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ACTION NEEDED! One phone call please? Let Georgia Lt. Governor Casey Cagle know you want SB 6 to get a vote!

DIS alert


The Dustin Inman Society is proud to have played a pivotal role in providing the information that led to the end of consideration of GALEO-pal Dax Lopez for a lifetime federal judge seat in Georgia. Thank you all for the help! The illegal alien lobby is quite upset that one of their own has been turned away because of his affiliation with anti-borders GALEO Inc. Many thanks again to U.S. Senator David Perdue! [1]

NOW!  There are even more illegal aliens on their way to Georgia! Obama has stopped any pretense of capturing many illegal alien border-crossers. Please see the Washington Times news [2].

Did you know? Right now, Republican-controlled Georgia is issuing drivers licenses, official state photo ID cards and public benefits to the illegal aliens rewarded by Obama with work permits and Social Security cards in his illegal 2012 amnesty. Yes, these illegals are eligible for unemployment benefits in Georgia. If Obama’s pending Supreme Court lawsuit is successful we will have another 200,000 illegal aliens added to the approximately 20,000 who already have a Georgia drivers license.

Obama’s deferred action on deportation does NOT provide legal status [3].

*ACTION NEEDED!– One phone call please?

We want Senate Bill 6 in Georgia to be voted on in the GOP-ruled state senate!

SB6, sponsored by state Senator Josh McKoon has been changed improved and expanded.

It will stop rewarding these illegal aliens with a drivers license that looks almost exactly like the ones issued to U.S. citizens [4] – you know the ones we use to ID ourselves when we vote. Or board an airliner. Or sent a truck. Or buy explosives. (See proposed replacement document on the bottom)

SB6 will also require Georgia law enforcement to share official information they have so common citizens can see when Obama has released criminal aliens onto our the streets of Georgia. It will stop illegal aliens from becoming lawyers and public school teachers and insure that illegal aliens do not get in front of U.S. citizens and real immigrants for in-state tuition.

Please make one phone call today (and tomorrow) to Georgia Lt. Governor Casey Cagle’s office in Atlanta. The message to leave with the staffer is simple: “Please tell the Lt. Governor that we are watching and we want to see SB6 get a vote by the full state senate. Why are we giving illegal aliens a drivers license?”

Office of Georgia’s LT Governor Casey Cagle (R)
240 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 656-5030
Fax: (404) 656-6739


BONUS: More info HERE [5].

FYI – the illegal alien lobby is calling Lt. Gov Cagle right now


mock-up of the proposed SB6 replacement of the current Georgia drivers license issued to illegal aliens.