December 14, 2006

D.A. – a face for being on the radio this week

Posted by D.A. King at 3:06 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The face for radio this week – I have had requests to alert Dustin Inman Society supporters when I do radio…so here is this weeks list.

If you have time to listen, please call in and share your opinions.

Thursday 11:30 PM EASTERN TIME: The Lynn Wooley Show from Texas – you can listen online by clicking “LISTEN LIVE” on the show’s Website.

Call in lines: 866-895-6442/866-89-LOGIC

Tomorrow: UPDATE: the Peter Boyles gig below is CANCELLED…due to Children’s Hospital Benefit show in DENVER
[ This is why I hesitate to post these radio spots, sorry]

Friday: 8:00 AM EASTERN TIME: The Peter Boyles Show [ Special Guest friend Terry Anderson of The Terry Anderson Show ], from Denver – you can listen online by clicking here. *Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers and I will be Terry’s guests for the hour.

Studio Talk line: (303) 713-8255 This radio show appearance has been cancelled


FRIDAY: 4:05 EASTERN – D.A. on the George Putnam Show. If you have never listened to the one and only George Putnam, you are missing listening to one of the truly Great Americans with the courage to stand up for America and our rule of law. Click here to listen to George from California. Or here.

More on George Putnam here.

Call In (800) 336-2225

Saturday: 2:00 PM EASTERN TIME: CONTROL CONGRESS RADIO with John Konop from WGKA -AM Atlanta. You can listen live on the internet from the Website.

Join in by calling: 888 920 2665 or 770 226 0920.
PLEASE see blog below.

December 12, 2006

The Dustin Inman Society needs your help to continue

Posted by D.A. King at 3:03 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

This is a rather long plea for help – I hope that you can find time to read it all. PLEASE use the embedded links for more information.

D.A. King has – and wants – no association with Peter Brimelow!

The year 2006 has been a very successful year for the Dustin Inman Society [DIS] – which was organized in 2005. Not the least of our accomplishments being the badly needed push we gave to passing
and getting signed into law , Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers’ Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act [ SB 529 ]

State lawmakers all over the country are now doing their best to copy the language and effects of our law.

The law represents more than 18 months work from here and we thank all of you who were able to testify in committee meetings, attend our rallies and write and call the Georgia legislators and the Governor to make your positions known.

I spent nearly every day of the last General Assembly in the Georgia Capitol lobbying and educating the lawmakers on the facts and consequences of illegal immigration. Thank you to those of you who joined me! We know not everyone can take time away from their jobs and businesses.

We should all be very proud. I am. We have been very effective

I am also proud of the fact that as president and founder of the Dustin Inman Society, I was invited to testify at one of the August United States House of Representatives Field Hearings here in Georgia and know that they were instrumental in stopping the amnesty-again that the president, many Republicans and the majority of the Democrats in Washington will continue to push.

Please know that they will begin the attempt again in January. If they are successful, it will mean the end of any semblance of the nation in which we grew up. Most of Mexico and the world want to live in the United States.

I am very uncomfortable to now ask for your help. But I am.

I began studying illegal immigration and our intentionally unsecured borders about five years ago and quit my insurance business in October of 2003 and have spent all of my time since then working here on the crisis. While I was taught that it is rude to talk about your own accomplishments, I am now in a position that demands that I be sure that all of you know what we have achieved since I began my work.

In addition to our being a driving force behind the fight against the very well-funded efforts of the illegal alien/open borders lobby on SB 529, I have managed to get educational columns in many newspapers across Georgia and the nation that seem to be waking people up to the fact that it is OK to object to illegal immigration.

We have organized many successful rallies.

We have also been very successful in getting county governments to begin to take advantage of existing federal tools to fight illegal immigration and employment on the local level and have numerous opportunities to continue to do so all over Georgia.

I hope that you will help continue the work that must be done.

Those who are very well funded in their effort will never stop opposing enforcement of our immigration laws and will continually strive to keep our borders open. They must have a strong opposition
in Georgia and the Southeast

I have made many contacts and friends in the U.S. Congress and the Georgia legislature, I am very proud to say that Senator Rogers is one of my best friends and one of the most courageous lawmakers in the nation
on any level.

Last week, I was happy to have escorted Senator Rogers and three other Georgia lawmakers on a three day trip to the Mexico/Arizona border to show them the nationally suicidal fact that our federal government has refused to protect us from the millions that illegally enter our republic every year.

