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EVEN MORE ANTI-ENFORCEMENT HYSTERIA FROM THE MINDLESS OPEN BORDERS FAR-LEFT: Cobb’s Village Thinker Rich Pellegrino to remove all doubt – free entertainment from Crazyville

Cobb’s Village Thinker Rich Pellegrino to remove all doubt – free entertainment from Crazyville

In the spirit of the crazies:

Rich Pellegrino, who we here in Cobb regard as a somewhat comical but pathetic, race-baiting [1] open borders loon is going to hold another [2]press conference in Marietta square tomorrow. This should remove all doubt about the true hate-filled rage [3] and mindlessness with which this character regards borders, immigration laws and pro-enforcement Americans. But just to be sure, I will try to make it to the crazies’ event.

When he is not smearing our beloved sheriff [4], telling us in the local newspaper [5]that what is not love is hate or renewing his ties to and speaking along with – Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers [6]self boasting former drug international dealer Rich Pellegrino runs around the region with those lovable heroes from the Nation of Islam [7] and constantly displays placards proclaiming that “WE WELCOME ALL IMMIGRANTS…” legal or otherwise.

So – if you get extremely bored tomorrow, come on down to Marietta Square and see the open borders nuts go on yet another race-baiting smear campaign in an effort to kill HB 87. Bring cameras- they love that. Admission is free.

Rich’s press release ( his second) on his press conference below IT IS 859 WORDS!. Apparently the King Center has refused Rich the permission he sought to be crazy at that site. Don’t be surprised to see Jerry Gonzalez make an appearance. More fun facts on Rich so Rich HERE [8].


PRESS ADVISORY for Press Conference

CONTACT: Rich Pellegrino, Director of the Cobb Immigrant Alliance (CIA)

ORGANIZATION: Cobb Immigrant Alliance

VOICE PHONE NUMBER: 404-573-1199

EMAIL ADDRESS: pilgrim1@mindspring.com

WEBSITE: www.laboroflovecampaign.org

PURPOSE: Requesting the Governor to Reconsider HB87 in light of information shared regarding its racially based motives and other compelling reasons why it is bad for GA.

THEME: The ONENESS CAMPAIGN: “We are one people and together we can survive and advance in spite of the vested interests attempting to divide us.”

WHO: A diverse group of speakers representing the Asian, Black, Latino & White communities

WHERE: Glover Park, 50 Park Square, Marietta (Square) 30060

TIME: 10:00 AM

DATE: May 4, 2011 (Wednesday)

Talking Points for Press Conference

(Note: Please keep remarks 2-3 minutes as there are several speakers)

“We are one people and together we can survive and advance in spite of the vested interests attempting to divide us.”

There are vested interests who attempt to divide the community into racial and economic groups and pit them against one another in order to maintain the power of those vested interests. The national immigration debate, especially in the GA and some other states, is heavily influenced by these vested interests–two of which are the private-prison lobby and the white supremacist movement. Both have influenced and assisted GA legislators who drafted HB87–the so-called immigration reform bill.– with their monetary and other forms of support.
We know that regardless of our diverse races, cultures, faiths, immigration and economic status—that we are one people—and we will stand together regardless of any attempts to divide and conquer.
When one does not have truth on his side then he must create myths. Two of the most often spoken myths by the anti-immigrant legislators and crowd are :
1) The undocumented immigrants are draining our economy. The truth, which is revealed in all independent audits and studies conducted by think-tanks, government agencies and the state and federal level, and others–is that they are contributing millions more into our economy than they will ever receive in services. The fact is that the financial mismanagement and corrupt dealings of these same legislators, at both the state and national level, and of the financiers on Wall Street, are the cause of our economic problems and they are cowardly using immigrants as their scapegoats.

2) The state has to act and pass these bills (which have already been found unconstitutional in AZ) because the federal government has not done anything. While that has a shade of truth, which myths often have, it was largely these same politicians, including the Governor when he was in Congress, and their party, who blocked all attempts of both the Obama and Bush administrations to enact comprehensive immigration reform which would address all of these issues. (In fact, Bush supported the bi-partisan efforts of and bill introduced by McCain and Kennedy however they were all fought down by the conservative, right wing of their party–which interestingly are the same folk who are proposing these state bills.) This is utter hypocrisy.

Not since the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was anyone in GA required to carry and show their papers proving their status–and under this bill (HB87) everyone, not just new immigrants, will have to do so! This is the biggest erosion of our civil and human rights since the abolition of Jim Crow in the south.
Most Georgians and Americans are uninformed and misinformed regarding these facts and that is why any polls regarding their feelings about immigration are completely skewed. We will be conducting ongoing events to properly inform them with the facts rather than fear-based myths. A list of these events will be posted on www.laboroflovecampaign.org

Arizona passed its similar bill SB1070 a year ago and it has lost millions in economic revenue , jobs lost, business closures, and in legal fees fighting lawsuits against the bill (the main provisions of which have been struck down by two Federal courts, as will HB 87). Who will foot the bill for all this in Georgia: taxpayers!
The main organizations helping GA legislators to draft these bills and mobilize support for them have been labeled as hate groups [9] and are founded by Dr. Tanton [10] who professed eugenics and white superiority used to justify genocide against other races. (His statements in this regard will be cited on the info sheet given to the press.)

We are not against anyone but are for oneness, justice and truth–and none of those standards were considered in this bill.

12 million undocumented immigrants did not sneak into this country–they were invited here for cheap and productive labor by every government and corporate entity–which means by every citizen who votes, owns stock, and buys food, clothing, and shelter–and that means every one of us invited them. It is inhuman, un-American, un-Christian, and unbelievable to even think of shipping them back after they have worked so hard for us, set down roots and have children and families here–just like our immigrant ancestors did (many of whom were also persecuted and considered “illegal” or worse by the vested interests of those times).