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John Litland – letter to the editor, Marietta Daily Journal: MDJ exposed truth about KSU speaker

Marietta Daily Journal

John Litland/Letter to the Editor: MDJ exposed truth about KSU speaker Published: 05/22/2009

Thank you, MDJ, for your May 14 editorial (“Open Borders? Pooled sovereignty has few attractions [1]“) exposing ex-President Vicente Fox of Mexico for the open borders, sovereignty destroying, wealth re-distribution socialist that he is.

Only in America can a foreigner enter our country and advocate allowing his fellow Mexicans cross our borders at will, promote destruction of the United States as a sovereign nation and suggest that the wealth in America should be shared with his corrupt, drug-cartel controlled country. Instead, he should have been arrested for violating the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act the minute he set foot on our soil. That law makes it a felony for anyone to aid or abet illegal aliens entering the United States.

When he was president, not only did his administration hand out maps and guide books to get his people into the U.S. illegally, he also gave them How-To-Guides for getting free taxpayer services like healthcare, housing, food stamps, etc., when they got here. Yet, he’s allowed to speak at Emory’s Commencement and KSU’s conference for advancing a North American Union with immunity. And to top it off, he’s given an honorary Georgia citizenship!

I guess with what’s been happening in America for the past 100-plus days, this is a gnat on an elephant’s hindquarter. I only wish more Americans cared about the direction our country is going as they do about who was going to win “American Idol.”

John Litland


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