- The Dustin Inman Society Blog - https://www.thedustininmansociety.org/blog -

VIDEO: This is the “caravan” of well-informed Central American invaders on their way to the USA – they just crossed from Honduras into Guatamala – somebody is financing them to arrive just before the November election. The plan is to get them in to vote in future US elections.

“Just weeks ahead of the midterms, a new migrant caravan is approaching the southern border. It seems very possible that the timing of this caravan’s arrival is intended to provoke the Trump administration.” Read the piece from CIS.org here. [1]


“One of our researchers, during an annual border tour, once asked a Guatemalan woman near the Mexico-US border why she was crossing. “I saw people doing it on CNN,” she told him. Potential migrants (and smugglers) track US domestic politics closely, and react accordingly.”

*Turn your sound up and make the video fill your screen. They will scream “asylum” and “family separation” when they get here if they are not stopped.
