June 17, 2009

FAIR press release on SPLC sliming

Posted by D.A. King at 11:13 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

SPLC Exploits Murder of 9 Year Old to Advance Attacks on Federation for American Immigration Reform

Fabricates Story to Advance Political Agenda

June 16, 2009

(Washington, D.C.) The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has launched its most irresponsible attack to date against the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The SPLC claims that Shawna Forde, the alleged killer of a little girl and her father during an Arizona home invasion, had ties to FAIR. Although no association exists – or ever has – between Ms. Forde and FAIR, the SPLC and organizations advocating mass amnesty and open borders have used this tragedy to fuel their on-going smear campaign against FAIR and other immigration policy organizations in order to suppress free and open debate about immigration policy in the United States.

Press Release FAIR

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an organization with a 30-year record of responsible advocacy for enforcement of immigration laws and overall reductions in immigration, categorically repudiates all acts of violence. FAIR draws a clear distinction between immigration policy and immigrants, who must always be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their immigration status.

FAIR has no association with Shawna Forde. “Ms. Forde is not and never was an employee, member, activist, or donor of FAIR and most certainly has never been authorized to speak on behalf of our organization,” stated Dan Stein, president of FAIR. “Ms. Forde misrepresented herself as a spokesperson for FAIR in a 2006 appearance on KYVE-TV in Yakima, Washington, and the producers of the program were remiss in failing to authenticate her false claims.”

Despite having spoken with the television station and learning that it was high unlikely Ms. Forde was associated with FAIR, the SPLC nonetheless disseminated information suggesting such a relationship existed. This latest attack represents an extreme and dangerous example of the vicious tactics of the SPLC – recklessly attempting to smear groups with whom they disagree, total disregard for the facts and the reputations of those involved and in this case, the disgraceful attempt to exploit the murder of a 9-year-old for self-serving purposes.

“What is truly disappointing about this smear campaign is that the American people lose. Immigration is a critical public policy issue that must be debated freely and openly,” continued Stein. “If these open borders organizations were truly concerned about good public policy, they would spend their time discussing issues and solutions. Instead, those who seek to exploit the deeds of a few extremists for their own political gain do so at the expense of the vast majority of Americans who believe that laws against illegal immigration must be enforced.”

About FAIR

Founded in 1979, FAIR is the country’s largest immigration reform group. With over 250,000 members nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests. FAIR believes that immigration reform must enhance national security, improve the economy, protect jobs, preserve our environment, and establish a rule of law that is recognized and enforced.

Contact Ira Mehlman at 206-420-7733 or Bob Dane at 202-328-7004.

Dustin Carnevale

Communications Assistant

Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)


Phone: (202)-328-7004

Fax: (202)-387-3447

June 15, 2009

David Frum: Enforce immigration laws to solve the illegal immigration crisis…

Posted by D.A. King at 6:52 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The immigration problem gets bigger

The Center for American Progress, headed by former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta, has become the hottest Democratic think tank in a Democratic town. — Consider it an early warning signal of liberal assaults to come: While President Obama is directing the current battle, CAP is massing over the horizon for the next…

Immigration confers a very small net benefit on the U.S. economy overall—there’s not much dispute about that. That small net benefit is aggregated from a very large benefit to certain constituencies (primarily the immigrants themselves, but also upper-income earners and owners of capital assets) and a very large harm to other constituencies (primarily less-skilled, native-born workers).

At the same time, current policies impose very large burdens on taxpayers, especially state and local taxpayers. Immigrants, being mostly low-paid, pay relatively little in taxes. They are, however, heavy consumers of health services, education services, roads and prisons. It’s been authoritatively estimated that current immigration policies cost every California household about $1,200 per year in higher state spending.

Nor is there much disagreement that current policy allows longer-term problems to fester. The largest single group of immigrants to the U.S. comes from Mexico. While first-generation immigrants work very hard, second-generation immigrants manifest all kinds of ominous behaviors: very high out-of-wedlock birthrates, low high-school completion rates, and—increasingly—disturbing rates of crime. Even third- and fourth-generation Mexican immigrants attain surprisingly low educational levels

READ THE ENTIRE PIECE HERE – then pass it around .

