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Marietta residents John and Maria Litland send a letter to Gov Kemp: “Please choose any other candidate for DeKalb Superior Court except Dax Lopez”

May 8, 2019

Re; Dax Lopez’ possible appointment to DeKalb Superior Court

Dear Governor Kemp,

My wife is a proud immigrant, which means she came to our nation lawfully. We watch immigration matters very closely and are livid that illegal immigration is allowed to flourish here in Georgia. I am told we have more illegal aliens than Arizona. You will hear more from us on your apparent lack of action on that fact soon, but we write today to urge you to discard Dax Lopez’ name from consideration for advancement in Georgia’s court system

Conservative Senator David Perdue made the obvious and correct decision in 2016 in stopping the conformation process of GALEO’s Dax Lopez when former President Obama nominated Lopez for federal District Court here in Georgia. In addition to serving eleven years on the GALEO board while that corporate-funded leftist organization fought immigration enforcement here in Georgia and in Washington, Lopez also personally petitioned then Governor Deal to veto already-passed legislation designed to safeguard our public safety from the crime of illegal immigration.

GALEO leader Jerry Gonzalez has nothing but praise for Lopez’ expertise in advancing the anti-enforcement cause GALEO works for since 2003. Lopez has made it clear he agrees with the GALEO mission while Democrats who fight against immigration enforcement support him financially in his political campaigns.

Lopez helped GALEO raise funds as a keynote speaker at a 2011 funder while he was a sitting state court judge. That the nomination for Lopez has even reached your desk is a fantastic and curious disgrace and a slap in the face for those of us who value the rule of law and depend on agenda-free courts that deal with illegal aliens and illegal immigration.

My friend and our sheriff here in Cobb County, Neil Warren, has been attacked and called names by GALEO while Lopez was a board member and GALEO smears real immigrants by referring to illegal aliens as “immigrants” and people who favor enforcement as “haters.” Lopez has never uttered any regret for his service and assistance to GALEO or the agenda it pushes.

Please choose any other candidate for DeKalb Superior Court except Dax Lopez. He is far away from the Georgia mainstream and has been unafraid to prove as much since 2003 when he hooked his wagon to the Jane Fonda-funded GALEO.

John and Maria Litland