm … no. The 1986 amnesty legislation was sponsored by then U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson and U.S. Rep. Romano Mazzoli. ICE was not formed until 2002.

It gets worse.

Someone should sit Goreham down and try hard to explain — again — that IMAGE certification involves mandated use of E-Verify. And that E-Verify is only used on new hires going forward. And that E-Verify can be fooled by fake and stolen ID. And that identity theft is one of the fastest growing and serious crimes in the nation. Goreham says verifying ID documents is somehow a presumption of guilt. What?

Someone needs to try — again — to make Goreham grasp that IMAGE I-9 audits expose the use of ID fraud at hiring for all employees and that IMAGE is the ultimate tool to stop illegal employment. Someone needs to tell Goreham that her YES vote to raise taxes in Cobb, but her refusal to protect tax dollars on public jobs, is very unproductive at re-election time.

We think her district voters will form a task force to evaluate the situation and take a practical course of action very soon. And, on behalf of American workers everywhere, we desperately want to help.

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – Opposition to IMAGE offers lessons on commissioners

November 8, 2012

Invasion works! Betrayal, sell-out and political suicide / Death of Republican party? … D.A. King in today’s Marietta Daily Journal: Amnesty-again wrong answer for GOP in 2016

Posted by D.A. King at 10:57 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Below is my MDJ column written Thursday morning. This version contains several links to referenced information and a few added bits of information. It may vary slightly from the as-published MDJ version.

Note: $EAN HANNITY JOINS OBAMA ON AMNESTY-AGAIN! Please make special note that the sell-out Sean Hannity’s of the world will have a difficult time with the fact that nearly half of the illegals in the USA did/do not arrive illegally.

*Also, we note that PJB has just weighed in on the same sell-out this evening as wellHERE.

Marietta Daily Journal

D.A. King

November 9, 2012

Amnesty-again wrong answer for GOP in 2016

Mitt Romney’s loss to the Obama regime has the establishment GOP – including here in Georgia – scratching their heads, wringing their hands and chattering semi-coherently with advice about how to retake the White House from the socialists.

The confused “conservative” consternation comes with a predictable, disproven and suicidal scheme as a solution: Another amnesty for illegal aliens. The promised results? “We’ll get more of the Hispanic vote.”

Apparently, they are attempting to again prove “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

In addition to mindless – and sad – “immigration enforcement is seen as ethnic-cleansing!”on-air rants from out-going talk-radio relic Neal Boortz ( extra: medicated, pre sell-out Boortz HERE ), the latest local example of “enforcing our immigration laws is not the answer” advice comes from a recent Cobb Chamber of Commerce Chairman’s Club briefing in which political “expert” and pollster Matt Towery offers his take on the GOP’s latest loss. (extra: note from D.A. King: don’t miss pre-sale Matt Towery on amnesty HERE )

As reported by this newspaper Towery expressed alarm that election-night Florida exit polls from the Cuban American community had Romney only five or six points ahead. “That’s significant trouble because that’s your most loyal Republican base,” Towery said. “If the party doesn’t deal with that, and you can’t do it by saying, ‘seal the borders and throw everybody out’, because if you say that you’re saying to them, ‘you don’t belong here in the United States of America. So I think there’s going to have to be a reinvention of how do you deal with these issues without simply trying to appeal to the red meat of one core part of the Republican Party.”

The conclusion is less than educated. And, as usual, Romney’s enforcement plank is misrepresented.

Most Cuban-Americans do not support illegal immigration. Especially from Mexico, which is the source of most illegals . People who are in the USA in violation of our immigration laws do not belong here. Also, like Boortz, Towery seems surprisingly ignorant on the quite reasonable and proven-successful attrition through enforcement – “self-deportation”- solution.

Romney and most pro-enforcement Americans are simply demanding that we at least enforce the same immigration laws that bring more than a million, mostly poor, legal immigrants (which is far too many) each year.

Towery, along with the rest of the pack in the Republican Party that is even now plotting another run at legalization by capitulating to Barack Hussein Obama – and the Chamber of Commerce – on amnesty-again should struggle to understand that “Hispanics” are not a monolithic voting bloc. But they do mostly vote Democrat. Far too many voters support the candidate that promises the most entitlements (loot) . Hispanics included.

Nearly half of the illegal aliens present in the U.S. right now did not come here illegally. They overstayed temporary visas. For votes, should we ignore visa violations too? That is how many of the 9/11 terrorists were able to remain here.

Reliable evidence available on Hispanic public opinion from an election eve ImpreMedia/Media Decisions (slogan:“Everything Latino politics”) poll makes it clear that (unlike the proud Hispanics on the board of the Dustin Inman Society which this writer heads) generally, “Hispanics” are a fairly liberal voting group. Just 12 percent of Latinos polled supported a cuts-only approach to deficit reduction. Only 25 percent want to repeal Obamacare. Only 31 percent said they’d be more likely to vote for a Republican who supports the DREAM Act.