Left cries ‘racist’ in crowded country

Posted by D.A. King at 6:21 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Andrew Breitbart — Washington Times

Left cries ‘racist’ in crowded country

In its obvious zeal to create a one-party state, the Democrat-Media Complex (the natural coalition of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media) last week seized upon the horrific murder of a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington as an opportunity to ascribe blame to the American conservative movement…


June 14, 2009

Happy Dance because enforcement works: 287 g in Dalton Georgia

Posted by D.A. King at 10:54 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Chattanooga Times Free Press

Georgia: Immigration program changing behaviorsWritten by Perla Trevizo
Posted on 2009-06-14

DALTON, Ga. — Fifty-year-old Luis, a native of Mexico, recently traded four wheels for two after a law officer warned him he would be deported the next time he was caught driving without a driver’s license.

“I already had several tickets for driving without a license so I decided to get a bike after that,” said Luis, who asked not to be identified by his last name because he is in the country illegally and fears deportation.

Under a new state law, driving without a license equals at least two days in jail. A fourth conviction is a felony.

And because the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office is among four law enforcement agencies in Georgia participating in the 287(g) federal immigration program, landing in jail could mean deportation.

Luis and his 41-year-old friend from Guatemala, who also is in the country illegally, now ride bicycles everywhere they go, including to work and English classes.

“On one hand it has become harder for undocumented people who live here in Dalton,” he said of the program. “But on the other, there are undocumented people who do things they shouldn’t be doing and because of them all of us are affected.”

Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Wes Lynch, one of six jail enforcement officers who received the four-week 287(g) training last year, said the program isn’t a perfect solution to the problem of illegal immigration, but it is an efficient and effective approach right now.

“It would be great if local law enforcement didn’t have to be involved in this, but so far the federal government’s record for taking care of this by themselves hasn’t been exemplary,” he said.

The program has generated heated debated across the country. Critics say the program can lead to racial profiling and separating families. And a new report by the Police Foundation, a national, nonpartisan organization that says it strives to help police be more effective, questions the value of the 287(g) program. The report asserts the costs of the program can outweigh the benefits.

America Gruner, founder of the Coalition of Latino Leaders, a local organization that works with Hispanics, says fear and confusion about the program is widespread among Hispanics.

“People continue to live in fear,” she said. “They feel uncertain when or why a person can be stopped and sent to an immigration detention center.”

Hubert Williams, president of the Police Foundation, said 287(g) can be used to deport criminals, but officers need to be careful in balancing enforcing immigration laws and protecting their communities.

“The police must be very careful about immigration laws and if they choose to enforce them, they must define parameters that wouldn’t undermine their primary responsibility, which is public safety,” he said.

Lt. Lynch said officers concentrate on the most serious offenders because of their limited manpower.

“If you don’t have a license or have a suspended license, regardless of your race, if you go through (a) roadblock, you are going to get stopped … because of Georgia law you are going to come to jail,” he said.

From August through December 2008, Lt. Lynch said the officers interviewed 406 inmates, of whom 158 were processed and released to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Of those processed, 92 had a criminal charge, including an aggravated felony or an illegal re-entry to the United States.

As of June 1, officers have interviewed 554 inmates and released 180 to ICE. Of those, 169 had a criminal charge, records show.

In Whitfield County, 56 percent of the inmates interviewed between January and June under the 287(g) had traffic charges, records show.

WHAT IS THE 287 (g)?

* The program is a component of Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agreements of Cooperation in Communities to Enhance Safety and Security.

* Local officers receive training to enforce immigration law as authorized through section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

* More than 950 officers have been trained and certified through the program.

Source: Immigration and Customs Enforcement


June 12, 2009

Alert! Obama administration to cancel E-Verify requirements and rescind “no-match” letters!

Posted by D.A. King at 1:56 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Alert! Obama administration to cancel E-Verify requirements and rescind “no-match” letters!

The Obama Administration is planning to issue two regulations that will make it easier for illegal alien workers to find jobs.

