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Karen I. Bremer responds to a readers mail: “YES, we support amnesty and oppose enforecement in Georgia…”

—–Forwarded Message—–
From: “Karen I. Bremer”
Sent: Apr 4, 2011 4:06 PM
To: Barbara Hartman
Subject: response to your email

Thank you for reaching out. I am glad for the opportunity to share our message with you and clear up any misunderstandings. The Georgia restaurant association does not support or condone illegal immigration. The following is our position on the issue.

The Georgia Restaurant Association’s position is that we support comprehensive immigration reform, but only at the federal level, including increased border security, a workable employment verification system, a worker program and an earned path to permanent residence for certain undocumented immigrants.

If you have any other comments or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me, Best to you, Karen

Karen I. Bremer
Executive Director
Karen@garestaurants.org | www.garestaurants.org
(T) 404.467.9000 | (F) 404.467.2206

Georgia Restaurant Association
Piedmont Place | 3520 Piedmont Road | Suite 130 | Atlanta, GA 30305