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Mindless virtue signaling: The Atlanta mayor is a dangerous, anti-enforcement collaborator and the Associated Press is willing to prove it in a one-sided report #KeishaBottoms



Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms, photo, City of Atlanta


“Civil offenses do not warrant criminal consequences – and no one should be jailed solely because they seek the American Dream,” – Atlanta Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms.

Oh, mayor, you should stop taking goofy and intentionally false points from the anti-borders crazies you put on your advisory board [2]. Actually, federal law (8 USC 1325 [3]) says illegal entry (or “improper entry”) to the US carries criminal penalties (fines and jail or prison time), in addition to civil penalties and immigration consequences (deportation and bars from future entry). More here. [4]

Mayor: Atlanta to stop holding federal detainees in its jail

September 06, 2018 03:14 PM