June 29, 2007

Jerry Gonzalez attacks Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers in the AJC…for noting that illegal aliens steal jobs from Americans

Posted by D.A. King at 6:06 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Jerry Gonzalez attacks Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers in the AJC…for noting that illegal aliens steal jobs from Americans.

Jerry seems very upset.

Jerry, full of anger and hate, should get some feedback from Americans of all descriptions for his mindless attack. You can be polite if you want to…I hope so, Jerry seems to be very sensitive, and considers all mail that is not for illegal immigration to be “hate mail”…Jerry cracks me up.

The AJC ran the below guest column from Jerry on Senator Rogers’ guest column ( “Federal bill would rob poor, benefit corporations “) from earlier this week here. Read it here.

The AJC should get some feedback too. Be polite. 150 words maximum, name address and phone to letters@ajc.com

Jerry also posted his mindless rant on his own Website before the AJC published or printed it. Read it here.

Try to feel sorry for Jerry…all that funding, in part from Jane Fonda…and keeps loosing his fight to open the borders and convince us that illegal aliens are “immigrants”.