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287 (g) – MDJ readers sound off on ACLU anti-enforcement column

CobbWEB: MDJonline readers sound off on 287(g)
October 22, 2009

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is a selection of responses shared by readers of MDJOnline.com in reaction to recent MDJ stories …

Commission should rethink 287(g) program on illegals ( By ACLU – HERE [1])

Rodney in Austell wrote – Like most Americans who can think: if the ACLU is against it, I am for it.

Roland wrote -Austell is over run with illegals who brag about being illegal! Can I please demand that I don’t need a driver’s license as a human right? The ACLU hates America. I am proud that the majority of posts here are for the American side.

Kerry wrote – I don’t think 287(g) is best for Americans. It is not the best use of our limited law enforcement dollars. It is not good for our communities when Americans who are non-Anglo are afraid of being stopped by the police without cause. We do not benefit when our U.S. citizen children do not want to go to school because they are afraid their parents will not be there when they return.

Hogwash wrote -Yo, Kerry. I am an African American who welcomes 287 (g). You are doing a great job of following the instructions we got in the ACLU seminar (remember me?) on how to race-bait our way through resistance to local enforcement. The trouble is, everyone can see that it is nonsense. No one is being stopped without cause. Go back to the class and learn another silly point. REAL Americans think 287 (g) is saving lives!

ACLU -FREE wrote – Illegal immigration is a crime. This woman is trained to spout talking points until YOU vomit. Which I will no doubt do if I read this again. This is why I left California – the illegals and the ACLU-La Raza communists. There, we hear little English in many places. I now live in Cobb. The open borders socialists are everywhere now.

Gobblegook wrote – Please keep running letters from the ACLU! This is good stuff! I have been laughing for two days now. I knew they were far left, but not as vacant in the noodle. For the past 30 years, the American Civil Liberties Union has conducted a legal war on the Boy Scouts. Now it is borders and immigration laws. You can’t fix stupid.

Darlene in Smyrna wrote – “Hijacking local resources to do the government’s job just makes no sense.” Geez, these people are totally out of it! We are the people. We are America! It is easy to see that the government is the enemy to the ACLU nuts. How insipid can these arguments get? I may go to an ACLU meeting instead of a movie soon. I am guessing it would be far more entertaining!

Lainy wrote – I am proud we are a country which demands equal protection and due process for persons and not only citizens. 287 is wrought with federal preemption problems, and it is a tragedy that its local enforcement has led to these inequities.

Emily wrote – Lainy, your statement “287 is wrought with federal preemption problems …” may get you applause at the corner flag-burning Mao meeting, but please spare us the display of your lack of knowledge. You are fooling no one. If Section 287 G of the 1996 amendments to the Immigration & Nationality Act were really “wrought with federal preemption problems…” MALDEF, LA RAZA, ACLU and every immigration lawyer in the country would have been in court screaming for it to be overturned long ago. Stay away from the legalese. You need to stick to the mindless racial talk OK? You people are too funny. But neither “illegal” or “Hispanic” is a “race,” dearie. HERE [2]