- The Dustin Inman Society Blog - https://www.thedustininmansociety.org/blog -

I am still waiting for transcripts from the February 28 IERB hearing. I started call this company Monday AM and think I have finally been successful in convincing them to send me transcripts of a public hearing, but only after they :were granted permission…”

Mr. King – The cost of an electronic copy only of the transcript for the above-mentioned hearing, would be $259.95. If you would like a hard copy as well, the cost would be $277.95.

Since you do not have a credit history with us, we would require payment in advance, payable by either check or credit card.

If you have any questions or if we can be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Kim Livingston
Certified Court Reporters
13 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30329
ph: 404-321-3333
fax: 404-321-3307