Memo to the GOP base: Hispanics do not reward Republicans with majority support on amnesty .

Using election-day talking points distributed by Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. at the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute, the folly of current “expert” advice is evident: In his run for re-election in 1984, Ronald Reagan promised legalization. And got 37% of the Hispanic vote.

In 1988, just two years after the GOP actually delivered amnesty, Republican presidential candidate George H.W. Bush lost the Latino vote by 39 points ( ). Even the super-Hispandering GOP Texan George W. Bush, who promised amnesty in his 2004 re-election campaign, got less than 40% of the Hispanic vote.

Republican John McCain got 31% of the Latino vote despite his foreign language radio promise of amnesty “on day one” in 2008.

The record low was Bob Dole at 21% in 1996 against incumbent Bill Clinton, who had just implemented landmark, meaningful enforcement with “Operation Gatekeeper ”, a massive project announced in 1994 “to restore integrity and safety to the nation’s busiest border” that secured the American/Mexican border in San Diego. Pro-enforcement Democrat Clinton won in a landslide with 72% of the Hispanic vote.

Documenting millions of resentful undocumented Democrats is a crack-pot approach to electing a Republican president.

Maybe too “red meat” an observation?

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. He is not a member of any political party. Online: The Dustin Inman Society on Facebook

November 28, 2010

D.A. King in the Sunday Gwinnett Daily Post: DREAM Act another attempt at amnesty

Posted by D.A. King at 1:58 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Gwinnett Daily Post

Sunday, November 28, 2010

KING: DREAM Act another attempt at amnesty

The majority of Americans who breathed an exhausted sigh of relief when the elections were over have a nasty surprise in store. With the help of the liberal, semi-honest national media, the Obama-Reid-Pelosi cabal is planning an after-Thanksgiving amnesty for about 2 million illegal aliens.

The nearly decade-old DREAM Act amnesty legislation that was last defeated in September will get yet another chance in the lame-duck congressional session. A vote on the amnesty bill that most of the media refuses to accurately explain and report on could come as early as next week.

While it comes in multiple versions, the DREAM Act amnesty is constantly described as being “for teenaged students.” Complete bunk. The amnesty applies mostly to adults up to age 35 and would be the largest addition to Democrat voting rolls since … well, since the “one-time” amnesty of 1986.

“The scope of this proposal is enormous, extending amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants including a number who have committed serious crimes, incentivizing further illegality and making it more difficult to develop a just and responsible immigration policy,” said a spokesman for Sen. Jeff Sessions, a pro-enforcement “Great American.” “In less than a decade, this reality could easily double or triple the more than 2.1 million green cards that will be immediately distributed as a result of the DREAM Act.”

Sessions goes on: “Not only would the legislation put an estimated 2.1 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship, it would also give them access to in-state tuition rates at public universities, federal student loans, and federal work-study programs. Illegals who gain citizenship under this legislation will have the legal right to petition for the entry of their family members, including their adult brothers and sisters and the parents who illegally brought or sent them to the U.S.”

A very effective way for readers to combat the DREAM Act amnesty is to take advantage of the completely free “fax Congress from your home computer” service provided by the pro-enforcement, nonprofit immigration-control group NumbersUSA on its easily accessed website. Washington-based NumbersUSA was founded to educate Americans of all descriptions on immigration sanity and protecting American workers. It offers additional facts on the DREAM Act scam that cannot be noted too many times.

From NumbersUSA:

• “There are no numerical limits on how many illegal aliens may be granted amnesty, and they cannot be counted against any existing immigration cap.”

• “There is no end date on the application period, so there is nothing to stop illegal aliens who enter the country in the future from applying if they are willing to lie about when they entered.”

• “No alien who files an amnesty application may be removed from the United States before the application is adjudicated completely. There are no exceptions to this, so as long as an alien files an amnesty application before he flies a plane into the World Trade Center or goes on a killing spree in the local mall, he cannot be removed from the country until USCIS (hopefully) denies his application and he has exhausted all appeals.”

• “Every illegal alien who applies for amnesty would move to the front of the line, ahead of the millions of people who are in line to come to the United States the right way.”

Know this: If the DREAM Act is approved, the chances of resentful, newly legalized former illegal aliens and their families who have been raised on vicious identity politics becoming immigration enforcement stalwarts when they gain the ability to vote are slim and none. These are the open borders people who are even now — as illegals — marching with the ACLU demanding an end to enforcement of our immigration laws.

There is still work for mainstream America to this year.

D.A. King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration.


