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*UPDATED: SPLC joins corporate-funded anti-enforcement group, GALEO, in advocacy against passage of public safety legislation in Georgia #SB452


Photo: CAPS

SPLC joins corporate-funded anti-enforcement group, GALEO, in advocacy against passage of public safety legislation in Georgia

We happily predict SB452 goes to the governor’s desk. *UPDATED: Despite the fact that it had the votes to pass, SB 452 died on the last day of session when Republican Speaker David Ralston refused to allow a vote. He did however keep the House in session past midnight to get a bill passed on which his son was lobbyist. Here. [2]

On a rainy Saturday a contractor (he is an American) is working across the hall to remove and replace our 1984 toilet — which reminded me of Morris Dees, Heidi Beirich and the SPLC….

Monday’s email (March 12, 2018) brought us two frantic emails from anti-enforcement advocacy groups urging us to act to kill legislation pending in the Georgia legislature. One of the groups, GALEO, is well known here for it’s anti-borders advocacy [3] since 2003 and is financed by corporate Georgia (see Cox Enterprises (parent company of the AJC [4] newspaper), Coca-Cola, Georgia Power, State Farm Insurance Co., Southwest Airlines, Telemundo, Univision et al [5]). Run by a perpetually-angry ethnic hustler named Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO is notably radical enough that one of it’s former board member’s nomination for a federal judgeship died in the U.S. Senate because of the association. At DIS, we are proud of our work in stopping Dax Lopez from becoming a federal judge – and going to the state Supreme Court. [5]

The other action alert was from the Southern Poverty Law Center. [6]

Both emails urged us to take action to stop passage of SB452, a bill aimed at identifying illegal aliens in Georgia law enforcement custody and sharing that information. According to the left-tilted Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, which also opposes the bill, SB452 is bad for “immigrants” — and Georgia. We disagree and are actively working for passage and have helped amend the bill to quantify the number of foreigners and, separately, the number of illegal aliens in the state corrections system.

The bill has already passed the Georgia Senate and is set to be heard in the House Public Safety Committee Monday.

From the GBPI: [7]

“The legislation requires local police departments and jails across Georgia to take a series of steps once an unauthorized immigrant comes into their custody. That includes notifying local prosecutors, requiring sentencing courts to review immigration papers and, most importantly, handing over that Georgian’s address and other personal information to ICE. The legislation envisions a seamless process that takes custody of any undocumented resident who comes into contact with Georgia’s court system, even for minor violations like a parking ticket, and hands them over to federal immigration agents.


A local NPR station hates SB452 too [8]. Rep Jesse Petrea is set to shepherd the bill through the House process. Petrea is a hero from last year [9] here. We happily predict this one goes to the governor’s desk.

With any mention of immigration enforcement and protecting Americans from illegal alien criminals (note: Heidi hates the term “crimigrants”), it is easy to understand why the Marxist hate mongers at the SPLC are up in arms against the bill, but as far as we can remember, this is the first time since we started our pro-enforcement effort here in 2003 that we have seen them send out an alert against specific legislation. It makes me want to take a shower, but we have been on their email list – as well as GALEO’s – for fifteen years. When pro-enforcement groups advocate for passage of such bills or enforcement of immigration laws, the crazies call it “hate.”

Here [10] is the message from GALEO [11] and below is the we-hate-imigration-enforcement, kill-the-bill goop from the SPLC:

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MARCH 12, 2018
Dear ******,

We need your help to ensure public safety organizations protect all Georgians. Tell your Representatives to say NO to SB 452.

Nearly 1 in 5 Georgians are part of the immigrant community. This legislation would make it mandatory for local police officers to enforce immigration laws.

As a result, police would be unable to focus their time on ensuring that our communities are safe, and immigrant victims and witnesses of crime will be scared to report crimes to police officers.

Here are more facts about the bill:

  • SB 452 will make our communities less safe.
  • SB 452 will go against our values and split up families by taking immigrant parents away from their children who are U.S. citizens.
  • SB 452 will hurt business in Georgia by making the state look unfriendly to immigrants. We want to show companies that Georgia is open for economic development, not that we are making our police act as immigration agents.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Spread the word! Ask your friends, family members, neighbors, congregations, and communities to call their lawmakers using the toll-free number.

Thank you,

Your friends at the SPLC

P.S. Not in Georgia? Reply to this email and we’ll update our records.

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