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In which D.A. King replies to a curious reader in California about the consequences of the crime of illegal immigration

—– Original Message —–
From: “Matthew Engebretson”
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 6:59 PM
Subject: Contact from TheDustinInmanSociety.org
The following person contacted us at TheDustinInmanSociety.org on May 11,
Matthew D. Engebretson
El Dorado Hills, CA
Phone number:
Email address:
“Matthew Engebretson”

Obvioulsy I’m not from Georgia, so I understand if you don’t think it’s worth the time to reply. I happene dupon your site in connection to a news article on immigration. First, I think Mr. Inman’s death [1], and the injuries suffered by his parents, are tragic. My heart goes out to them and their family. Second, other than the driver’s illegal status, I find myself confused as to what this has to do with the “immigration issue”.

I’m not being sarcastic – it seems to me that the issue here is that the guy who hit them was a bad driver. Does the fact that he was here illegally make him a worse driver? Would Mr. Inman’s death have been less tragic had it been caused by a legal immigrant or someone born in the US? I could understand the connection if Mr. Inman had been killed in some activity related to illegal immigration (i.e. killed by someone smuggling drugs or illegal workers into the country, etc.) but this just seems like a sad and tragic traffic accident, where the bad driver just happened to be an illegal immigrant.

Note: I’m not pro-illegal immigration in any way. I think the immigration laws should be enforced and, on many points, agree with your organization.

—– Original Message —–
From: “D.A. King”
To: “Matthew Engebretson”

Cc: “Billy Inman”
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Contact from TheDustinInmanSociety.org

My three minute reply – for about the millionth time to such questions

Thanks for writing..again.

Many of us who think it through, including Dustin’s parents, understand that if the feds secured the border as is required by the constitution and had stopped the illegal alien from entering our nation that Dustin would now be a 27 yr-old man looking for a better life in his own country. Because the fugitive who caused his death would have been in a different country…with me so far?

Or if the illegal’s employer had any fear of punishment for hiring him, illegally, he would not have been here to kill 16 year-old Dustin and put his mom, Kathy, in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Or if N. Carolina had not knowingly given illegal aliens, including Dustin’s killer, a driver license he may not have been able to avoid detection by police officers. He was stopped just days before the crash. Or if the police who stopped him were allowed then to check and report his illegal immigration status maybe he would have been looking for a better life back in good old Mexico. A nation that does not allow illegals to get a DL, uses its military to try to secure its border and has an efficient system of interior enforcement.

Without apology or debate.

Nice to know you regard the crime of illegal immigration as a negative. It is not unrelated to most other issues.

Yes, “tragic.” Most of us can easily hook this up to “the immigration issue.”

I’ll pass your question on to Billy and Kathy Inman.

You may want to read this too. http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=37610#ixzz1KTPjdrio [2]