I have been speaking to Rotary and Kiwanis groups all over Georgia and address political groups on a regular basis, always explaining that we tried amnesty for illegal aliens and employers in 1984 – and that doing so obviously did not stop illegal immigration or secure our borders. I get invitations to do so literally each week I hope to be able to accept these productive, but uncompensated, invitations to speak.

I am not, and do not ever foresee becoming a member of any political party.

While it is very embarrassing to say so, here is the situation:

Since 2003, I have spent all of our savings, sold and borrowed against what few stocks my Grandmother left us and refinanced our home twice to do what I think is right to fight illegal immigration. Surprisingly to me, I have never worked harder in my life.

The last year’s work here was financed by maxing out several credit cards and some donations from people like you
thank you to those of you who have helped.

My wife, Sue, a very understanding and patient soul has allowed me to do so because she recognizes that looming danger to our country and state if people like Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Jane Fonda , Sam Zamarripa, Jerry Gonzalez , former Atlanta Mexican Consul General [ and Mexican citizen]Teodoro Maus and uncountable others here are permitted to work against the American Dream of secure borders, a common language [ we choose English ] and equal application of the rule of law without opposition.

We are out of money. We were debt free when I made the decision to do what we have done and have no regrets.

In November, Sue lost her job, our only source of regular income. The “office” from which the Dustin Inman Society operates is our spare bedroom in the only house we have ever owned, which we bought in 1984 in Marietta, Georgia.

While I appreciate the many phone calls, letters and e-mails of “thanks for what you are doing D.A
, we need more Americans like you
keep it up D.A.!” I cannot continue beyond this month in the fight that must be fought without your help.

I have never paid myself a salary or compensation from DIS.

If everyone who believes that the fight is worth fighting can spare a donation of any amount, I want to continue to do what I have been doing full time for the last three years.

If everyone who has shown verbal support of our efforts this could send $ 100.00 to the Dustin Inman Society, we will likely have the funding to go on for another year.

Again, any amount will help.

We have PAY PAL linked on the Website and checks or money orders are welcomed at our mail box.

The Dustin Inman Society
3595 Canton Road
Marietta, Ga. 30066
You can contact me by e-mail here

Thank you if you can help, it is humiliating for me to ask.

In December 2005, We applied for 501 c 3 status with the IRS. Last month we received a reply and were assigned 501 c 4 status. Any contribution you are able to make will not be tax deductible. Most of the well funded groups that we oppose are getting millions in tax deductible donations from corporations, and in some cases, the federal government. See GALEO, MALDEF and the National Council of La Raza for examples.

Merry Christmas!
D.A. King

[ I include the “bio” below that I have been using when I speak to groups all over Georgia, let me know if I can help in your community.]

I told you it was a long one….sorry.

BIO 12/2006

D.A. King, a former Marine, is a 23-year resident of Marietta, Georgia. He writes a column on illegal immigration in the Marietta Daily Journal and writes periodically in many other Georgia newspapers including the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

He is founder and president of the Dustin Inman Society. [ ]

With a focus on Georgia, The Dustin Inman Society is a coalition dedicated to educating the American public and elected officials on the consequences of illegal immigration, our un-secured borders and the breakdown of the rule of law in our republic.

The organization was named in memory of Dustin Inman, a sixteen-year-old boy from Woodstock, Georgia, one of the thousands of Americans who have lost their lives as a result of our intentionally unsecured borders and illegal immigration.

D.A. has been studying our illegal immigration crisis for more than five years and set aside his twenty five year insurance business in 2003 to devote full time to educating people on the facts and consequences of illegal immigration. He is widely regarded as an authority on the issue and has made four trips to the Southwest border in the last two years, the most recent of which being earlier this month as a guide to four Georgia lawmakers.

He has appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 Live, PBS, Fox News, CNN ESPANOL, Lou Dobbs Tonight, CBS EVENING NEWS and in a 2004 CNN Presents one hour documentary on illegal immigration in Georgia.

He was an invited witness and testified on the effects of illegal immigration in the American workplace to the August U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and The American Workforce at Congressional Field Hearings here in Georgia in August and was invited to address the Emory University Journalism class this year.

He has been featured in news stories in Business Week magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the Rocky Mountain News, the Washington Journal, the Christian Science Monitor and other national newspapers.

He has been a guest host on nationwide radio broadcasts and is a frequent guest on numerous radio shows addressing illegal immigration including NPR and CNN.