D.A. King in the Sunday Macon Telegraph: Another DREAM Act amnesty vote coming in lame duck Congress

Posted by D.A. King at 1:55 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Macon Telegraph

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Another DREAM Act amnesty vote coming in lame duck Congress

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The majority of Americans who breathed an exhausted sigh of relief when the elections were over have a nasty surprise in store. With the help of the liberal, semi-honest national media, the Obama/Reid/Pelosi cabal is planning an after-Thanksgiving amnesty for about two-million illegal aliens.

The nearly decade-old DREAM Act amnesty legislation that was last defeated in September will get yet another chance in the lame-duck congressional session. A vote on the amnesty bill that most of the media refuses to accurately explain and report on could come as early as next week.

While it comes in multiple versions, the DREAM Act amnesty is constantly described as being “for teenaged students.” Complete bunk. The amnesty applies mostly to adults up to age 35 and would be the largest addition to Democrat voting rolls since … well, since the “one-time” amnesty of 1986.

Alabama’s Jeff Sessions, who is one of this American’s favorite U.S. senators, offers some insight on the amnesty legislation that you won’t hear from the same media outlets that also carefully fail to mention the ’86 legalization scheme that actually increased illegal immigration and is responsible for encouraging the invasion we see all around us every day.

“The scope of this proposal is enormous, extending amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, including a number who have committed serious crimes, incentivizing further illegality and making it more difficult to develop a just and responsible immigration policy,” said Sessions’ spokesman. “In less than a decade, this reality could easily double or triple the more than 2.1 million green cards that will be immediately distributed as a result of the DREAM Act.”

Sen. Sessions goes on: “Not only would the legislation put an estimated 2.1 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship, it would also give them access to in-state tuition rates at public universities, federal student loans and federal work-study programs.

“Illegals who gain citizenship under this legislation will have the legal right to petition for the entry of their family members, including their adult brothers and sisters and the parents who illegally brought or sent them to the U.S.”

A very effective way for readers to combat the DREAM Act amnesty is to take advantage of the completely free “Fax Congress from-your-home-computer” service provided by the pro-enforcement, nonprofit immigration-control group “NumbersUSA” on its easily accessed Website. Washington-based NumbersUSA was founded to educate Americans of all descriptions on immigration sanity and protecting American workers. It offers additional facts on the DREAM Act scam that cannot be noted too many times.

From NumbersUSA:

n There are no numerical limits on how many illegal aliens may be granted amnesty, and they cannot be counted against any existing immigration cap.

n There is no end date on the application period, so there is nothing to stop illegal aliens who enter the country in the future from applying if they are willing to lie about when they entered.

n No alien who files an amnesty application may be removed from the United States before the application is adjudicated completely. There are no exceptions to this, so as long as an alien files an amnesty application before he flies a plane into the World Trade Center or goes on a killing spree in the local mall, he cannot be removed from the country until USCIS (hopefully) denies his application and he has exhausted all appeals.

n Every illegal alien who applies for amnesty would move to the front of the line, ahead of the millions of people who are in line to come to the United States the right way.

Know this: If the Dream Act were approved, the chances of resentful, newly legalized, former illegal aliens and their families who have been raised on vicious identity politics becoming immigration enforcement stalwarts when they gain the ability to vote are slim and none. These are the folks who are even now — as illegals — marching with the ACLU demanding an end to enforcement of our immigration laws.

There is still work for mainstream America to do this year. Stop the DREAM Act amnesty.

D.A. King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration. On the Web:


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October 12, 2010

D.A. King and the ACLU on WABE radio AUDIO

Posted by D.A. King at 8:41 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

WABE radio NPR in Atlanta
Regents Tackle Immigration

Martha Dalton (2010-10-12)

ATLANTA (WABE) – The board of Regents will consider a policy reform which would limit the enrollment of undocumented student at state colleges and universities. The American Civil Liberties Union has written a letter to the board, asking them to reject the proposal. WABE’s Martha Dalton has more.

The new policy would deny undocumented students admission to Georgia colleges that turned away academically qualified students in the last two years. The proposal would also require each school to verify the legal status of every student applying for in-state tuition.

Azadeh Shahshahani focuses on immigration rights at the ACLU of Georgia. She says undocumented students shouldn’t be punished for circumstances that may be beyond their control:
“Many of them, you know, came here at a young age. This was not a choice that they made, a choice that was made by their parents. They’ve gone to school here, they’ve graduated from Georgia high schools. Many of them are academically high-achieving students.”

D.A. King is the president of the Dustin Inman Society, which he describes as a pro-enforcement immigration control group. King says he’s sympathetic toward those students, but:
“Neither should we punish real, legal immigrant students for what their parents did not do, and that is bring them into the country illegally and violate our immigration and employment laws.”

