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Rich Pellegrino seems upset – again. My matricula consular IDs

For your Sunday chuckle: Rich Pellegrino writes on Sam Zamarripa’s Website – faithfully tended by Jerry Gonzalez. They don’t seem to like my matricula consular prop!

For a good grin on my matricula from Mexico, click HERE [1]

Found in Press Release [2]Written by Rich Pellegrino
Posted on 2008-08-18

Mr. D. A. King, so-called anti-illegal-immigrant activist, and convicted ex-felon, campaigns and rails almost daily in GA against hard-working immigrants to this country who he claims have entered illegally and should be deported, under the guise of the equal application of “the rule of law”. This week he may have committed an illegal act at the Cobb Commission meeting on Tuesday, August 12, when he displayed publicly, in front of the County Commission, other officials, and citizens, including Mr. Richard Pellegrino, Director of the Cobb Immigrant Alliance, false Mexican I.D. [3]cards containing his picture and name, which he had enlarged and laminated, and boasted that he fraudulently obtained, apparently through acts of forgery and false claims. Under GA State Code, Section 16-9-4, it is unlawful to knowingly acquire and display false identification, hence, Mr. Pellegrino filed a police report, as a witness to a possible crime, with the Cobb County Sheriff’s Department, which is charged with investigating allegations of forgery and fraud in relation to false I.D. Believing that both international and federal laws may have also been broken, Mr. Pellegrino has already filed a complaint with the Mexican Consulate and is in the process of doing the same with the Dept of Homeland Security.
Mr. Pellegrino stated . “If an individual is going to make a livelihood accusing others of committing illegal acts using outlandish and racist scare tactics to frighten the public into believing that undocumented immigrants are criminals, and claiming that the rule of law should be applied equally to all residents of this state and country, then he is not above the law and should provide an example for others to follow, lest he be labeled an ‘illegal’.”

If you want more information contact Rich Pellegrino, Cobb County resident, at 404-573-1199, or at pilgrim1@mindspring.com .

For pictures of Donald Arthur King committing the alleged illegal act, please follow this url address:

( Note from D.A. – if you want to read the Atlanta Latino words, click HERE [4] for Babelfish and use it to translate the Spanish into American.