D.A. lobbies at the county level, at the Georgia Capitol and in Washington D.C. and does public speaking to educate the public.

D.A. works at his own expense. He has spent his savings doing so. He has organized more than a dozen protest rallies against illegal immigration, both in Georgia and Washington, including a rally at the White House in April 2005.

He lobbied in support of the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act [SB 529], signed into law in April.

D.A. and Sue have been married for 24 years. He is not a member of any political party.


December 11, 2006

Morris Dees and the SPLC: Read all about it – Human Events

Posted by D.A. King at 11:02 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

SPLC: Read all about it – Human Events

Golly, we wonder from here how long it will be before the SPLC labels Human a “hate site” for telling the truth here?

Mr. Vadum even uses my favorite quote on Dees! [ except for one labeling him ” a slick parasitic huckster“]

Dees’s former legal associate, Millard Farmer, describes the crusading lawyer as “the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the civil rights movement,” adding, “though I don’t mean to malign Jim and Tammy Faye.” Former associates say Dees is obsessed with making money.

Southern Poverty Law Center Pushes Twisted Definition of ‘Hate’
by Matthew Vadum
Posted Dec 11, 2006
Human Events Online

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has one key message: The nation is boiling over with hatred and intolerance. Decades after the civil rights movement forever changed America and despite the enactment of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the imposition of affirmative action, American race relations are always worse today than in the days of Jim Crow, according to SPLC

SPLC has an enormous endowment of more than $152 million, according to its 2005 annual report. Its IRS Form 990 for the fiscal year ended Oct. 31, 2005, shows that the center took in gross receipts of $49.8 million that year, $29.7 million of which consisted of contributions and grants.

According to its balance sheet, by Oct. 31, 2005, its total assets had ballooned from $173.2 million at the beginning of the fiscal year, to $189.4 million by year’s end. SPLC’s endowment is so large that it reported endowment income of nearly $3.5 million, including interest income of $728,356.

Although SPLC bills itself as a civil rights law firm, it devotes only a fraction of its resources to actual legal work. Of the $28.9 million in expenses it declared for the year ended Oct. 31, 2005, only $4.5 million went to “providing legal services for victims of civil rights injustice and hate crimes,” and $837,907 for “specific assistance to individuals” in the form of “litigation services,” according to its Form 990. Roughly half of its expenditures, $14.7 million, were devoted to “educating the general public, public officials, teachers, students and law enforcement agencies and officers with respect to issues of hate and intolerance and promoting tolerance of differences through the schools.”

In the same period, SPLC paid attorney Morris Dees $297,559 in salary and

pension-plan contributions. On the list of nonprofit “employees who earned more than their organization’s chief executive,” (part of the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s annual survey of top nonprofit executive salaries, published September 28), Dees ranked 48th in the nation. SPLC President Richard Cohen took home $274,838, but center co-founder Joseph L. Levin received only $171,904 for his efforts as general counsel.

Bond’s Smear Tactics

SPLC is based in Montgomery, Ala., site of the famous bus boycott that gave birth to the civil rights movement and made a national icon of Rosa Parks, the woman who courageously refused to move to the back of the bus. The center’s fortress-style headquarters seems intended to shield employees from the hordes of neo-Nazis, skinheads and militia groups the center wants people to believe wish to do it harm.

The co-founders of SPLC were Julian Bond and Morris Dees. Bond is the founding president. Since 1998, he has been chairman of the NAACP but remains active with the center and currently serves on its board of directors. A highly visible public figure, he is well acquainted with its smear tactics, having compared conservatives and the Bush Administration to Afghanistan’s ousted Taliban regime.

Bond has smeared black conservatives with relish, deriding them for joining what he calls “a right-wing conspiracy” aimed at eliminating affirmative action, abridging voting rights and reforming public education. In 2002, he told an NAACP convention that black conservatives were participants in “an interlocking network of funders, groups and activists…. They are the money, the motivation and the movement behind vouchers, the legal assault on affirmative action and other remedies for discrimination, attempts to reapportion us out of office and attacks on equity everywhere.” These conservatives are “black hustlers and hucksters … [who], like ventriloquists’ dummies, speak in their puppet master’s voice,” he said. Bond called anti-racial quota campaigner Ward Connerly a “fraud” and a “con man.”