President Obama is likely to cancel President Bush’s executive order requiring all government contractors to use the E-Verify program to verify the eligibility of all employees.

He also plans to rescind the “no-match” rule, whereby the Social Security Administration sends letters to employers when an employee’s name and Social Security number do not match.

CLICK HERE to learn more and to take action!


Posted by D.A. King at 1:26 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The Dustin Inman Society
June 12, 2009

Memorial for Dustin Inman TUESDAY 7PM, Rolling Hills Cemetery, Acworth, Ga.

Dustin Inman was killed nine years ago Tuesday, June 16. If you are not familiar with the tragic story, you can read about it HERE. You can see Billy and Kathy HERE

Billy and Kathy Inman, Dustin’s parents are holding a candlelight memorial Tuesday evening to remember Dustin and to again try to make people understand that the crime of illegal immigration has consequences. If you live in the metro Atlanta area and can spare an hour to show your concern and support for Billy and Kathy – and your outrage on the fact that right now illegal aliens are pouring across our borders, Americans are still dying because of our open borders and well-heeled charlatans are pushing for another amnesty – PLEASE consider coming by the cemetery where Dustin is forever sixteen years old. He would be a productive twenty five year old man today, looking for a better life in his own country.

Here is what Billy sent out: “Hi Well it’s been 9 Years since that terrible day 6-16-2000 that took Our Son Dustin’s Life and Drastically Changed ours every day Since , We are Going to have a Candle Light Vigil 6-16-09 at The Cemetery at 7 pm Remembering Dustin an Hopes of Keeping our Story Alive Because as you No Gonzalo is still out there Somewhere an Hoping More will be done one the PROBLEM so someone else won’t have to go through the mess we have
Thanks Billy Dustin’s Dad
Cemetery Add. Rolling Hills 4355 Highway 92, Acworth, GA 30102-2137”



Obama and coming amnesty-attempt

Posted by D.A. King at 11:51 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

David Frum — The Week

The immigration problem gets bigger

The Center for American Progress, headed by former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta, has become the hottest Democratic think tank in a Democratic town. — Consider it an early warning signal of liberal assaults to come: While President Obama is directing the current battle, CAP is massing over the horizon for the next…


June 11, 2009

Obama Ready to Announce His Surrender to Big Business Lobby and Gut Workplace Verification?

Posted by D.A. King at 2:49 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Obama Ready to Announce His Surrender to Big Business Lobby and Gut Workplace Verification?

By Roy Beck NUMBERSUSA.com

Informed sources are telling our Capitol Hill Team that the Obama Administration plans to announce today or tomorrow new executive orders that will gut most of the improvements in fighting illegal immigration at the end of the Bush Administration.

The Big Business Lobbyists apparently are getting nearly everything they want from Pres. Obama when it comes to favoring cheap foreign labor over unemployed Americans.


One big result of the new orders will be to ensure that taxpayer-funded jobs under the Economic Stimulus Act can continue to go to illegal foreign workers.

Under an Executive Order issued by Pres. Bush last year, all federal contractors would have to verify their workforce through E-Verify. DHS Chief Janet Napolitano has several times delayed the execution of that order, claiming she was still studying it.

Now, it appears she was studying how to amputate it.


Fixing an aircraft is not like fixing a Chevy – safety concerns over foreign aircraft mechanics arise

Posted by D.A. King at 12:50 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

WFAA-TV — Dallas

More safety concerns over foreign aircraft mechanics arise

Fixing an aircraft is not like fixing a Chevy. Aircraft mechanics don’t do their job with guesses, but instead do them with a repair manual open in front of them, mapping every step. — Fixing an aircraft is not like fixing a Chevy. Aircraft mechanics don’t do their job with guesses, but instead do them with a repair manual open in front of them, mapping every step…


US-Mex border fence completion eludes government

Posted by D.A. King at 12:33 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Associated Press

US-Mex border fence completion eludes government

Brownsville – Nearly six months after the U.S.-Mexico border fence ordered by the Bush administration was supposed to be finished, its completion is in limbo while a judge waits answers to questions about private property in the fence’s path….


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