Shahshanhani says keeping undocumented students out of the most competitive public colleges isn’t good for Georgia: Why would we not want to capitalize on the potential of these brightest students and deny them education?”

But King argues that legal residents should get priority when it comes to higher education: “If we allow one illegal alien to take the classroom seat of one immigrant who obeyed the rules or one hopeful American citizen, it’s too many for most Americans.”

The board is expected to vote on the proposed policy Wednesday

HERE for the rest and AUDIO
Š Copyright 2010, WABE

July 14, 2010

D.A. King BIO

Posted by D.A. King at 4:15 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

BIO 1/2010

A nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration, D.A. King, 58, is a former Marine, and a 27 -year resident of Marietta, Georgia.

He writes on border security and illegal immigration in the Marietta Daily Journal and other Georgia and nationally read newspapers including the Washington Times and the Atlanta Journal Constitution as well as the subscription Websites, Insider Advantage Georgia, and the Southern Political Report. He is a senior writing fellow at the non-profit Californians for Population Stabilization located in Santa Barbara, California.

King is founder and president of the Dustin Inman Society. .

With a focus on Georgia, The Dustin Inman Society is a coalition dedicated to educating the American public, the media and elected officials on the consequences of illegal immigration, illegal employment, illegal administration of Public Benefits, our un-secured borders and the breakdown of the rule of law in our republic. DIS mission statement:

The organization was named in memory of Dustin Inman, a sixteen-year-old youth from Woodstock, Georgia, killed by an illegal alien on Father’s Day week-end, 2000. Dustin was but one of the thousands of Americans who have lost their lives as a result of our intentionally unsecured borders and illegal immigration.

Dustin Inman’s killer remains at large. American law enforcement authorities report they believe he is successfully hiding in Mexico.

D.A. has been a tireless advocate for the spreading use of the 287 (g) enforcement program in Georgia and is proud that it has proven to be a successful tool in removing and deterring criminal aliens and saving lives.

D.A. has been studying our illegal immigration crisis for more than eight years and set aside his twenty-five year insurance business in 2003 to devote full time to educating people on the crisis created by the acts of organized crime of illegal immigration and illegal employment.

He has made four trips to the Southwest border, including one in 2006 on which he served as a guide for four Georgia state legislators.

He has appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Live, PBS, Fox News, CNN ESPANOL, CNN Lou Dobbs Tonight, CBS EVENING NEWS, MSNBC, Univision and in a 2004 CNN Presents one hour documentary on illegal immigration in Georgia.

He was an invited witness who testified on the effects of illegal immigration in the American workplace to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and The American Workforce at Congressional Field Hearings in Georgia in August 2006.

He has lectured to a UGA 2007 graduate class in the School of Social Work, a Kennesaw University debate class and a 2006 class of Emory University Journalism students as well as many high-school student organizations.

He has been featured in news stories on illegal immigration in Business Week magazine, Governing magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the Washington Post, the Washington Times, the Rocky Mountain News, the National Journal, the Christian Science Monitor and other nationally read publications.

D.A. has been a guest host on nationwide radio broadcasts and is a frequent guest on numerous radio shows and networks addressing illegal immigration including NPR, Public Radio International, Air America and CNN.

In April, 2009 he spoke to Georgia Tax Commissioners as an invited authority on use of the federal SAVE system at the annual conference of the Technology Development Council of Georgia (TCTECH).

D.A. lobbies at the local level, at the Georgia Capitol and in Washington D.C. and does public speaking to educate the public. He lobbied in favor of the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB 529), signed into law in April 2006 . He lobbied in favor of HB 2, a 2009 Georgia law aimed at gaining compliance with the 2006 GSICA.

His present projects include working to convince local governments in Georgia to comply with this law.

D.A. works at his own expense and donations. He has spent his savings doing so.

He has organized more than a dozen protest rallies against illegal immigration and a repeat of the failed amnesty of 1986, both in Georgia and Washington, including a 2005 rally at the White House and another in April of 2007, also at the White House.

In May 2007, he organized a rally to oppose a repeat of the 1986 amnesty legislation outside Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss’ Atlanta office and near Senator Johnny Isakson’s office.

In 1977, King pleaded guilty to a charge of illegal gambling and was punished with a fine and probation.

In 2006 he filed a complaint with the Secretary of the Georgia Senate against Georgia state Senator Sam Zamarripa who is founder and Chair of the tax – exempt corporation “Georgia Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials” (GALEO) and a former board member of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) for conflict of interest in opposing a bill (SB 529) that would require local governments in that state to obey long-standing federal immigration, employment and Public Benefits laws.

D.A. and Sue have been married for 28 years. He is not a member of any political party.

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