In February of this year, at Fayetteville State University in Arkansas, Bond warned that Republicans’ “idea of equal rights is the American flag and the Confederate swastika flying side by side,” the Fayetteville Observer reported. When his comments provoked a firestorm of criticism, Bond lied, denying he likened the GOP to the Nazi Party. He accused “right-wing blogs” of mischaracterizing his statement: “I didn’t say these things I’m alleged to have said. There is no one in the audience who can say I said them.” How wrong he was: The Observer posted a 45-minute recording of Bond’s speech online. In the same speech, Bond implied that Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice were token black appointees in the Bush Administration, which was using them as “human shields against any criticism of their record on civil rights.”

For Bond, America is hopelessly racist. “Everywhere we see clear racial fault lines, which divide American society as much now as at any time in our past,” he said in 1999. One might expect Americans to push someone with Bond’s views to the margins of public life, alongside such racial provocateurs as Al Sharpton, yet Bond is an in-demand public speaker. He holds 23 honorary degrees and is now distinguished professor at American University and professor of history at the University of Virginia.

But Bond is strictly B-list compared to Morris Dees.

Dees’ Obsession

Dees is admired by left-wing and not-so-left-wing lawyers from coast to coast. A prestigious legal award has been named after him, and on November 16, the high-powered law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates and the University of Alabama School of Law awarded the first annual “Morris Dees Justice Award” to U.S. District Judge William Wayne Justice of the Eastern District of Texas. The award will be given annually to “a lawyer who has devoted his or her career to serving the public interest and pursuing justice and whose work has brought about positive change in the community, state or nation.” One of the rulings for which Judge Justice is honored would puzzle many strict constructionist legal scholars and limited-government supporters. Justice’s ruling in a 1982 case, Plyler v. Doe, opened the doors for children of illegal aliens to attend public schools through grade 12 at public expense.

Dees is a consummate salesman and a champion fundraiser. “I learned everything I know about hustling from the Baptist Church. Spending Sundays sitting on those hard benches, listening to the preacher pitch salvation … why it was like getting a Ph.D. in selling,” he said. Dees was finance director for Democrat George McGovern’s failed 1972 presidential bid and for other Democratic candidates. He raised more than $24 million from 600,000 small donors, marking the first time a presidential campaign was financed with small gifts by mail, according to Dees’s official biography on SPLC’s website.

Years before co-founding the SPLC, Dees launched a successful direct-mail sales company specializing in book publishing. However, he experienced an epiphany in 1967 and decided to take his life in a new direction and “speak out for my black friends who were still ‘disenfranchised’ even after the Voting Rights Act of 1965,” Dees wrote in his autobiographical A Season for Justice. “Little had changed in the South. Whites held the power and had no intention of voluntarily sharing it.”

We hope that you will read the entire article here.
And remember..anyone who loves America and shows the courage to oppose open borders and illegal immigration and employment is subject to be labeled a “hater” by Morris Dees Inc & Co..

Bonus info from Georgia here.

December 10, 2006

Personal note: Today’s date…and two “don’t miss” Websites

Posted by D.A. King at 11:11 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

I just looked at the date on today’s newspapers and realized that it was thirty-five years ago today that I left active duty in the Marine Corps… wow.

Like most Vets – I did not serve to see President Bush eliminate our borders, nor will I sit back and do nothing as he attempts to do exactly that.

Which brings to mind this site If you know any WWII Veterans, please direct them here to leave some of their memories to future generations. Please – they did not serve for open borders either.

More on Vets and illegal immigration here, from my friend at Veterans for Secure Borders, Bob Park.

Know your enemy…know the enemy of the rule of law and secure borders SIGN UP FOR E-MAIL ALERTS FROM JERRY GONZALEZ AT GALEO!

Posted by D.A. King at 10:42 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

I have been getting the e-mails that Jerry sends out to the un-American open border nuts here for awhile…I recommend that you sign up as well. GALEO is the front runner for advocating against immigration law enforcement in Georgia.

Not only will you stay informed about Jerry’s motivation and ideology, but reading his endless pleading for help in promoting illegal immigration and stopping the enforcement of American laws is something of a sadly funny eye-opener.

CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR THE GEORGIA ASSOCIATION OF LATINO ELECTED OFFICIALS [ GALEO ] e-mail alerts! Please hit the advocacy link to get the maximum info from Jerry…and his boss Sam Zamarripa, who is the Chairman of the Board and founder of GALEO.

More on Zamarripa here.

More on Jerry Gonzalez here.
Take a tour around their Website when you have time. Look at the donors… Jane Fonda is a “founding friend” They are very well funded.

Report on trip to Mexican border with Georgia lawmakers coming soon

Posted by D.A. King at 10:27 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

For all of you who have e-mailed asking about the trip to the border. Yes, I will write it up soon. Honest.

For those of you who are newly signed up to help [ THANK YOU!] or missed the news, read about the trip below, from the Marietta Daily Journal.

Officials to visit Mexican border

By Amanda Casciaro
Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writer

MARIETTA – Four Georgia lawmakers will join Cobb activist D.A. King, a staunch opponent of illegal immigration, on a two-day visit to the Arizona-Mexican border for a “fact-finding mission” this week.

State Sen. Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock), and state Reps. Tom Graves (R-Ranger), Martin Scott (R-Rossville), and Barry Loudermilk (R-Cassville) are scheduled to meet with U.S. Border Patrol agents, residents of Cochise County, Ariz., and retired federal border patrol officers beginning Tuesday.

The trip comes at the request of Rogers, who contacted King by e-mail about the expedition after finding out he would be at a legislative conference in nearby Phoenix, said King, president of the Dustin Inman Society, which lobbies against illegal immigration.

“I think if more legislators went to the border, the result would be a better understanding of why we need to pursue legislation against illegal immigration on a state level,” King said. “What I really wish is that every voter went to the border before any election.”

The expedition comes less than a month before Senate Bill 529, a measure that limits public services to illegal residents, takes effect in January. Rogers sponsored the legislation during the 2005 session and Gov. Sonny Perdue signed it into law in April.

“I hope they will understand that the federal government has refused to secure our borders,” King said of the trip, his fourth visit to the border. “I want them to see in Cochise County, Ariz., that there won’t be day labor sites. The only illegal aliens they’ll see in Cochise are the ones coming over the fence. Illegal aliens won’t stay in Cochise County because there are border patrol agents everywhere.”

Although Nogales and Naco, Ariz., both located in Cochise, are popular points of entry into the United States from Mexico, the absence of illegal immigrants proves “enforcement works,” King said.

“I want to see first hand what is really happening on our borders, both by day and night,” Graves said in a press release. “Illegal immigration has been and will continue to be an issue in the Georgia Legislature, and it’s vital that we have a full understanding of the issue, from illegal invasions to final deportation.”

The trip comes in the face of increased debate over what state and local governments can do to enforce immigration laws.

In October, the Cobb Board of Commissioners approved implementation of 287g, a portion of the 1996 Immigration and Naturalization Act that gives local governments access to a federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement database.

If approved for the federal program, the Cobb Sheriff’s Department will have authority to check legal status of every inmate entering the county jail.

Although the program will help identify illegal aliens in Cobb, ICE still would be responsible for deportation procedures.

The need for education is especially important now, King said.

The U.S. Census Bureau reported this year that Georgia had the highest rate of increase in the illegal resident population with a 114 percent jump from 2000 to 2005.

Arizona ranked second with a 45 percent increase.

“I applaud the Georgia lawmakers for taking the time and expense to investigate where the problem comes that they have to legislate against,” King said. “I’m very happy for them to see the federal government’s, not just failure, but refusal to secure American borders during the war on terror.”

Click here for the rest

Crackdown in Cherokee County [ WE WIN !] is encouraging illegals to “move to other states” …enforcement works

Posted by D.A. King at 10:24 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

I have said it a hundred times…enforcement works.

If we actually enforce existing laws here, illegal aliens will leave Georgia. If we were to find a President who would allow federal law enforcement to do their jobs illegals would leave the United States. If he would secure our borders, they could not come to look for a better life here. Radical concept, I know.

Below is part of a Saturday ajc report on the succesful effort in Cherokee County [ WE WIN! ]to discourage landlords from harboring illegals…which is a federal crime. What is not made clear in the article is that Cherokee also has begun the process of using the SAVE program to verify eligibility of applicants for public benefits, and the Basic Pilot Program to verify the eligibilty of job applicants for employment in the U.S. – and that the county will begin to require that its contractors do the same.

This is the same thing that Cobb County has done and represents considerable work from here.

Congratulations to the Cherokee Board of Commissioners and many thanks to all of the Dustin Inman Society supporters who helped with educating all concerned on SAVE, Basic Pilot and 287 g.

Neal Warren, the Cobb County Sheriff has applied for 287 g training for some of his deputies. The sheriff in Cherokee is reportedly not as anxious to take advantage of the available federal training.

We think he will see the error in this soon.

Illegal immigration crackdown heightens debate in Cherokee
By Yolanda Rodriguez, Aixa Pascual
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


Leticia Torres stirred rice and beans the other day at the Super Taco she manages in Acworth, chatting at a sunlit table covered with a checkered red-and-white vinyl cloth. She gasped when the talk turned to the Cherokee County commissioners’ crackdown on illegal immigrants.

People are moving to other states,” said Torres, the restaurant’s manager. “It’s very bad.”

About 15 miles away, at the R&M Sandwich Shoppe in Canton, which bills itself as the oldest restaurant in Cherokee County, diners applauded the commissioners’ stance. One ordinance they passed would prevent landlords from renting to illegal immigrants. Another declares English the county’s official language.

“If people want to speak their own language, that’s fine, but they need to learn English,” said Pete Hughes, as the smell of sizzling cheese steaks wafted down the lunch counter. “We need to verify that everybody’s here legally. . . . I think it’s a good idea for the whole nation.”

The ordinances that the county commissioners approved Tuesday stirred fierce debate this week in Cherokee County, which until the last dozen or so years had little significant history of foreign-born settlement.
Then a building boom started to transform the county, particularly the southern part, from rural to suburban. The county population went up 103 percent from 1990 to 2005, when the federal government counted nearly 183,000 people in Cherokee County.

Thousands of immigrants —- including an unknown number in the county illegally —- have helped build subdivisions and strip shopping centers that supplanted fields and forests in Cherokee County. Immigrants also have gravitated to jobs on landscaping crews and in poultry plants and restaurants.

In 1990, the U.S. Census Bureau counted 1,419 foreign-born residents of Cherokee County —- about 1.5 percent of all people in the county. In 2005, the Census Bureau said 17,715 people in Cherokee County were born abroad —- nearly 10 percent of the county population.

About a third of Cherokee County’s foreign-born population are U.S. citizens. An unknown number are in the United States without permission.

Their arrival has stirred strong feelings among county residents such as Charles Martin, who ordered a cheeseburger the other day at the R&M Sandwich Shoppe.

Martin said he has mixed emotions about the ordinances that commissioners approved even though opponents promise to challenge them in court. Immigrant advocates say the landlord ordinance violates federal law by assigning to local authorities a duty of the federal government —- enforcement of the nation’s immigration law.

The landlord ordinance is scheduled to take effect Jan. 1. It applies in unincorporated parts of Cherokee County, though most rental units in Cherokee are in the cities of Woodstock and Canton and so are unaffected. The English-language ordinance is largely symbolic.

The Cherokee County commissioners approved both ordinances unanimously.

“Local government, I think, does have to step up and fill the void left by the complete failure of the federal government,” Commissioner Harry Johnston said then.

[ Note from D.A. – it is not a “failure”…it is a refusal]

Martin said he sees both sides of the argument.

“I understand why they feel concerned about the influx of non-taxpaying residents and why they want to reduce numbers,” said Martin, a retiree who serves in the National Guard, “but I also understand Mexicans coming to work here legally or illegally. . . . The concern I have is, if it becomes a costly legal battle, would it be worth it to make that decision?”

Martin said it costs a lot to provide services to those who are here in violation of federal law.

“Most of them are not taxpayers because they’re here illegally,” Martin said. “Can we afford to support all these people who aren’t paying taxes?”

Read the rest of the AJC piece here…

We will now move on to other counties. We need help. The open borders/illegal alien lobby with Jerry Gonzalez at Sam Zamaripa’s GALEO outfit as point – man is very well funded and they are not taking all of this very well.

December 9, 2006

Fake-ID operation busted – again

Posted by D.A. King at 10:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Fake-ID operation busted
Thousands of documents, blank plastic cards seized

HAMILTON [ Ohio]- An illegal immigrant with guts – but maybe not smarts – unwittingly launched the investigation that produced Ohio’s largest-ever fake-ID bust, Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones said Friday.

Gregorio Cruz presented a doctored-up ID card to the sheriff’s office, which is known for its anti-illegals stance.

He came to really the wrong place,” Jones said.

Cruz had to walk past the jail’s “illegal immigrants here” sign when he visited the sheriff’s headquarters Nov. 28 to ask officials to run a criminal background check on him. A native of Mexico, Cruz wanted to be able to show a clean criminal record to a prospective employer.
But an alert clerk noticed something odd about Cruz’s ID card. Those concerns led to an investigation.

The results: Cruz, 31, of Hamilton, and two other Hamilton men are in the county jail on felony charges as officials continue sorting through boxes of evidence – including more than 4,000 blank plastic cards – that could lead to more arrests.

The local fake-ID operation “may have tentacles everywhere,” Jones said. Investigators were trying to figure out how long it had been active.

Jones said the bust highlights national security problems that make the U.S. vulnerable to terrorists and criminals. Some of the bogus IDs were of such high quality that police officers, airline ticketing agents and others likely would be duped, Jones said.

“It’s totally out of control, and we’d better get a grip on it,” he said.
Jones said society pays many costs for tolerating illegal immigration.
“This investigation isn’t free,” Jones said. “It’s costing us all – the jails, the courts, the hospitals, the schools.”

A retired federal immigration agent who was hired to work for Jones several weeks ago played a key role in the bust by working undercover, Jones said.

Cruz is charged with one count of tampering with records. He was a customer of Ernesto Escalante-Bartolon, 29, who was renting a Fairfield apartment for the sole purpose of making fake documents and IDs, police say.

The rest of the story – and photos – here, but it reads much like the scores that I read each week.

Here is my letter to this newspaper [ I was tired of trying to figure out this laptop]:

Dear editor, a note from Georgia on your report on arresting illegal aliens for using fraudulent documents…

Arresting illegals for using fraudulent documents is mean-spirited, xenophobic and racist.

We can all see that they are only looking for a better life and that we as a nation are creating a climate of fear for newcomers when we apply our rule of law. Because they are victims of geography, illegal aliens should be treated more equally than real immigrants who waited in line and joined the American family according to American laws.

We should continue to ignore the example set by Mexico, a nation that secures its own borders and enthusiastically enforces its employment and immigration laws.

The clear answer to the crisis is to erase the borders and allow everyone on the planet to live in the U.S. – that would lower wages to the most common denominator and eliminate illegal immigration and any old -fashioned nonsense about common language, security and soverignty entirely. Si?

D.A. King

We are home from the border…

Posted by D.A. King at 4:52 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

We are home from the border…While it was my fourth trip to Cochise County, Arizona – where about half of all illegal immigration enters our country, it was an eye opener for the four Georgia lawmakers.

Heads up: I came home to learn that my hard-drive has crashed.

I am trying to rebuild my virtual life. I have no addresses or any of the info that has been stored in my computer since I quit my business more than three years ago to do what I can to convince Bush to secure our borders and enforce our laws.

A favor if you send me an e-mail so that I can begin to re-build my address book.

If you don’t back up your computer every week you are making a very big mistake. Mine crashed in the process of backing up.

December 4, 2006

Read – and listen to – Augustin Cebada

Posted by D.A. King at 1:39 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Remember…any demand that American borders be secured and American law be equally applied is usually depicted as …”racist”.

Ask yourself who the racists really are and why Americans looking for a better life are under attack by the media.

Augustin Cebada, Information Minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles, 7/4/96

“Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets, we’re here today to show L.A., show the minority people here, the Anglo-Saxons, that we are here, the majority, we’re here to stay. We do the work in this city, we take care of the spoiled brat children, we clean their offices, we pick the food, we do the manufacturing in the factories of L.A., we are the majority here and we are not going to be pushed around.

We’re here in Westwood, this is the fourth time we’ve been here in the last two months, to show white Anglo-Saxon Protestant L.A., the few of you who remain, that we are the majority, and we claim this land as ours, it’s always been ours, and we’re still here, and none of the talk about deporting. If anyone’s going to be deported it’s going to be you!

Go back to Simi Valley, you skunks! Go back to Woodland Hills! Go back to Boston! To back to the Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out!

We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you, leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Even their own ethicists say that they should die, that they have a duty to die.

They’re taking up too much space, too much air. We are the majority in L.A. There’s over seven million Mexicans in L.A. County alone. We are the majority. And you’re going to see every day more and more of it, as we manifest as our young people grow up, graduate from high school, go on to college and start taking over this society.

The vast majority of our people are under the age of 15 years old. Right now we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we’re going to take over.”

Other demonstrators: “Raza fuerza (brown race power), this is Aztlan, this is Mexico.

They’re the pilgrims on our land. Go back to the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria.”

You can listen to Augustin Cebada doing his presentation on his opinion of Americans here. [ # 14]

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